Monday, February 28, 2011

Club Penguin Pet Shop Construction!

Well, the Club Penguin Puffle Party has ended! :(

But, Pet Shop construction has begun! Check out the front of the Pet Shop:

Now, check out the inside:

Even Puffle Player cards are under construction:

Saweet changes, huh? Are you looking forward to you puffle being able to interact more? (Thanks, Greenncool!)

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
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  1. Cool! I can't wait for the "Big Puffle Launch"!

  2. Mimo!! In the dojo where you play regular card jitsu, if you click on the puddle pin there is a glitch where it will say buy unidentified!


  3. mimo my puffle hat be gone!i just took it off then looked in my invtory and it wasnt there.what should me do?

  4. The green and black puffle pins are out, but you can't get them!
    They have that ring of death. I hope they get it fixed soon.

  5. i like you site!i think cosntruction be cool when they done!

  6. I can't wait to see the new puffle shop!!

  7. can you earn a stamp for helping with construction? even though this isn't a party

  8. I can't wait for it! It's going to be so cool! I can't wait to interact with my puffle more! I hope time speeds up and it's done haha!

  9. Cool. I'm so excited for this.

  10. cprox said...

    can you earn a stamp for helping with construction? even though this isn't a party

    No, I think you can only earn this stamp at partys

    - Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)

  11. Trainpower10 (CP Name)March 1, 2011 at 4:09 PM

    I'll let you know if I don't like the changes.

  12. when i was on as a non member how come i could get the mem puffles but comes up with a error after i submit the name?gilcth?

  13. Knowing the Club Penguin team, most, if not all, of these new features will be member-only. And I'm not even getting my hopes up for puffle launcher to be non-member.

  14. How cute! But to tell you the truth, I think that the older puffles are cuter. The new puffles (orange and brown) have different hair, and different eyes! I hope they don't make everything that way now! See, if you look in the pet shop right now, the puffles sitting around are different than they look in your igloo, or the way they look when your holding them. It's weird looking! ☻ ☺ ☻

  15. Hey Mimo! Well I think i know what that blueprint is for. Like u choose a puffle, then u can get it to eat or play and stuff like that.
