Saturday, July 3, 2010

Club Penguin Toys and Collectibles!

Club Penguin is just now posting about all the new toys we have known about for awhile now. You can add your own Mix N Match toys to the Hockey Table to make the game even more fun!

In addition to the toys pictured above, there are also Series 8 Mix N Match Toys, Club Penguin Official Annual 2011, Secret Spy Pack and lots of other coolness at

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now! Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


  1. yay i have lots of them i want it! even when im bored at night i play a mix and match game lol
    ~Phillies Kid

  2. awesome cant wait till they come out! -foofie zack

  3. They changed the names in the snow forts for the stadium to penguin stadium

  4. Kewl! I always like it when new toys arrive!
    -Vyolit, CP Prodigy

  5. thats coolio :)
    ugh its 12:39am and i canz not go to sleep. :(

  6. I just can't wait until it'l be released!!Lol! Air Hockey!!

  7. o that is so cool! i only have 2 mix-and-match toys, but the code was on my other account and it got banned forever. my mom wont let me get any more club penguins toys, but they look so cool!

  8. Hey Mimo! have you checked out the decorations starting to be put up at the beach and in the lighthouse?! The next party is going to be pretty cool.


  9. CP + CHEESECAKE = AWESOMENESSJuly 4, 2010 at 2:43 AM

    I know this is VERY unrelated, but I'd like you to explain why or at least post about it. Babies on CP. It's a little annoying, I mean they are just penguins in disguise. Why DOES Club Penguin have disguises? Please agree and/or talk about it! P.S. My CP name is Gfhhf
    P.S.S. Babies are taking over CP!
    P.S.S.S. Sorry this is so long!
    P.S.S.S.S. Sorry for all the caps!

  10. cool and mimo did you notice in the forest on the bottom left corner theres a big rock roll your mouse over it and theres a ladder down to the lake room cool huh?

  11. Awesome! CP toys are cool.


  13. I really want to get that ice rink!
    It looks really cool!

  14. I want one, I have a puffle, and three stuffie penguins, but these look cooleo too!

  15. So awesome! Which one is your fav? I like the ninja!

  16. Nice. btw when is the hockey thingy coming to US? I want omne bad!

  17. Phillies Kid said...
    yay i have lots of them i want it! even when im bored at night i play a mix and match game lol
    ~Phillies Kid

    I have none but I want to get some! They sound fun!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  18. zack4812 said...
    They changed the names in the snow forts for the stadium to penguin stadium

    That's odd! I wonder why... what do you think?

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  19. Anonymous said...
    awesome cant wait till they come out! -foofie zack

    Yeah, I wanna get the ninja sooo bad!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  20. Vyolit said...
    Kewl! I always like it when new toys arrive!
    -Vyolit, CP Prodigy

    It's always fun! I love new toys. Who doesn't? BTW, the party never happened because I missed it (LOL). So it's OK you weren't there!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  21. Anonymous said...

    Yeah, these toys rock! Which one do you like! I want to see the Fire Ninja mixed with Cadence! XD

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  22. Tycoon101 said...
    thats coolio :)
    ugh its 12:39am and i canz not go to sleep. :(

    Haha, I know that feeling! Why would you WANT to go to sleep...? ;-)

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  23. Fooby1997 said...
    I just can't wait until it'l be released!!Lol! Air Hockey!!

    Yeah, that air hockey toy looks so fun! I'm looking forward to the Mix'n Match toys!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  24. Chibichibi9 said...
    o that is so cool! i only have 2 mix-and-match toys, but the code was on my other account and it got banned forever. my mom wont let me get any more club penguins toys, but they look so cool!

    They have codes? That's cool! Oh wow.. I just seriously looked down at a ripped-a-part-by-my-dog coin code... WOW. Maybe you can get some for your Bday!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  25. Anonymous said...

    If you live in the UK, you can! If you don't... maybe you can order them!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  26. zack4812 said...
    They changed the names in the snow forts for the stadium to penguin stadium

    That's odd! I wonder why... what do you think?

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    I know! thats very okward!

    Waddle on CP!
    Zack4812 (CPG MOD)

  27. I recently emailed Club Penguin. This was the message.
    Dear Club Penguin, is Aunt Arctic the Director of the PSA?

    Your Friend,
    Dominic(Erneast426 on CP)
    Hi there Dominic,

    It's great to hear from you again! Thanks so much for taking the time to send us your question.

    Aunt Arctic was not the director of the old PSA, it was G! Aunt Arctic is the editor of the Club Penguin Times Newspaper, while G was, and still is, the leader of all agents on the island. He is now playing a forefront role in the Elite Penguin Force, which has replaced the PSA.

    Are you an Elite Agent yet? If not, we are always on the look out for penguins like you to join our top team of agents! Being a part of the Elite Penguin Force is a big responsibility. If you think you are ready to become a new Elite Agent, waddle down to the Ski Village and enter the Everyday Phoning Facility. After being scanned by the computer, your status will appear as 'Citizen'. Ask an Agent to send you an EPF postcard invite so that you can start your training.

    Once you have taken the test and match up to the EPF's standards, you will be able to enter the new HQ and join the island's new Agency, the Elite Penguin Force.

    We look forward to seeing you on the force! If you have any other questions, please feel free to email back. We are always happy to lend a helping flipper.

    Waddle on!

    Club Penguin Support
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So there you have it. G was the director. But in Waddle Squad, the director talks to you right after Rookie tells Herbert about the golden puffle, and G is right there. It dosen't make sense. They might be hiding something.

  28. Cool! I can't wait!

    -Birdy, Trying to be a CPG Mod

  29. Phillies Kid said...

    yay i have lots of them i want it! even when im bored at night i play a mix and match game lol
    ~Phillies Kid


    LOL, so cool!I really want them too. I have I think EVERY single Mix N' Match toy! I just go to a store and buy them all. I'll let you know if I got them!! :)

    -Birdy, Trying to be a CPG Mod

  30. Anonymous said...

    awesome cant wait till they come out! -foofie zack


    Me either!

    -Birdy, Trying to be a CPG Mod

  31. Chibichibi9 said...

    o that is so cool! i only have 2 mix-and-match toys, but the code was on my other account and it got banned forever. my mom wont let me get any more club penguins toys, but they look so cool!


    You only have 2? I'm sorry... but at least you have some! Don't feel bad, I bet you some people don't even have any! It DOES look cool... maybe I'll give you a code or 2!

