Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Club Penguin's Happy77 Talks Stamps!

It has been a while since we have heard from Happy77, but this is what she had to say about the new stamps:

"I wanted to know more, so I asked a Stamps expert:

Q: How will I find my Stamp Book?

A: Just click on your player card. When you do, inside the book there are places for a whole bunch of stamps - and descriptions of how you can earn them.

Q: How do I earn Stamps?

A: Lots of different ways! There are easy stamps and extreme stamps, stamps you have to earn with buddies, and ones that you'll earn by showing off your skills in games. For example, to earn this stamp, you'll have to jackhammer at the 'berg with 10 penguins.

Q: Can I still get pins?

A: Yep, you sure can! Pins aren't going to change. And the best part is you can show off your ENTIRE pin collection inside your Stamp Book.

I would love to see a Stamp for making lots of candy pizzas. What would YOUR ultimate Stamp be?"

Lots of cool ways to earn the stamps, don't ya think? I like the idea that you can show off your old pins!

I am really looking forward to this new addition to Club Penguin on July 26th, aren't you?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now! Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


  1. Looking forward to it very much. I like the Ice Burg drilling one alot. This will be very intresting. Lets see how it turns out!

  2. yes!now i know about how to get the stamps thanks Mimo im your biggest fan!

  3. i cant wait to see the new stamps cause when they do come out it will give me something to do when new things are to come later. im sure a lot of u would agree with me

  4. Im really looking forward to it too! My oldest pin isn't that old but it is the 3rd anniversary pin. What is your oldest pin Mimo777?

  5. I failed at getting pins when I was a little kid, so now I have like 26 pins XD

    I'm afraid to show it off since all my friends are rare lol

    ~Muddy Duki~

  6. I would like to have a stamp where you had to wear the color red with the room full...

  7. My ultimate stamp would probably be a food stamp! Like a hot dog stamp! I wonder what happens when we collect them all or if you can collect them all. Hmm, we'll have to see about that one.

  8. i hope they will in the future see what day a penguin joined cp :/

  9. The stamps are better then i thought they were gunna be!!!!

  10. thtas really cool but o dont know if its was a glitch but when i saw the post on cp it said 30 penguins instead of the 10 you put mimo, anyway this will be awesome

  11. Scamper52596 said...
    Looking forward to it very much. I like the Ice Burg drilling one alot. This will be very intresting. Lets see how it turns out!
    Since there's nothing to mod on this post im just going to mod my own comment. Ahem, here it goes.

    Im looking forward to it too, me! I too like the Ice Burg one. It reminds me of pizza in a certain way im not going to demonstrate. I can't wait to see how it turns out! Keep commenting me!

    Did ya like it? How did I do?

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  12. i bet when the iceberg one comes a lot of penguins will be at the iceberg

  13. Saweet! My ultimate stamp would be for if you turn the night club every color with lots of penguins. I love doing that!

  14. I think you have to create a song with your buddies in the lighthouse and the stamp would have music signs on it!

    -Your fan hamryn

  15. Awww, I guess that we won't be able to tip the iceberg D=

    ~Ashley Di

  16. my ultimate stamp...: THE GAME STAMP because i love games and you would earn it by playing all the cp games really good

  17. YES!!! MImo u rock

  18. good for CP this will be great

  19. I can't wait for the stamps to come! A lot of people were wrong when they said that you would have to add 2+2 to get a stamp! It is very creative how they are adding new levels to already awesome games!

  20. now we know its not tipping the iceberg !

  21. Scamper52596 said...
    Looking forward to it very much. I like the Ice Burg drilling one alot. This will be very intresting. Lets see how it turns out!

    I hope it turns out well, this might be better then I thought...
    Scamper52596 said...
    My ultimate stamp would probably be a food stamp! Like a hot dog stamp! I wonder what happens when we collect them all or if you can collect them all. Hmm, we'll have to see about that one.

