Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Club Penguin Pin Cheat - CANDY APPLE PIN!

Club Penguin Pin Cheat - CANDY APPLE PIN!
Here is how to find the new Club Penguin PIN cheat.

Step 1. Click your map.
Step 2. Now go to Mine... or yes, I know, the Forest.
Step 3. Go into the Hidden Lake.
Step 4. Now click on the CANDY APPLE PIN!


Sweet (literally) cheat, huh? Not only do I want to pick it up, I want to eat it... NOW! lol


- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now! Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


  1. Wow i just refreshed the page and THE CANDY APPLE PIN CAME UP LOL LUV U MIMO777!

    Sillyevie678 (ur huge fan)

  2. Yummy for my penguins tummy!!!!!

    Thx Mimo for posting this pin tip

  3. Awesome as always Mimo thanks for your cheats!!!

  4. The new catalog is open now and it is so COOL!

  5. Yey i love toffie apples at christmas!

  6. looks delicious! I hope the Candy apple hand item comes back, but i think that was from the fall fair or anniversary party.


  7. That is cool
    But i have also noticed that the newspaper came early!!!
    today is wednesday but it says that the mail ALWAYS comes on THURDAY.
    but now i figured out that it sometimes comes early but one time it came late...on FRIDAY!! werid right

  8. The new penguin style is out today is there going to be another one on the 2nd?

  9. Cool
    It's abit hallowe'en don' you think?

  10. Mimo, did you mention the damage at the clock tower???

  11. hi, i know this isnt about it, but i was just wondering, what items/objects do you get to keep ,after losing your membership? I know you keep your puffles, but do u get to keep anything else? i just bought a 1 month membership, and was wondering what to buy? thnx

  12. hmmmmm maybe thats what is going to grow on the tree at the mine


  13. Also there's a new start screen.

  14. joey said...
    hi, i know this isnt about it, but i was just wondering, what items/objects do you get to keep ,after losing your membership? I know you keep your puffles, but do u get to keep anything else? i just bought a 1 month membership, and was wondering what to buy? thnx
    I say u should get everything u can before its gone!because when ur membership expires u dont have access to ur clothes that were membership:(
    Lovepingi(CPG mod)

  15. Anonymous said...
    The new penguin style is out today is there going to be another one on the 2nd?
    No, the one that was supposed to come out on the 2nd was todays. They released new stuff early early.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  16. Anonymous said...
    It's abit hallowe'en don' you think?
    Yea, it does. We can wear it during halloween.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  17. Anonymous said...
    Mimo, did you mention the damage at the clock tower???
    What damage? If your referring to all the boxes and wood, thats for the Music Jam party next week.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  18. Joey said...
    hi, i know this isnt about it, but i was just wondering, what items/objects do you get to keep ,after losing your membership? I know you keep your puffles, but do u get to keep anything else? i just bought a 1 month membership, and was wondering what to buy? thnx
    You get to keep the items you buy as a member, but the member items you collect will be faded out in your invintory so you can't wear them. But you own them.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  19. Thanks that will come in handy mimo


  20. Sweet pin Mimo! I'm serious...

  21. Joey said...
    hi, i know this isnt about it, but i was just wondering, what items/objects do you get to keep ,after losing your membership? I know you keep your puffles, but do u get to keep anything else? i just bought a 1 month membership, and was wondering what to buy? thnx
    Okay, go out and buy some CP toys, like the penguins stuffies, and puffles. You get special codes, which you can use to buy special clothing items and all that. They have a little mark in the corner, it's a key or something like that. You keep them when your membership expires, also puffles, backgrounds, pins, that kind of stuff! Keep on posting!
    Have an 'ICE' day!
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  22. AWESOME! i wonder when card jitsu water is coming out

  23. Anonymous said...
    Wow i just refreshed the page and THE CANDY APPLE PIN CAME UP LOL LUV U MIMO777!

    Sillyevie678 (ur huge fan)

    Yeah, Mimo rocks! That's so fun when he posts as you are online!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  24. Anonymous said...
    Yummy for my penguins tummy!!!!!

