Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New Club Penguin Field Op!

Well, just as G. promised, a new field op has been released! This one is really cool even if it is a day late! It is much more difficlult than last weeks field op.

When you log on, you will see your spy gadget blinking with a red light. Go to the Command Room to get your orders. You have to find and antenna that is up high and disguised. As you can guess, the "up high" place is the Ski Hill pole. The only problem is this new field op takes quite a bit more time to complete, than last weeks and tons of penguins are just stuck standing at the pole. You have to be very patient and try to get to the pole through a space between penguins.

What that means is, you have to go from the Recharger which is the starting point and then to a chip. After charging the chip, you have to go back to the Recharging Station to charge back up. Then, go to another chip. Do this to all 4 chips and you will have completed the op. But, watch out for the red things that zap your power!

When you finish, you earn another medal, which of course, doesn't do you much good if you are not a member. :-(

Let me know if you like this new field op, k?

Play some Webosaurs!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now! Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


  1. I personally don't like this field op! I think it took to long and was confusing at first. Also it is really hard to get to because everyone crowds around the location of it.

  2. I liked it. Maybe next weeks will be even longer. I want to do the puzzle that looks like Star Wars. (The puzzle that was shown in the sneak peak last week that we havn't done yet. The third picture on the bottom) It reminds me of Star Wars from episode 4. lol.

  3. I won the field-op! I wish that Club Penguin could allow non-member agents to buy the elite gear...

  4. Anonymous said...
    I personally don't like this field op! I think it took to long and was confusing at first. Also it is really hard to get to because everyone crowds around the location of it.
    Really? I personally like it! But I agree, everyone was crowding around the pole, but you have to wait!
    Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Anonymous said...
    I personally don't like this field op! I think it took to long and was confusing at first. Also it is really hard to get to because everyone crowds around the location of it
    well thats your personal opinion but i do agree with u about the length on the field op i miss the old mission R.I.P PSA

    pan105 trying to be cpg mod

  7. The Puzzle is to anoying and i think the suit for members cost to much!

  8. I won the field-op! I wish that Club Penguin could allow non-member agents to buy the elite gear......
    i agree since Disney brought cp they didnt ruin it but got rid of good parties and most non member things although psa gear was member only so it hasnt really changed hope it helped a bit

    pan105 trying to be cpg mod

  9. Scamper52596 said...
    I liked it. Maybe next weeks will be even longer. I want to do the puzzle that looks like Star Wars. (The puzzle that was shown in the sneak peak last week that we havn't done yet. The third picture on the bottom) It reminds me of Star Wars from episode 4. lol.
    yea lol maybe they should have a dificulty level for younger penguins or something well idk but yea lol starwars

    pan105 trying to be cpg mod

  10. I thought the battery thing was difficult at first because i didnt understand that i had to go back a rechare it. After a while i finally figured it out.

  11. Hey Mimo!! when i got my orders it said "near a big letter S" so dont think i could do that but i will check again..

    See ya

    Baran 103

  12. I advise to go on a less crowded server,as you have more chance of getting to the pole

  13. Anonymous said...
    I personally don't like this field op! I think it took to long and was confusing at first. Also it is really hard to get to because everyone crowds around the location of it.
    Oh, maybe you will like next weeks better. Yea, sometimes it is hard to find a space to get in. Try looking for the smallest space you can click. lol

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  14. th100 said...
    I won the field-op! I wish that Club Penguin could allow non-member agents to buy the elite gear...
    Yea, maybe in the future they will have more things for non-members.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  15. The Snowman said...
    I thought the battery thing was difficult at first because i didnt understand that i had to go back a rechare it. After a while i finally figured it out.
    Yeah! I thought the same thing!

