Monday, September 20, 2010

Webosaur's MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS and MIMO Party!

Webosaurs MVAs!

Webosaurs is hosting its first ever Music Video Awards.

Its a two week long festival with crazy parties and awesome decorations.

You will be able to throw your own concert at one of the many stages, or jam out on the piano (for realz) at the Sub Alpine Forest.

You can win a sick Webosaurs MVA trophy by entering your own music video, filmed on Webosaurs Island.

Check out the Webosaurs blog for more details CLICK HERE

I'm thinking I might have to enter this...

Or just send a link to your video on the Webosaurs Forum CLICK HERE.

Also post your link in the comments so we can check them out!

The festival will end on October 2nd at the MVA awards ceremony.


Webosaurs also just launched awesome new dance animations! Watch me shake it like a polaroid picture:

You can get these actions at the Bluggin' Beach Bunker in Jungle Beach.

The MVAs are so sick, and Fossil Magic is coming for dinos soon too. Wow, Webosaurs is really growing! I have always been really impressed with Webosaurs!

I will be having a MAJOR BLOW OUT Mimo Party on Webosaurs on October 1

More details to come. I got some serious plans...;-]

Some of the action has already started! Go check it out now!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Follow MIMO on Twitter!

Friend MIMO on Facebook!

Virtual Worlds for Kids

Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


  1. Really?? thats cool.

    Oh, and sorry I havn't posting a lot lately.

    ~pengiimen~ (To be CPG MOD)

  2. =O Mimo party? CAN'T WAIT! =D I'll go make a webo account now. L8R MIMO!

  3. Cool!!! I am gonna make a webosaurs account now.

  4. I entered two videos. I hope at least one wins.

  5. Dang, I haven't played that game in a while... I'm gonna check that out now! (Puke in my drink, please? :D)


  6. Mimo, sorry I haven't posted in a while. I know this is off subject, but I found an update. On the Jet Pack Adventure Stamps title page, the green puffle has been added next to the green penguin. Check it out!

    Waddle On!

  7. october 2 is my bday im getting halo toys clubpenguin toys dragon ball z toys clubpenguin game day halo reach :D

  8. pengiimen said...
    Really?? thats cool.

    Oh, and sorry I havn't posting a lot lately.

    ~pengiimen~ (To be CPG MOD)
    dont put cpg mod unless your moding ;)

  9. Pengwing4 said...
    =O Mimo party? CAN'T WAIT! =D I'll go make a webo account now. L8R MIMO!
    i have a webisuars acount but forgot it

  10. Proglide51 said...
    Cool!!! I am gonna make a webosaurs account now.

  11. me make webosours account now and was the server somthin alpine ill go to it mimo

    ~flippers3287~ want to be a mod

  12. Go Webosaurs! It HAS been growing hasn't it?


  13. Ethanator said...

    I entered two videos. I hope at least one wins.

    Good luck! :)

    - Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)

  14. slippeestars said...
    october 2 is my bday im getting halo toys clubpenguin toys dragon ball z toys clubpenguin game day halo reach :D
    Gotta love halo. I don't have a X box so I can't play Reach but when I get the chance I do.
