Sunday, June 20, 2010

We love Disney, Don't We? Club Penguin Does!

I want to say something about the ton of comments we always get about Disney ruining Club Penguin. Disney did NOT ruin Club Penguin. There is NO proof of this.

Here is why:

1. Disney HELPED Club Penguin build CP in other languages.

2. Disney HELPED Club Penguin be able to do more parties and missions.

3. Disney HELPED Club Penguin make Eilte Penguin Force and Herbert's Revenge and Game Day!

4. Disney HELPED Club Penguin make all their toys!

And don't forget, Billybob is the Executive VP of the Disney Interactive Media Group! Isn't it weird that BILLYBOB is in charge of Toon Town, Pixie Hollow and Pirates of the Caribbean?

And another thing, who cares if there are more member's only rooms and free items. So what, right? Seriously, is it THAT big of deal?

So seriously, Disney is HELPING! Come on! Don't you think?

Play Isoball, it's hard!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now! Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


  1. You hit the nail right on the head Mimo! I totally agree! Club Penguin still rocks!

  2. yeah why should disney ruin clubpenguin.

    disney even made the stage so we shouldnt have it

    Baran 103

  3. No Mimo, I think Disney RUINED Club Penguin.

  4. Bubblegum423 said...

    You hit the nail right on the head Mimo! I totally agree! Club Penguin still rocks!


    Of course it does!

    -Coolgem50 (Trying to be CPG mod!)

  5. Doopliss 677 said...

    No Mimo, I think Disney RUINED Club Penguin.


    Why? Disney got the stage, EPF, books, games and yellow, white and orange puffle! What would we do without them! And they got sensei and the ninjas!

    -Coolgem50 (Trying to be CPG mod!)

  6. I know. Everyone is like "Disney ruined Club Penguin". I'm like Disney made Club Penguin WAY better!

  7. Guys look. if ur all freked out about members only stuff think like this. cp is an ad free website but they have to pay there crew. they get the money from us. we should be happy there is no pop ups or ads on cp!

  8. You'reright because it says waddle around and meet new friends not come see our member only rooms and free items! I think mimo is the best blogger!! If i could give him the blogger of the year award but i sadly cant!!! LOL!! STILL HE IS RIGHT!!!

  9. yeah. I guess you are right. It is just that CP used to be simpler and I loved the old parties. (that is the only negative thing. Parties=:P I loved the old parties llike the camping party and the first halloween parties. The free items are always the same or make you look fat) The new dojos are awesome, i just loved how the old dojo was simple and ninjas could walk on walls. (couldnt they? From what i have heard, they could)

  10. Club penguin rocks and will rock forever but yes the member only items and rooms really are a BIG deal.

  11. I think disney ruined it. Because everything they upgraded cost money. Which is exactly the only thing disney cares about.

  12. no disney is the worst. they compeletly ruined it.

  13. Limadude (cpg mod)June 20, 2010 at 8:34 AM

    Doopliss 677 said...
    No Mimo, I think Disney RUINED Club Penguin.
    Dude nobodys perfect! First of all complaining does nothing. secound of all i dont se u making an awesome website that can be played all around the world and has like eight trillion people playing! And third of all look at it this way.
    with no ads they gotta make money some how. (i know im being harsh).

  14. No. Disney RUINED CP. Remember old days, when all penguins have fun? Now, i want go to ship battle-onlyb for members. Treetop-only for members. Cool new levels in popular games-only for members. Eeeh.

  15. Yep Disneys cool they have some of the rights to marvel so yea there kinda cool.
    You Rock Mimo

  16. Um no I really do think disney ruined club penguin Here's why
    -Boring parties, only fun for members now
    -Bringing back really old items. Sure, it's nice new penguins can get them but what about us older penguins? We don't get anything new
    -The items they DO give out are always lame or make you look fat
    -lame new member clothing, furniture, and igloo music
    -They completely got rid of the sport shop and the PSA
    -The old dojo was actually a lot of fun
    -The stage has stupid plays and they come back like every other month
    -Nothing is secret anymore! When they want to keep something secret they broadcast it in the newspaper!
    -They fixed ALL the glitches. Those were fun and they weren't hurting anybody!
    -Too many little kids play now!
    Overall, they disneyfied it! Lookat pictures before and after. Ntoice the change!

  17. I love that Disney is with Club Penguin. I do think Disney made Club Penguin better. Disney helped bright all the things that you mentioned like pluehses, books, and trading cards. It also gives me something to recognize knowing that Club Penguin is a Disney game. Go Disney and Club Penguin!

  18. Bubblegum423 said...
    You hit the nail right on the head Mimo! I totally agree! Club Penguin still rocks!
    I agree too! The nail hit the target right in the center! Go Club Penguin!

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  19. Hahaha! Summer is SOOO dang F-U-N! It's been so Fun that I've actually been playing outside and swimming. I'd usually say that I'd spend more time modding in the Summer, because I have more free time. But, I'm now actually doing something better with my free time. I think it's pretty good. I just want to say, that I'll mod a little. Not a lot. It's SUMMER! Not time to sit down at the computer and do silly things!!! How about all of you mods and others get up and play outside 3 hrs today! I swam 20 laps in my pool!

    ~Racket2000- Happy Father's Day and Have a GREAT summer!

  20. Anonymous said...
    yeah why should disney ruin clubpenguin.

    disney even made the stage so we shouldnt have it

    Baran 103
    I know, right?!!??!


  21. Bubblegum423 said...
    You hit the nail right on the head Mimo! I totally agree! Club Penguin still rocks!
    Yeah! It does! :D


  22. kingicevar said...
    I know. Everyone is like "Disney ruined Club Penguin". I'm like Disney made Club Penguin WAY better!
    I KNOW!!! D:


  23. Doopliss 677 said...
    No Mimo, I think Disney RUINED Club Penguin.
    How did they ruin it? They made membership!?!?!!? THAT'S GREAT! :D!


  24. Weird Owe said...
    yeah. I guess you are right. It is just that CP used to be simpler and I loved the old parties. (that is the only negative thing. Parties=:P I loved the old parties llike the camping party and the first halloween parties. The free items are always the same or make you look fat) The new dojos are awesome, i just loved how the old dojo was simple and ninjas could walk on walls. (couldnt they? From what i have heard, they could)
    One problem. There was no Ninjas before Disney! DISNEY ROCKS! :D!


  25. Doopliss 677 said...
    No Mimo, I think Disney RUINED Club Penguin.
    Why do you think that? Without Disney we probably wouldn't have DS and Wii games. Also all the new plushes and trading cards and stuff.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  26. Anonymous said...
    I think disney ruined it. Because everything they upgraded cost money. Which is exactly the only thing disney cares about.
    Clubpenguin needs to pay all of their Artists and Designers, and Blog Writers! They need to make money to pay them somehow! They also need money to keep the site operating!


  27. I don't agree i liked CP better before Disnet

  28. Weird Owe said...
    yeah. I guess you are right. It is just that CP used to be simpler and I loved the old parties. (that is the only negative thing. Parties=:P I loved the old parties llike the camping party and the first halloween parties. The free items are always the same or make you look fat) The new dojos are awesome, i just loved how the old dojo was simple and ninjas could walk on walls. (couldnt they? From what i have heard, they could)
    I don't think so, you couldn't become a ninja before the Sensei started training them after halloween of 2008. Before that the dojo just used to be empty without music. To me it was always a good hang out spot.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  29. branbulan said...
    Club penguin rocks and will rock forever but yes the member only items and rooms really are a BIG deal.
    That's why you've gotta pay for them! ;)


  30. Scamper52596 said...
    I love that Disney is with Club Penguin. I do think Disney made Club Penguin better. Disney helped bright all the things that you mentioned like pluehses, books, and trading cards. It also gives me something to recognize knowing that Club Penguin is a Disney game. Go Disney and Club Penguin!
    I agree. 100%!