    Maybe a prize? 1,000 coins? Something fancy? A hot dog? Let's just wait and find out!
    kyxxx7 said...
    i hope they will in the future see what day a penguin joined cp :/
    That would be cool!
    yoshi blue said...
    The stamps are better then i thought they were gunna be!!!!
    Maybe so young yoshi son, maybe so...
    Haha! I just modded all these, take that someone! ;)
    CPG Mod... or trying EXTREMELY hard to be!!

  22. Ashley Di said...
    Awww, I guess that we won't be able to tip the iceberg D=

    ~Ashley Di
    I didn't think so in the beggining, but it's good that you use your imagination! ;o)
    CPG Mod

  23. Weird Owe said...
    Saweet! My ultimate stamp would be for if you turn the night club every color with lots of penguins. I love doing that!
    That's cool! I hate fighting with others because someone gets mad the floor doesn't turn yellow or brown or some color. It's really fun though, not the fighting.
    CPG Mod

  24. Scamper52596 said...
    Scamper52596 said...
    Looking forward to it very much. I like the Ice Burg drilling one alot. This will be very intresting. Lets see how it turns out!
    Since there's nothing to mod on this post im just going to mod my own comment. Ahem, here it goes.

    Im looking forward to it too, me! I too like the Ice Burg one. It reminds me of pizza in a certain way im not going to demonstrate. I can't wait to see how it turns out! Keep commenting me!

    Did ya like it? How did I do?

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)
    Umm, Scamper... not my idea of modding, but you must of had fun doing it! P.S. Please, don't demonstrate, I've seen enough today...*Shivers* errrr....
    CPG Mod

  25. Anonymous said...
    i cant wait to see the new stamps cause when they do come out it will give me something to do when new things are to come later. im sure a lot of u would agree with me
    I agree. I sure hope theres alot of stamps to collect so when you don't know what to do you can just go stamp collecting!

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  26. My ultimate stamp would have to be... The Style Stamp...it's what you dress your penguin in or something, or if you buy everything in The Penguin Style catalog. Something like that...still thinking, I will let you know eventually...

  27. I would love to have The Pin Stamp, but that's not my ultimate stamp. Still thinking about that, but the Pin Stamp is owning 15 pins. Any 15 pins, you just have to have 15 pins. Or maybe, Old Pinz Stamp. Having a pin that's pretty old. My oldest pin is the taco from... I don't remember if it was two years ago or three, but it was the last time they had the Mexican Fiesta or whatever they called it. What happened to that anyway? I love churros and all that, so what happened? Maybe some people complained about them being... well not appreciating the Mexican or something. Don't know about you, but Mexican are awesome! Do you think so too?

  28. Anonymous said...
    Im really looking forward to it too! My oldest pin isn't that old but it is the 3rd anniversary pin. What is your oldest pin Mimo777?
    I had to do a little research to give you the best answer to this question. This is probably not Mimo's first pin but it's the first pin he ever posted the where abouts. The rose pin was the first pin he posted about but again, probably not his first pin. Thats the best answer I can give ya.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  29. Anonymous said...
    I would like to have a stamp where you had to wear the color red with the room full...
    I would fail with that stamp. I only have the color yellow. Thats the color I chose when I first got a penguin, it's the color im going to stick with forever. My friend is an orange penguin and he too only has one color. We're both true to one color. lol.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  30. Skyxxx7 said...
    i hope they will in the future see what day a penguin joined cp :/
    That would be pretty cool. Like showing how many days old you are when you click someones player card or something.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  31. yoshi blue said...
    The stamps are better then i thought they were gunna be!!!!
    Yea, me too. The more I read about them, the more I can't wait to collect them. I hope they release them a day early or somthing cause im going on a trip for a couple weeks the day they say they come out. (The 26th)

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  32. berserkerike said...
    thtas really cool but o dont know if its was a glitch but when i saw the post on cp it said 30 penguins instead of the 10 you put mimo, anyway this will be awesome
    heh, weird. I didn't see that. But 30 penguins would probably be better anyway cause 10 penguins would probably be easy. lol.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  33. cant get the stamp book :{

  34. Pollydolly42 said...
    i bet when the iceberg one comes a lot of penguins will be at the iceberg
    lol, im sure there will be. Maybe we will tip the Ice Burg then. Who knows?

