Monday, December 20, 2010

Get a Free Hat When Someone Sends You a Club Penguin Post Card!

My Man Me Santa sent me a Club Penguin Gift Post Card today!

And look what I got! I got a Holiday Toque! It's different than last years. Anyone have the Holiday Toque from last year?

 Free Club Penguin Hats ROCK! (Thanks, Ludash)

Play Factory Balls Christmas Edition!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel!
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Virtual Worlds for Kids


  1. they are not free because u pay to get them 10 coins
    Kerrok [CPGMOD}

  2. aww i wish somebody send me a postard

  3. Awsome! Wish they had more free items though.


  4. It wasnt a holiday toque last year. It was one of those long hats with a bell on the end in red, white and green.

  5. I have last years postcard item it is like a sleeping cap but is green ,red and white. I like this years item but haven't worn it yet.

  6. i wish they brought back the Christmas Scarf.

  7. i have the old one i think

  8. I really wanted the postcard item to be a red scarf, as they've made a yellow, blue, green AND pink one. I hope it'll be in the January clothing catalog.

    I do like the holiday toque though. Matches great with the candy-cane scarf.

    And I do have last years postcard item, the candy-cane stocking cap.

  9. i still have it!!!!!!!! i think... im pretty sure.

  10. anonymous said...
    they are not free because u pay to get them 10 coins
    Kerrok [CPGMOD}
    They are free because the ten coins was for the postcard. but you dont pay anything for the hat.

  11. i have the one from last year.

  12. ages ago with the red wing warmers you couldnt see them on your penguin well now it shows up on your penguin saweet

  13. i got mine because i sent someone else a gift first :)

  14. Yeah. I have the holiday toque from last year, I liked it better than this year's though. :D


  15. Awesome! Oh i do have the holiday toque from last year. Its red, green, and white with longs strings down the sides.They are both awesome!

  16. Anonymous said...
    they are not free because u pay to get them 10 coins
    Kerrok [CPGMOD}
    Well, they ARE free for the guy that recieves it. ;)


  17. Anonymous said...
    aww i wish somebody send me a postard
    If you ask around the island, people will! Try it!


  18. lol,when someone specifictly sends you a gift box postcard,you get the item :)

  19. There's a catalog for the rink but no yellow team gear yet. -indiana742

  20. I SAId......
    they are not free because u pay to get them 10 coins
    Kerrok [CPGMOD}
    catlin said......
    They are free because the ten coins was for the postcard. but you dont pay anything for the hat.
    yea thats right but still u pay 10 for it because if ur paying for the postcard THAT HAS A ITEAM in it i still sure that means it costs 10
    but never mind its all good
    kerrok {CPGMOD}

  21. I have last years hat too. I even still have the last year's postcard itself.

  22. I like how Club Penguin has a smart idea like that, putting in hats in a postcard...


  23. Mimo, I found out that the robot from the clubpenguin nintendo game is in the snow outside of the dojo. can u give me credit. I thought this was instresting. also is on the clubpenguin site next to the light house when u irs go into cp website


  24. Do you guys know when its time to find aunt artic because i noticed that she never tells us when its time too.


  25. anonymous SAId......
    they are not free because u pay to get them 10 coins
    Kerrok [CPGMOD}
    catlin said......
    They are free because the ten coins was for the postcard. but you dont pay anything for the hat.
    yea thats right but still u pay 10 for it because if ur paying for the postcard THAT HAS A ITEAM in it i still sure that means it costs 10
    but never mind its all good
    kerrok {CPGMOD}
    yeah it doesnt matter

  26. Anonymous said...
    ages ago with the red wing warmers you couldnt see them on your penguin well now it shows up on your penguin saweet

    Thank you for letting Mimo know about the fixed glitch.

    - Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)

  27. I don't have last year's hat, but I wish I did. It's a cool item! ☻ ☺ ☻

  28. How do you get ppl to send u the postcard?? Ive tried asking, ive sent it to random ppl and no one will send it back! How???

  29. nobody would send it to me, so i went to my brothers account and sent it to myself lol.

  30. mimo i just noticed this! the holiday toque is the puffle hat from the puffle party. its just red green and white so cool!

  31. can someone send me one

  32. if you throw a snowball on the beacon it turns into a coin. Cait20004

  33. Also it is free and it isn't free. It just depends on who sent it.If you send it it costs 10 penguin coins but if you receive it its free.
    Monkcheetah (CPGMOD)

  34. i dont know about a holiday toque, but i have the candycane stocking cap from last years postcard! :D

  35. Anonymous said...

    that's free :)

  36. Yea I have last years hat and this years hat I love to wear them a lot when the holiday season comes :).Btw I really like this web bc it helps me a lot with the cheats thanks Mimo777 we def need to be friends on ClubPenguin lol so email me so we can meet one day on ClubPenguin. is my email thanks again from your bud Taylor :)

  37. from jakeytorch (cpg mod)
    can please be a mod it would be a huge honor.