  31. Anonymous said...
    Um no I really do think disney ruined club penguin Here's why
    -Boring parties, only fun for members now
    -Bringing back really old items. Sure, it's nice new penguins can get them but what about us older penguins? We don't get anything new
    -The items they DO give out are always lame or make you look fat
    -lame new member clothing, furniture, and igloo music
    -They completely got rid of the sport shop and the PSA
    -The old dojo was actually a lot of fun
    -The stage has stupid plays and they come back like every other month
    -Nothing is secret anymore! When they want to keep something secret they broadcast it in the newspaper!
    -They fixed ALL the glitches. Those were fun and they weren't hurting anybody!
    -Too many little kids play now!
    Overall, they disneyfied it! Lookat pictures before and after. Ntoice the change!
    The PSA is still kinda here! Look at the holograms! Also, I agree with you 0%!


  32. Hunter0798 said...
    Yep Disneys cool they have some of the rights to marvel so yea there kinda cool.
    You Rock Mimo
    They are pretty 'cool' for a snow covered world! Lol!


  33. Klekotek said...
    No. Disney RUINED CP. Remember old days, when all penguins have fun? Now, i want go to ship battle-onlyb for members. Treetop-only for members. Cool new levels in popular games-only for members. Eeeh.
    ....whatever... I'm a member so i kinda don't care about this crud! Lol!


  34. Anonymous said...
    I think disney ruined it. Because everything they upgraded cost money. Which is exactly the only thing disney cares about.
    Ok, heres how I see it. Club Penguin makes money to bring us stuff like new toys, cards, books, DS and Wii games, ect. We give them money and they bring us more stuff that they had to make with money. They also need to pay there staff. Club Penguin has a big staff.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  35. ☺§lídôô☻ said...
    I agree stongly!
    Me too!


  36. Anonymous said...
    no disney is the worst. they compeletly ruined it.
    NO WAY! :o


  37. hmmm nope mimo i gotta disagree with u on the disney "helping" thing. they bring back NONE of the good free and rare items and the ones that they do bring back u either have to be a member or buy toys to unlock it from a treasure book. CP was supposed to be fun for BOTH members and nonmembers, but now it seems that only the paying customers can enjoy anything fun on CP.

  38. I knew Disney didn't ruin Cp. Maybe they could have like 3 free items at the parties. But i love all the member rooms!


  39. You hit the nail right on the head Mimo! I totally agree! Club Penguin still rocks!
    Why wouldn't it.

    -Swimpeng2007(CPG Mod)

  40. limadude said...

    Guys look. if ur all freked out about members only stuff think like this. cp is an ad free website but they have to pay there crew. they get the money from us. we should be happy there is no pop ups or ads on cp!



    -Coolgem50 (Trying to be CPG mod!)

  41. I know. Everyone is like "Disney ruined Club Penguin". I'm like Disney made Club Penguin WAY better!
    I agree totally. They added a lot of things.

    -Swimpeng2007(CPG Mod)

  42. Disney even made new parties!

    ~the Snowman~

  43. Ofcourse Mimo!
    It's no big deal to you if there are more member places and less free items, because your a member! You get all the access! I liked it better when everyone could party together! When there was only like one or two member parties a year!
    Yeah I guess Disney improved Club Penguin but I don't know... I would like to see as many free items as there are member free items! That would make me and probably every nonmember penguin happier than a tornado in a trailer park! Don't you think?

  44. No. Disney RUINED CP. Remember old days, when all penguins have fun? Now, i want go to ship battle-onlyb for members. Treetop-only for members. Cool new levels in popular games-only for members. Eeeh.
    I agree. I was a non-member and it totally ticked me off. The only way I saw the member rooms where on blogs and friends accounts. I mean is clubpenguin trying to loose people that don't wan't a membership or can't get one because money is tight.

    -Swimpeng2007(CPG Mod)

  45. Anonymous said...
    I think disney ruined it. Because everything they upgraded cost money. Which is exactly the only thing disney cares about.
    I know. I mean it seems like all they care about is money. Everything they do know it seems like it costs money. I mean when I become a non-member they are probably going to loose me. At the begging it was fun.But you need money to do a lot of it.

    -Swimpeng2007(CPG Mod)

  46. If I Could Send one opinion to cp I am sure everyone would agree! is to get rid of bay bees!!! Cp was funnier with out bay bees and we could enjoy our time on with out any Wammy! our clings to or crys wittle eyes out! or hwi! it bothers me ! that like 10 year olds are doing this! another thing i would suggest is people not using slangs to curse like well you guys know I dont want to say any cause there might be little kids reading but as long as we get that out of the way I think cp would be funnier and I WOULD LIKE MORE PARTYS CP!

  47. I agree that disney did not ruin clubpenguin. However, you are totally wrong. They did not help with missions or toys or cloth itemsor activities etc. Clubpenguin was making them on their own. Also the clubpenguin toys are made in China you idiot! Not disney studios!!! DUH!

  48. Racket2000- Legendary Mod said...
    Doopliss 677 said...
    No Mimo, I think Disney RUINED Club Penguin.
    How did they ruin it? They made membership!?!?!!? THAT'S GREAT! :D!

    Dude, I have been around since Summer of 2006 and trust me, there was membership then, and the price was the same. so please don't do this stuff on how disney supposedly made cp better (which they didn't)

  49. CP is still okay, but member-only stuff is kinda a big deal to some non-members. I don't think Disney absolutly ruined Club Penguin (they improved some areas), but there is some stuff that is annoying that someone had to do.

  50. Doopliss 677 said...

    No Mimo, I think Disney RUINED Club Penguin.
    :D :D Santa1456 :D :D

  51. yeah but disney took away our chritmas party,our eastaer stuff, st. patricks day party, and our water party.

  52. 100% right i love playing cp and potco they have only made it better

  53. Well to me I am thankful to Disney for having all these things planned for CP. At least Disney didn't go and get rid of all the partys, taken out all clothing, and ruined CP. Its not like you have a game and have tons and tons of players (Credit to Limadude for that Idea).

    Disney made prices higher to keep CP alive. Disney made Toys,Games,Plushies and all sorts of stuff that you have to pay for to get money to keep the site up.


  54. i think they made it better!!! The only reson members get all the cool stuff is because we pay for it. So if you want the perks work up some money and buy a membership. Is not alot just $5.95 monthly!! Plus disney added the yellow, white, and orange puffles (candy corn colors)the upgraded dojo, epf , video games , e.t.c. And for all you out there who think we should not have to pay you are thinking that we dont pay and not have video game is good!!! and to ppl who think they are ruining club penguin how rude of you!!! -ashley5063-

  55. If disney didn't buy cp club penguin could of become like neopets!!!

  56. YES MIMO! IT KINDA IS A BIG DEAL!! US NON-MEMBERS FEEL REALLY LEFT OUT, CAUES DISNEY WONT GIVE ANYTHING TO NON-MEMBERS!! THEY ARE ONLY IN THIS FOR THE $MONEY$!!!I mean ya, disney helped cp in a lot of ways, bu they also wrecked it in a bunch of ways!!Think about all the posts on this website saying how sucky cp is ever since disney took over!