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  35. Weird Owe said...
    Saweet! My ultimate stamp would be for if you turn the night club every color with lots of penguins. I love doing that!
    Yea, it's really fun seeing all the different colors. I only have yellow so it would be hard for me to participate in any other color besides yellow.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  36. Anonymous said...
    I think you have to create a song with your buddies in the lighthouse and the stamp would have music signs on it!

    -Your fan hamryn
    Yea, I bet the'll be one of those. That would be fun. I call the drums!

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  37. Anonymous said...
    my ultimate stamp...: THE GAME STAMP because i love games and you would earn it by playing all the cp games really good
    Yea, I gotta practice Club Penguin's games for the stamps arrivals. Must collect stamps!

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  38. Asusmega said...
    now we know its not tipping the iceberg !
    Well, like I said before, there might be so many penguins just trying to get the stamp it might even tip. lol. I would laugh if I saw that happen.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  39. Scamper52596 said...
    Looking forward to it very much. I like the Ice Burg drilling one alot. This will be very intresting. Lets see how it turns out!

    I think all of them will be awesome! It will DEFINITELY be interesting! Penguins will have to work together.. This is gonna be good. xD

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  40. CaptureItRememberItJuly 20, 2010 at 3:01 PM

    For getting a perfect score on expert on dance contest :)......a stamp made for me

  41. Anonymous said...
    yes!now i know about how to get the stamps thanks Mimo im your biggest fan!

    Lol! Quite a few have said that... Who is actually his biggest fan? ME! xD What are you looking forward to most? The member things, or stamps?

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  42. Anonymous said...
    i cant wait to see the new stamps cause when they do come out it will give me something to do when new things are to come later. im sure a lot of u would agree with me

    I agree with you! Like those times when there's not really anything fun going on! Then we can collect stamps! I hope there are lots of them, because I will get them like a starving elephant on PB&J day. xD

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  43. Anonymous said...
    Im really looking forward to it too! My oldest pin isn't that old but it is the 3rd anniversary pin. What is your oldest pin Mimo777?

    I remember my oldest pin! It was the Cactus pin! I bet Mimo has some old ones! I remember exactly where it was... :)

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  44. Muddy Duki said...
    I failed at getting pins when I was a little kid, so now I have like 26 pins XD

    I'm afraid to show it off since all my friends are rare lol

    ~Muddy Duki~

    Lol! I got ALL the pins when I was little. The only reason I did was because I followed my sister to find them. ;-)

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  45. Anonymous said...
    I would like to have a stamp where you had to wear the color red with the room full...

    Lol! Would you just have to go to a full room and wear red? Or would the whole room have to be red? ;D

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  46. Scamper52596 said...
    My ultimate stamp would probably be a food stamp! Like a hot dog stamp! I wonder what happens when we collect them all or if you can collect them all. Hmm, we'll have to see about that one.

    My ultimate stamp would be the Twinkies stamp! You would have to eat a LOT of Twinkies! I guess it's like yours, but TWINKIES! :D

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  47. Skyxxx7 said...
    i hope they will in the future see what day a penguin joined cp :/

    Good idea! Then we could all know when we started! Actually, I already know that it was 1 day before my birthday! ;-)

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  48. yoshi blue said...
    The stamps are better then i thought they were gunna be!!!!

    Yea! I thought they were gonna be super lame when I first saw them! Now they seem pretty flippin' awesome!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  49. berserkerike said...
    thtas really cool but o dont know if its was a glitch but when i saw the post on cp it said 30 penguins instead of the 10 you put mimo, anyway this will be awesome

    At first, Happy77 put 10! Then Mimo and a bunch of bloggers put that! Then Happy77 realized he/she made a mistake and changed it to 30! So it was just a mistake on Happy's part.