    -Birdy, Trying to be a CPG Mod

  32. Anonymous said...



    Awww! That's too bad. I hope you can get some another time!

    -Birdy, Trying to be a CPG Mod

  33. GLITCH!!!! this happens to me a lot, but soometimes i want peace so i go on a one bar server...most of the time it says that server is full!(this might just be for old computers,but i dont know)

  34. yay i have lots of them i want it! even when im bored at night i play a mix and match game lol
    ~Phillies Kid

    I have none but I want to get some! They sound fun!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    yup they are fun! you should get some soon!
    ~Phillies Kis (CPG MOD)

  35. I know this is VERY unrelated, but I'd like you to explain why or at least post about it. Babies on CP. It's a little annoying, I mean they are just penguins in disguise. Why DOES Club Penguin have disguises? Please agree and/or talk about it! P.S. My CP name is Gfhhf
    P.S.S. Babies are taking over CP!
    P.S.S.S. Sorry this is so long!
    P.S.S.S.S. Sorry for all the caps!
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~they dont take over cp u can just ignore them or go on a different sever i think that is very annoying how people do that they can do what they want though
    ~Phillies Kid

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~owww my ears please dont write in caps
    ~Phillies Kid (CPG MOD)

  37. yay i have lots of them i want it! even when im bored at night i play a mix and match game lol
    ~Phillies Kid

    I have none but I want to get some! They sound fun!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    yup they are fun! you should get some soon!
    ~Phillies Kis (CPG MOD
    oops i put Kis i ment kid
    ~Phillies Kid

  38. GLITCH!!!! this happens to me a lot, but soometimes i want peace so i go on a one bar server...most of the time it says that server is full!(this might just be for old computers,but i dont know)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i know that giltch i dont like it i tried to go on a one bar sever too sometimes i get really mad :(
    ~Phillies Kid (CPG MOD)

  39. Phillies Kid said...
    yay i have lots of them i want it! even when im bored at night i play a mix and match game lol
    ~Phillies Kid
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~me to i have a bunch

  40. zack4812 said...
    They changed the names in the snow forts for the stadium to penguin stadium

  41. Anonymous said...
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cool indeed

  42. Fooby1997 said...
    I just can't wait until it'l be released!!Lol! Air Hockey!!
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ya the ting thats says go blue go red is were you put your score and im ganna put mix and match in the seats lol

  43. Fooby1997 said...
    I just can't wait until it'l be released!!Lol! Air Hockey!!
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ya the ting thats says go blue go red is were you put your score and im ganna put mix and match in the seats lol

  44. Tycoon101 said...
    thats coolio :)
    ugh its 12:39am and i canz not go to sleep. :(

  45. Lollipopbee said...
    Hey Mimo! have you checked out the decorations starting to be put up at the beach and in the lighthouse?! The next party is going to be pretty cool.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~im sure he noticed

  46. Chibichibi9 said...
    o that is so cool! i only have 2 mix-and-match toys, but the code was on my other account and it got banned forever. my mom wont let me get any more club penguins toys, but they look so cool!

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~how did you get banned and yes there cool i have over 20 of them and i got books video agmes i vean have herberts drill the ships like garys thing and i got the igloo

    I know this is VERY unrelated, but I'd like you to explain why or at least post about it. Babies on CP. It's a little annoying, I mean they are just penguins in disguise. Why DOES Club Penguin have disguises? Please agree and/or talk about it! P.S. My CP name is Gfhhf
    P.S.S. Babies are taking over CP!
    P.S.S.S. Sorry this is so long!
    P.S.S.S.S. Sorry for all the caps!
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~they do bug me at times they bother you and stuf like its a puffle shop not a baby shop because no one gets puffles any more they get babies! that run away when you do one simple rong thing!

  48. Chaos6267 said...
    Awesome! CP toys are cool.
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~yes yes they are

  49. Tommy zoom25 said...
    cool and mimo did you notice in the forest on the bottom left corner theres a big rock roll your mouse over it and theres a ladder down to the lake room cool huh?
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cp kept it from the island adventure party i said island in the beginig because island adventure and adventure are difrent i think adventure party 2009 was better it was jungle themed not pirate themed

  50. Dianac99 said...
    I want one, I have a puffle, and three stuffie penguins, but these look cooleo too!

  51. flipper3666 said...
    I really want to get that ice rink!
    It looks really cool!
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~me to

  52. Anonymous said...
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~yes you can!just buy them online so they ship it to you!:)

  53. Limadude said...
    Nice. btw when is the hockey thingy coming to US? I want omne bad!
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~im getting one of those for my birthday

  54. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    So awesome! Which one is your fav? I like the ninja!
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i would like the ninja but i alredy have the ninja and sensei and a difrent herbert with his drill but that ninja pack/the new on/is cool it has a mat and a ranger! i aso like the dragon muhaha and jet pack guy and prom peeps new toys rock!oh and those puffle houses rock!

  55. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    Phillies Kid said...
    yay i have lots of them i want it! even when im bored at night i play a mix and match game lol
    ~Phillies Kid

    I have none but I want to get some! They sound fun!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~oh they are!

  56. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    zack4812 said...
    They changed the names in the snow forts for the stadium to penguin stadium

    That's odd! I wonder why... what do you think?

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~penguins go to the staduim?thats why?

  57. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    Anonymous said...
    awesome cant wait till they come out! -foofie zack

    Yeah, I wanna get the ninja sooo bad!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ya hes cool i make him like no side

  58. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    Vyolit said...
    Kewl! I always like it when new toys arrive!
    -Vyolit, CP Prodigy

    It's always fun! I love new toys. Who doesn't? BTW, the party never happened because I missed it (LOL). So it's OK you weren't there!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lol missed it yourself

  59. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    Tycoon101 said...
    thats coolio :)
    ugh its 12:39am and i canz not go to sleep. :(

    Haha, I know that feeling! Why would you WANT to go to sleep...? ;-)

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mabey hes super tired but lazers keep zaping him

  60. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    Anonymous said...

    Yeah, these toys rock! Which one do you like! I want to see the Fire Ninja mixed with Cadence! XD

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~uhh i dont think those ones are mix and match are they

  61. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    Fooby1997 said...
    I just can't wait until it'l be released!!Lol! Air Hockey!!