  57. Scamper52596 said...

    I love that Disney is with Club Penguin. I do think Disney made Club Penguin better. Disney helped bright all the things that you mentioned like pluehses, books, and trading cards. It also gives me something to recognize knowing that Club Penguin is a Disney game. Go Disney and Club Penguin!


    Yup, disney CP is awesome!

    -Coolgem50 (Trying to be CPG mod!)

  58. kingicevar said...

    I know. Everyone is like "Disney ruined Club Penguin". I'm like Disney made Club Penguin WAY better!


    Yes they did! I dont know why peeps dont like new CP!

    -Coolgem50 (Trying to be CPG mod!)

  59. Klekotek said...

    No. Disney RUINED CP. Remember old days, when all penguins have fun? Now, i want go to ship battle-onlyb for members. Treetop-only for members. Cool new levels in popular games-only for members. Eeeh.


    True, BUT non members can buy puffles and get free items. You know how disney gets that? They use funds from peeps buying memberships!

    -Coolgem50 (Trying to be CPG mod!)

  60. I do think Club Penguin has been negatively effected by Disney just because now they are part of a huge corporation and are focused more on making money now. However, it's not like Disney is the only reason Club Penguin has become somewhat boring to people. Billybob and the original Club Penguin Team are all still the ones behind Club Penguin, and perhaps Disney's business-like approach is having a negative effect on them.

  61. The Snowman said...

    Disney even made new parties!

    ~the Snowman~


    LOTS of nrw parties, and new items too!

    -Coolgem50 (Trying to be CPG mod!)

  62. Anonymous said...

    hmmm nope mimo i gotta disagree with u on the disney "helping" thing. they bring back NONE of the good free and rare items and the ones that they do bring back u either have to be a member or buy toys to unlock it from a treasure book. CP was supposed to be fun for BOTH members and nonmembers, but now it seems that only the paying customers can enjoy anything fun on CP.


    Club penguin has said that all items (Except from pins and party hats) WILL return, so be patient!

    -Coolgem50 (Trying to be CPG mod!)

  63. The Snowman said...
    Disney even made new parties!

    ~the Snowman~
    I know! :D


  64. limadude said...

    Guys look. if ur all freked out about members only stuff think like this. cp is an ad free website but they have to pay there crew. they get the money from us. we should be happy there is no pop ups or ads on cp!
    Yeah! That's what I've been saying!


  65. Dingeljoe said...
    I knew Disney didn't ruin Cp. Maybe they could have like 3 free items at the parties. But i love all the member rooms!

    That'd be nice! MORE items!! :D


  66. Anonymous said...
    hmmm nope mimo i gotta disagree with u on the disney "helping" thing. they bring back NONE of the good free and rare items and the ones that they do bring back u either have to be a member or buy toys to unlock it from a treasure book. CP was supposed to be fun for BOTH members and nonmembers, but now it seems that only the paying customers can enjoy anything fun on CP.
    One solution. Save up your money and buy a membership!


  67. Anonymous said...
    I don't agree i liked CP better before Disnet
    Totally disagree... But I guess everyone has an opinion....


  68. the only thing i dont like about disney taking over is that all my favorite, and im sure other peoples favorite, parties are gone! and parties are the best thing about CP

  69. thats not it we are growing asell as the oldstuff why did 1 million penguins not log on? Because even though they did do that they took away OUR SPORTS SHOP! ONE OF THE FIRST! shops! (sorry for caps but im really mad at disney!) They took away st pattys, Easter, P.S.A! and a heck of a lot of stuff :( good bye cp. I would of still went on.

  70. they are practically turning it into Police Penguins! Why don they call it that!

  71. Disney made Club Penguin one of the worlds best websites on my opinion

    P.S. The light in the beacon you can turn off now by clicking the switch

  72. But Mimo,u understood that graph wrong! This isn't what they LOST from penguins!It's about the COMING penguins! i.e THEY USED TO HAVE MORE PENGUINS SIGNING UP AND THEN IT DECREASED! that's it!email them if u dont believe me! And you can't expect it to be increasing all the time..there is a limit of the number of kids around the world and p.s were living on Earth and not Jupiter!

  73. kids are growing up! They dont like it anymore and they realise that their parents cant aford to dish out £3 / $5 every mpnth to dress up something that isn't real!

  74. I <3 cp
    and I dont rlly think tht
    disney ruined cp
    it still rocks k lol?
    jade the babe

  75. That is what I'm trying to tell everyone, disney DIDNT ruin CP, they did it awesome! Remember one of the best EVER club penguin parties, April Fools Party 2008, it was awesome, or even the festival of flight ROCKED! Disney just wanted to advertise their movie, UP! It was awesome!

  76. You got it EXACTLY right Mimo, there was a huge change, but if anything its a lot better!!


  77. The only thing i hate about club penguin is the filters. here are the reasons why.

    1st of all: it almost blocks out every single word! it even blocks out the word filter, the word club, but most of all, it even blocks out the word PENGUIN!

    2nd of all: if you say something the filter does not like it blocks out the whole sentence instead of the word. penguins will get mad because they think your ignoring them.

  78. No I still believe Disney messed up Club Penguin. I joined back in 2007 and remember how the catalogs looked awesome and how there were cool items like 3D Glasses, Paper Hat, etc. And how cool the parties were. But now we go to 2008 or 2009 and Disney bought good ol' Club Penguin. And now look at the catalogs, look at the map! Look at the parties, look at the new and not fun parties, look at the items! Its filled with new random clothing and wigs! No original items... Sure they make a lot of money, but New Club Penguin will never replace old Club Penguin EVER!

    -Hero Forever (An Original)

  79. yea i guess it still does rock but i think the membership is still unfair and i miss the old cp

  80. I think Disney made the member only rooms. So what if there are more? So that some people don't have payment options and are so incapable of Membership, that's what.

  81. SO WHAT!? Is that all you say if there is more member stuffs. Clubpenguin is so cheap. I can think about 20 reasons why Disney ruined the game. They made Herburt a VEGETARIAN! That crosses the line for me. That's why I play a better game now.

    P.S I'm a member

  82. limadude (cpg mod) said...

    Dude nobodys perfect! First of all complaining does nothing. secound of all i dont se u making an awesome website that can be played all around the world and has like eight trillion people playing! And third of all look at it this way.
    with no ads they gotta make money some how. (i know im being harsh).
    I completely agree! you're totally right!

  83. I am a member for 2 years, and I do think that the only bad thing that disney did was give WAY to much member stuff. And they don't even let you buy the stuff you got if you don't renew your membership!

  84. Club Penguin ROCKS!

  85. I think Disney was good for Club Penguin, to really launch them into something huge. But now I think Disney should forget about profits for awhile and just let CP do it own thing.

  86. I think the only good thing they did was make club penguin toys thats all.Other than that they ruined club penguin to me.

  87. coolgem50 they may have got good stuff but those probably would have been added still without disney.Also what is with these catalogs? Pirates and medevil?come on :/

  88. coolgem50 they may have got good stuff but those probably would have been added still without disney.Also what is with these catalogs? Pirates and medevil?come on :/

  89. Mimo... whatever you say... ya know peeps will follow. Make up your mind! You're like a celeb... if you don't like something... most people would agree! (not saying that it's right... but it does happen). Make up your mind! Do you think CP is better or worse????

    Personally, I never knew CP before Disney so I can't have a proper opinion.

