Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Club Penguin Reviewed By You!

Last week, Club Penguin asked us what experiments we are trying with our Brown puffles, and Mumble01360 said:

My brown puffle is the new Sir Isaac Newton! He often conducts experiments with any spare nuts and bolts lying around. Mudd will fly his airplane (that he built in under 10 minutes) everywhere around CP. With all of the experimenting he does, he barely has time to sleep!

Cool, Mumble01360!

For next week, Club Penguin wants to know if you wrote a story about puffles, what would you write?

Okay, I'll give it a try:

Once upon a time there was a puffle. He ate Twizzlers & Twinkies. The End! ;-)

Leave me a comment and let me hear your super sweet stories!

Play Glacier Hall!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel!
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Virtual Worlds for Kids


  1. Thats a lot of puffle houses

  2. Awesome story Mimo. ;D

    - Greenncool

  3. I think it's Herbert.P.Bear. enemy of the PSA and the destruction of it... this message will self destruct in 5...3...2...1...BOOM!!!!!!

  4. Hey Mimo,here is my story.Once upon a time there were little furry friends in the wild called "Puffles".There are many different colours,for example Blue,Black,Purple and now a Brown Puffle but,you can only adopt one only and a Red Puffle.Red puffles were discovered/adopted by one of our mascots Rockhopper!.And most of the puffles can be joined in games.They are little furry friends we call,Puffles. How did you like it

  5. Mimo, that was the best story in the history of the world!!!

  6. there once was a puffle called nutty one day he ate no many NUTS he went crazy and blowed up his owners igloo
    the end
    Kerrok {CPG MOD}

  7. how do u get the hhouses?!

  8. the house is good and all, but something, oh ya, a brown puffle house that dose NOT have anything on it, WITCH I HAVE!!

  9. Anonymous said...
    how do u get the hhouses?!
    in the welderness expadition click on the house
    webboy11 (cpg mod)

  10. Awesome! I wonder why there is so many puffle houses.

  11. Funny you should say about brown puffles because when i made my brown puffle sleep, IT WAS A RED PUFFLE!!!! Must be his special power. My username is....................... Newpinder