  16. Anonymous said...
    The Puzzle is to anoying and i think the suit for members cost to much!
    Personally, I think it is at a decent price! I think that you should be awarded by using hard work, and patience!
    Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

  17. Kuva 08 said...
    I advise to go on a less crowded server,as you have more chance of getting to the pole
    Good advice! I went on Avalanche and I had to wait 5 mintues to get to the pole!
    Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

  18. Scamper52596 said...
    I liked it. Maybe next weeks will be even longer. I want to do the puzzle that looks like Star Wars. (The puzzle that was shown in the sneak peak last week that we havn't done yet. The third picture on the bottom) It reminds me of Star Wars from episode 4. lol.
    Yea, I liked it too! I hope they get longer and longer. They don't take that long to figure out.
    Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

  19. th100 said...
    I won the field-op! I wish that Club Penguin could allow non-member agents to buy the elite gear...
    Maybe in the future!
    Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

  20. pan105 cpg mod said...
    Anonymous said...
    I personally don't like this field op! I think it took to long and was confusing at first. Also it is really hard to get to because everyone crowds around the location of it
    well thats your personal opinion but i do agree with u about the length on the field op i miss the old mission R.I.P PSA

    pan105 trying to be cpg mod
    You can still play the old missions! If you waddle into the VR room, go over to the machine that is titled,"PSA Missions" and choose a mission!
    Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

  21. My club penguin account is about a little more than 800 day and i use to follow you like 2 years ago... so mimo great job on keeping the site up so well =)

  22. Anonymous said...
    Hey Mimo!! when i got my orders it said "near a big letter S" so dont think i could do that but i will check again..

    See ya

    Baran 103
    I had the same thing happen to me! I played it agin, and I got an extra medal! (Lucky me!) But when I logged off, then back on, it changed, and I KEPT the medal! Woot woot!
    Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

  23. I think soon there will be new EPF gear because there are some empty slots below the one that says /Agent/.

  24. Scamper52596 said...
    Anonymous said...
    I personally don't like this field op! I think it took to long and was confusing at first. Also it is really hard to get to because everyone crowds around the location of it.
    Oh, maybe you will like next weeks better. Yea, sometimes it is hard to find a space to get in. Try looking for the smallest space you can click. lol

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)
    Yea, I had to wait at least 5 minutes before I could get close enough for my EPF phone to ring! I should have went on a non-crowded server...
    Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

  25. i sort of liked it the only part i didnt like was the crowed flag pole it took me forever to get in and the field op was as easy as last time 2 tries and done

  26. I don't. It was WAY too hard. I said in the last post comments I liked to be challenged, but this was WAY too hard.


  27. Anonymous said...

    I personally don't like this field op! I think it took to long and was confusing at first. Also it is really hard to get to because everyone crowds around the location of it.


    -Birdy, Trying to be a CPG Mod

  28. th100 said...

    I won the field-op! I wish that Club Penguin could allow non-member agents to buy the elite gear...

    -Birdy, Trying to be a CPG Mod

  29. Anonymous said...
    I personally don't like this field op! I think it took to long and was confusing at first. Also it is really hard to get to because everyone crowds around the location of it.

    It was so hard to get there, I agree! My strategy was to throw snowballs at ppl until they got REALLY mad and left. Other than that part, it was pretty fun!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  30. Anonymous said...

    The Puzzle is to anoying and i think the suit for members cost to much!


    pretty annoying... and the suit for members cost too much! Good point!b>

    -Birdy, Trying to be a CPG Mod

  31. Scamper52596 said...
    I liked it. Maybe next weeks will be even longer. I want to do the puzzle that looks like Star Wars. (The puzzle that was shown in the sneak peak last week that we havn't done yet. The third picture on the bottom) It reminds me of Star Wars from episode 4. lol.

    LOL! It reminds me of Spiderman 3. Nobody likes it. XD I barely remember that sneak peek! It took a while to get here.

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  32. Anonymous said...
    I personally don't like this field op! I think it took to long and was confusing at first. Also it is really hard to get to because everyone crowds around the location of it.

    June 23, 2010 12:55 PM

    Scamper52596 said...
    I liked it. Maybe next weeks will be even longer. I want to do the puzzle that looks like Star Wars. (The puzzle that was shown in the sneak peak last week that we havn't done yet. The third picture on the bottom) It reminds me of Star Wars from episode 4. lol.

    June 23, 2010 12:56 PM

    th100 said...
    I won the field-op! I wish that Club Penguin could allow non-member agents to buy the elite gear...

    June 23, 2010 1:05 PM

    Fredfan4ever said...
    Anonymous said...
    I personally don't like this field op! I think it took to long and was confusing at first. Also it is really hard to get to because everyone crowds around the location of it.
    Really? I personally like it! But I agree, everyone was crowding around the pole, but you have to wait!
    Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

    June 23, 2010 1:10 PM

    Comment deleted
    This post has been removed by the author.