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  50. Pollydolly42 said...
    i bet when the iceberg one comes a lot of penguins will be at the iceberg

    Yaz! Happy77 said that we would need 30 penguins drilling there! Maybe we can FINALLY tip it... x(

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  51. Weird Owe said...
    Saweet! My ultimate stamp would be for if you turn the night club every color with lots of penguins. I love doing that!

    I do too! Nobody ever listens to you, though. xP My favorite color to turn it is orange, although not many penguins are orange like me...

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  52. Ashley Di said...
    Awww, I guess that we won't be able to tip the iceberg D=

    ~Ashley Di
    Yeah we won't. Too bad. I wanted to tip it too. But getting 10 People jackhammering the Berg is gonna be easy. Everyone around CP will be doing that. :P Just go to the most populated server and go to the Iceberg and Jackhammer,then Ta Da! You got it! I've got a feeling it's gonna be easy getting stamps. :D -Carabu (CPG Mod

  53. Ashley Di said...
    Awww, I guess that we won't be able to tip the iceberg D=

    ~Ashley Di

    Dx Nooo! I will continue drilling day and night! IT WILL TIP! xD

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  54. Anonymous said...
    my ultimate stamp...: THE GAME STAMP because i love games and you would earn it by playing all the cp games really good

    That would be so fun! We are probably going to earn stamps for doing good in games! :D I wonder if it will be hard...

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  55. Mpepsim said...
    YES!!! MImo u rock

    I know! Gimme an M! Gimme an I! Gimme a... Q?! What does that spell? No seriously, I have no idea... xD

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  56. Anonymous said...
    good for CP this will be great

    Yea! This is gonna be flippin' awesome! I'm looking forward to this and the Igloo Builder most! ;-)

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  57. mickeymse66 said...
    I can't wait for the stamps to come! A lot of people were wrong when they said that you would have to add 2+2 to get a stamp! It is very creative how they are adding new levels to already awesome games!

    I don't think they're adding new levels, they're just reserving some for members! I'm glad it's not 2+2.. That is WAY too hard! =D

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  58. Asusmega said...
    now we know its not tipping the iceberg !

    Yeah, it's just trying and failing at tipping the Iceberg. =)

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  59. Dianac99 said...
    Scamper52596 said...
    Scamper52596 said...
    Looking forward to it very much. I like the Ice Burg drilling one alot. This will be very intresting. Lets see how it turns out!
    Since there's nothing to mod on this post im just going to mod my own comment. Ahem, here it goes.

    Im looking forward to it too, me! I too like the Ice Burg one. It reminds me of pizza in a certain way im not going to demonstrate. I can't wait to see how it turns out! Keep commenting me!

    Did ya like it? How did I do?

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)
    Umm, Scamper... not my idea of modding, but you must of had fun doing it! P.S. Please, don't demonstrate, I've seen enough today...*Shivers* errrr....
    CPG Mod
    No problem. What have you seen? You didn't see pizza without cheese and toppings did you? That would be something to be scard of. *Shakes scardly* Please tell me thats now what you saw! Also, if it's not too much trouble, could you tell me theres more cheese in my fridge?

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  60. Everyone will be at the Iceberg, drilling away. :D

  61. The ultimate stamp would be meeting Mimo777. :D

  62. Scamper52596 said...
    Looking forward to it very much. I like the Ice Burg drilling one alot. This will be very interesting. Lets see how it turns out!

    I'm looking forward to it, too. It's great to have something good from Club Penguin for once.

    Waddle On!

    DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

  63. Anonymous said...
    yes!now i know about how to get the stamps
    thanks Mimo im your biggest fan!

    Good for you! GO MIMO!

    Waddle On!

    DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

  64. Anonymous said...
    cant get the stamp book :{
    It's not out yet. It releases the 26th. You'll get your stamp book then.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  65. CaptureItRememberIt said...
    For getting a perfect score on expert on dance contest :)......a stamp made for me
    Me too! Im really good at Dance Contest and it's my favorite game through out all Club Penguin games!

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  66. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    Scamper52596 said...
    My ultimate stamp would probably be a food stamp! Like a hot dog stamp! I wonder what happens when we collect them all or if you can collect them all. Hmm, we'll have to see about that one.

