Saturday, July 10, 2010

New Club Penguin "Collectibles" Coming!

Club Penguin is amazing! They are always coming up with awesome new ideas! Check it out, they will be launching something BRAND NEW at the end of this month! Wow! What could these be?

Club Penguin says there are going to be A LOT of them and we will need to collect them! They kinda look like stamps to me. I think Penguin Mail will start to have stamps and we will be able to collect them? What do you think? Let me know!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now! Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


  1. I think they look like stamps too, but they could also be like badges or something.

  2. Maybe they'll be stamps and there'll be a hunt or something!

  3. They look like EPF badges...

  4. I was thinking stamps too... maybe we have to pay postage? Perish the thought! :P But I'd rather collect rocks for what it's worth...

  5. they look like stamps i think you can collect them as pins but u can use them adding one of each on the mail you want to sent to a penguin friend :D

  6. Wear a music jam shirt and guitar then dance. The shirt moves! :D Happy to be of service Mimo :)

  7. one reason i think clubpenguin is doing this. because tootsville did something like this similar and clubppenguin want to get even with them like when tootsville did the element thing. very similar to card jitsu

  8. On some computers, if you scroll your cursor over it, it says "stamps.jpg"! :D

  9. Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)July 10, 2010 at 11:06 AM

    prettyshoppy said...
    Maybe they'll be stamps and there'll be a hunt or something!

    July 10, 2010 10:07 AM
    That's what I think too! This is gonna be awesome, don't you think?

    Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)

  10. Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)July 10, 2010 at 11:06 AM

    Jessie Bean1 said...
    I think they look like stamps too, but they could also be like badges or something.

    July 10, 2010 10:02 AM
    Hmm... Yeah. THey could be badges.... I guess we will have to wait and see. *Sigh*

    Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)

  11. they dont look like theme but they might be new cards for the new card jitsu water

  12. I know they bare stamps because when you hover your mouse over the picture it says stamps.most likly cp is going to make collectable stamps that you you in real life.

  13. I think the unknown objects are stamps. Before we had to pay to send mail. Maybe this is an alternative! Instead of paying to send mail you can collect stamps. And maybe the different shapes are for different types of mail.
    Syssa529 and Syssa 529

  14. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    On some computers, if you scroll your cursor over it, it says "stamps.jpg"! :D

    LOL, Yeah i just realized that! Stamps... that could be different :)


  15. Anonymous said...
    they dont look like theme but they might be new cards for the new card jitsu water

    Could be.. I don't know! we'll just have to wait and see :/

    Doodlebug277 (CPG Mod)

  16. Jessie Bean1 said...
    I think they look like stamps too, but they could also be like badges or something.
    Yea, stamps, badges, or maybe, Stamp Badges! Eh, it's a thought.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  17. Anonymous said...
    I think the unknown objects are stamps. Before we had to pay to send mail. Maybe this is an alternative! Instead of paying to send mail you can collect stamps. And maybe the different shapes are for different types of mail.
    Syssa529 and Syssa 529


    Wow that's a great idea!! We'll just have to wait and see...

    Doodlebug277(CPG mod)

  18. Duckeh said...
    I was thinking stamps too... maybe we have to pay postage? Perish the thought! :P But I'd rather collect rocks for what it's worth...

    maybe we have 2 buy stamps to buy the cards and send them.but i never really send postcards anyway
    Pollydolly42(CPG MOD)

  19. prettyshoppy said...
    Maybe they'll be stamps and there'll be a hunt or something!
    Stamp hunt! Maybe there will be a stamp hunt every week. That would be cool!

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  20. prettyshoppy said...
    Maybe they'll be stamps and there'll be a hunt or something!
    Stamp hunt! Maybe there will be a stamp hunt every week! That would be cool!

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  21. Whizzbobrox said...
    Wear a music jam shirt and guitar then dance. The shirt moves! :D Happy to be of service Mimo :)

    July 10, 2010 10:50 AM
    i no!it looks like its throwing a snowball
    Pollydolly42(CPG mod)

  22. they are ether badges stamps ect they will be like pins (maybe members only!) maybe they'll have penguin scouts or something like that

  23. Unkown said...
    They look like EPF badges...
    ''Stamp'' EPF badges! lol. Maybe they can stick on the back of your EPF Spy Phone. The more stamps you have on your Spy Phone, the more permitted you are to doing things! That would me my idea on that anyway.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  24. Doodlebug277 said...
    Cool, they look like stamps of some kind... or they could be badges.