    June 23, 2010 1:16 PM

    pan105 cpg mod said...
    Anonymous said...
    I personally don't like this field op! I think it took to long and was confusing at first. Also it is really hard to get to because everyone crowds around the location of it
    well thats your personal opinion but i do agree with u about the length on the field op i miss the old mission R.I.P PSA

    pan105 trying to be cpg mod

    June 23, 2010 1:21 PM

    Anonymous said...
    The Puzzle is to anoying and i think the suit for members cost to much!

    June 23, 2010 1:23 PM

    pan105 said...
    I won the field-op! I wish that Club Penguin could allow non-member agents to buy the elite gear......
    i agree since Disney brought cp they didnt ruin it but got rid of good parties and most non member things although psa gear was member only so it hasnt really changed hope it helped a bit

    pan105 trying to be cpg mod

    June 23, 2010 1:25 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Scamper52596 said...
    I liked it. Maybe next weeks will be even longer. I want to do the puzzle that looks like Star Wars. (The puzzle that was shown in the sneak peak last week that we havn't done yet. The third picture on the bottom) It reminds me of Star Wars from episode 4. lol.
    yea lol maybe they should have a dificulty level for younger penguins or something well idk but yea lol starwars

    pan105 trying to be cpg mod

    June 23, 2010 1:27 PM

    The Snowman said...
    I thought the battery thing was difficult at first because i didnt understand that i had to go back a rechare it. After a while i finally figured it out.

    June 23, 2010 1:40 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Hey Mimo!! when i got my orders it said "near a big letter S" so dont think i could do that but i will check again..

    See ya

    Baran 103

    June 23, 2010 1:48 PM

    Kuva 08 said...
    I advise to go on a less crowded server,as you have more chance of getting to the pole

    June 23, 2010 1:55 PM

    Scamper52596 said...
    Anonymous said...
    I personally don't like this field op! I think it took to long and was confusing at first. Also it is really hard to get to because everyone crowds around the location of it.
    Oh, maybe you will like next weeks better. Yea, sometimes it is hard to find a space to get in. Try looking for the smallest space you can click. lol

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

    June 23, 2010 2:00 PM

    Scamper52596 said...
    th100 said...
    I won the field-op! I wish that Club Penguin could allow non-member agents to buy the elite gear...
    Yea, maybe in the future they will have more things for non-members.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  33. th100 said...
    I won the field-op! I wish that Club Penguin could allow non-member agents to buy the elite gear...

    They don't get much, but Disney does that so you want to buy a membership! They kind of have to, although I understand you. :)

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  34. Anonymous said...
    The Puzzle is to anoying and i think the suit for members cost to much!

    The puzzle took me about 72 tries! Oh wait, 73 now. I am saving up for the suit, it adds to the fun for me!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  35. The Snowman said...
    I thought the battery thing was difficult at first because i didnt understand that i had to go back a rechare it. After a while i finally figured it out.

    SAME! I had no idea about the recharging! They need to explain it better to you!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  36. Anonymous said...
    Hey Mimo!! when i got my orders it said "near a big letter S" so dont think i could do that but i will check again..

    See ya

    Baran 103

    Hmm... that was last weeks! Maybe it just hasn't loaded for you? Or maybe you didn't do last week's! Try that!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  37. Kuva 08 said...
    I advise to go on a less crowded server,as you have more chance of getting to the pole

    Great advice! I went on a two bar server, but there were still TONS of ppl! But that is still your best chance.

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  38. its especially hard when ur arrow keys screw up and go up instead of left! lol


  39. it waz ok because to me it waz still pretty easy besides the game

  40. Anonymous said...
    I personally don't like this field op! I think it took to long and was confusing at first. Also it is really hard to get to because everyone crowds around the location of it.
    I no! I kinda like 2 do it by myself but when i check there theres a crowd of penguins so i no its there.I agree that the game was confusing
    Pollydolly42(CPG MOD)

  41. I went on and it said new field op, but it was so early it was the same one as last week. So I did it again and got the medal. But I can't do this one (the new one) because it says report for duty next week. Bummer.

