Thursday, February 24, 2011

Club Penguin Pet Shop and Wigs For EVERYONE News!

A new Club Penguin Times has been released and check out the cool news:

Construction will begin at the Pet Shop on March 1st! Saweet!

And, with the new Penguin Style Catalog coming next week, there will be new wigs. Club Penguin says these wigs will have something for everyone and they mean EVERYONE! Super Saweet!

Here are the upcoming events!

March 11, "Deck out your igloo with 'sweet' new items." Super, duper saweet! ;-)

Do you think wigs will really now be available for even non members? I sure hope so!

Play Run Bamster Run!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel!
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Virtual Worlds for Kids


  1. saweet! i sure hope they are avalible for non members, i have 2 little sisters who keep asking me to buy them memberships. LOL-jam4798!

  2. I wonder if PH will eventually be a 'Famouse' penguin and we canfind her at the coming puffle parties.


  3. Everyone? Even non-members?

  4. The new puffle food, everyone can get! I found out! But I dno bout the hair.

  5. Ooommmggg :D I think Clubpenguin are relizing they need to do more things for non-members too. Thanks Cp!

  6. mimo,
    in the backgrond, PH is there, justr in brown! thanks mickman5

  7. I sure hope that they are available for non members, but I don't think they will be. It might be putting people off buying membership as you can already buy them without membership.


  8. Anonymous said...

    Everyone? Even non-members?


    Mimo said do you THINK non-members will be able to have them. It is not for definite.

  9. Fuzzy Fuzzy Fuzzy FooFebruary 25, 2011 at 5:18 AM

    Maybe they have wigs for nonmembers and puffles! After all it says "Everybody"!

  10. OH MY GOSH! THIS IS A MIRACLE! You know, the way they only let members do most things makes me think of civil rights. Like non-members can't have things because they aren't cool enough! But this wig thing may be the next step to non-members' equality! ☻ ☺ ☻

  11. i wonder if rory will be constructing on the pet shop.
    If so will he be on cp ?

  12. Can't wait to see the wigs!

  13. It isn't civil rights, it's the real world.
    You want fancy clothes, then you need to work and earn the money to buy them.
    I wanted a better bike and earned the money babysitting.
    Six dollars for a month membership card from the store, is just a couple hours babysitting Tommy down the road.

  14. By EVERYONE, I think they mean for all styles. Exp:A rocker wig for a rock star.A long hairstyle for mermaids. Wigs will not be for non-members but I wish they were. :(

  15. Oh no!!! Not the pet shop too!!!
    I like it the way it is!!! PLEASE DON'T CHANGE IT CP!

  16. Anonymous said...
    Oh no!!! Not the pet shop too!!!
    I like it the way it is!!! PLEASE DON'T CHANGE IT CP!
    How do you know it won't be better? ;)


  17. Everybody,The Newspapper Said:Some Items In Wig Catalog Will Be For Everyone,That Means "Some Items Will Be For Non Members"Thats It ;)

  18. They said bands, so I wonder if we will be able to wear them while playing!

  19. Anonymous said...

    Everyone? Even non-members?


    Everyone will be able to buy puffle food but most likely the wigs are for members only.

  20. Dont get too excited guys i doubt they will be for non-members i think they just mean that there will be many different styles of wigs

  21. Wigs for non members? Pleaseeeeee
    It's not fair that everything is for members :(

  22. if the wigs r for non members also then i will like club penguin verryy much!!

  23. if all wigs are for non members i would surely like it.........

  24. But how can or where can we find non member wigs? please help. i really need one

  25. how do we get member wigs without being a member?also is it worth being a member if u become a member?