    My ultimate stamp would be the Twinkies stamp! You would have to eat a LOT of Twinkies! I guess it's like yours, but TWINKIES! :D

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    I thought yours would most likely be a monkey stamp. lol. You would have to get a monkey to eat twenty bananas in about a minute. If your monkey could do it within forty five seconds you'll be considered a monkey master and get a rare monkey stamp!

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  67. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    mickeymse66 said...
    I can't wait for the stamps to come! A lot of people were wrong when they said that you would have to add 2+2 to get a stamp! It is very creative how they are adding new levels to already awesome games!

    I don't think they're adding new levels, they're just reserving some for members! I'm glad it's not 2+2.. That is WAY too hard! =D

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    Yea, and don't even get me started on 2 times 2. Penguins keep on telling me it comes out to the same answer but I ain't buying it!

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  68. i can't wait to see the new stamps cause when they do come out it will give me something to do when new things are to come later. im sure a lot of u would agree with me

    I can't wait to see them either. It will be like 'SWEET MAMA" on the island.

    Waddle On!

    DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

  69. Anonymous said...
    yes!now i know about how to get the stamps thanks Mimo im your biggest fan!
    Don't say his biggest fan someone else might think their his biggest fan and it may start a fight.So it would be fine to say you fan.


  70. anonymous said...
    can't get the stamp book:{
    It is ok lots of other penguins wont be able to also.Some day you could also think about the positive!


  71. I cant wait i started cp a long time ago now i will get to show off my really old pins that i got in those times :)

  72. That's really cool! I'm excited for the stamps to come out.

    My oldest pin is the very first pin, the four leaf clover :)

    -Leapord Seal

  73. they should make a stamp for meeting Sensei

  74. I think it's fair that it's fair that members get more stuff cause we pay for it.

  75. I think it's fair that members get more stuff we pay for and if non members don't like it why do they play.

  76. Im looking forard too.


  77. Mabe it will come out on the 25th. since they are making everything a day early.


  78. This should be fun. C: It's cool to finally be able to show everyone your pins.

  79. Scamper52596 said...
    Pollydolly42 said...
    i bet when the iceberg one comes a lot of penguins will be at the iceberg
    lol, im sure there will be. Maybe we will tip the Ice Burg then. Who knows?

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)


    I wouldn't count on that dude, there is no way the iceberg will ever tip. And now before the rest of the mods flame me for this, I am older than all of you (summer party 2006 baby!!) so trust me, I think I know what is true and what isn't.

  80. Anonymous said...

    my ultimate stamp...: THE GAME STAMP because i love games and you would earn it by playing all the cp games really good
    I want a stamp where u have to make your puffle win catchin' waves. it would have a red puffle on it!
    Cheiky, (CPG Mod)

  81. Omg, my birthday is on the 25th :O this is kinda like a birthday present? Say happy birthday to meh :P

    At first, I thought that the stamps would be a nightmare and they would have to do with education and blah blah blah, but this actually sounds pretty cool. And I really like that you can show off your pins now ;)

    This might not be that bad. The igloo builder sounds pretty cool, but I just hope it will be a really cool item instead of some lame couch or something o.o

    And when they say 'education' with chocolate covered broccoli it might not be math or the stuff we see in school. I just hope it isnt.


  82. i got an idea. how about having ur medals earned in a field ops missions and having the medals in ur stamp book? i mean im a non member and do field ops mission. its already bad enough that u cant buy anything with the medals earned. why not be able to show off ur work in the stamp book?

  83. Flippy6521 (CPG MOD)July 20, 2010 at 7:02 PM

    Ashley Di said...

    Awww, I guess that we won't be able to tip the iceberg D=

    ~Ashley Di
    It's ok I bet they will make that happen one day

    Flippy6521 ( CPG MOD )

  84. Flippy6521 (CPG MOD)July 20, 2010 at 7:04 PM

    Scamper52596 said...