  42. Anonymos said...
    Hey Mimo!! when i got my orders it said "near a big letter S" so dont think i could do that but i will check again..
    that waz last weeks field op. If u want 2 find out the answer just scroll down and if u need 2 go 2 the next page
    Glad to help.:)
    Pollydolly42(CPG MOD)

  43. A lot of people find this a great place to yell things like "ROCKHOPPER IS AT THE COVE" in the middle of the crowd, he is never there. Others think "Oh, a party" and start dancing in the middle of the crowd. People try to take turns but without co-operation it never gets far, if antwhere. I'll have go on at dinner, the wait is ridiculous right now.

  44. Anonymous said...
    The Puzzle is to anoying and i think the suit for members cost to much!
    Oh, maybe you will like next weeks better. I really liked this week. And don't worry about the cost. They will release enough Field Ops in the future the buy it.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  45. The Snowman said...
    I thought the battery thing was difficult at first because i didnt understand that i had to go back a rechare it. After a while i finally figured it out.
    Good. At first I kept on getting shocked alot but then I finally took into consideration about WATCHING what they do more. lol.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  46. Anonymous said...
    Hey Mimo!! when i got my orders it said "near a big letter S" so dont think i could do that but i will check again..

    See ya

    Baran 103
    That was last weeks. Maybe you didn't do it. Try it then see if you get this weeks mission. Good luck!

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  47. вírdч_(fєrdthєвírd) said...
    I don't. It was WAY too hard. I said in the last post comments I liked to be challenged, but this was WAY too hard.

    Really? I liked it. It wasn't really THAT hard.

  48. jet said...
    My club penguin account is about a little more than 800 day and i use to follow you like 2 years ago... so mimo great job on keeping the site up so well =)
    Yea! Mimo has come a LONG way. He used to get 0-10 people on his blog, and now 200-300 everyday! Mimo's on a roll!

  49. Kuva 08 said...
    I advise to go on a less crowded server,as you have more chance of getting to the pole
    Yea, the pole got like extremely crowded in like three minutes! Even though I havn't proved it im sure it's true.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  50. This Field Op was hard, but obviously not because CP made it so. Next time they make a Field Op like this they should place it higher up, like the pins, so crowds don't prevent people from doing the Field Op. Hopefully CP will change this in the future to make Field Ops funner for everyone.

  51. kingicevar said...
    I think soon there will be new EPF gear because there are some empty slots below the one that says /Agent/.
    I was thinking the same thing today!I think there might be different catagories!
    Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

  52. beast boy9 said...
    i sort of liked it the only part i didnt like was the crowed flag pole it took me forever to get in and the field op was as easy as last time 2 tries and done
    It took me 3 tries before I could get it! Good job! The only hard part was avoiding the trap/ electrical thingys!
    Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

  53. jet said...
    My club penguin account is about a little more than 800 day and i use to follow you like 2 years ago... so mimo great job on keeping the site up so well =)
    Cool. Yea, thats cool how Mimo has kept his sight running for this long. I visit everyday.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  54. kingicevar said...
    I think soon there will be new EPF gear because there are some empty slots below the one that says /Agent/.
    Yea, same here. Right now im hoping for more EPF puffles in the future maybe we can buy with medals. We'll see.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  55. beast boy9 said...
    i sort of liked it the only part i didnt like was the crowed flag pole it took me forever to get in and the field op was as easy as last time 2 tries and done
    Last week I did it in one try but this week I did it in two. Man, I was SO close! I was on the last one I had to recharge then ZAP!!! I lost my energy and I had to try again. lol.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  56. вírdч_(fєrdthєвírd) said...
    I don't. It was WAY too hard. I said in the last post comments I liked to be challenged, but this was WAY too hard.

    Oh, I hope next weeks Field Op is better for you.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  57. Asol1524 said...
    I went on and it said new field op, but it was so early it was the same one as last week. So I did it again and got the medal. But I can't do this one (the new one) because it says report for duty next week. Bummer.
    The same thing happened to me! You have to log off, then back on to get the new EPF Field-Op.
    Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

  58. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    Scamper52596 said...
    I liked it. Maybe next weeks will be even longer. I want to do the puzzle that looks like Star Wars. (The puzzle that was shown in the sneak peak last week that we havn't done yet. The third picture on the bottom) It reminds me of Star Wars from episode 4. lol.

    LOL! It reminds me of Spiderman 3. Nobody likes it. XD I barely remember that sneak peek! It took a while to get here.

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    LOL, wait, which one reminds you of Spiderman 3? The one we just did or the one I was talking about in the sneak peak?

