Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Club Penguin CFC Reviewed By You!

Club Penguin has received so many great responses when they asked what we are doing to celebrate the holidays at home. With so many penguins around the world, they got lots of different answers. Here are just a few:

Andy2407 said: At my own home, in Christmas, My whole family has a Christmas dinner. And we invite all of our friends and relatives. We are from Australia so we have an aussie BBQ, salad, ice cream and other stuff that is Summer food. Christmas is my favourite time of the year! 

Jkgirl324 said: Since my mom is cathalic and my dad is jewish, I celebrate both Hanukkah and Christmas. For Hanukkah, we light the monorah candles, get presents, and eat matzaballs for dinner. For Christmas, we open up the presents from Santa and my parents in the morning. When thats over, we all eat breakfast and watch the Christmas parade at Disney World in Orlando, Florida. Then we go to my grandma and grandpa's house where we see our whole family, and get more presents!!!!! Later at night, we all have a big feast (all homemade by grandma, the best cook ever) and get to catch up with each other. I love the holidays. I'M SO LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!! WADDLE ON CP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Lilypop said: I have a party with all of my closest family for the holidays. Other than that, I donate to the poor, just like on CP! In my school, we have baskets to put money and presents in. They soon give them to a local homeless shelter to spread some Christmas cheer! Waddle on CP and Happy holidays! 

Very cool to hear all the different traditions, isn't it? For next weeks review, Club Penguin wants to know which Coins For Change cause did you donate to and why?

Play Christmas Gifts!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel!
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  1. MIMO its soo cool i just found out that if you playing dance contest on cp and you try to get out of it but the sign(sorry but this room is currently full)shows. if you press the x sign on the map to get back to the game it wont let you play the game any more so all you can do is just stair at the moving arrows till the songs over i think its a glitch but i dont really know...wooo cp and mimo rule wooo yaaa bye.

  2. at Christmas around 7 my brother wakes me up and we both go to my parents room and we all watch TV until around 8 then me and my brother go down stairs and sit near the presents but my mum says we cant open any of our presents till everyone is down in the living room but that's soo unfair coz my dad spends ages upstairs just to annoy me and my brother..cp rocks go mimo yaaa!!!!!

  3. I like the first review! It's true, here in AUS we just have a BBQ and salad, instead of having turkey just like most Americans do. Iv'e never even had a turkey. And the weird thing is that it is Summer here when it is Winter everwhere else over the globe.


  4. where do u write the reviews??

  5. My school did the basket thing, but some lowlifes didn't understand that people needed this, so they stole all the presents and money from the baskets. We're trying to figure out something different.

  6. I donated to Providing Medical Help. ☻ ☺ ☻

  7. Mimo: Candy-cane wingwarmers are now showing.

  8. All the Elements
    Flowing in Great Harmony
    Work Hard to Beat Them!

    A Haiku By Jodo43

    Sorry about this being totally unrelated, just didnt know where else to post it. Does not need to be published, only if you want it to be.

    Whoever did that was evil and wicked and should be punished appropriately. I hope you guys figure out something else! Good Luck!


  10. @Jodo43
    Yeah, we found out who it was and he/she got expelled. Oh, and in Term 4 we had the idea of getting the School leaders to take shifts and watch the donations. (Except after school-time, which it's then locked away)

  11. Hey Mimo, could you choose a server and have a stamp party? I REALLY want the party host stamp but can't get people to my igloo. PLEASE!

  12. Me and my cousin help my grandma make tamales and other good food. We also help her setup before the christmas party. We sleep at her house the day before tthe party to help her setup and stuff. We also get antsy waiting for our parents to bring the presents.

  13. Anonymous said...
    where do u write the reviews??
    Hey, Anonymous! To make a review, go to the Community Blog's post, then go down to the comments and write down your review in a comment!

    ~Buddytoe (CPG Mod)~
    P.S. I'm modding from my cousin's iPad!

  14. Anonymous said...

    where do u write the reviews??

    Go on the 'what's new' page and you comment on the reviewed by you post.

    - Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)

  15. Gategirl87 said...

    I donated to Providing Medical Help. ☻ ☺ ☻

    Thats very kind! Im sure people will now get the medical help they need because of you and other donators :)

    - Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)

  16. Vicyorus said...

    Mimo: Candy-cane wingwarmers are now showing.

    Thank you for letting Mimo know about the fixed glitch! :)

    - Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)

  17. hey non members i have good news,free member account i only know hehe

  18. Stickers303 said...
    I like the first review! It's true, here in AUS we just have a BBQ and salad, instead of having turkey just like most Americans do. Iv'e never even had a turkey. And the weird thing is that it is Summer here when it is Winter everwhere else over the globe.


    December 21, 2010 1:05 PM
    ---------------------------------------------------------------I live in england but i have turkey my parent well my dad sells them and we have the biggest turkey. mimo do you have turkey on christmas day if you do please respond i whould like to know.

    Your freind on planet cazmo wallrun2 or 963sam on cp
    mimo you know the advert for roblox you have on your site i go on it.