    Yeah, that air hockey toy looks so fun! I'm looking forward to the Mix'n Match toys!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~you cna get them on the site mimo showed or toywiz go to the one mimo meshoned or toywiz because toywiz sometimes chages to much so ya mimos thingy

  62. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    Chibichibi9 said...
    o that is so cool! i only have 2 mix-and-match toys, but the code was on my other account and it got banned forever. my mom wont let me get any more club penguins toys, but they look so cool!

    They have codes? That's cool! Oh wow.. I just seriously looked down at a ripped-a-part-by-my-dog coin code... WOW. Maybe you can get some for your Bday!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i got some befor for my bday

  63. zack4812 said...
    zack4812 said...
    They changed the names in the snow forts for the stadium to penguin stadium

    That's odd! I wonder why... what do you think?

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    I know! thats very okward!

    Waddle on CP!
    Zack4812 (CPG MOD)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~penguin have war there lol

  64. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    Anonymous said...

    If you live in the UK, you can! If you don't... maybe you can order them!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~thats what i would do but i just go to target lol because they have them in the usa ,so order them woot

  65. Dominic said...
    I recently emailed Club Penguin. This was the message.
    Dear Club Penguin, is Aunt Arctic the Director of the PSA?

    Your Friend,
    Dominic(Erneast426 on CP)
    Hi there Dominic,

    It's great to hear from you again! Thanks so much for taking the time to send us your question.

    Aunt Arctic was not the director of the old PSA, it was G! Aunt Arctic is the editor of the Club Penguin Times Newspaper, while G was, and still is, the leader of all agents on the island. He is now playing a forefront role in the Elite Penguin Force, which has replaced the PSA.

    Are you an Elite Agent yet? If not, we are always on the look out for penguins like you to join our top team of agents! Being a part of the Elite Penguin Force is a big responsibility. If you think you are ready to become a new Elite Agent, waddle down to the Ski Village and enter the Everyday Phoning Facility. After being scanned by the computer, your status will appear as 'Citizen'. Ask an Agent to send you an EPF postcard invite so that you can start your training.

    Once you have taken the test and match up to the EPF's standards, you will be able to enter the new HQ and join the island's new Agency, the Elite Penguin Force.

    We look forward to seeing you on the force! If you have any other questions, please feel free to email back. We are always happy to lend a helping flipper.

    Waddle on!

    Club Penguin Support
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So there you have it. G was the director. But in Waddle Squad, the director talks to you right after Rookie tells Herbert about the golden puffle, and G is right there. It dosen't make sense. They might be hiding something.
    sory g was the director of the psa you had to say epf director because the epf was here stil when the psa was for real!the room was hidden in the closet so g isnt the directro there tring to keep it secret

  66. Dominic said...
    I recently emailed Club Penguin. This was the message.
    Dear Club Penguin, is Aunt Arctic the Director of the PSA?

    Your Friend,
    Dominic(Erneast426 on CP)
    Hi there Dominic,

    It's great to hear from you again! Thanks so much for taking the time to send us your question.

    Aunt Arctic was not the director of the old PSA, it was G! Aunt Arctic is the editor of the Club Penguin Times Newspaper, while G was, and still is, the leader of all agents on the island. He is now playing a forefront role in the Elite Penguin Force, which has replaced the PSA.

    Are you an Elite Agent yet? If not, we are always on the look out for penguins like you to join our top team of agents! Being a part of the Elite Penguin Force is a big responsibility. If you think you are ready to become a new Elite Agent, waddle down to the Ski Village and enter the Everyday Phoning Facility. After being scanned by the computer, your status will appear as 'Citizen'. Ask an Agent to send you an EPF postcard invite so that you can start your training.

    Once you have taken the test and match up to the EPF's standards, you will be able to enter the new HQ and join the island's new Agency, the Elite Penguin Force.

    We look forward to seeing you on the force! If you have any other questions, please feel free to email back. We are always happy to lend a helping flipper.

    Waddle on!

    Club Penguin Support
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So there you have it. G was the director. But in Waddle Squad, the director talks to you right after Rookie tells Herbert about the golden puffle, and G is right there. It dosen't make sense. They might be hiding something.
    sory g was the director of the psa you had to say epf director because the epf was here stil when the psa was for real!the room was hidden in the closet so g isnt the directro there tring to keep it secret

  67. Dominic said...
    I recently emailed Club Penguin. This was the message.
    Dear Club Penguin, is Aunt Arctic the Director of the PSA?

    Your Friend,
    Dominic(Erneast426 on CP)
    Hi there Dominic,

    It's great to hear from you again! Thanks so much for taking the time to send us your question.

    Aunt Arctic was not the director of the old PSA, it was G! Aunt Arctic is the editor of the Club Penguin Times Newspaper, while G was, and still is, the leader of all agents on the island. He is now playing a forefront role in the Elite Penguin Force, which has replaced the PSA.

    Are you an Elite Agent yet? If not, we are always on the look out for penguins like you to join our top team of agents! Being a part of the Elite Penguin Force is a big responsibility. If you think you are ready to become a new Elite Agent, waddle down to the Ski Village and enter the Everyday Phoning Facility. After being scanned by the computer, your status will appear as 'Citizen'. Ask an Agent to send you an EPF postcard invite so that you can start your training.

    Once you have taken the test and match up to the EPF's standards, you will be able to enter the new HQ and join the island's new Agency, the Elite Penguin Force.

    We look forward to seeing you on the force! If you have any other questions, please feel free to email back. We are always happy to lend a helping flipper.

    Waddle on!

    Club Penguin Support
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So there you have it. G was the director. But in Waddle Squad, the director talks to you right after Rookie tells Herbert about the golden puffle, and G is right there. It dosen't make sense. They might be hiding something.
    sory g was the director of the psa you had to say epf director because the epf was here stil when the psa was for real!the room was hidden in the closet so g isnt the directro there tring to keep it secret

  68. вírdч_(fєrdthєвírd) said...
    Cool! I can't wait!

    -Birdy, Trying to be a CPG Mod
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~me neither

  69. Dominic said...
    I recently emailed Club Penguin. This was the message.
    Dear Club Penguin, is Aunt Arctic the Director of the PSA?

    Your Friend,
    Dominic(Erneast426 on CP)
    Hi there Dominic,

    It's great to hear from you again! Thanks so much for taking the time to send us your question.

    Aunt Arctic was not the director of the old PSA, it was G! Aunt Arctic is the editor of the Club Penguin Times Newspaper, while G was, and still is, the leader of all agents on the island. He is now playing a forefront role in the Elite Penguin Force, which has replaced the PSA.