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  59. Anonymous said...
    its especially hard when ur arrow keys screw up and go up instead of left! lol

    Im not the only one then, that happened to me and I got zaped a once or twice cause of it. lol.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  60. Asol1524 said...
    I went on and it said new field op, but it was so early it was the same one as last week. So I did it again and got the medal. But I can't do this one (the new one) because it says report for duty next week. Bummer.
    O, major bummer. I wouldn't like that if it happened to me. Try checking again later and see if it will give you this weeks.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  61. If you just stand by the pole for like 1 minutes, your gadget will glow green, click it then do the maze. As Mimo said watch out for the things that zap you!!

    Opaqes(cpg mod)

  62. th100 said...
    I won the field-op! I wish that Club Penguin could allow non-member agents to buy the elite gear...
    Yeah, not that nice, but I emailed CP reccently about giving nons more oppurtunities, they just responded back listing a bunch of stuff nons could do! They also said that members have more privileges because they pay. If no one paid, CP would not be here!
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  63. Anonymous said...
    its especially hard when ur arrow keys screw up and go up instead of left! lol

    That happened to me, actually I have another window opened and I am trying it now. It's kind of annoying.
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  64. Kuva 08 said...
    I advise to go on a less crowded server,as you have more chance of getting to the pole
    I did that, it was still crowded. Do you like this field op?
    Warmest Wishes and Coldest Fishes!
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  65. pollydolly42 said...
    it waz ok because to me it waz still pretty easy besides the game

    I would say the hardest part is getting TO the game! There's a giant.. Oh, I gotta say it! Club Penguin Swarm! If you know me you know that's my site. ;-)

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  66. Anonymous said...
    Hey Mimo!! when i got my orders it said "near a big letter S" so dont think i could do that but i will check again..

    See ya

    Baran 103
    Prob. hasen't loaded. It should be better soon!
    Warmest Wishes and coldest Fishes!
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  67. Anonymous said...
    its especially hard when ur arrow keys screw up and go up instead of left! lol


    That's never happened to me! That would really stink, I feel sorry for you dude!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  68. Anonymous said...
    I personally don't like this field op! I think it took to long and was confusing at first. Also it is really hard to get to because everyone crowds around the location of it.
    Same, I'm going to make my mom do it! Haha, she is great at Puffle Round-up! She gets thousands of coins in minutes! :)
    Warmest Wishes and coldest Fishes!
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  69. вírdч_(fєrdthєвírd) said...
    I don't. It was WAY too hard. I said in the last post comments I liked to be challenged, but this was WAY too hard.


    It should've been some kind of remotely FUN game, lol! Like the Avalanche Rescue one!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  70. Rh is on yukon at the ships! (pirate and captain) go there!

  71. beast boy9 said...
    i sort of liked it the only part i didnt like was the crowed flag pole it took me forever to get in and the field op was as easy as last time 2 tries and done

    t is practically impossible to get to, why not just hide the president in there?! =) It's so hard! I'm on my... 96, 97, 98... I lost count! =P

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  72. kingicevar said...
    I think soon there will be new EPF gear because there are some empty slots below the one that says /Agent/.

    I noticed that! Maybe there will be different ranks of EPF agents! Because when you enter the Everyday Phoning Facility it says Rank: EPF Agent!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  73. jet said...
    My club penguin account is about a little more than 800 day and i use to follow you like 2 years ago... so mimo great job on keeping the site up so well =)

    Awesome dude! That's so cool! I think Mimo does a great job with this website too!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  74. This does not have to do with anything but...
    1. I'm trying really hard to be a mod!
    2. Looks like other people are too!
    3. I've seen lots of cool mods that are bright and cheerful about this 'job'!
    4. Lucky kid Mimo! You might have lost lots (and I mean lots) of mods, but you are getting some great new ones!
    Warmest Wishes and coldest Fishes!

  75. Mimo! The newspaper is late! What will I do?!? It's frantic!
    Warmest Wishes and coldest Fishes!

  76. i still think the missions were way more fun this was just annoying and too many penguins blocking.

