Thursday, February 10, 2011

New Club Penguin Game Coming! Puffle Launch!

What do you think of this new game coming to Club Penguin? It will called Puffle Launch!

This months Club Penguin note to parents says:
Exclusive Sneak Peak!
Here's something to share with your child - a first look at a brand new game, Puffle Launch. This is one of the several surprises they can expect in Marsh. Check out our next newsletter for more details!

Why must we be so mean to our Puffles, we paddle them and now we Launch them?!

Thanks, Yoshisrock.

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
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Virtual Worlds for Kids


  1. There is even a party box in the box demension

  2. I WANNA PLAY!!! ☻ ☺ ☻

  3. New start up screen for the puffle party! ☻ ☺ ☻

  4. Hey Mimo, look in the System Defender! There is a new stamp, so new game!


  5. The system defender new game is about the Test Bot!



  6. Mimo!!
    Go and play hydro hopper!
    ...Are you playing?...Are you Sure?
    WELL?!* Did you hear the new sound fx? You did? Well TA DA!*
    -Woot100, M.I.T.
    *Sorry for caps...

  7. I know I'm a nerd but you said Marsh. I'm guessing its a new month. ;)

  8. It is a red puffle in the picture, and they like being shot out of a cannon. That was almost as weird as saying I like turtle toast.

  9. That's what the middle picture in the febuary sneak peek is! it all makes sense now! lol!

    Waddle On!


  10. wow i so am gonna play that!

  11. mimo when you play aqua grabber it dont give you double coins no more even tho i have all the stamps.

    give me credit :)


  12. I believe Puffle Launch will be for I Phone. Look at the graphics, It doesn`t look like PC game.
    One more thing! I need help!
    Can anyone tell Me how to earn Herbert Attack Stamp!? I played the level, where Herbert Is attacking EPF, but I didn`t got the Stamp!

    - Assnfiks

  13. Gategirl87 said...

    New start up screen for the puffle party! ☻ ☺ ☻

    Thank you for letting Mimo know!

    - Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)

  14. Wow a new games i wanna play it!

  15. Assnfiks said...

    I believe Puffle Launch will be for I Phone. Look at the graphics, It doesn`t look like PC game.
    One more thing! I need help!
    Can anyone tell Me how to earn Herbert Attack Stamp!? I played the level, where Herbert Is attacking EPF, but I didn`t got the Stamp!

    I believe your right, i think its a parody of the game in Fall Fair. The one with the cacti and the balloon. Also thanks for letting Mimo know about the stamp problems.

    - Bin58

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.