    They could be both! They could be Stamp Badges! Whatever those are.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  25. Duckeh said...
    I was thinking stamps too... maybe we have to pay postage? Perish the thought! :P But I'd rather collect rocks for what it's worth...
    lol! I would like to collect Jelly Beans! Jelly Beans are awesome. There so chewy and filled with sugar! Sugar sugar sugar!

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  26. Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD) said...
    prettyshoppy said...
    Maybe they'll be stamps and there'll be a hunt or something!


    I Think they could be stamps or badges too infact!!

    well the bad thing is....


    - -

    Baran 103 (CPG MOD)

  27. were just gonna have to see i am really surprised they might be pins and we have to collect them and the prize will be a big pin for your inventory and to enter a new room yay

  28. Anonymous said...
    I think the unknown objects are stamps. Before we had to pay to send mail. Maybe this is an alternative! Instead of paying to send mail you can collect stamps. And maybe the different shapes are for different types of mail.
    Syssa529 and Syssa 529
    Good thought. Maybe we can also trade stamps. Trading them would be cool.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  29. dylnsprse said...
    I know they bare stamps because when you hover your mouse over the picture it says stamps.most likly cp is going to make collectable stamps that you you in real life.
    Yea, I wonder what they're for though. Hmm, maybe we can stick them on things and claim them for your own! I claim the Night Club! *Sticks stamp on Night Club*

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  30. Anonymous said...
    they dont look like theme but they might be new cards for the new card jitsu water
    Maybe. I wonder if Club Penguin will ever make it so we can trade Card Jitsu Cards. I would like to see that.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  31. Whizzbobrox said...
    Wear a music jam shirt and guitar then dance. The shirt moves! :D Happy to be of service Mimo :)
    Mimo posted about this a couple posts back,great job finding it yourself though!
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  32. Jessie Bean1 said...
    I think they look like stamps too, but they could also be like badges or something.
    Great theory! I think they look like badges too!
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  33. dylnsprse said...
    I know they bare stamps because when you hover your mouse over the picture it says stamps.most likly cp is going to make collectable stamps that you you in real life.
    Bobhead found this too. Good job finding it yourself!
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  34. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    On some computers, if you scroll your cursor over it, it says "stamps.jpg"! :D
    We have a winner! Ding ding ding! Good job Bob! Hey it rhymes! *Sings* Good job... Bob, Good job... Bob!
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  35. Anonymous said...
    I think the unknown objects are stamps. Before we had to pay to send mail. Maybe this is an alternative! Instead of paying to send mail you can collect stamps. And maybe the different shapes are for different types of mail.
    Syssa529 and Syssa 529
    Maybe they are for different areas! If we want to send them to a different area, we have to buy a different stamp!
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  36. Unkown said...
    They look like EPF badges...
    They do! Maybe we have to collect them, during Field ops!
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  37. Unkown said...
    They look like EPF badges...
    They do! Maybe we have to collect them, during Field ops!
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  38. Duckeh said...
    I was thinking stamps too... maybe we have to pay postage? Perish the thought! :P But I'd rather collect rocks for what it's worth...
    I hope not! Maybe stamps would cost more, that would be bad! I'm poor enough on CP as it is!
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod) :(

  39. I know they are stamps because of some other comments, but I have a theory of what they could be for. Maybe, we could pay extra for postage, but we can type out the card ourselves! That might not be the brightest idea, because of people saying bad things, but they could go to Club Penguin moderator first. The Moderator could approve of the card first, then send them off the the person it was inetended to go to. If the card says bad things, the person could be banned, or have the privelige taken away of typing out the cards. Wow, that was long! Does anyone else think this is a good theory?

  40. prettyshoppy said...
    Maybe they'll be stamps and there'll be a hunt or something!

    Maybe! Billybob did say we would HAVE to find a lot of them!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  41. Unkown said...
    They look like EPF badges...