  77. Dianac99 said...
    Mimo! The newspaper is late! What will I do?!? It's frantic!
    Warmest Wishes and coldest Fishes!
    The newspaper isn't late!The newspaper comes out on Thursday!
    Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

  78. Dianac99 said...
    This does not have to do with anything but...
    1. I'm trying really hard to be a mod!
    2. Looks like other people are too!
    3. I've seen lots of cool mods that are bright and cheerful about this 'job'!
    4. Lucky kid Mimo! You might have lost lots (and I mean lots) of mods, but you are getting some great new ones!
    Warmest Wishes and coldest Fishes!
    Why thank you! I happen to be the brightest of them all!(Not quite) But thanks for saying we are all bright! I hope you can become a mod, just like me! And good luck!
    Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

  79. Anonymous said...
    A lot of people find this a great place to yell things like "ROCKHOPPER IS AT THE COVE" in the middle of the crowd, he is never there. Others think "Oh, a party" and start dancing in the middle of the crowd. People try to take turns but without co-operation it never gets far, if antwhere. I'll have go on at dinner, the wait is ridiculous right now.
    Try going on a non-crowded server! I find that REALLY helpful!
    Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

  80. Anonymous said...
    This Field Op was hard, but obviously not because CP made it so. Next time they make a Field Op like this they should place it higher up, like the pins, so crowds don't prevent people from doing the Field Op. Hopefully CP will change this in the future to make Field Ops funner for everyone.
    What a great idea! I agree 100% on that! When you need to get somewhere, it's always so crowded!
    Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

  81. Jacob674 said...
    i still think the missions were way more fun this was just annoying and too many penguins blocking.
    I agree, 100%
    Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

  82. Dianac99 said...
    Mimo! The newspaper is late! What will I do?!? It's frantic!
    Warmest Wishes and coldest Fishes!
    The news paper normally comes out Thursdays. It's Wednesday right now. Try tomorrow and see if it's there.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  83. Anonymous said...
    If you just stand by the pole for like 1 minutes, your gadget will glow green, click it then do the maze. As Mimo said watch out for the things that zap you!!

    Opaqes(cpg mod)
    Please do not put CPG MOD next to your name when you aren't modding! Thanks,
    Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)<-----See? I modded you.

  84. Anonymous said...
    Rh is on yukon at the ships! (pirate and captain) go there!
    Thanks! I gotta go check that out ASAP!
    Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

  85. YAY! I know this has nothing to do with a field op, but Rockhopper is finally here! BTW, the field op is okay, and i like it. :)

  86. It was just really annoying there were too many of those red machine stuff.

  87. my field op gliched it sys undefind werid eh

  88. i cant do it! i pretty much stood everywhere around the pole and it still didht show up?!? i need help. plz help!

    -peach sky777

  89. sparkpink216 said...
    YAY! I know this has nothing to do with a field op, but Rockhopper is finally here! BTW, the field op is okay, and i like it. :)
    Yea! Yay!Rockhopper is here! Scroll down a few posts, and find the Rockhopper cheats!
    Fredfan4eevr(CPG MOD)

  90. how do you unlock the locked one!?!??!!? somebody please help!!!!!

  91. Anonymous said...
    It was just really annoying there were too many of those red machine stuff.
    Yea, they need to cut back some! Were only penguins!

  92. Anonymous said...
    my field op gliched it sys undefind werid eh
    Very weird! Try clearing your cache and see if that helps!

  93. Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)June 23, 2010 at 8:59 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I personally don't like this field op! I think it took to long and was confusing at first. Also it is really hard to get to because everyone crowds around the location of it.
    Haha, I know! Lol. I am waiting until tomorrow to do the field op on my other penguin. Hopefully the crowd has died down by then.

    Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)

  94. liltaz said...
    how do you unlock the locked one!?!??!!? somebody please help!!!!!
    To unlock the one that's locked, go to the orange circle with a pic of a key in the middle. Once you go over that, it should unlock!
    Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

  95. Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)June 23, 2010 at 9:03 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Hey Mimo!! when i got my orders it said "near a big letter S" so dont think i could do that but i will check again..

    See ya

    Baran 103
    Whoah! Weird glitch! So could you do it or what?

    Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)

  96. peach sky777 said...
    i cant do it! i pretty much stood everywhere around the pole and it still didht show up?!? i need help. plz help!