    Scamper52596 said...
    Looking forward to it very much. I like the Ice Burg drilling one a lot. This will be very interesting. Lets see how it turns out!
    Since there's nothing to mod on this post I'm just going to mod my own comment. Ahem, here it goes.

    I'm looking forward to it too, me! I too like the Ice Burg one. It reminds me of pizza in a certain way I'm not going to demonstrate. I can't wait to see how it turns out! Keep commenting me!

    Did ya like it? How did I do?

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)
    Now it is my turn to do it.

    Well Yes I am very exited for it to!
    The ice berg one also looks pretty cool I think it is one of my favorites so far

    Flippy6521 (CPG MOD)

  85. Flippy6521(CPG MOD)July 20, 2010 at 7:07 PM

    Anonymous said...

    cant get the stamp book :{
    The stamp book is not coming out yet until the The 26th of July

    ~Flippy6521 (CPG MOD)

  86. Flippy6521 (CPG MOD)July 20, 2010 at 7:09 PM

    Pollydolly42 said...
    i bet when the iceberg one comes a lot of penguins will be at the iceberg
    Maybe when that happens Club Penguin will make it possible to tip the ice berg. WAIT THEN WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THE ICE BERG?!

    ~Flippy6521 (CPG MOD)

  87. There should be a stamp for all the pins (which I have)

  88. sorry for not modding lately im kinda busy doing summer choirs and stuf plz dont make me lower

  89. Scamper52596 said...
    Looking forward to it very much. I like the Ice Burg drilling one alot. This will be very intresting. Lets see how it turns out!
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~abey we can tip the berg!

  90. Anonymous said...
    i cant wait to see the new stamps cause when they do come out it will give me something to do when new things are to come later. im sure a lot of u would agree with me
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i cant wait either im ganna show al my stamps is there a icon were you can decorate your cover i hope so!is there a stamp for meeting sensie?

  91. Anonymous said...
    Im really looking forward to it too! My oldest pin isn't that old but it is the 3rd anniversary pin. What is your oldest pin Mimo777?
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~my oldest pin is the ginger bread man or was it the present thats green....

  92. my awsome stamp would be the card jitsue stamps because i like cp ninjas

  93. Anonymous said...
    Mabe it will come out on the 25th. since they are making everything a day early.

    They better! Im going on a trip the day they come out! lol. Go figure.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  94. Joshpenny406 said...
    Scamper52596 said...
    Pollydolly42 said...
    i bet when the iceberg one comes a lot of penguins will be at the iceberg
    lol, im sure there will be. Maybe we will tip the Ice Burg then. Who knows?

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)


    I wouldn't count on that dude, there is no way the iceberg will ever tip. And now before the rest of the mods flame me for this, I am older than all of you (summer party 2006 baby!!) so trust me, I think I know what is true and what isn't.
    No dude I know. I just like saying it anyway cause it's such a popular rumor. You never know if Club Penguin will make it possible in the future though.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  95. Anonymous said...
    Omg, my birthday is on the 25th :O this is kinda like a birthday present? Say happy birthday to meh :P

    At first, I thought that the stamps would be a nightmare and they would have to do with education and blah blah blah, but this actually sounds pretty cool. And I really like that you can show off your pins now ;)

    This might not be that bad. The igloo builder sounds pretty cool, but I just hope it will be a really cool item instead of some lame couch or something o.o

    And when they say 'education' with chocolate covered broccoli it might not be math or the stuff we see in school. I just hope it isnt.

    Happy Birthday from a Scamper to a you! lol, Happy Birthday dude! Your Birthday present is what you mentioned already, the stamps. You beat me to it! Your other Birthday present is... Oh, here we go, a Twinky! Psst, eat it fast cause I snuck it from Bobheads Twinky collection. ;)

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  96. Flippy6521 (CPG MOD) said...
    Pollydolly42 said...
    i bet when the iceberg one comes a lot of penguins will be at the iceberg
    Maybe when that happens Club Penguin will make it possible to tip the ice berg. WAIT THEN WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THE ICE BERG?!