    Are you an Elite Agent yet? If not, we are always on the look out for penguins like you to join our top team of agents! Being a part of the Elite Penguin Force is a big responsibility. If you think you are ready to become a new Elite Agent, waddle down to the Ski Village and enter the Everyday Phoning Facility. After being scanned by the computer, your status will appear as 'Citizen'. Ask an Agent to send you an EPF postcard invite so that you can start your training.

    Once you have taken the test and match up to the EPF's standards, you will be able to enter the new HQ and join the island's new Agency, the Elite Penguin Force.

    We look forward to seeing you on the force! If you have any other questions, please feel free to email back. We are always happy to lend a helping flipper.

    Waddle on!

    Club Penguin Support
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So there you have it. G was the director. But in Waddle Squad, the director talks to you right after Rookie tells Herbert about the golden puffle, and G is right there. It dosen't make sense. They might be hiding something.
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sory thats rong g isnt you had to sathe room was hidden in the closet!

  70. I love club penguin toys i mostly like puffles but the action figures ect are cool as weel

  71. The ice hockey one is super cool!

    ~The Snowman~

  72. Awesome!I love the puffle house play sets! they should make a migrator play set!


  73. The vinyl things are sweet. The hockey one looks really cool though!


  74. Dommie101 said...
    I love club penguin toys i mostly like puffles but the action figures ect are cool as weel

    The puffles are really cute. I agree that the action figures are awesome!


  75. I LOVE THE HOCKEY ONE!!!!!!!!!!

  76. Anonymous said...
    Awesome!I love the puffle house play sets! they should make a migrator play set!

    Yeah! They're so cute! The migrator ship would be a cool idea. I had a dream about tthat one time...

    ~The Snowman~

  77. joezapy said...
    GLITCH!!!! this happens to me a lot, but soometimes i want peace so i go on a one bar server...most of the time it says that server is full!(this might just be for old computers,but i dont know)
    Thats the same thing happining to me!

  78. i heard that therr going to make rockhopper.

  79. slippeestars said...
    zack4812 said...
    zack4812 said...
    They changed the names in the snow forts for the stadium to penguin stadium

    That's odd! I wonder why... what do you think?

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    I know! thats very okward!

    Waddle on CP!
    Zack4812 (CPG MOD)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~penguin have war there lol
    Theres pretty fireworks at the ski hill and the iceberg!

    -zack4812 CPG MOD

  80. Hey Mimo,
    I just wanted to tell you something, did u see the new membership page.(You know, when you click on "membership" menu on Club Penguin)
    There is a acces pass on the Penguins neck!Maybe that is going to be the new acces pass card at the Muzic Jam that starts 9th July!(this was a tip)

  81. Whens the new field Op?
    Zack4812 CPG MOD

  82. Mimo Can i be a mod? Zack4812 CPG Mod

  83. Mimo your site rocks!

    Zack4812 CPG MOD

  84. They came out with a DS case, and it is made by disney! Could you show it on here.

    ~Tielam~ (CPG mod)

  85. I sent them this question three days before the catalog came out:
    I just wanted to ask that will we ever be able to get some rare items like the violin, or the 3d glasses?
    And here is their answer:
    Hi there Soorena,

    Thank you very much for taking the time to write us here at Club Penguin.

    I must say those rare items you mentioned are very cool. In fact the 3D glasses are my favorite item of all! I have some good news for you, every item that has been available in the past, with the exception of pins and anniversary hats, will be re released at some point.

    That means you will one day be able to get not only the violin but also the 3D glasses. Maybe you could wear them together.

    If you have any other questions or concerns please be sure to let us know.

    Until next time,
    have fun, be silly and waddle on!

    Club Penguin Support

    I was amazed that i got the 3d glasses a few days after that :D

  86. Lollipopbee said...
    Hey Mimo! have you checked out the decorations starting to be put up at the beach and in the lighthouse?! The next party is going to be pretty cool.


    Yeah! The next party is the Music Jam 2010! It's gonna be insane!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

    I know this is VERY unrelated, but I'd like you to explain why or at least post about it. Babies on CP. It's a little annoying, I mean they are just penguins in disguise. Why DOES Club Penguin have disguises? Please agree and/or talk about it! P.S. My CP name is Gfhhf
    P.S.S. Babies are taking over CP!
    P.S.S.S. Sorry this is so long!
    P.S.S.S.S. Sorry for all the caps!

    I know! They are super annoying! I adopted one, took them to my igloo, changed into a dragon costume, and yelled, "I WILL EAT YOU!". Try that.

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  88. Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)July 4, 2010 at 1:49 PM

    Tycoon101 said...
    thats coolio :)
    ugh its 12:39am and i canz not go to sleep. :(
    Hmmm... Maybe you should uh... get off the computer!! ;)jk dude

    Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)

  89. Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)July 4, 2010 at 1:52 PM

    Lollipopbee said...
    Hey Mimo! have you checked out the decorations starting to be put up at the beach and in the lighthouse?! The next party is going to be pretty cool.

    Yup, yup! I can not wait for that party! The music jam is de best!

    Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)

  90. Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)July 4, 2010 at 1:58 PM

    joezapy said...
    GLITCH!!!! this happens to me a lot, but soometimes i want peace so i go on a one bar server...most of the time it says that server is full!(this might just be for old computers,but i dont know)
    Oh, haha yeah. That happens to me once in awhile too. It's just a weird CP thing. A glitch I guess you could call it. I'm not sure why CP hasn't fixed it yet... HMMMM...

    Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)

  91. Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)July 4, 2010 at 2:00 PM

    Phillies Kid said...
    yay i have lots of them i want it! even when im bored at night i play a mix and match game lol
    ~Phillies Kid

    I have none but I want to get some! They sound fun!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    yup they are fun! you should get some soon!
    ~Phillies Kis (CPG MOD
    oops i put Kis i ment kid
    ~Phillies Kid
    Haha, yeah I saw that and I was like HMM... Lol jk, I knew what you meant. Don't worry dude.

    Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)

  92. Lollipopbee said...

    Hey Mimo! have you checked out the decorations starting to be put up at the beach and in the lighthouse?! The next party is going to be pretty cool.

    yep! its for the Music Jam party! Hopefully I'll be a member then... :)

    Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)


    I know this is VERY unrelated, but I'd like you to explain why or at least post about it. Babies on CP. It's a little annoying, I mean they are just penguins in disguise. Why DOES Club Penguin have disguises? Please agree and/or talk about it! P.S. My CP name is Gfhhf
    P.S.S. Babies are taking over CP!
    P.S.S.S. Sorry this is so long!
    P.S.S.S.S. Sorry for all the caps!