    Yep, those or stamps! I have a feeling it's stamps, but they could be anything!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  42. Doodlebug277 said...
    Cool, they look like stamps of some kind... or they could be badges.


    Probably stamps... On some computers when your mouse goes over it, it says "stamps.jpg"!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  43. Duckeh said...
    I was thinking stamps too... maybe we have to pay postage? Perish the thought! :P But I'd rather collect rocks for what it's worth...

    We already have to pay, lol! Rocks? How about twinkies? :D

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  44. Whizzbobrox said...
    Wear a music jam shirt and guitar then dance. The shirt moves! :D Happy to be of service Mimo :)

    Wow! That's awesome! Thanks for the tip/glitch/awesomeness! 8)

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  45. Anonymous said...
    one reason i think clubpenguin is doing this. because tootsville did something like this similar and clubppenguin want to get even with them like when tootsville did the element thing. very similar to card jitsu

    Maybe so! Tootsville and CP seem to have a rivalry, because a lot of CP bloggers like MImo have Tootsville ads on their websites!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  46. Anonymous said...
    they dont look like theme but they might be new cards for the new card jitsu water

    Yea, that would be fun! I want to see the Card Jitsu Water outfits SO bad!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  47. dylnsprse said...
    I know they bare stamps because when you hover your mouse over the picture it says stamps.most likly cp is going to make collectable stamps that you you in real life.

    Yep, that's what I was saying! Collectable stamps? That would be pretty funny! :D

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  48. Anonymous said...
    I think the unknown objects are stamps. Before we had to pay to send mail. Maybe this is an alternative! Instead of paying to send mail you can collect stamps. And maybe the different shapes are for different types of mail.
    Syssa529 and Syssa 529

    It might be, or it has to do with the EPF! Mail doesn't really cost that much, but I would still like that!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  49. ☺§lídôô☻ said...
    They ARE stamps. Here's why:

    Originally, within the first hour that these were posted, they were named "Stamps" in Billybob's files. When you rolled over the image it said that! I told CP this and they CHANGED it so it is not called "sneakpeek" but it ORIGINALLY was stamps! So, that proves they are stamps.


    Yep, a few people have noticed that! Great job Slidoo!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  50. Dianac99 said...
    I know they are stamps because of some other comments, but I have a theory of what they could be for. Maybe, we could pay extra for postage, but we can type out the card ourselves! That might not be the brightest idea, because of people saying bad things, but they could go to Club Penguin moderator first. The Moderator could approve of the card first, then send them off the the person it was inetended to go to. If the card says bad things, the person could be banned, or have the privelige taken away of typing out the cards. Wow, that was long! Does anyone else think this is a good theory?

    That would be AWESOME! You could also stamp the stamp wherever you wanted! There are so many things this could be!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  51. Dianac99 said...
    Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    On some computers, if you scroll your cursor over it, it says "stamps.jpg"! :D
    We have a winner! Ding ding ding! Good job Bob! Hey it rhymes! *Sings* Good job... Bob, Good job... Bob!
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

    Yay! What do I win? Tell me! I win! I won, I won, I really won! Lol, I'm done now. XD

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  52. i was jamin and found the candy apple pin is back!

    -d3m3tri12 (cpp)

  53. sounds to me as some club penguin member thing... club penguin is boring now with the member exxageration and the same old free items

  54. Wow Cool I Cant Wait!

  55. Hey Mimo! I told you so! when i wrote my comment in the july events article i said they looked like stamps! and i said we will have more then just postcards now.


  56. I am thinking badges !! BTW Love ur site !!

  57. if you throw a snowball at the casa fiesta you can throw confetti instead!


  58. who knows?

    I like fried chicken...