    ~Flippy6521 (CPG MOD)
    Om, it will sink, melt, and die! And the penguins who tipped it will be blamed! lol. The Aqua Grabber will probably be moved to the Cove and we'll have to use it to get the Ice Burg to the top of the surface again before it melts into flames! Wait, those last few words didn't work. Try this, melts into water! Better?

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  97. What happenes when your a non-member? do you know if u can still get them?

  98. when this comes out there should be a post on mimos pins

  99. I have an idea for getting the one the Stamp master was talking about. Here it goes.
    1. Go on a server with four or five green bars(whatever they are).
    2. Check your inventory to see if you have a hard helmet. If you do, put it on.
    3. Go to the Iceberg and start drilling!


  100. Blogger Scamper52596 said...

    Weird Owe said...
    Saweet! My ultimate stamp would be for if you turn the night club every color with lots of penguins. I love doing that!
    Yea, it's really fun seeing all the different colors. I only have yellow so it would be hard for me to participate in any other color besides yellow.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)
    Jojojo33342 said...

    Well, you should get a lot of colors then. The more the better! lol.

    Jojojo33342(CPG Mod)

  101. Pollydolly42 said...
    i bet when the iceberg one comes a lot of penguins will be at the iceberg
    -------------------------------------Jojojo33342 said...

    Well, my plan is that just go to the iceberg, get your stamp, and leave. 'Cause I wouldn't take the risk for tipping' the berg. You might get banned. Just an idea.


  102. Anonymous said...

    I would like to have a stamp where you had to wear the color red with the room full...

    full of what? monkeys? bananas? chocolate milkshakes? penguins? puffles? herbert? herbert's clones? klutzy? klutzy's clones?

    peskypute (trying to be a cpg mod)

  103. CP+CHEESECAKE ROCK!July 20, 2010 at 11:12 PM

    My oldest stamp is the cart one. The Cart surfer cart.

  104. I'm really looking forward to this, something cool that you don't have to buy!! It's nice to hear from Happy77 again too.


  105. Mimo! Its not 10 penguins that need to drill to get that stamp! It is 30 penguins!

  106. Muddy Duki said...
    I failed at getting pins when I was a little kid, so now I have like 26 pins XD

    I'm afraid to show it off since all my friends are rare lol

    ~Muddy Duki~
    LOL I have the same situation! I totally fail. Gees Ive got like 4 pins and hes like 1,908 days old but thats another account of mine I made an new one to see if it could help me find more pins but I failed...again xD
    ps.soz mimo i couldnt comment alot cause I went on vacation and the compuuter broke down :(
    Keep Commenting

  107. hey mimo!i just noticed if u throw a snowball in the underwater room u throw a bubble!i<3 u!

  108. Anonymous said...
    Im really looking forward to it too! My oldest pin isn't that old but it is the 3rd anniversary pin. What is your oldest pin Mimo777?

    That is still pretty old. We're coming up for the 5th anniversary this year!

    Waddle On!

    DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

  109. Muddy Duki said...
    I failed at getting pins when I was a little kid, so now I have like 26 pins XD

    I'm afraid to show it off since all my freinds are rare lol

    ~Muddy Duki~

    I'm afraid too. I totally messed up when I was little. I just ran around and fell on the grass when I was in pre-school.

    Waddle On!

    DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

  110. Anonymous said...
    I would like to have a stamp where you had to where the color red with the room full...

    Really? Sounds like fun. Red's my third color I like. Thanks for posting!

    Waddle On!

    DMA0712 (CPG Mod)

  111. my ultimate stamp would be a stamp that you got for visiting every room and or server in clubpenguin in under five minutes.

  112. slippeestars said...
    mabey we will tip the berg!
    Nope, sorry. We are supposed to stand on the iceberg and drill with 10 other penguins. Sorry! And please use correct spelling next time. Keep on commenting!
    Warmest Wishes and Coldest Fishes!
    CPG Mod

  113. Sonicbloo4 said...
    I cant wait i started cp a long time ago now i will get to show off my really old pins that i got in those times :)
    Same! All of my friends say I'm not rare but actually I am!