    I know its annoying- I agree! Club Penguin didnt specifically make clothes/stuff like that just for disguises. I bet they werent even thinking about that- Penguins have just made em that way. I don't really think you can do much about it... only once I dressed up in a cape and a GIANT sombrero, and started yelling at people in spanish to stop acting like puppies/babies/etc. its very amusing... :)

    Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)

  94. Tommy zoom25 said...

    cool and mimo did you notice in the forest on the bottom left corner theres a big rock roll your mouse over it and theres a ladder down to the lake room cool huh?
    it is really cool! There havent been any posts on it that I have heard of... but its still awesome :)

    Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)

  95. Cool, i cant wait!

  96. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...

    So awesome! Which one is your fav? I like the ninja!
    I like the ninja too- and the one that looks like Candance!

    Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)

  97. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...

    Tycoon101 said...
    thats coolio :)
    ugh its 12:39am and i canz not go to sleep. :(

    Haha, I know that feeling! Why would you WANT to go to sleep...? ;-)

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    cuz i was tired~ i know it doesnt make much sense (i was tired but couldnt go to bed), but I didnt want to be tired for today! I LOVE the 4th of July!

    Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)

  98. Dominic said...

    I recently emailed Club Penguin. This was the message.
    Dear Club Penguin, is Aunt Arctic the Director of the PSA?

    Your Friend,
    Dominic(Erneast426 on CP)
    G was- not Aunt Artic :)

    Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)

  99. slippeestars said...

    Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    Tycoon101 said...
    thats coolio :)
    ugh its 12:39am and i canz not go to sleep. :(

    Haha, I know that feeling! Why would you WANT to go to sleep...? ;-)

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mabey hes super tired but lazers keep zaping him
    nice theory... oh and btw I'm a girl...

    Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)

  100. Anonymous said...

    Awesome!I love the puffle house play sets! they should make a migrator play set!

    they totally should! i dont own any club penguin toys (i know, i know) but that would be really cool- complete with rockhopper and Arr and Bambadee, the stowaway!

    Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)

  101. emanuel14 said...

    Hey Mimo,
    I just wanted to tell you something, did u see the new membership page.(You know, when you click on "membership" menu on Club Penguin)
    There is a acces pass on the Penguins neck!Maybe that is going to be the new acces pass card at the Muzic Jam that starts 9th July!(this was a tip)
    i saw the new membership page (i know what i see isnt as important as what mimo sees lol)!!!! also there might be... i think it was at a past party, but it might come back!

    Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)

    P.S.- The letter M on my keyboard keeps on geting stuck- so does the N!!! UGGGG Its so annoying!

  102. Dominic said...
    I recently emailed Club Penguin. This was the message.
    Dear Club Penguin, is Aunt Arctic the Director of the PSA?

    Your Friend,
    Dominic(Erneast426 on CP)
    Hi there Dominic,

    It's great to hear from you again! Thanks so much for taking the time to send us your question.

    Aunt Arctic was not the director of the old PSA, it was G! Aunt Arctic is the editor of the Club Penguin Times Newspaper, while G was, and still is, the leader of all agents on the island. He is now playing a forefront role in the Elite Penguin Force, which has replaced the PSA.

    Are you an Elite Agent yet? If not, we are always on the look out for penguins like you to join our top team of agents! Being a part of the Elite Penguin Force is a big responsibility. If you think you are ready to become a new Elite Agent, waddle down to the Ski Village and enter the Everyday Phoning Facility. After being scanned by the computer, your status will appear as 'Citizen'. Ask an Agent to send you an EPF postcard invite so that you can start your training.

    Once you have taken the test and match up to the EPF's standards, you will be able to enter the new HQ and join the island's new Agency, the Elite Penguin Force.

    We look forward to seeing you on the force! If you have any other questions, please feel free to email back. We are always happy to lend a helping flipper.

    Waddle on!

    Club Penguin Support
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So there you have it. G was the director. But in Waddle Squad, the director talks to you right after Rookie tells Herbert about the golden puffle, and G is right there. It dosen't make sense. They might be hiding something.
    Thats impossible! i think they have there facts wrong cause many times G has been standing there with you while the director was there!

  103. Mimo77 did you know that the lighthouse lightbulb can turn on and off? P.S I work for Club Penguin. P.SS Club Penguin rocks.

  104. CP + CHEESECAKE = AWESOMENESSJuly 4, 2010 at 5:11 PM

    I know this is VERY unrelated, but I'd like you to explain why or at least post about it. Babies on CP. It's a little annoying, I mean they are just penguins in disguise. Why DOES Club Penguin have disguises? Please agree and/or talk about it! P.S. My CP name is Gfhhf
    P.S.S. Babies are taking over CP!
    P.S.S.S. Sorry this is so long!
    P.S.S.S.S. Sorry for all the caps!
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~they dont take over cp u can just ignore them or go on a different sever i think that is very annoying how people do that they can do what they want though
    ~Phillies Kid
    But almost every server has them, so how do you know what server doesn't have babies? Yeah you're right, they can do what they want... but it kinda ruins other peoples fun on CP. Every time I go to buy a puffle, I'm surrounded by babies saying "Woo My Mumu?" Gr!

  105. CP + CHEESECAKE = AWESOMENESSJuly 4, 2010 at 5:14 PM


    I know this is VERY unrelated, but I'd like you to explain why or at least post about it. Babies on CP. It's a little annoying, I mean they are just penguins in disguise. Why DOES Club Penguin have disguises? Please agree and/or talk about it! P.S. My CP name is Gfhhf
    P.S.S. Babies are taking over CP!
    P.S.S.S. Sorry this is so long!
    P.S.S.S.S. Sorry for all the caps!

    I know its annoying- I agree! Club Penguin didnt specifically make clothes/stuff like that just for disguises. I bet they werent even thinking about that- Penguins have just made em that way. I don't really think you can do much about it... only once I dressed up in a cape and a GIANT sombrero, and started yelling at people in spanish to stop acting like puppies/babies/etc. its very amusing... :)

    Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)
    I bet that was amusing. Maybe I should try it, if only I knew spanish... I should also try that dragon thing and yell "I WILL EAT YOU!" (Sorry for the caps).

