Friday, December 3, 2010

Club Penguin Decorating, Rockopper, & Coin News!

This weeks newspaper was delayed, but check out all the sweet news!

Deck the Halls Igloo Costume will be here from December 10-12th. Here is how to enter:

This awesome contest will have 20 Grand Prize winners that will receive 50,000 coins and 20 Runner-ups that will get 25,000 coins. All 40 winners will have their name printed in the Club Penguin Times!

Woot! Woot! Rockhopper will be returning this year as will Coins for Change!

This is our opportunity to help others around the world. We donate our coins to Club Penguin and they give real money to kids in need!

Did you know that you can earn rare stamps at every party? If not, don't worry, the stamps will be back. But, they might not return until the same party next year, which, I guess, makes them rare!

Check out this week's New Flash:

Enormous Paycheck Frenzy is kinda phunnie isn't it?

Cool news! So glad it is finally here, aren't you?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel! Follow MIMO on Twitter! Virtual Worlds for Kids


  1. yo mimo you know it says that rockhopper was here yesterday but that doesn't mean he WILL come. if he does, i guess its just another chance to get his background or his stamp if you didnt see him the first time. -Penguin 1030

  2. OMG, it's EPF! ☻ ☺ ☻

  3. I hope Rockhopper has a coins for change background, that would be awesome!

    I'm SOOO entering for the igloo contest! I love deorating and entering! Sorry with all my exclamation marks... people say I'm always happy xD

    I'm so excited because next week is my birthday (Dec 11th) and thats when all the good stuff is happening :D

    ~Muddy Duki~ (CPG Mod)

  4. It means EPF on the news flash

    Remember last year when the Christmas party was called Happy Holidays and they didnt call it Christmas like usual.....well we need to watch for what they call it this time and i think it should be called Christmas Party

  5. The only problem with coins for change is, is that we don't donate coins really, it's just decided how much of it to where it goes to. We don't decide what charity it goes to either. It's a set amount.

  6. lol! I get it! EPF!!

  7. i hope i get to meet rockhopper and if he gets a new background then cool. bluehero 1st mimo777 fan!fisheater145 club penguin name!