  90. Flippy6521(CPG MOD)June 20, 2010 at 12:57 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I think disney ruined it. Because everything they upgraded cost money. Which is exactly the only thing disney cares about.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Disney had to upgrade the cost of money because they need the money to pay the workers and stuff.

  91. Disney even made new parties!

    ~the Snowman~
    Yea.. I mean remember the festaval of flight? and the medeival parties!! Also the've made loads of new rooms.. plus about the rare items and not bringing back the old free items well thats what makes them RARE!! LOL you should've been there when they had them... their not just going to bring back the old items for the whiny new ppl!!LOL!

  92. Doopliss 677 said...
    No Mimo, I think Disney RUINED Club Penguin.
    How so? Also Mimo can have opinion too!

  93. limadude said...
    Guys look. if ur all freked out about members only stuff think like this. cp is an ad free website but they have to pay there crew. they get the money from us. we should be happy there is no pop ups or ads on cp!

    guys this dude is 110 percent

    correct! if you want less ad ones

    maybe you should make CP get

    horrible ad ons about phones you

    don't need or online colleges! We

    are kids we don't even need an

    online college! (yet)

  94. Anonymous said...
    I think disney ruined it. Because everything they upgraded cost money. Which is exactly the only thing disney cares about.

    You are wrong, Disney just doesn't

    care about money. When I got to

    Disney theme parks all the staff

    are nice and polite to me. They

    care about your happeniness as

    well. Disney is a HUGE company and

    these are tough economic times so

    money HAS to be a concern.

  95. I did'nt join Club Penguin until after Disney bought it, so really no difference. But I don't log on much often anymore, since I now play Roblox. In my opinion, Roblox is a bit better than Club Penguin.

  96. I Still LOVE Club Penguin But I still wish there Wasn't As Much Members Only Stuff.

    CP And CPG Rules!

  97. Who cares about CP toys and books we just want to play the online game plus their video games are horrible.

    Why the big deal about it mimo people have different opinions and shouldn't freak out about things

  98. I must say, Disney has their bad side (Toy codes?! WHAT?!) but EPF Herberts revenge rocks! So it's kinda 50-50 here.


  99. No offense but they did. They made a ton of member only stuff! I've gone on the other servers (other languge ones) and barly anyone from other contries are on there! Disney just makes new parties then keeps doing them over and over! Who cares about the DS games? They just make you do the missions you do oon the computer! The only good thing about the toys is that you get codes to get clothes.Who cares about the other games? Open your eyes. Club Penguin is getting worse every day. They give the same old free items. It's not fun anymore. It's just another way for Disney to get more money.

  100. Anonymous said...
    Um no I really do think disney ruined club penguin Here's why
    -Boring parties, only fun for members now
    -Bringing back really old items. Sure, it's nice new penguins can get them but what about us older penguins? We don't get anything new
    -The items they DO give out are always lame or make you look fat
    -lame new member clothing, furniture, and igloo music
    -They completely got rid of the sport shop and the PSA
    -The old dojo was actually a lot of fun
    -The stage has stupid plays and they come back like every other month
    -Nothing is secret anymore! When they want to keep something secret they broadcast it in the newspaper!
    -They fixed ALL the glitches. Those were fun and they weren't hurting anybody!
    -Too many little kids play now!
    Overall, they disneyfied it! Lookat pictures before and after. Ntoice the change!
    Well here are some of MY reasons

    why Disney made CP better.

    -I like these new parties they bring something new! I actully prefer the non member rooms more than the members!
    -That is a hyperbole. There are many new items in this Adventure Party! And the catolog is a mix of old and new.
    -Yes some items do look sort of lame and make you look fat, but they look awsome on the playcard!
    -I think the new items rock! A lot of them have realy good detail. And you can still wear the old and "nonlame"
    -Yes the old dojo was kind of fun but this one as more use for Card Jitsu and I find that more fun.
    -well a new play takes a lot of work, new costumes, new script, new effects, and the stage.
    -well you are on a cheat website so you already knew them anyways so that shouldn't affect you that much.
    -this is the way I see it, glitches aren't supposed to be there. If CP has a lot of glitches they might not get all the awards they recieve. With those gone they might not make as much money. sure glitches seem fun for us but they can be harmful in many ways to CP.
    -well having more kids means more people we can have fun with! With more kids CP makes more money!

    I hope I covered your list of complaints, and just try to look at the positive and enjoy CP!

  101. I personally don't think Disney ruined Club Penguin. They helped it. They advertise it on TV, make video games for it, languages, etc. It hasn't gotten any worse. It's still the same Club Penguin.

  102. Hey guys, a while ago I found a

    post when they announced the

    Dinsey + CP thing. It sounded like

    they wanted no needed to be

    bought. (to me) They needed more

    money so disney made video games,

    toys, the seleccionar idioma

    (select laungage) option, new

    rooms, items, ads for CP on their

    website. I go to disneyland a lot

    and last time I was there, there

    was this this place for all you

    tech people and they had TWO CP

    computer thingies so you could

    play it RIGHT THERE! How sweet is

    that? I get most my CP toys from

    Disney parks! -Lava22

  103. Anonymous said...
    Disney even made new parties!

    ~the Snowman~
    Yea.. I mean remember the festaval of flight? and the medeival parties!! Also the've made loads of new rooms.. plus about the rare items and not bringing back the old free items well thats what makes them RARE!! LOL you should've been there when they had them... their not just going to bring back the old items for the whiny new ppl!!LOL!

    lol i don't mind one bit about having rare items. I think having new items are the coolest. All those people that quit are missing out!

    ~The Snowman~

  104. THANK YOU!! get that through these ppls thick heads!! disney did NOT make cp bad or worst they made it BETTER.

  105. I don't care. CP has always seemed a little unfair to me. I KNOW I KNOW, gawd, I know they need to the money and all, but come on! I can't afford their plan. But I'd still like to have a wig or two so people can actually tell I'm a girl! I swear if I have one more girl "Fall in love" with me...

  106. Well, i kinda think they ruined club penguin because i hate epf, i hate the stage, and the wigs look weird. Sadly im going to have to blend in -.-

  107. Mimo u should put up a poll saying if u like disney or not? i would vote yes


  108. :O I am back from vacation! I have alot to mod... I'm gonna start next post! ;-)

  109. In my opinion, I think Disney didn't exacly ruin Club Penguin, but made it so kids have or WANT to buy MORE STUFF.

  110. I wonder what club penguin would be like if Sony bought it...


  111. @ racket2000:
    what's the point of buying a membership if theyre gonna have crap for them too?

  112. You must be joking right, i was here in cp for so long and you say this!!! Disney abolished the original cp, look there doing all this supposed helping to get MONEY! how? Simple, smaller kids ages 4-8 like disney the best. So, when they hear about cp, they go nuts. Disney through away all the old stuff to make room for a whole bunch of babiesh stuff. Just make a time line and record the events in cp history, and you will see yourself. Then the fact that there smaller kids plus the member only stuff will get them to bang their heads and say Mommy Mommy I WANNA BE A MEMBER!!! This behavior is also encoraged by toys, games and codes. So when they get the membership, plus all the babyish stuff they get hooked. This feeds disney a constant, evergrowing supply of money. Many people also say that cp has gotten meaner. Why? Again, when your young, you tend to be very selfish and obnoxious. For example you ask for a ball at the playground from a smaller child, hé'll probably say, NO its my ball! Thats why the people on cp got meaner. Also, the reason why billy bob wont buy it back is because hes making LOADS of money working for disney, so why should he do anything about it? Hes getting rich of of this. I hope you people see now. Keep on going-sarge

  113. disney made lots of good things but also bad things

    good things =

    1. they make temporaly rooms for parties.
    2.more uptades
    3.they release things early now.
    4.its more popular ds games
    6. toys/books
    7. weekly assignments for agents
    8. ninjas
    9. new games/rooms

    now here are the bad things
    1. bring back old items. i like being famous for being old. if they bring back my old items i will not seem old anymore.
    2.lots of fun things are members. yes im a member but i keep having to ask my dad and he gets really mad at me.
    3. they barely make any missions now.

    now the baddest thing of all that you all need to read this is important

    they block almost every word and when you write something the filter does not like it blocks out the whole message for other penguins(not you). i lost my best friend on club penguin because he thought i was ignoring him because he did not see me talk. now when i want to know if a word is filtered i need to use 2 comptuers with 2 different penguins.