    -peach sky777
    You need to stand somewhat away from the pole, yet close to the pole. Do you get what I'm saying? Your EPF Spy Phone will ring, and blink green. Click on it, and play the mini-game.
    Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)

  97. Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)June 23, 2010 at 9:05 PM

    Fredfan4ever said...
    pan105 cpg mod said...
    Anonymous said...
    I personally don't like this field op! I think it took to long and was confusing at first. Also it is really hard to get to because everyone crowds around the location of it
    well thats your personal opinion but i do agree with u about the length on the field op i miss the old mission R.I.P PSA

    pan105 trying to be cpg mod
    You can still play the old missions! If you waddle into the VR room, go over to the machine that is titled,"PSA Missions" and choose a mission!
    Fredfan4ever(CPG MOD)
    OOoooOh. Really? Wow. I hadn't noticed that. Well that's cool! Lol. Kinda weird though cause once you know how to do it... You've done it. :/ Hm. Idk if I will be doing them again. Maybe after a really long time or something. Who knows. ANyways thanks for that, I didn't know.

    Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)

  98. Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)June 23, 2010 at 9:11 PM

    вírdч_(fєrdthєвírd) said...
    Anonymous said...

    I personally don't like this field op! I think it took to long and was confusing at first. Also it is really hard to get to because everyone crowds around the location of it.


    -Birdy, Trying to be a CPG Mod
    Oh. Sniff sniff... Well I actually thought it was good. I'm sure the crowds will come down by tomorrow.

    Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)

  99. Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)June 23, 2010 at 9:18 PM

    Anonymous said...
    A lot of people find this a great place to yell things like "ROCKHOPPER IS AT THE COVE" in the middle of the crowd, he is never there. Others think "Oh, a party" and start dancing in the middle of the crowd. People try to take turns but without co-operation it never gets far, if antwhere. I'll have go on at dinner, the wait is ridiculous right now.
    I'm totally with ya'! Yep. People were doing that when I was on too. I'm sure the crowd will less-en up by tomorrow though. Then you can do it easy-peasy... Without RH's little announcers bothering you. ;)

    Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)

  100. Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)June 23, 2010 at 9:23 PM

    вírdч_(fєrdthєвírd) said...
    I don't. It was WAY too hard. I said in the last post comments I liked to be challenged, but this was WAY too hard.

    Haha, I know. It's kinda eeny bitty bit funny because in the last post I was like, "Hey, maybe they'll start getting harder." And now today, the field ops are too hard. Poor club penguin. They just can't win. *sigh*

    Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)

  101. Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)June 23, 2010 at 9:24 PM

    Dianac99 said...
    This does not have to do with anything but...
    1. I'm trying really hard to be a mod!
    2. Looks like other people are too!
    3. I've seen lots of cool mods that are bright and cheerful about this 'job'!
    4. Lucky kid Mimo! You might have lost lots (and I mean lots) of mods, but you are getting some great new ones!
    Warmest Wishes and coldest Fishes!
    Warmest Wishes and coldest Fishes... Haha! That's really good... Haha... ha... Okay. Wow. Yeah. I like it.

    ;) Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)

  102. peach sky777 said...
    i cant do it! i pretty much stood everywhere around the pole and it still didht show up?!? i need help. plz help!

    -peach sky777
    Did you accept it? You have to accept it first at the EPF command room. Go to the screen that has the Field Ops sign and Gary will give you your orders. Good luck!

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  103. liltaz said...
    how do you unlock the locked one!?!??!!? somebody please help!!!!!
    There should be a key in the puzzle somewhere. Look for it then go to it and it will automatically unlock. Good luck!

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  104. Anonymous said...
    my field op gliched it sys undefind werid eh
    That is weird. Try again later and see if it works.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  105. Man all that work for nothing! Its all for members!

  106. That field OP was sooo boring and long. I didn't like it one bit. Now I have to play it 2 more times for my other penguins. >:(

  107. thanks i knew that allready but the old psa hq was better and they had to get rid of the sport shop selfish cp but we still have the catalog

    pan105 cpg mod

  108. What I find to be stupid is that anyone, membership or not, can get into the EPF, but only MEMBERS can use medals to buy spy gear!!! If your gonna let everyone take part of it, LET EVERYONE BE REWARDED!!!! Non-members can ONLY buy the ear piece!!

  109. hey Mimo!! well yesterday i went on clubpeguin again and got my newest order!!

    wow!! i had 2 field ops this week!!