  59. Limadude (cpg mod)July 10, 2010 at 5:03 PM

    club penguin cheats 101 group said...
    hi mimo ur site rocks

  60. if u havnt noticed the candy apple pin is back. -Spiguy23

  61. Ihave an Idea clubpenguin should make an inventing party!!!!

  62. stickers or like instrument things like a cp guitar pick


  63. Judging from the edges one assumes this is a stamp.One also suspects these stamps are:

    a.Collectable like pins

    b.Purchasable through the use of coins and may be for members only

  64. Anonymous said...

    if u havnt noticed the candy apple pin is back. -Spiguy23
    If u haven't noticed, mimo put an update under the comment that said that the candy apple pin wuz back.
    :D :D Santa1456 :D :D

  65. Stamps. Definitely. But what about the mystery pix on 'em? Maybe they're pictures of penguins or something.

  66. I agree with you mimo! It looks like stamp to me maybe we have to send to our friends and they will get. They will probably send us too!

  67. I agree with you Mimo, stamps!

    In other news, you may want to look out for people playing instruments. Sometimes their clothes come off of them.
    (This happened yesterday though so CP may have fixed it).


  68. I think that it will be something that you can add to the mail like stamps.
    Or it will be something that you can add to a clean T-shirt or something that they will add that will be cool ;0 but i think this is too weird that they will do it like this im just thinking now where did you saw that they will do that o.o ?There isn't a new newspaper

  69. Mimo, I think a few of the new instruments for the music jam catalog are a green tambourine and a yellow double neck guitar
    But i also hope we get double base as well

  70. well mimo i think it is going to be the same as your idea

    hope everyone gets a good choice :)

  71. -Buddytoe
    Buddytoe said...
    if you throw a snowball at the casa fiesta you can throw confetti instead!


    Awesome!! I never realized that :)

    Doodlebug277 (CPG Mod)

  72. i have a funny feeling that
    we will be able to collect the stamp and use it as a pin!
    ~Super D1

  73. Sort of stamps i think.
    But then again Disney just want money.

  74. They might be key rings baadges stamps or somthing to do with feild opps checats or something!

  75. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    Dianac99 said...
    I know they are stamps because of some other comments, but I have a theory of what they could be for. Maybe, we could pay extra for postage, but we can type out the card ourselves! That might not be the brightest idea, because of people saying bad things, but they could go to Club Penguin moderator first. The Moderator could approve of the card first, then send them off the the person it was inetended to go to. If the card says bad things, the person could be banned, or have the privelige taken away of typing out the cards. Wow, that was long! Does anyone else think this is a good theory?

    Cool maybe u could send items 2
    if u go on to the websit build a bear ville they do that thing aswell as trading

  76. i think your right mimo

  77. one reason i think clubpenguin is doing this. because tootsville did something like this similar and clubppenguin want to get even with them like when tootsville did the element thing. very similar to card jitsu

    Ya Before Clubpenguin beat webkinz now webkinz copy clubpengiun but just watch clubpenguin will beat tootsville and the hardest one to become a better website was runescape but cool They kinda do copy toots ville

  78. My birthday is at the end of the month its my birthday present from clubpenguin!! lol!


  79. Dianac99 said...
    I know they are stamps because of some other comments, but I have a theory of what they could be for. Maybe, we could pay extra for postage, but we can type out the card ourselves! That might not be the brightest idea, because of people saying bad things, but they could go to Club Penguin moderator first. The Moderator could approve of the card first, then send them off the the person it was inetended to go to. If the card says bad things, the person could be banned, or have the privelige taken away of typing out the cards. Wow, that was long! Does anyone else think this is a good theory?
    Cool idea! You are one smart cookie! Mmmmm... cookies.


  80. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    Dianac99 said...
    Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    On some computers, if you scroll your cursor over it, it says "stamps.jpg"! :D
    We have a winner! Ding ding ding! Good job Bob! Hey it rhymes! *Sings* Good job... Bob, Good job... Bob!
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

    Yay! What do I win? Tell me! I win! I won, I won, I really won! Lol, I'm done now. XD

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    You win a giant cookie! LOL I'm kinda obsessed with cookies at the moment.


  81. on the new candece background it says cadence not candece

  82. Hi Mimo!
    I have a question!
    Im trying to become a member but when I fill everything 100% correctly it says: DECLINED! Why?!

    pleaaaasssse tell me!! :(

  83. Hi Mimo! Firstly, this is a very good site, so keep it up! Secondly, I just wanna say something about the poll's you create. Don't get me wrong, they're great but I notice that there is usually a third, random choice. Whilst these choices are quite funny, it does affect the outcome of the poll. It's just a suggestion though :)

    Keep up the good work and those stamps look great! That's if they are stamps...