  114. NO offense to all the penguins who say "disney does more for memebers".
    Well, you get items, you get pins, you still participate in missions and stuff so why are you complaining?
    Members just decorate their igloo, and buy more clothes. I would recommend you stay a non-member because you have to play lots of games and never have much fun because there is always new stuff to buy. Anyway, stop bagging on members because there memembers. If you want to access more features just BUY a membership! It's not very expensive.

  115. This is for all those non-members who make a big stink because their not members- BUY a membership. I think members deserve a little more because they actually PAY for Club Penguin to be up and running. You have to pay the workers. So STOP complaining! If you want a better experience BUY a membership.

  116. Klekotek said...

    No. Disney RUINED CP. Remember old days, when all penguins have fun? Now, i want go to ship battle-onlyb for members. Treetop-only for members. Cool new levels in popular games-only for members. Eeeh.

    Coolgem50 said...

    True, BUT non members can buy puffles and get free items. You know how disney gets that? They use funds from peeps buying memberships!


    Two puffles. Free items that are used over and over and over and over and over again. And I don't see how using the funds from memberships gets nonmembers overused free items and two puffles (out of like, 9). Disney did not RUIN club pengiun, nor did it help. In my honest opinion, Disney made Club Penguin WORSE, but not ruined. Sure, they get new parties, and the stage, but they took out so many nostalgic places, like the Sports Shop, the PSA, the Dojo... Who cares about Card Jutsu. How many of you honestly still play that after you become a (Fire) Ninja? Whats more, Disney doesn't even let Ninja move on if they didn't pay.

    Who cares about the games, or the toys? In the most recent game, Disney gives players the opportunity to get Flare. But you need to be a member. The toys give you the chance to feel like a member, but if you can't even buy a 1 month membership, what are the chances you can buy a toy?

    The members/nonmembers thing IS a big deal, Mimo. Its been around for a long time, and on many different sites, but never have I seen it as bad as clubpengiun. In ClubPenguin, they don't even let nonmembers buy 1, ONE, piece of clothing. I'd go on, but I'm running out of time to waste.

  117. If you people don't like how Disney runs things then DON'T play Club Penguin. It's as simple as that.

  118. I love Disney! Disney brought a lot more rooms, games, a features! Way to go Disney! :D


  119. Dingeljoe said...
    I wonder what club penguin would be like if Sony bought it...

    Lol, probably all Playstationy like. lol. I don't know. Thats an intresting thought.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  120. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    :O I am back from vacation! I have alot to mod... I'm gonna start next post! ;-)
    Welcome back! Keep modding Bobhead.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  121. Anonymous said...
    Mimo u should put up a poll saying if u like disney or not? i would vote yes

    He did! lol. Maybe he got the idea from you. I voted yes. Your turn!

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  122. i think that club penguin was better without disney, disney only wants to have more money

  123. Anonymous Doopliss 677 said...

    No Mimo, I think Disney RUINED Club Penguin.
    And I'm not being a smart alec but Why do you think Disney RUINED club penguin? I seriously want to know.(other than the whole member deal)


  124. Ok Mimo... how much have disney offered you? You used to look at both sides of things but it seems to me that lately you've only been looking at one. Sure all the things that you've said about Disney are true but what about the things that you haven't mentioned? When I heard that CP had joined Disney I thought WOOHOO more cool stuff!!! But that's not what's happened... the below has:

    1. Since Disney joined CP there has been loads more members stuff BUT not much more free stuff if anything there is less. Why could this be? Let's have a think... CP is Disney's only profitable game how do you think they manage this? They put pressure on CP to make it better for mems. Not only that but they have made sure that non mems don't get as much as they used to so it's now MUCH better if they become mem.

    2. New missions? Which new missions??? Oh that's right! The ones you have to buy on ur DS!

    3. New Parties? Please tell me you're joking Mimo! They have been getting rid of all our old favourites!!! You say they have been replacing them... I would like to bring your attention to the parties they have been replacing them with. Let's think, the Medievil Party! That's the one which mems get to go on lots of cool quests and non mems get to sit around getting really bored.

    4. New free items? All they are doing nowadays is getting an old free item and bringing it back, that or changing its colour slightly. I used to really look forward to parties, now all I do is have guessing games on which item they'll bring back.

    5. They've made new toys & games. Yea they have... you have to pay for them. What if your poor and you can't afford them?

    Yes they have made it available in more languages but when you think about it why? More languages mean more people which means more $$$.

    The message is clear pay us or you get the squat, now not only can they say it in English but in French, Portuguese and Spanish.

    Club Penguin was good before the money got to it... don't let the same happen to you Mimo! Don't change on us, we were the CP critics... the people who kept CP on track, don't let our host and leader disappear.

    Enough is enough.

    - Nimwoff

  125. Anonymous said...

    I think disney ruined it. Because everything they upgraded cost money. Which is exactly the only thing disney cares about.
    SO? You only have to pay ONCE!!!! It's not like you have to keep on paying for the 12 month membership, or anything, unless YOU choose to. Is that your only reason?? Give one supporting detail that tells me the only thing Disney cares about is money. And if that is true, who DOESN'T care about money???


  126. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Um no I really do think disney ruined club penguin Here's why
    -Boring parties, only fun for members now
    -Bringing back really old items. Sure, it's nice new penguins can get them but what about us older penguins? We don't get anything new
    -The items they DO give out are always lame or make you look fat
    -lame new member clothing, furniture, and igloo music
    -They completely got rid of the sport shop and the PSA
    -The old dojo was actually a lot of fun
    -The stage has stupid plays and they come back like every other month
    -Nothing is secret anymore! When they want to keep something secret they broadcast it in the newspaper!
    -They fixed ALL the glitches. Those were fun and they weren't hurting anybody!
    -Too many little kids play now!
    Overall, they disneyfied it! Lookat pictures before and after. Ntoice the change!
    I have to not give you grief for most of your reasons. However, I don't agree with the last one. Too many little kids play now?? I think you just growing up, and becoming older. It's not that there are too many little kids playing now, but it's that you are older and they seem little to you.


  127. Hey mimmo i your cool and all but im one of those people that think it ruined it ive been playing for a REAL long time now and i thin the parties have gotten lamer and stuff and i can live without the toys they helped club penguin but didnt help us. But your really cool im just givin my opinion. (cus de decision does depend on a different point of view.)

  128. Anonymous said...
    I think disney ruined it. Because everything they upgraded cost money. Which is exactly the only thing disney cares about.

