Saturday, April 9, 2011

Club Penguin Message From Dot!

Club Penguin has sent us a new message from Dot! Here is what she said:

Saweet! New Elite Gear coming soon? Lemme guess, Stealth Class?

Play Drop Now!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel!
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Free Kids Games


  1. I bet it is like a trophy case for your igloo! that would be cool.

  2. Aww. I Was To Late For The Credit! In Fact No One Got Credit! Well I Better Try Next Time.

  3. the membership price has changed
    back to normal!

  4. first by the way the script at the stage is still the ghost thingy one

  5. theres probobly gonna be a new gear class


  6. Hey mimo have you noticed that when you go to shadow guy and gamma girl stage the script is the haunting of the viking opera?
    Weird but cool (it must be the ghost!!)

  7. Stealth class? Isn't that a mixture of ninja and EPF?

  8. Hey Mimo Do you think We might be having animal pets soon? Oooh maybe the animal thing is gonna be a costume for are puffles or maybe costrumes for us? Do you think even make animal furniture? :D
    But what i was hopeing and i think
    it would be cool and animal costume party! we dress up in costumes and are pufflesz even dresss up and we go dance and have fun and i was hopeing to earn a stamp if we did

  9. woah nice mimo you changed your background colour!


  10. pengiimen said...

    woah nice mimo you changed your background colour!



    Yea! Its Very Nice! I Have To Get Used To This Now!

    Bluehero (CPG MOD)

  11. Hey, mimo, did you change your background to blue?? Maybe it's just my laptop being stupid again, but it's blue.

  12. Hey Mimo, If you play a sled race you end up at that sled race when you go back to the mountain.
    (Plz give credit)

    Waddle on CP

  13. Wow, Mimo! Why is your background all blue?

  14. I think it is something to the HQ or new missions right? We all miss the missions!!


  15. Dot's probably just talking about more EPF gear for boys.
    Wish they would make something for GIRLS!

  16. Hey... WAIT a minute! Go to the Stage and click on the script. It says the Haunting of the Viking script!

  17. There is this SO weird glitch... u know how u can onlyget up 2 a certain lvl on Bits n Bots if ur not a member? Well u can actually still click on the blocks but it always says its wrong even if the number is right... try it ;]

  18. awesome new background for your blog mimo

  19. no i dont agree like i was dying to get comm but now new gear??? aw cmon and and will there be field ops to get all the gear in culding the new ones?

  20. this is nothin to do with this, but if you got items in ur iggy it says -2 and stuff like that and you can also use it in ur iggy! Like i had one puffle launch for my iggy and then i had 2 after the minus thingy.


  21. oh yeah didnt see new rules for not puting ??? sorry and i agree there needs to be gear for girls

  22. Sayaka1 said...
    Stealth class? Isn't that a mixture of ninja and EPF?

    April 10, 2011 3:13 AM


    Not really, When Mimo posted about a Club Penguin planning board, on the EPF side on March, it said Stealth Class. So he's predicting more stuff there. Hope this helps

    Bman2007Jazz (CPG Mod)