    Thx Mimo for posting this pin tip

    Yea, thanks Mimo! Maybe you should get the Candy Apple item! Your penguin's tummy would be yummy...

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  25. Was that meant to eat? ... Oops. When I went to get the pin, a person was like, Why is there an apple?! I said," Just walk up to it!" And he went... I knew that.

  26. Did you miss the field op where the place you have to go is the ski hill?


  27. Joey said...
    hi, i know this isnt about it, but i was just wondering, what items/objects do you get to keep ,after losing your membership? I know you keep your puffles, but do u get to keep anything else? i just bought a 1 month membership, and was wondering what to buy? thnx
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All you get to keep after your membership are your puffles but when you get another membership you get all of your stuff back. -Doony(CPG MOD)

  28. Anonymous said...
    hmmmmm maybe thats what is going to grow on the tree at the mine

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hope so. It would be cool if you could get some candy apples and feed them to your puffles.-Doony(CPG MOD)

  29. Joey said...

    hi, i know this isnt about it, but i was just wondering, what items/objects do you get to keep ,after losing your membership? I know you keep your puffles, but do u get to keep anything else? i just bought a 1 month membership, and was wondering what to buy? thn
    I have had a few memberships so i can tell you.
    First of all if you buy it you lose it until your a member again but you keep puffles.
    you also lose free items from member rooms.
    So you basically get all free items from nonmember rooms to keep
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Giraffe7528(CPG MOD)
    ps. i just learned how to do bold, italics and blue!

  30. Anonymous said...
    The new penguin style is out today is there going to be another one on the 2nd?
    CP has told us that they would be releasing things earlier.

    --Ethanator The Mod

  31. Anonymous said...
    It's abit hallowe'en don' you think?
    When I think of candy apples I think of carnivals and fairs.

  32. After your membership expires you will have all your items but you wont be able to access them.I also bought a 1 month membership but it kept renewing every month automatically.

    -Oliver0147 (CPG Mod)


  34. Hey Mimo, im your huge fan and I love your blog very much! Waddle on!

  35. Anonymous said...
    Yummy for my penguins tummy!!!!!

    Thx Mimo for posting this pin tip
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You always know you can count on Mimo for all your Club Penguin needs. Every day I go on to check what's new! -Doony(CPG MOD)

  36. Friendy448 said...
    Also there's a new start screen.
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I know, it's about the Music Jam! I love the Music Jam! It's the best party all year because The Club Penguin Band comes and they give out free instruments!-Doony(CPG)

  37. Fqueen1 said...
    Awesome as always Mimo thanks for your cheats!!!
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I know right! Mimo holds the best cheat website on the internet! He's awesome!
    -Doony(CPG MOD)

  38. Dommie101 said...
    Yey i love toffie apples at christmas!
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Same! I also love them on Halloween and the Fourth of July! And nice name!
    -Doony(CPG MOD)

  39. Dingeljoe said...
    looks delicious! I hope the Candy apple hand item comes back, but i think that was from the fall fair or anniversary party.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yeah, sadly, I don't think they'll bring it back for this party because it's not an instrument. Have a great day, everyone!
    -Doony(CPG MOD)

  40. Anonymous said...
    The new penguin style is out today is there going to be another one on the 2nd?
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No, I don't think so because the July catalog already came out and June 30th, I guess, is classified in the month of July.
    Club Penguin and Club Penguin Gang rock! Thank you Mimo!
    -Doony(CPG MOD)

  41. Anonymous said...
    It's abit hallowe'en don' you think?
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yeah I guess it is a little misdated, but maybe they were they trying to put a firework pin but messed up and used the one they were saving for the fall fair. Club Penguin Gang rock!
    -Doony(CPG MOD)