    Not that I don't completely respect your opinion... but I feel I must correct you on a couple of things. First, Disney DID give us upgrades for free:

    1. The Dojo and Sensei

    2. Most things at the parties

    3. More fun missions

    And those are just some of many!!! Also, you don't have to have the upgrades to enjoy CP!!! Last but not least, I believe you are incorrect when you said Disney only cares about money!!! There is tons of free stuff on Club Penguin!!!

    Peace, Love, and Biscuits,

  129. Doopliss 677 said...
    No Mimo, I think Disney RUINED Club Penguin.
    Why do you say that? I know some good things are gone but other better things are here now (even though i hate that nonmembers free items are head items) but i thing cp is still good

    Faffy4 (CPG Mod)

  130. actually we have less parties! they canceled all our favorite parties! and they also made it so we can hardly say anything. yet they have miley cyrus on disney channel doing what ever she wants and we cant even say the word "house" and a lot of other things.

  131. Doopliss 677 said...
    No Mimo, I think Disney RUINED Club Penguin.

    ☺☻☺☻Master M!☺☻☺☻☺☻☺

    Well I agree but I think they half ruined it...

    - Olivia48yes (CPG MOD)

  132. personally, i completely agree with you! i mean, i know they removed some fun partys like the easter egg hunt but they added other hunts like the green day hunt(thats what they exchanged the easter party with) and besides, i dont care what they did in the past, this adventure party rocks!!!! WAAAAY better than last year (and last years was groovy!) getting off topic....
    anyways my freind quit clubpenguin when disney bought it, not because she thought they made it worse, but because she dislikes disney for some weird reason that i wont mension.
    more off topic... since many people are dressed as pirates im having a pirates vs ninjas fight at my iggy! its fun! see we wont be able to do that without disney because they made ninjas AND pirates!

  133. People who hate Disney (for some reason) are the people who say that. Seriously Mimo, you just like... just got so much more awesome. Disney ROCKS, they made CP SOOOOO much better, and they can only make it better from here.

  134. Anonymous said...
    hmmm nope mimo i gotta disagree with u on the disney "helping" thing. they bring back NONE of the good free and rare items and the ones that they do bring back u either have to be a member or buy toys to unlock it from a treasure book. CP was supposed to be fun for BOTH members and nonmembers, but now it seems that only the paying customers can enjoy anything fun on CP.
    ok, u just said it! they didnt bring back rare items. thats why their called RARE!

  135. Anonymous said...
    disney made lots of good things but also bad things

    good things =

    1. they make temporaly rooms for parties.
    2.more uptades
    3.they release things early now.
    4.its more popular ds games
    6. toys/books
    7. weekly assignments for agents
    8. ninjas
    9. new games/rooms

    now here are the bad things
    1. bring back old items. i like being famous for being old. if they bring back my old items i will not seem old anymore.
    2.lots of fun things are members. yes im a member but i keep having to ask my dad and he gets really mad at me.
    3. they barely make any missions now.

    now the baddest thing of all that you all need to read this is important

    they block almost every word and when you write something the filter does not like it blocks out the whole message for other penguins(not you). i lost my best friend on club penguin because he thought i was ignoring him because he did not see me talk. now when i want to know if a word is filtered i need to use 2 comptuers with 2 different penguins.
    -----------------------------------i agree with you 75% i agree with almost everything exept # 2 and 3 of the bad things list. they just had a new mission, and they will now have weekly "missions" (feild-ops) and i am a member too, but i have to save up (alot) or get it for my birthday. and as for the filter thing, sometimes someone im talking to doesnt answer so i have to ask "did it show" or say "it didnt show" it gets annoying. but disney didnt make the filter thing (i think) as for the age thing, my penguin is 180 das younger then clubpenguin (i count :p) an right now it is 1512 days old. i remember my freinds looking at my penguin and saying "Your rare!" but now, every person with a plush is rare.

  136. Xandri (as in AleXANDRIa)June 20, 2010 at 6:44 PM

    While I do agree that the Disney comments are irrelevant, I do not agree with your comments about members only rooms. 5 dollars a month for a membership is just too expensive, especially in this economy. I myself quit club penguin for a while because I just didn't fee like it was enough fun without a membership. I had a membership for one month and really enjoyed it. I just don't think it's reasonable to have to pay for a silly game on the computer, which is all that club penguin is. Especially with a company like Disney, who is making enough money as is.

  137. Things I have to say:

    -Club Penguin only loves Disney because now they get more money.

    -Club Penguin is worse because of Disney; Why?

    - There were never any popup ads on club penguin, as someone said as a reason why disney helped club penguin,but that is not true, never was never will.

    -What happened to Rsnail? I'm guessing fired/quit, haven't seen his post in a while, he had the awesome posts/"updates".

    - Someone said: "The Disney Staff were polite" That was because they get paid, ever heard of "employee of the month"

    - The new member rooms are cool... --->*For Members* <--- Club penguin Staff doesn't exactly care about nonmembers, as I have an extremely rare penguin, emailed club penguin because I wanted to change the password, and they said no because it's a nonmember and that they don't care.

    - Members disgust me these days, even though I am one, They think that they are above/better than the nonmembers, because they have "cooler items". Either way, the catalogs are awful these days.

    - Parties are awful because once again, club penguin feels that they don't have to work hard on it, because they have all the money they want. They bring back old items because they are too lazy to make new ones.

    - The DS Games are awful, why would
    anyone like them? They bore me out of my mind, I bought the first game to see how good it was, not because I liked their games.

    - There were always club penguin Ninjas, when Rsnail, BillyBob, and ScreenHog, made the first beta of club penguin, there was a cheat to become a ninja, secret really.

    - Either way, we don't know what Club penguin would've done without disney, they might have done the same.

    Please post this comment, I'm tired of having unapproved comments or "waiting to be approved comments"

  138. -What happened to Rsnail? I'm guessing fired/quit, haven't seen his post in a while, he had the awesome posts/"updates".

    - Someone said: "The Disney Staff were polite" That was because they get paid, ever heard of "employee of the month"

    - The new member rooms are cool... --->*For Members* <--- Club penguin Staff doesn't exactly care about nonmembers, as I have an extremely rare penguin, emailed club penguin because I wanted to change the password, and they said no because it's a nonmember and that they don't care.

    - Members disgust me these days, even though I am one, They think that they are above/better than the nonmembers, because they have "cooler items". Either way, the catalogs are awful these days.

  139. Things I have to say:

    -Club Penguin only loves Disney because now they get more money.

    -Club Penguin is worse because of Disney; Why?

    - There were never any popup ads on club penguin, as someone said as a reason why disney helped club penguin,but that is not true, never was never will.

  140. Parties are awful because once again, club penguin feels that they don't have to work hard on it, because they have all the money they want. They bring back old items because they are too lazy to make new ones.

    - The DS Games are awful, why would
    anyone like them? They bore me out of my mind, I bought the first game to see how good it was, not because I liked their games.

    - There were always club penguin Ninjas, when Rsnail, BillyBob, and ScreenHog, made the first beta of club penguin, there was a cheat to become a ninja, secret really.

    - Either way, we don't know what Club penguin would've done without disney, they might have done the same.

    Please post this comment, I'm tired of having unapproved comments or "waiting to be approved comments"

  141. Yes mimo! You are correct! Well i dont think Disney ruin clubpenguin in fact, i think its getting better! And many of non-members say disney ruin clubpenguin cuz now member are getting more things... But i dont think its wrong that they get more things as they pay money to be a member so they should get more things( They use REAL money so they can get more things, so is it wrong? I dont think so even though im not but im happy that i can play club penguin )Disney even made clubpenguin more things to do now.. example EPF, everyweek mini mission, Herbert Revenge and others. So why should we complain about it? ( sorry for the long comment)

  142. Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)June 20, 2010 at 9:29 PM

    limadude said...
    Guys look. if ur all freked out about members only stuff think like this. cp is an ad free website but they have to pay there crew. they get the money from us. we should be happy there is no pop ups or ads on cp!

