Friday, April 1, 2011

Club Penguin Paycheck Arrive!

Woot! It's the first of the month, and you know what that means? It's  Club Penguin PAYDAY!

Now, get out there and spend those coins! ;-)  (Thanks, Alisufi48)

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel!
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  1. Hey Mimo777, If You Go in the newspaper then click the bottom opening to the row of stairs that go up it will show a joke, then make your cursor hover over the headline( box deimsion cannot be mapped) it will say something else, click time and theres a joke, click the snail in upcoming events,on the next page. Hover over the red suited rookie then click. thats all ~ Waitress1600

  2. Hey Mimo777 I Have Both OF The Things

    The Tour Guide HAt And The EPF Stuff

    But I Did Not Get The Letter.

    I Checked ON April 1 But No Letter.

    DO You No Why?

  3. hey mimo if you click the background at the beach it will change

  4. hey mimo if you click the background at the beach it will change

  5. Saving up my coins for the costumes in the Norman Swarm play.
    A moth, a spider, a snail, a ladybug... and I don't know what else!

  6. i saw that! im saving up, i used to have like 80000 coins, but now i have 1977! lol and also, when u throw snowballs in desert dimension, they melt!

  7. i love it when they give you free coins i am both i dont do the tour guide stuff :)