  84. club penguin cheats 101 group said...
    hi mimo ur site rocks

    Yeah, CPG rules! Don't forget that it's not only his! =)

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  85. Anonymous said...
    i was jamin and found the candy apple pin is back!

    -d3m3tri12 (cpp)

    Yeah! It was probably only a glitch because of the Music Jam!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  86. Anonymous said...
    sounds to me as some club penguin member thing... club penguin is boring now with the member exxageration and the same old free items

    Free items? A lot of them aren't the same! But you are right, CP has a lot of member stuff. They have to do that to make money!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  87. Naftx said...
    Wow Cool I Cant Wait!

    I hope it has to do with the EPF! This is gonna be great!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  88. Private1998 said...
    Hey Mimo! I told you so! when i wrote my comment in the july events article i said they looked like stamps! and i said we will have more then just postcards now.


    Wow! You're psychic! Lol! I think they are stamps...

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  89. Anonymous said...
    I am thinking badges !! BTW Love ur site !!

    I am thinking stamps, but it could be anything!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  90. Buddytoe said...
    if you throw a snowball at the casa fiesta you can throw confetti instead!


    Sweet! I can make confetti fall on me! Thanks for the tip!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  91. Limadude said...
    who knows?

    I like fried chicken...

    Mmm... Fried chicken... If you scrolled your mouse over the picture, then it said "stamps.jpg"! So signs are pointing towards stamps! I just hope it's fried chicken...

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  92. Uchiha Itachi said...
    Ihave an Idea clubpenguin should make an inventing party!!!!

    That would be so fun! One room would have a game where you can invent gadgets! :D

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  93. Anonymous said...
    if u havnt noticed the candy apple pin is back. -Spiguy23

    It is! It's grown back after Mimo ate it. XD Don't eat it again Mimo!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  94. Mimo You Heared Of ACP Right You Should Make Your Own Team Called The Mimo Busters

    They Should Wear All Wierd And Random Clothes It Would Be Fun :cP


  95. Unkown said...
    They look like EPF badges...
    That is what I was thinking! I guess we will have to wait and see!

  96. prettyshoppy said...
    Maybe they'll be stamps and there'll be a hunt or something!
    Maybe because Club Penguin seems pretty involved with the EPF lately.

  97. I think we get to do something like an e-mail thing with the stamps.

  98. Dianac99 said...
    I know they are stamps because of some other comments, but I have a theory of what they could be for. Maybe, we could pay extra for postage, but we can type out the card ourselves! That might not be the brightest idea, because of people saying bad things, but they could go to Club Penguin moderator first. The Moderator could approve of the card first, then send them off the the person it was inetended to go to. If the card says bad things, the person could be banned, or have the privelige taken away of typing out the cards. Wow, that was long! Does anyone else think this is a good theory?
    Good theory! I was always thinking what it would be like to have a conversation over postcards so nobody else could see!

    Ashley Di (CPG Mod)

  99. Buddytoe said...
    if you throw a snowball at the casa fiesta you can throw confetti instead!

    Yeah! It's soo cool!

    Ashley Di (CPG Mod)

  100. Buddytoe said...
    if you throw a snowball at the casa fiesta you can throw confetti instead!

    Yeah! It's soo cool!

    Ashley Di (CPG Mod)

  101. Jennyss729 said...
    Stamps. Definitely. But what about the mystery pix on 'em? Maybe they're pictures of penguins or something.
    I think they are pictures of the EPF. Collectible stamps for the EPF maybe!

    Ashley Di (CPG Mod)

  102. Duckeh said...
    I was thinking stamps too... maybe we have to pay postage? Perish the thought! :P But I'd rather collect rocks for what it's worth...
    Yeah I hope Club Penguin doesnt make us pay for virtual postage lol

    Ashley Di (CPG Mod)

  103. Anonymous said...
    Mimo You Heared Of ACP Right You Should Make Your Own Team Called The Mimo Busters

    They Should Wear All Wierd And Random Clothes It Would Be Fun :cP

    That would be fun! It would be like the #1 army the firdt day xD

    Ashley Di (CPG Mod)

  104. Anonymous said...
    Mimo You Heared Of ACP Right You Should Make Your Own Team Called The Mimo Busters

    They Should Wear All Wierd And Random Clothes It Would Be Fun :cP

    That would be fun! It would be like the #1 army the firdt day xD

    Ashley Di (CPG Mod)

  105. tuti said...
    on the new candece background it says cadence not candece
    I always recall her name being Cadence!