    Exxxxactly! ;)

    Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)

  143. This doesn't have anything to do with disney but in the paper it said rockhopper would be here by today and he isn't here.


  144. For ALL you people out there that say that membership is dumb, that is how CP pays their staff and also people who say Disney ruined CP it NEVER it HELPED CP!

    Rock on mimo777 and friends

  145. Anonymous said...
    yeah why should disney ruin clubpenguin.

    disney even made the stage so we shouldnt have it

    Baran 103

    I think that Disney has really helped club penguin cause me and my friend went into a disney store and saw an advert for club peguin so we joined it and we had so much fun.

    ~lewis rae1

  146. Disney HELPED CP! Sorry for capitals. Anyway, everyone is titled to their own opinions, but if it's a bad opinion, just don't say it! Everyone needs money, so it is only fair that Disney needs money too! They give us so much, like the TV channel! Like all of the toys and cool stuff! And especially like Club Penguin! So stop saying Disney ruined CP! P.S. Sorry this is so long!

  147. Club Penguin Is Great, Disney or Not

  148. Anonymous said:
    I think disney ruined it. Because everything they upgraded cost money. Which is exactly the only thing disney cares about
    Well, they did help clubpenguin with the parties, games ( like Puffle Rescue), and tons of more cool items. Now, everyone knows that EVERYTHING IN THIS world isn't free. People have to make a living and all too. It also cost money because they will be able to use the $ to get all this cool stuff like plush toys.

    -Slider 466 (CPG MOD)

  149. eh disney did make some bad decisions but 95% of the time they improved cp :)yay !

  150. ur pretty much right mimo :D

  151. LimaDude said,

    Guys look. if ur all freked out about members stuff think like this. cp is an ad free website but they have to pay there crew.they get the money from us. we should be happy there is no pop ups or ads on cp!
    -------------------------------------Your so right.:) i hate pop up adds :P

  152. I agree! I've been trying to get out the same message for quite a while.

    -Greenie 5254

  153. People said in the earlier times that disney was ruining cp, its because those people were afraid of change, but the change turns out to be a good thing

  154. Mimo you are so right!But alot of people belive that disney caused all of the delays.I still think CP is the best online game ever!


  156. finaly!I thought I as the only one who noticed that disney brought a lot of good things!I do miss the parties.I think they should bring back the camping party.I wasnt here for that.


  157. Disney totally messed up club penguin. RIP Club Penguin. =(

  158. I care about there being more member areas!! =O
    Sure I understand that they have to have them to keep club penguin running but really do they need so many? Also club penguin needs new freebie items please.

  159. hmmm nope mimo i gotta disagree with u on the disney "helping" thing. they bring back NONE of the good free and rare items and the ones that they do bring back u either have to be a member or buy toys to unlock it from a treasure book. CP was supposed to be fun for BOTH members and nonmembers, but now it seems that only the paying customers can enjoy anything fun on CP.
    ok, u just said it! they didnt bring back rare items. thats why their called RARE!
    ok 1st of all why is my calling them "rare" items important to u and 2nd: disney DOES bring back rare items: but not the really good ones like the red lei. all of the other "rare" items r being brought back (except pins and party hats)

  160. You know, you're right, Mimo... Disney made Club Penguin some rockin' pudding! (That's a compliment, cuz... pudding is good, especially pudding that ROCKS!!!)
    Sparky out!

  161. Just think of it this way Disney makes your shows like Hannah Montana,Wizards of Waverlay place,
    Jonas LA,and more so if you like those shows (that disney makes or Disney Theme Parks in CA,or FL YOU LIKE DISNEY!!!) SO get what im saying we all LOVE disney nothing
    would be here without Disney!!!

  162. And as a reply to all of the comments who say Disney ruined Club Penguin with members-only stuff, I strongly disagree. Club Penguin needs money, too. Without people paying money for membership, Club Penguin wouldn't be able too, to put it simply, make Club Penguin what it is... A massively multiplayer online game(MMOG) that is for all ages with loads of fun,parties,items, and new friends to meet everyday. Imagine taking advantage of EVERYTHING that Club Penguin has to offer, without paying them a cent...This would be a world without membership. Non-Members that complain about membership get enough of Club Penguin for people who don't pay Club Penguin. So, basically what I'm saying is, Disney helped Club Penguin get the money, Club Penguin spent the money to improve their game, and, thus, Disney helped Club Penguin become what it is now. Sparky out!

  163. Anonymous said..
    I think disney ruined it. Because everything they upgraded cost money. Which is exactly the only thing disney cares about.
    I don't Disney ruined it, and Disney does not just care about money.Club Penguin is to meet friends and have fun! Like club penguins motto, Waddle around and meet new friends!
    Private1998-(wants to be CPG MOD)

  164. Dingeljoe said...
    I knew Disney didn't ruin Cp. Maybe they could have like 3 free items at the parties. But i love all the member rooms!
    You got that right, Disney never ruined CP!

    -Private1998(CPG MOD)

  165. Grande pie (CP Name)June 21, 2010 at 10:33 AM

    Mimo, do you know who cares if there are more members things?? Non-members care! You are a member, and you haven't got any problems, of course! But Disney is making CP worse!

  166. Mcfred1 said...
    Clubpenguin had more missions before it was sold to Disney! Now Clubpenguin recycles their old parties and doesn't come up with more original ones! And Clubpenguin is more strict about member and non-members, too! If you ask me, Disney did ruin Clubpenguin!Even though the toys were a pretty good addition.

  167. Disney didn't ruin cp but it was better with out it. Since disney took over the target age of them game. It's now almost completly young kids. Before there were many kids as old as 16-18 playing.

  168. They ruined it. Camp party 2007, Winter feistea, christmas parties! All gone. 'Swell as easter and st patrick's day!

  169. Disney ruined Club Penguin.


    Non-members BARELY get to participate in any events! There are too many member ads, and member rooms! I saw a video, Undercover Mom, and her children we're literally crying! DISNEY!

    Disney just wants money.

  170. Ahhh Yes Club Penguin, Yah know Mimo
    I was waiting for this where Disney is accused of ruining Club Penguin now Disney tries their hardest
    to make your little penguin's lives happy so Disney if you read this we as penguins should give you a HUGE thank you go CP!
    Thank You.

  171. I never said that. I just want OLD cp back.
    Thats why lots of penguins quit mimo and you know it.


  172. Anonymous said...
    Um no I really do think disney ruined club penguin Here's why
    -Boring parties, only fun for members now
    -Bringing back really old items. Sure, it's nice new penguins can get them but what about us older penguins? We don't get anything new
    -The items they DO give out are always lame or make you look fat
    -lame new member clothing, furniture, and igloo music
    -They completely got rid of the sport shop and the PSA
    -The old dojo was actually a lot of fun
    -The stage has stupid plays and they come back like every other month
    -Nothing is secret anymore! When they want to keep something secret they broadcast it in the newspaper!
    -They fixed ALL the glitches. Those were fun and they weren't hurting anybody!
    -Too many little kids play now!
    Overall, they disneyfied it! Lookat pictures before and after. Ntoice the change!
    I totally agree with u!