    Ashley Di (CPG Mod)

  114. Pollydolly42 said...
    i bet when the iceberg one comes a lot of penguins will be at the iceberg
    Yeah because everyone will think they can tip the iceberg Lol

    Ashley Di (CPG Mod)

  115. i think on july 26 its the water party

  116. Weird Owe said...
    Saweet! My ultimate stamp would be for if you turn the night club every color with lots of penguins. I love doing that!
    Oh my gosh! I love doing that too! But its hard getting enough penguins to help lol

    Ashley Di (CPG Mod)

  117. When will there be more Mod changes?

    ~Ashley Di

  118. Muddy Duki said...
    I failed at getting pins when I was a little kid, so now I have like 26 pins XD

    I'm afraid to show it off since all my friends are rare lol

    ~Muddy Duki~
    I got some of them when I was little but not all of them because I really didn't care then xD
    ~Ashley Di

  119. iloveMusic said...
    What happenes when your a non-member? do you know if u can still get them?
    You can still get stamps even if your a Non-member but some of the exclusive stamps are going to be member stamps.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  120. Ashley Di said...
    When will there be more Mod changes?

    ~Ashley Di
    Sorry, but you might not get on it. But to answer your question, soon I hope! I've been trying for a really long time, and you are a really good mod too! I hope you and I both get on, but we never know. Good luck!
    CPG Mod in training

  121. Jacob674 said...
    when this comes out there should be a post on mimos pins
    Yea, im sure he has some pretty old ones. You got any old ones? I wish there was a Twinky pin.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  122. Jojojo33342 said...
    Blogger Scamper52596 said...

    Weird Owe said...
    Saweet! My ultimate stamp would be for if you turn the night club every color with lots of penguins. I love doing that!
    Yea, it's really fun seeing all the different colors. I only have yellow so it would be hard for me to participate in any other color besides yellow.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)
    Jojojo33342 said...

    Well, you should get a lot of colors then. The more the better! lol.

    Jojojo33342(CPG Mod)
    lol, no thanks. I only want yellow. I don't think I would buy other colors even if it was required in getting some stamps. Im a one color penguin.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  123. Hey Mimo, I was wondering if you took of the pin tracker on your site. Because I can't see it.

  124. Mimo the post about club penguin turning educational is just a rumor cp said i asked them.

  125. Hey Mimo! this doesnt really have to anything about this but the new igloo catalog might come out on Thursday. it might

  126. Scamper52596 said...
    Anonymous said...
    I would like to have a stamp where you had to wear the color red with the room full...
    I would fail with that stamp. I only have the color yellow. Thats the color I chose when I first got a penguin, it's the color im going to stick with forever. My friend is an orange penguin and he too only has one color. We're both true to one color. lol.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)
    -------------------------------------- hey scamper! i to am true to yellow!my penguin's name is yelowin ( i was new to canada and didn't know how to spell i was also in 2nd grade :p) altough i have all the colours i rarely change from yellow, and when i do, it is only for a costume like a dragon or sheep. but not when im wearing a wig. yellow hair doesnt match brown or pink or other colours ;D

  127. Dianac99 said...
    Ashley Di said...
    When will there be more Mod changes?

    ~Ashley Di
    Sorry, but you might not get on it. But to answer your question, soon I hope! I've been trying for a really long time, and you are a really good mod too! I hope you and I both get on, but we never know. Good luck!
    CPG Mod in training
    Good luck to you too!

    ~Ashley Di Mod in training

  128. Grande pie (CP Name)July 21, 2010 at 12:28 PM

    drill the ice berg with 10 penguinss?? in the spanish page it says with 30 penguins!!

  129. Uh YAH!!!! that sounds really cool!

    Tycoon101 :B

  130. I can't find my stamp book

  131. unacorney cp name mimo777 roxJuly 23, 2010 at 11:59 AM

    mimo thanks for posting us aon another post!!! u rock
    i want stamps!!

  132. my stamp would be for eating the most pink sprinkle and marsh mellow candy pizzas!!