    Ashley Di (CPG Mod)

  106. Anonymous said...
    Hi Mimo!
    I have a question!
    Im trying to become a member but when I fill everything 100% correctly it says: DECLINED! Why?!

    pleaaaasssse tell me!! :(
    If your using a credit card, it might be the credit card being declined. If not, you should contact Club Penguin about it.

    Ashley Di (CPG Mod)

  107. Anonymous said...
    i have a funny feeling that
    we will be able to collect the stamp and use it as a pin!
    ~Super D1
    Cool! Maybe your right!

    Ashley Di (CPG Mod)

  108. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    Dianac99 said...
    Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    On some computers, if you scroll your cursor over it, it says "stamps.jpg"! :D
    We have a winner! Ding ding ding! Good job Bob! Hey it rhymes! *Sings* Good job... Bob, Good job... Bob!
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

    Yay! What do I win? Tell me! I win! I won, I won, I really won! Lol, I'm done now. XD

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    Here's a bag of puffle food, enjoy...
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  109. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    club penguin cheats 101 group said...
    hi mimo ur site rocks

    Yeah, CPG rules! Don't forget that it's not only his! =)

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    Its all our ours technically, due to the fact that we help him out. Just Mimo does most of the work. ;O)
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  110. I think they will be like the Pins. Club Penguin has had about 200 pins, and I think that will be it, but stamps!


  111. Ashley Di said...
    Duckeh said...
    I was thinking stamps too... maybe we have to pay postage? Perish the thought! :P But I'd rather collect rocks for what it's worth...
    Yeah I hope Club Penguin doesnt make us pay for virtual postage lol

    Ashley Di (CPG Mod)
    You gave me an idea! Maybe CP could start a real postage line! That would be awesome, just randomly buying cheap postcards, because inside they have a code for 500 hundred coins! The idea train stopped at my station today!
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  112. Scamper52596 said...
    Unkown said...
    They look like EPF badges...
    ''Stamp'' EPF badges! lol. Maybe they can stick on the back of your EPF Spy Phone. The more stamps you have on your Spy Phone, the more permitted you are to doing things! That would me my idea on that anyway.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)
    You need an award dude! You have so many awesome ideas!
    -Dianac99 (CPG mod)

  113. Anonymous said...
    one reason i think clubpenguin is doing this. because tootsville did something like this similar and clubppenguin want to get even with them like when tootsville did the element thing. very similar to card jitsu
    Yeah, I've seen lots of simalarities to other games lately!
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  114. Scamper52596 said...
    dylnsprse said...
    I know they bare stamps because when you hover your mouse over the picture it says stamps.most likly cp is going to make collectable stamps that you you in real life.
    Yea, I wonder what they're for though. Hmm, maybe we can stick them on things and claim them for your own! I claim the Night Club! *Sticks stamp on Night Club*

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)
    Well, I call The Backstage, Coffee shop *Yummm*, and the Rooftop!
    Take that!
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  115. I Think they are stamps and they will let you send an item to anyone on your buddy list, like, for example, one penguin has a black hoodie, they buy a body item stamp for...say...500 coins (too much?!) then they send the postcard to a penguin on their buddy list, then when the penguin reads the postcard, they click on a parcel or a present box or something, then they get the item, and, on unlocked items they have a blue padlock, maybe they could have, like a stamp or something??? Also you could write a message on a gift tag and choose a type of wrapping paper??? CP Probably won't do that, but I hope they do...

  116. i was just going to say they look like stamps!!! im thinking that were going to have to collect stamps- and it will be related to the club penguin mail, or the stamps will be real (not on cp) and u have to collect em.


  117. prettyshoppy said...