  106. i know 2 items coming out at music jam! if u look at club penguins membership page they have this months upcoming events along with a picture and one penguin is wearing a NEW version of the all-access pass AND is holding a tambourine. soooo thats 2 items coming at this years music jam!


  107. Mimo, I'm so sorry I haven't been modding... Please don't demote me or neglect to move me up, I've been really busy...:(

  108. Mimo777 Rocks!

    Zack4812 CPG MOD

  109. Fungi5 said...
    Mimo77 did you know that the lighthouse lightbulb can turn on and off? P.S I work for Club Penguin. P.SS Club Penguin rocks.

    Ya, it's so fun to turn it off! I don't see how the island gets any light anymore... Once I turned it off when Rockhopper was coming! ;-)

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  110. Dianac99 said...
    I want one, I have a puffle, and three stuffie penguins, but these look cooleo too!

    I want one too! Those look so fun! I have a lot of plushes, but those look like they actually have a purpose. =)

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  111. Limadude said...
    Nice. btw when is the hockey thingy coming to US? I want omne bad!

    Billybob said it's coming very soon! It looks so fun.... I guess we are gonna have to be "patient"... whatever that means...

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  112. Dominic said...
    I recently emailed Club Penguin. This was the message.
    Dear Club Penguin, is Aunt Arctic the Director of the PSA?

    Your Friend,
    Dominic(Erneast426 on CP)
    Hi there Dominic,

    It's great to hear from you again! Thanks so much for taking the time to send us your question.

    Aunt Arctic was not the director of the old PSA, it was G! Aunt Arctic is the editor of the Club Penguin Times Newspaper, while G was, and still is, the leader of all agents on the island. He is now playing a forefront role in the Elite Penguin Force, which has replaced the PSA.

    Are you an Elite Agent yet? If not, we are always on the look out for penguins like you to join our top team of agents! Being a part of the Elite Penguin Force is a big responsibility. If you think you are ready to become a new Elite Agent, waddle down to the Ski Village and enter the Everyday Phoning Facility. After being scanned by the computer, your status will appear as 'Citizen'. Ask an Agent to send you an EPF postcard invite so that you can start your training.

    Once you have taken the test and match up to the EPF's standards, you will be able to enter the new HQ and join the island's new Agency, the Elite Penguin Force.

    We look forward to seeing you on the force! If you have any other questions, please feel free to email back. We are always happy to lend a helping flipper.

    Waddle on!

    Club Penguin Support
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So there you have it. G was the director. But in Waddle Squad, the director talks to you right after Rookie tells Herbert about the golden puffle, and G is right there. It dosen't make sense. They might be hiding something.

    G couldn't be the Director! Unless... he built a mega ultra super duper ROBOT to take his place while he was being the Director! This is all so fishy... very fishy... tasty fishy for penguin's tummy... XD

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  113. joezapy said...
    GLITCH!!!! this happens to me a lot, but soometimes i want peace so i go on a one bar server...most of the time it says that server is full!(this might just be for old computers,but i dont know)

    Yup, that's been going on since around.. April maybe? It's sooo annoying, and I want it to get fixed! Nice eye!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  114. Phillies Kid said...
    yay i have lots of them i want it! even when im bored at night i play a mix and match game lol
    ~Phillies Kid

    I have none but I want to get some! They sound fun!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    yup they are fun! you should get some soon!
    ~Phillies Kis (CPG MOD)

    Ok, I'll get some! They look really fun..

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  115. вírdч_(fєrdthєвírd) said...
    Phillies Kid said...

    yay i have lots of them i want it! even when im bored at night i play a mix and match game lol
    ~Phillies Kid


    LOL, so cool!I really want them too. I have I think EVERY single Mix N' Match toy! I just go to a store and buy them all. I'll let you know if I got them!! :)

    -Birdy, Trying to be a CPG Mod

    EVERY one of them? Wow! I bet you create some CRAZY mixes!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  116. вírdч_(fєrdthєвírd) said...
    Anonymous said...

    awesome cant wait till they come out! -foofie zack


    Me either!

    -Birdy, Trying to be a CPG Mod

    Count me in there! :D

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  117. вírdч_(fєrdthєвírd) said...
    Phillies Kid said...

    yay i have lots of them i want it! even when im bored at night i play a mix and match game lol
    ~Phillies Kid


    LOL, so cool!I really want them too. I have I think EVERY single Mix N' Match toy! I just go to a store and buy them all. I'll let you know if I got them!! :)

    -Birdy, Trying to be a CPG Mod
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~wow arnt they fyn thoagh i have all seresi 3 series 4 and series 5 i just need sereis 6 sereis 2 series 1 sereis 7 and sereis 8

  118. вírdч_(fєrdthєвírd) said...
    Anonymous said...

    awesome cant wait till they come out! -foofie zack


    Me either!

    -Birdy, Trying to be a CPG Mod
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i love cp toys! air hocky cool new mix and match cool

  119. mimo i love the puffle world playsets i cant wait till there out!

  120. вírdч_(fєrdthєвírd) said...
    Chibichibi9 said...

    o that is so cool! i only have 2 mix-and-match toys, but the code was on my other account and it got banned forever. my mom wont let me get any more club penguins toys, but they look so cool!


    You only have 2? I'm sorry... but at least you have some! Don't feel bad, I bet you some people don't even have any! It DOES look cool... maybe I'll give you a code or 2!

    -Birdy, Trying to be a CPG Mod

    I don't have any! I'll try to get some! I had no idea they had codes!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  121. вírdч_(fєrdthєвírd) said...
    Chibichibi9 said...

    o that is so cool! i only have 2 mix-and-match toys, but the code was on my other account and it got banned forever. my mom wont let me get any more club penguins toys, but they look so cool!


    You only have 2? I'm sorry... but at least you have some! Don't feel bad, I bet you some people don't even have any! It DOES look cool... maybe I'll give you a code or 2!

    -Birdy, Trying to be a CPG Mod

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~that would be a nice thing to do

  122. вírdч_(fєrdthєвírd) said...
    Anonymous said...



    Awww! That's too bad. I hope you can get some another time!

