Monday, February 7, 2011

Club Penguin February Membership Page!

Club Penguin has updated their Membership page. Check it out:

This page is actually animated. If you go there, you can see the puffle blink his eyes. Cute! ;-)

And, awesome puffle hat, too! (Thanks, Baran 103)

Aren't you getting excited for the Puffle Party? This is a fun one, don't miss it!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel!
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  1. Mimo, I wanted to say that that glitch with the orange picture for the brown puffle is back.
    - Paws Kitty

  2. cool mimo


  3. Cool!

    Waddle On!


  4. It says something about more puffle surprises this month...

  5. they have a a blue puffle hat in the pic, but ive only seen brown and red.

  6. aww awsome!but i wont be a member that month! :'(


  7. hey mimo rokie left a massage on the spy phone today


  8. Swim rocket said:
    They have a blue puffle hat
    but iv only seen brown and red.
    Look in the catalog in the girt shop. ALL of it. its there.
    Waddle on and on and on!
    -Woot100, Mod In Training (MIT)

  9. I'm excited! ☻ ☺ ☻

  10. Swim rocket said:
    They have a blue puffle hat
    but iv only seen brown and red.
    Look in the catalog in the girt shop. ALL of it. its there.
    Waddle on and on and on!
    -Woot100, Mod In Training (MIT)


    I say:

    You got it wrong Woot100. It's not there. I read two different CP blogs (including this one) and both say it's not there. If it's there, tell me where. I can't find it.

  11. there is no such thing as a blue puffle! is one coming soon?

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    there is no such thing as a blue puffle! is one coming soon?
    Jojojo33342 said...

    OMG! Sorry to be rude, but I think it's pretty obvious. The blue puffle was in the Pet Shop for a loooooooong time. You probably don't play Club Penguin or just started playing.

    Jojojo33342(CPG Mod)
