Monday, November 8, 2010

Club Penguin Weekly Field Op Number 22 Cheats!

This week's Club Penguin Field Ops is here! 

Step 1. Click your Spy Gadget.
Step 2. Click "Go there."
Step 3. Click Field Op board. (or click Field Ops on the Spy Gadget)
Step 4. Click "Accept Field-Op."

Step 5. Click your map. 
Step 6. Go to the Forest and into the Hidden Lake (under the rock).
Step 7. Go up to the barrel. Your spy gadget light will turn green.
Step 8. Click your spy gadget and click "Engage."
Step 9. Now you can complete the puzzle!
Step 10. If you are a member you can click "Elite Gear" and get something cool! If you are not a member, you can get the EPF earpiece, and then enjoy collecting your badges... and stamps! ;-)

Check out the awesome new Comm Gear:

Saweet gear, huh?  Let me know how you like it!


  1. I don't do Field Ops, but that equipment looks awesome, but robotic at the same time in a way

  2. If you put on all the Comm gear and press the dance button you can do a cool dance where you roll on the ground from one place to another!


    it looks like your a spy!

  3. The new elite gear is awesome! I only have a seven more to get the 25 field op stamp! Cool huh?

  4. Yep. Definitely the Termi-penguin! Anyone agree?

  5. whenyou use the comm gear itlooks cool and on card jitsu fire when you land on the space where you get to pick any element its in order of whats coming fire is first water is second and snow last


  6. New gear is awesome!

  7. Awesome! I bought all of them except the boots because I don't have any more medals to spend...

  8. I was right about the new EPF gear! -indiana742

  9. Dingeljoe said... If you put on all the Comm gear and press the dance button you can do a cool dance where you roll on the ground from one place to another!
    thx for letting us know


  10. Thank you! My career total is now 21!

    That is some interesting new stuff. ☻ ☺ ☻

  11. Scamper52596 said...
    Yep. Definitely the Termi-penguin! Anyone agree?

    I Totally agree!! :) HaHa

    Babygirl261 CPG Mod

  12. Ok so, I was in the dojo courtyard, and obviously the fire ninjas are in the volcano, and the water ninjas are in the waterfall, but what about the ice ninjas? So I looked around, and noticed there was a snow-covered mountain top. The perfect place for ice ninjas! Just sharing my observation!

  13. Awesome new gear!

    *Being crazy and awesome!*

  14. Dingeljoe said...
    If you put on all the Comm gear and press the dance button you can do a cool dance where you roll on the ground from one place to another!


    it looks like your a spy!
    I thought that happens when you wear the tactical gear.

    *Being crazy and awesome!*
    <<~Dedgie02 (CPG MOD)~>>

  15. LisRox1127 said...
    I don't do Field Ops, but that equipment looks awesome, but robotic at the same time in a way

    aw you should do the field ops, you could get the new gear

    - Dj Wazzer

  16. Anonymous said...
    New gear is awesome!

    I love the new gear! It's cool!

    - Dj Wazzer

  17. Chaos6267 said...
    Ok so, I was in the dojo courtyard, and obviously the fire ninjas are in the volcano, and the water ninjas are in the waterfall, but what about the ice ninjas? So I looked around, and noticed there was a snow-covered mountain top. The perfect place for ice ninjas! Just sharing my observation!

    That's a great observation! I never thought of anywhere like that

    - Dj Wazzer

  18. Dingeljoe said...
    If you put on all the Comm gear and press the dance button you can do a cool dance where you roll on the ground from one place to another!


    it looks like your a spy!

    Thank you for letting Mimo know! The roll sounds awesome!

    - Dj Wazzer

  19. Cool gear.thanks mimo

  20. Mimo, more proof of the Town Center! News Paper, page A2! It says "said a penguin in the town center."

  21. new gear in the spy phone

  22. Anonymous said...
    Cool gear.thanks mimo

    The new gear is awesome! I might get some of it

    - Dj Wazzer

  23. Thanks for telling us the cheat Mimo! Got the whole Alpha set!

  24. Kingkangaroo(wanting to be CPG Mod)November 9, 2010 at 5:53 PM

    I luved PSA and sometimes want it back! But the nuw changes are cool. Icant wait for anything CP has to make for EPF.

  25. I think that the EPF Gear is getting weirder and weirder. I liked the first stuff best! ☻ ☺ ☻

  26. The dance thing is cool 8-) I noticed something.At the stage,there isnt the control box.Waz up with that?