  42. Anonymous said...
    Mimo, did you mention the damage at the clock tower???
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is no damage on the clock. You were probably just seeing things. It's alright. That happens to me all the time. By the way, the Forest now leads to the mine.
    -Doony(CPG MOD)

  43. Anonymous said...
    The new catalog is open now and it is so COOL!
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I agree! I always look forward to the new catalog even though I'm not a member. I love to find the secret items! The new catalog can also help you decide what party's coming up by the items in the catalog. Happy Thursday!
    -Doony(CPG MOD)

  44. Anonymous said...
    Wow i just refreshed the page and THE CANDY APPLE PIN CAME UP LOL LUV U MIMO777!

    Sillyevie678 (ur huge fan)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We all love Mimo. We wouldn't be here if we didn't. Thank you for all of your cheats!
    -Doony(CPG MOD)

  45. Anonymous said...
    Yummy for my penguins tummy!!!!!

    Thx Mimo for posting this pin tip
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I wish you could eat pins. That would be awesome! Once you find a pin, it would be cool if you could reach into your computer and eat it.

  46. I can't seem to find the pin :(:(

  47. I WANT TO EAT THE CANDY APPLE PIN! I ALSO WANT TO EAT THE TACO PIN, THE SUNDAE PIN... so many edible pins! Anyways, the clothing catalog is the best, no I mean BEST clothing catalog eva!

  48. Anonymous said...
    I can't seem to find the pin :(:(
    The pin is down at the hidden lake, there is a section in the middle that has a big candy apple on it, good luck finding it!
    Have an 'ICE' day!
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  49. The new Field OP is out, and here are the cheats. First go to the mine. Then go to the cave. When your inside the cave Go to the machine with "the big light bulb" Then just destroy the circuits, like we did on the first Field OP! Sweet cheats by the way.


  50. This has to be my favorite pin of all time. 8)

  51. Thanks Mimo, I love your website. ;)

  52. Mimo, When will you post the weiners of the caption contest? It has been a while since the contest.

    Did you forget?? Silly goose!


  53. Joey said...

    hi, i know this isnt about it, but i was just wondering, what items/objects do you get to keep ,after losing your membership? I know you keep your puffles, but do u get to keep anything else? i just bought a 1 month membership, and was wondering what to buy? thnx

    I got a 1 month membership once. You actually get to keep everything! The lame part is, is that you can ONLY use your puffles. But everything else i saved (such as clothes, furniture, etc.) so that you can use all the items you get NEXT time you get a membership. It is very handy!

    Hope this helped!

    PolkadotWafer (CPG MOD wannabe)

  54. griffin said...

    AWESOME! i wonder when card jitsu water is coming out


    There is supposed to be a card jitsu water?! Will there be one for all the elements? That is so cool!! I hope they aren't ALL for members!

  55. Mimo!There are fireworks in the Iceberg and the Ski Villiage! Please give me creadit for this!

  56. Anonymous said...
    The new penguin style is out today is there going to be another one on the 2nd?
    Jojojo33342 said...

    They are? That's so cool! Lol

    Jojojo33342(CPG Mod)

  57. Hey,Giraffe7528, Lovepingi and Doony!
    I saw that you had the same question and no one responded to it!
    After your membership expires you'l keep only your puffles,and your clothes will be locked,and your igloo too!But dont worry,cuz they are safely stored!
    -fooby1997(CPG mod)

  58. Dingeljoe said...

    looks delicious! I hope the Candy apple hand item comes back, but i think that was from the fall fair or anniversary party.

    ya im pretty sure its from the fall fair. since its a fair... but idk

    Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)

  59. Anonymous said...

    The new penguin style is out today is there going to be another one on the 2nd?
    it wouldnt seem likely that they would make two penguin style catalogs come out so close together.

    Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)

  60. I have news!
    There are fireworks at club penguin's icebreg. Go check it out.

  61. Jojojo33342 said...
    Anonymous said...
    The new penguin style is out today is there going to be another one on the 2nd?
    Jojojo33342 said...