    -Birdy, Trying to be a CPG Mod
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~he could order them online

  123. Phillies Kid said...
    yay i have lots of them i want it! even when im bored at night i play a mix and match game lol
    ~Phillies Kid

    I have none but I want to get some! They sound fun!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    yup they are fun! you should get some soon!
    ~Phillies Kis (CPG MOD
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~yes they rock and by the way you said philleis kis not kid lol

  124. joezapy said...
    GLITCH!!!! this happens to me a lot, but soometimes i want peace so i go on a one bar server...most of the time it says that server is full!(this might just be for old computers,but i dont know)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~happens to me to and i have a old computer

  125. Phillies Kid said...
    I know this is VERY unrelated, but I'd like you to explain why or at least post about it. Babies on CP. It's a little annoying, I mean they are just penguins in disguise. Why DOES Club Penguin have disguises? Please agree and/or talk about it! P.S. My CP name is Gfhhf
    P.S.S. Babies are taking over CP!
    P.S.S.S. Sorry this is so long!
    P.S.S.S.S. Sorry for all the caps!
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~they dont take over cp u can just ignore them or go on a different sever i think that is very annoying how people do that they can do what they want though
    ~Phillies Kid
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~its anoying isnt it

  126. mimo something cool to tell you you now when sensei said to get the color grey you must show good efort well i now what he ment when you do all the dojos you get grey or be a sensei with grey!coll huh well mabey prediction!

  127. Phillies Kid said...
    GLITCH!!!! this happens to me a lot, but soometimes i want peace so i go on a one bar server...most of the time it says that server is full!(this might just be for old computers,but i dont know)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i know that giltch i dont like it i tried to go on a one bar sever too sometimes i get really mad :(
    ~Phillies Kid (CPG MOD)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~me to its anoying! and another thing has been haping when cp has connection problems on low and high servers

  128. вírdч_(fєrdthєвírd) said...
    Anonymous said...



    Awww! That's too bad. I hope you can get some another time!

    -Birdy, Trying to be a CPG Mod

    Yes, maybe they will come to where you live! And I forgot, please no caps! Thanks!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  129. Anonymous said...
    Awesome!I love the puffle house play sets! they should make a migrator play set!

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~migrator would be awsoem and it would come with rockhopper yarr mimi life boat and a extra pirate golde crecure chest

  130. Dingeljoe said...
    The vinyl things are sweet. The hockey one looks really cool though!

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~yep they are cool i kie the fire ninja

  131. Phillies Kid said...
    I know this is VERY unrelated, but I'd like you to explain why or at least post about it. Babies on CP. It's a little annoying, I mean they are just penguins in disguise. Why DOES Club Penguin have disguises? Please agree and/or talk about it! P.S. My CP name is Gfhhf
    P.S.S. Babies are taking over CP!
    P.S.S.S. Sorry this is so long!
    P.S.S.S.S. Sorry for all the caps!
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~they dont take over cp u can just ignore them or go on a different sever i think that is very annoying how people do that they can do what they want though
    ~Phillies Kid

    They do take over the pet shop on some servers though. I haven't seen them so much lately...

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  132. Dingeljoe said...
    Dommie101 said...
    I love club penguin toys i mostly like puffles but the action figures ect are cool as weel

    The puffles are really cute. I agree that the action figures are awesome!

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the puffle houses rock to figures awsome

  133. The Snowman said...
    Anonymous said...
    Awesome!I love the puffle house play sets! they should make a migrator play set!

    Yeah! They're so cute! The migrator ship would be a cool idea. I had a dream about tthat one time...

    ~The Snowman~
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ya puffle playsets cool and ive made the migrator with my rockhopper who came with a book with out his ecsesories with blocks and a tv stands with no tv

  134. Zack4812 said...
    slippeestars said...
    zack4812 said...
    zack4812 said...
    They changed the names in the snow forts for the stadium to penguin stadium

    That's odd! I wonder why... what do you think?

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    I know! thats very okward!

    Waddle on CP!
    Zack4812 (CPG MOD)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~penguin have war there lol
    Theres pretty fireworks at the ski hill and the iceberg!

    -zack4812 CPG MOD
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~woot fire in the sky!

  135. JOEL3088 said...
    i heard that therr going to make rockhopper.
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~they alredy did

  136. emanuel14 said...
    Hey Mimo,
    I just wanted to tell you something, did u see the new membership page.(You know, when you click on "membership" menu on Club Penguin)
    There is a acces pass on the Penguins neck!Maybe that is going to be the new acces pass card at the Muzic Jam that starts 9th July!(this was a tip)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i saw that its yellow not blue

  137. Zack4812 said...
    Whens the new field Op?
    Zack4812 CPG MOD
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~wensday and olny but cpg mod if you modding like me evean now i dont right it/type it at all!

  138. Zack4812 said...
    Mimo Can i be a mod? Zack4812 CPG Mod
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~you cna all you have to do is mod comments like what im doing to your comment now only put cpg mod if you are modding ;)

  139. Zack4812 said...
    Mimo your site rocks!

    Zack4812 CPG MOD
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~it dose rock

  140. Anonymous said...
    They came out with a DS case, and it is made by disney! Could you show it on here.

    ~Tielam~ (CPG mod)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ya the new ds clubpenguin epf one rocks its has motion sense elarm password to pean it lots of room comes with a badge for games!

  141. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    Lollipopbee said...
    Hey Mimo! have you checked out the decorations starting to be put up at the beach and in the lighthouse?! The next party is going to be pretty cool.


    Yeah! The next party is the Music Jam 2010! It's gonna be insane!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~its ganna rock for 2010! my chance to finally get the last mascot i need the penguin band

  142. Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD) said...
    Lollipopbee said...
    Hey Mimo! have you checked out the decorations starting to be put up at the beach and in the lighthouse?! The next party is going to be pretty cool.

    Yup, yup! I can not wait for that party! The music jam is de best!

    Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i like the adventure party 2009 dont get mixed up with the island adventure party for pirates

  143. Phillies Kid said...
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~owww my ears please dont write in caps
    ~Phillies Kid (CPG MOD)

    Yes, I forgot about that at first. Good job Phillies Kid!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  144. Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD) said...
    Phillies Kid said...
    yay i have lots of them i want it! even when im bored at night i play a mix and match game lol
    ~Phillies Kid

    I have none but I want to get some! They sound fun!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    yup they are fun! you should get some soon!
    ~Phillies Kis (CPG MOD
    oops i put Kis i ment kid
    ~Phillies Kid
    Haha, yeah I saw that and I was like HMM... Lol jk, I knew what you meant. Don't worry dude.

    Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lol kis ya it was a typo

  145. Tycoon101 said...
    Lollipopbee said...

    Hey Mimo! have you checked out the decorations starting to be put up at the beach and in the lighthouse?! The next party is going to be pretty cool.

    yep! its for the Music Jam party! Hopefully I'll be a member then... :)

    Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hope you get to be a member

  146. Tycoon101 said...

    I know this is VERY unrelated, but I'd like you to explain why or at least post about it. Babies on CP. It's a little annoying, I mean they are just penguins in disguise. Why DOES Club Penguin have disguises? Please agree and/or talk about it! P.S. My CP name is Gfhhf
    P.S.S. Babies are taking over CP!
    P.S.S.S. Sorry this is so long!
    P.S.S.S.S. Sorry for all the caps!

    I know its annoying- I agree! Club Penguin didnt specifically make clothes/stuff like that just for disguises. I bet they werent even thinking about that- Penguins have just made em that way. I don't really think you can do much about it... only once I dressed up in a cape and a GIANT sombrero, and started yelling at people in spanish to stop acting like puppies/babies/etc. its very amusing... :)

    Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lol i should try it sometime!lol

  147. Anonymous said...
    Cool, i cant wait!
    me neither

  148. Tycoon101 said...
    Tommy zoom25 said...

    cool and mimo did you notice in the forest on the bottom left corner theres a big rock roll your mouse over it and theres a ladder down to the lake room cool huh?
    it is really cool! There havent been any posts on it that I have heard of... but its still awesome :)

    Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cp said in a post it would stay

  149. Tycoon101 said...
    Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...

    So awesome! Which one is your fav? I like the ninja!
    I like the ninja too- and the one that looks like Candance!

    Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~wait mix and match or vintaly or watever its called lol

  150. Zack4812 said...

    Mimo777 Rocks!

    Zack4812 CPG MOD

    July 4, 2010 9:32 PM

    Well who wouldnt agree
    Mimo is 100% pure Awesome!
    And as well he rocks the entire
    house down! So of course he rocks!

  151. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...

    Mimo, I'm so sorry I haven't been modding... Please don't demote me or neglect to move me up, I've been really busy...:(

    July 4, 2010 9:14 PM

    No need to worry
    Mimo isnt like that
    he would never de-mod you
    as you have worked extreamly
    hard in the future

  152. Tycoon101 said...
    slippeestars said...

    Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    Tycoon101 said...
    thats coolio :)
    ugh its 12:39am and i canz not go to sleep. :(

    Haha, I know that feeling! Why would you WANT to go to sleep...? ;-)

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mabey hes super tired but lazers keep zaping him
    nice theory... oh and btw I'm a girl...

    Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~oops sory...

  153. Tycoon101 said...
    emanuel14 said...

    Hey Mimo,
    I just wanted to tell you something, did u see the new membership page.(You know, when you click on "membership" menu on Club Penguin)
    There is a acces pass on the Penguins neck!Maybe that is going to be the new acces pass card at the Muzic Jam that starts 9th July!(this was a tip)
    i saw the new membership page (i know what i see isnt as important as what mimo sees lol)!!!! also there might be... i think it was at a past party, but it might come back!

    Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)

    P.S.- The letter M on my keyboard keeps on geting stuck- so does the N!!! UGGGG Its so annoying!
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~thats a new pass last year it was blue and orange not yellow yellow cool!

  154. Fungi5 said...
    Mimo77 did you know that the lighthouse lightbulb can turn on and off? P.S I work for Club Penguin. P.SS Club Penguin rocks.
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~he new that from the egg hunt

    I know this is VERY unrelated, but I'd like you to explain why or at least post about it. Babies on CP. It's a little annoying, I mean they are just penguins in disguise. Why DOES Club Penguin have disguises? Please agree and/or talk about it! P.S. My CP name is Gfhhf
    P.S.S. Babies are taking over CP!
    P.S.S.S. Sorry this is so long!
    P.S.S.S.S. Sorry for all the caps!
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~they dont take over cp u can just ignore them or go on a different sever i think that is very annoying how people do that they can do what they want though
    ~Phillies Kid
    But almost every server has them, so how do you know what server doesn't have babies? Yeah you're right, they can do what they want... but it kinda ruins other peoples fun on CP. Every time I go to buy a puffle, I'm surrounded by babies saying "Woo My Mumu?" Gr!
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lol ya i hate when that happens

  156. Im thinking of somthing
    to email to club penguin
    I really want to see if they respond
    what should i post Ill meet with
    anyone who answers on cp just name
    what server,room and time! :@

    (slip2fall2ah on cp!)

    Follow up comments here


  157. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    Mimo, I'm so sorry I haven't been modding... Please don't demote me or neglect to move me up, I've been really busy...:(
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~youve bean moding very good so mimo wont neglect you realy your doind great i hope i am to lol

  158. slippeestars said...

    I know this is VERY unrelated, but I'd like you to explain why or at least post about it. Babies on CP. It's a little annoying, I mean they are just penguins in disguise. Why DOES Club Penguin have disguises? Please agree and/or talk about it! P.S. My CP name is Gfhhf
    P.S.S. Babies are taking over CP!
    P.S.S.S. Sorry this is so long!
    P.S.S.S.S. Sorry for all the caps!
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~they dont take over cp u can just ignore them or go on a different sever i think that is very annoying how people do that they can do what they want though
    ~Phillies Kid
    But almost every server has them, so how do you know what server doesn't have babies? Yeah you're right, they can do what they want... but it kinda ruins other peoples fun on CP. Every time I go to buy a puffle, I'm surrounded by babies saying "Woo My Mumu?" Gr!
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lol ya i hate when that happens

    July 5, 2010 8:02 AM

    To be honest we can never stop
    people acting as little dumbos and you cant go on any good
    servers without babies because
    they are un-popular servers
    so just dont go in the pet shop
    unless its important like your
    goat runs away and you need
    advice! XD


  159. I'd go with.... Go Japan!

  160. Awesome post, Mimo! And great pictures!

    I'm getting Secret Spy Pack and Club Penguin Official Annual 2011 for Christmas!
    - Lloy2 (CPG Mod in training)

  161. Tommy zoom25 said...

    cool and mimo did you notice in the forest on the bottom left corner theres a big rock roll your mouse over it and theres a ladder down to the lake room cool huh?
    Yeah it is pretty cool! It was like a "secret entrance" during the Adventure Party this year and apparently Club Penguin decided to keep it!

    Ashley Di (CPG Mod)

  162. hey mimo
    this isnt really important, but did you notice that theres a picture of the old spyphone in the picture of everyone at the stadium...
