Monday, January 24, 2011

Club Penguin Brown Puffle House!

Woot! You can now get a FREE Brown Puffle House on Club Penguin!

Go to the Brown Puffle Cave to get as many Brown Puffle Houses you want! Saweet!

Coolio! Did you get one? Or, did you get one hundred? ;-)   (Thanks, Waitress 1600)

Play Trailer Parking Deluxe!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
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  1. I love it!! I visited the puffle cave and I saw the "Free" sign, I thought "Hey, that wasn't there before!" I walked to it, got the house and then noticed it to the left of the paper.

  2. yay first comment anyway i got 2 for wen i get another brownie anyway i think everyone to message clubpenguin to get them to let us have yard sales on cp what do u think

  3. I got a 102 lol! It took me 15 mins!

  4. i have a brown puffle house without all the cool stuff on it! its not as cool but i hope its at least kinda rare!

  5. cool but i still want a brown puffle bed (the fluffy one) because the rest of my puffles have it. whn is it gonna come out?

  6. Grande pie (CP Name)January 24, 2011 at 6:35 PM

    Wow! I love my brown puffle, Choco. It's the best puffle ever! Mimo, what do you think of having a Puffle Stamp-ede party!? That would be COOL!

  7. Kevin278 said...
    I got a 102 lol! It took me 15 mins!
    wow thats alot hope they come in handy
    webboy11 (cpg mod)

  8. cant wait for the bed it will probab;y be rare too cause in pet shop theyll release an ordinary one

  9. Kevin278 said...

    I got a 102 lol! It took me 15 mins!

    Wow! Thats a lot of Brown Puffle Houses!

    - Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)

  10. I got 3 for my puffles and 3 more, because I want to get more puffles.

  11. i got 124 brown puffle houses!

  12. I got a hundred! ☻ ☺ ☻

  13. Hi I was meeting my buddie and it was there so I went on this and I wanted to notify it its cool now i have 340 of them for a puffle party - Waitress1600

  14. Why do you want so many?
    Are you going to do something with them?
    I went to an igloo where he created a time machine with them. That was cool.

  15. I don't know why, but I named my puffle Bobjoe! LOL randomess. XD Well anyway, I got one house.

  16. hey mimo did you notice how when your brown puffle goes in the house it turns red? Is it a glitch or what!