    Baran 103

  110. Anonymous said...
    my field op gliched it sys undefind werid eh

    June 23, 2010 7:35 PM

    That happens sometimes when Club penguin is updating or is very busy! ~Paddy76 (Trying to be a CPG Mod)

  111. thank you everyone that helped me. i finally got it!!! :)

    -peach sky777

  112. kingicevar said...
    I think soon there will be new EPF gear because there are some empty slots below the one that says /Agent/.
    I was thinking the same thing! But maybe not soon. Who knows?


  113. This is a hard mission. Who could do it? May be Mimo?

  114. Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD) said...
    Dianac99 said...
    This does not have to do with anything but...
    1. I'm trying really hard to be a mod!
    2. Looks like other people are too!
    3. I've seen lots of cool mods that are bright and cheerful about this 'job'!
    4. Lucky kid Mimo! You might have lost lots (and I mean lots) of mods, but you are getting some great new ones!
    Warmest Wishes and coldest Fishes!
    Warmest Wishes and coldest Fishes... Haha! That's really good... Haha... ha... Okay. Wow. Yeah. I like it.

    ;) Sunsfanninja (CPG MOD)
    Cool, and thanks Sun!
    Warmest wishes and coldest fishes!

  115. Anonymous said...
    I personally don't like this field op! I think it took to long and was confusing at first. Also it is really hard to get to because everyone crowds around the location of it.
    I agree with you. That was a confusing assignment... Maybe they're getting harder by weeks? Hmm... Lets wait and see!

    => Safa153 (CPG MOD)

  116. Scamper52596 said...
    I liked it. Maybe next weeks will be even longer. I want to do the puzzle that looks like Star Wars. (The puzzle that was shown in the sneak peak last week that we havn't done yet. The third picture on the bottom) It reminds me of Star Wars from episode 4. lol.
    LOL, yeah, right! But I dont know why, I've earned 2 MORE medals this week... Hmm.

    => Safa153 (CPG MOD)

  117. th100 said...
    I won the field-op! I wish that Club Penguin could allow non-member agents to buy the elite gear...
    I think so. :-( I have only 1 month more membership and I wont be able to use them after it expires. :(
    Non-rights! :)

    => Safa153 (CPG MOD)

  118. Anonymous said...
    The Puzzle is to anoying and i think the suit for members cost to much!
    I'm trying to get medals to get that suit. :) Now, many of the penguins have 2 medals. Hmm...

    => Safa153 (CPG MOD)

  119. The Snowman said...
    I thought the battery thing was difficult at first because i didnt understand that i had to go back a rechare it. After a while i finally figured it out.
    Same thing with me too! :D That was hard, though. But it's worth it at the end. ;)

    => Safa153 (CPG MOD)

  120. Kuva 08 said...
    I advise to go on a less crowded server,as you have more chance of getting to the pole
    Yep, true! :)
    Thanks for the advice. ;)

    => Safa153 (CPG MOD)

  121. jet said...
    My club penguin account is about a little more than 800 day and i use to follow you like 2 years ago... so mimo great job on keeping the site up so well =)
    Awesome! :) Thanks for visiting, still! :D
    Keep commenting!

    => Safa153 (CPG MOD)

  122. Mimo! I've earned 2 MORE medals on my main account and now, tried on my spare account and got 2 MORE medals again! So I'm really confused... :-\ What do you think?

    => Safa153 (CPG MOD)

  123. Mimo, Club Penguin released the old mission first and a few minutes later, they changed it. And I've completed the both of the missions. So now, it says 3 Career Total. LOL. :)

    => Safa153 <=

  124. Limadude (cpg mod)June 25, 2010 at 6:54 PM

    Asol1524 said...
    I went on and it said new field op, but it was so early it was the same one as last week. So I did it again and got the medal. But I can't do this one (the new one) because it says report for duty next week. Bummer.
    Well Thats a rip off! I mean easy is cool but thats no fun at all!

  125. I love the new field ops as they require a lot of problem solving skills and stuff. Although they don't do much good if you're not a member :'( like Mimo said. C'mon, at least give us SOMETHING new to get so that we're not totally without anything to do with all of our field op credits... :(

  126. This one was WAY too easy. I finished in like, 3 minutes!

  127. There is a new field op. Pretty easy, but it was tricky. Hint (the spy phone is not at the lighthouse)