    Maybe they'll be stamps and there'll be a hunt or something!
    that would be cool- i love it when cp adds something new and interesting :)

    Tycoon101 :B (CPG MOD)

  118. Jessie Bean1 said...

    I think they look like stamps too, but they could also be like badges or something.
    Doodlebug277 said...

    Cool, they look like stamps of some kind... or they could be badges.

    Unkown said...

    They look like EPF badges...
    im answering to all these comments....

    badges is a good idea- they do look like them. they could be, like some peeps said, stamps OR badges.

    Tycoon101 :B (CPG MOD)

  119. amazing how Tootsville had collectible items first hmmmmm its too funny how many things they copy

  120. Whizzbobrox said...

    Wear a music jam shirt and guitar then dance. The shirt moves! :D Happy to be of service Mimo :)
    its cool, isnt it?? i figured that out by a dude who was doing that on the roof, when the room was just full waiting for cadence :)

    Tycoon101 :B (CPG MOD)

  121. Anonymous said...

    they look like stamps i think you can collect them as pins but u can use them adding one of each on the mail you want to sent to a penguin friend :D
    thats a likely idea too- that would be cool!

    Tycoon101 :B (CPG MOD)

  122. Anonymous said...

    one reason i think clubpenguin is doing this. because tootsville did something like this similar and clubppenguin want to get even with them like when tootsville did the element thing. very similar to card jitsu
    thats a good thought- its getting even jk :)

    Tycoon101 :B (CPG MOD)

  123. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...

    On some computers, if you scroll your cursor over it, it says "stamps.jpg"! :D
    lol its living proof that it is most likely stamps... :O

    Tycoon101 :B (CPG MOD)

  124. They look like stamps or gears!!!

  125. Maybe they are stamps and if we collect them all and send them into club penguin, they will give out a prize!


  126. They could be stickers!

    ~The Snowman~

  127. Anonymous said...
    they dont look like theme but they might be new cards for the new card jitsu water
    I really doubt that! i bet CP doesnt even know what tootsville is and i dont think they would copy
    CPG mod in training!

  128. its too obvious mimo their stamps probly for members that you buy and attachthem to your postcards for special occations possibly you could put like 20 mabey 10 coins on each stamp im awseome -_- mimo i also have a question do you have an intrest in anime

  129. Technicly I read Billybobs replies on comments and one penguin said: Im just guessing here, but are those pins? Or stamps? Even if i get them wrong i'll still be excited about them at the end of July! Waddle on CP! And Billybob said: GREAT guess! So it could be a pin for our player card or something in a album!

  130. i think it is something you put on your player card. It looks like street signs to me.. like a stop sign and such IDK ill have to wait and see

  131. I think they're stamps for penguin mail (like you said) so they can be used to send mail to more than one penguin at a time!


  132. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    Limadude said...
    who knows?

    I like fried chicken...

    Mmm... Fried chicken... If you scrolled your mouse over the picture, then it said "stamps.jpg"! So signs are pointing towards stamps! I just hope it's fried chicken...

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

    A friend chicken stamp.
    So many many reasons fried chicken is good....
    -Dianac99 (CPG mod)

  133. Awesome post mimo! ~Spike4421~(CPG MOD)

  134. i think there will be the same kinda thing with pins , and a new one comes out every week

  135. I think they're stamps and you get to collect them. You get to collect them like pins, each month there's a new stamp, except that they'll be a lot harder to find due to the fact that you can use them in your penguin mail. What I mean by being able to use them in the penguin mail is that you'll be able to choose what postage stamp you want on your postcard. You can also view your collection through the mail pane by clicking on a stamp button somewhere on the page. This will increase the use of the penguin mail which seems not to be used as much as the Club Penguin staff might want.

    Polarcube12 (CPGMOD)

  136. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...

    On some computers, if you scroll your cursor over it, it says "stamps.jpg"! :D
    Great observation, but it could also be what Mimo saved the picture as on his computer so he could put it onto the blog.

    Polarcube12 (CPGMOD)

  137. the first stamp on the page is now showing herberts side kick!

  138. Guys- not to burst anyones bubble or anything, but in the comments on CP billybob said that it didn't have anything to do with penguin mail. But you guys had pretty good guesses