  173. no mimo disney have ruined it your saying that becuase they are giving you free stuff a free ds game and anyway when the joined they said they wouldnt change much they have

  174. I never knew Club Penguin before Disney, but I think CP is getting graduly worse.

  175. Brennan888 said: Disney didn't ruin cp but it was better with out it. Since disney took over the target age of them game. It's now almost completly young kids. Before there were many kids as old as 16-18 playing.
    I completely agree!! I would say the target age is around 7-14 now. Before and after 2007, you could see a huge change in design in everything. It's only got slightly better. CP should be given back to Rocketsnail!!

  176. Cheese98r (CPGMOD)June 22, 2010 at 9:22 AM

    Anonymous Grande pie (CP Name) said...

    Mimo, do you know who cares if there are more members things?? Non-members care! You are a member, and you haven't got any problems, of course! But Disney is making CP worse!
    I am a member in CP, but alot of things these days in CP are becoming exclusive like rooms, clothing, and games. It's very "caste system" with mods on top, members in the middle, and nonmembers at the bottom.

  177. Mimo you are just contridicting yourself, I am sorry to say this but why do you keep changing your oppinions? A while ago you were saying about all the bad things that Disney done to themselves and now you decide to say Disney is great. Sorry I don't think Disney is great, it just messed up Club Penguin. I don't mean this as offensive as you are awesome!

  178. I belive the members only partys are a bit exesive.

    I mean, some are fine, but it seems like every party theres at least one member room, which gets annoying. it was annoying even when I was a member.

    which is another reason why iCP is really cool!

    of course, Im not saying all of disneys contributions were bad, and Im not saying I blame clubenguin, but I would prefer less member only rooms, and such, and wouldn't mind there being less games as a result.

    also, the clubpenguin wintergames thing for the wii is not gonna be very good.
    it undershot its target audience.

  179. yes the old stuff was good but that was the past this is now yes the old partys were good but we have good partys now like the aventure party

  180. Nimwoff said...
    Ok Mimo... how much have disney offered you? You used to look at both sides of things but it seems to me that lately you've only been looking at one. Sure all the things that you've said about Disney are true but what about the things that you haven't mentioned? When I heard that CP had joined Disney I thought WOOHOO more cool stuff!!! But that's not what's happened... the below has:

    1. Since Disney joined CP there has been loads more members stuff BUT not much more free stuff if anything there is less. Why could this be? Let's have a think... CP is Disney's only profitable game how do you think they manage this? They put pressure on CP to make it better for mems. Not only that but they have made sure that non mems don't get as much as they used to so it's now MUCH better if they become mem.

    2. New missions? Which new missions??? Oh that's right! The ones you have to buy on ur DS!

    3. New Parties? Please tell me you're joking Mimo! They have been getting rid of all our old favourites!!! You say they have been replacing them... I would like to bring your attention to the parties they have been replacing them with. Let's think, the Medievil Party! That's the one which mems get to go on lots of cool quests and non mems get to sit around getting really bored.

    4. New free items? All they are doing nowadays is getting an old free item and bringing it back, that or changing its colour slightly. I used to really look forward to parties, now all I do is have guessing games on which item they'll bring back.

    5. They've made new toys & games. Yea they have... you have to pay for them. What if your poor and you can't afford them?

    Yes they have made it available in more languages but when you think about it why? More languages mean more people which means more $$$.

    The message is clear pay us or you get the squat, now not only can they say it in English but in French, Portuguese and Spanish.

    Club Penguin was good before the money got to it... don't let the same happen to you Mimo! Don't change on us, we were the CP critics... the people who kept CP on track, don't let our host and leader disappear.

    Enough is enough.

    - Nimwoff
    I agree! Mimo! Please don't become a Disney fan!

  181. I send an e-mail to cp about to many member rooms and they say its fair because they waste money to go to these "only member rooms".

  182. club penguin is alright. i guess its still cool.

  183. sure mimo it seems to u like disney is helping cp! theyre giving you free memberships and ds games every month so that you wont diss their awful work! come back to the life of someone that has to actually PAY to get all of that stuff!

  184. sure mimo club penguin is good.FOR YOU! they are giving to free stuff and member and all we get is nothing so u really want to mess with us cuz we were one of the first penguin ar cp and u just joined at 2007 so u dont understand us.

  185. sure mimo club penguin is good.FOR YOU! they are giving to free stuff and member and all we get is nothing so u really want to mess with us cuz we were one of the first penguin ar cp and u just joined at 2007 so u dont understand us.

  186. Everybody claims tht disney ruined everything because they put old items in catalogs.

    Ok, well some people just became a member or aren't rare.

    Half of the items dont even show up that are rare!

    I'm tired of everybody saying "WE WANT OLD CP" in the town.

    They are not thankful there is even a club penguin!

  187. I think disney ruined it. Because everything they upgraded cost money. Which is exactly the only thing disney cares about.

    There was membership before disney came.........

  188. yeah. I guess you are right. It is just that CP used to be simpler and I loved the old parties. (that is the only negative thing. Parties=:P I loved the old parties llike the camping party and the first halloween parties. The free items are always the same or make you look fat) The new dojos are awesome, i just loved how the old dojo was simple and ninjas could walk on walls. (couldnt they? From what i have heard, they could)

    I miss the camping party too! We got a free marshmallow on a stick lol

    Also that western party was fun!

    I remember when the cove was new... I couldn't go in until the next day becuz i wasnt a member lol

  189. No. Disney RUINED CP. Remember old days, when all penguins have fun? Now, i want go to ship battle-onlyb for members. Treetop-only for members. Cool new levels in popular games-only for members. Eeeh.

    Well we pay... i guess. Plus cp needs to make money in order to have the things we have... well cp related lol

  190. If I Could Send one opinion to cp I am sure everyone would agree! is to get rid of bay bees!!! Cp was funnier with out bay bees and we could enjoy our time on with out any Wammy! our clings to or crys wittle eyes out! or hwi! it bothers me ! that like 10 year olds are doing this! another thing i would suggest is people not using slangs to curse like well you guys know I dont want to say any cause there might be little kids reading but as long as we get that out of the way I think cp would be funnier and I WOULD LIKE MORE PARTYS CP!

    I sent an email about bay bees, and they said "thanks for the suggestion"

    I was like "Umm... so are you gonna stop them or what??" lol

  191. more parties? didn't we mis christmas and i forgot the other ones lol =/

    - MEMBERSHIP, if ur a non-member and u believe Disney ruined club penguin, just deal with it and 1 month doesn't cost that much club penguin is really cheap!

    - u know those member only rooms, no big deal, non-members have SOO many other rooms to hang out, anyway they arn't that cool anyway!

    - and Anonymous said so many little kids play now, Club Penguin is a little kids game! duh!

  193. Some peoples STILL care about the member rooms and free items Mimo... -_- But Disney did help make Club Penguin better...

  194. Disney has do a lot for Club Penguin!
    But more for members!

  195. Racket2000 said...

    ....whatever... I'm a member so i kinda don't care about this crud! Lol!

    but thats just mean. think about how the non members feel! i totaly disagree, i think disney ruined cp

  196. Umm Mimo, I think Disney ruined CP just a little bit. They keep dropping our favorite parties.
    Fiesta Party replaced with underground cave.
    St. Patrick's Day Party replaced with Penguin Play Awards.
    And now in almost every party, Disney makes a member only room. And in great games like Jet Pack Adventure, and Thin Ice, Some of the levels and features were made member only.