    They are? That's so cool! Lol

    Jojojo33342(CPG Mod)
    No, sorry about that. CP realeased this catalog two days early, no new catlog on the second.
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  62. joey said...
    hi, i know this isnt about it, but i was just wondering, what items/objects do you get to keep ,after losing your membership? I know you keep your puffles, but do u get to keep anything else? i just bought a 1 month membership, and was wondering what to buy? thnx
    your right that you get to keep your puffles. you get to keep every free item that you have gotten, since those nonmembers can get too. if you get the black key for the door in mermaid cove, it still lets you open the door, but not get into the room when your a nonmember (stupid, i know). And thats pretty much it. and be warned- you can only buy two total red or blue puffles when your a nonmember, and if you already two, you cant buy any more.

    Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)

  63. GreenFee said...

    Did you miss the field op where the place you have to go is the ski hill?


    Nope- he didnt. mimo actually helped me with that one.

    Tycoon101 (CPG MOD)

  64. Anonymous said...

    I can't seem to find the pin :(:(
    just go to the mermaid cove- its in the new addition to the mine. you go past the river and into the passageway. the pin is on one of the little sections of land partly on the water. its by the two waterfalls.


  65. Jojojo33342 said...

    Mimo!There are fireworks in the Iceberg and the Ski Villiage! Please give me creadit for this!
    sorry dude. if you look at one of the previous posts, titled "Club Penguin July Events" then you will see he has already mentioned it.


  66. GreenFee said...
    Did you miss the field op where the place you have to go is the ski hill?

    Nope, Mimo posted about that Field Op last week.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  67. Anonymous said...
    I WANT TO EAT THE CANDY APPLE PIN! I ALSO WANT TO EAT THE TACO PIN, THE SUNDAE PIN... so many edible pins! Anyways, the clothing catalog is the best, no I mean BEST clothing catalog eva!
    I know! I really want to eat the candy apple, taco, sundae, chocolate bunny, watermelon, cotton candy, fourth aniversary cake, and the cupcake pin! So many, many reasons, they're so mmmm, mmmm, good...
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  68. Friendy448 said...
    Also there's a new start screen.
    It's cool, right?
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  69. I just have a question, how do I make different fonts and all that? I have a blogger, and i just want to know. Like the italics and stuff?

  70. Anonymous said...
    I have news!
    There are fireworks at club penguin's icebreg. Go check it out.
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mimo mentioned that some fireworks would be showing up. You can see them at the ski hill too.

    P.S. Thanks Scamper for teaching me about the bold thinger. :) Hope it works!
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  71. Oh and I love your site it rocks from ther person that just posted

  72. Anonymous said...
    The new catalog is open now and it is so COOL!

    Yup! MImo posted! I don't like how they put so many rare items...

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  73. Dommie101 said...
    Yey i love toffie apples at christmas!

    I know! THey are SO good... Mmmmm...

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  74. Dingeljoe said...
    looks delicious! I hope the Candy apple hand item comes back, but i think that was from the fall fair or anniversary party.


    I remember that! That was so awesome! There was also a lollipop!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  75. Anonymous said...
    That is cool
    But i have also noticed that the newspaper came early!!!
    today is wednesday but it says that the mail ALWAYS comes on THURDAY.
    but now i figured out that it sometimes comes early but one time it came late...on FRIDAY!! werid right

    Yeah, CP updates early! It's way better! They probably just messed up and were too busy then...

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  76. Anonymous said...
    The new penguin style is out today is there going to be another one on the 2nd?

    No, that one was supposed to be on the second! But it was two days early! :D

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  77. Anonymous said...
    It's abit hallowe'en don' you think?

    Umm.. not really! I guess some of the items could be Halloween...

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  78. Pollydolly42 said...
    lol! me too

    Yeah.. it looks so delicious! Must... eat.. *reaches to top of player card,takes apple, eats it* I don't know how I did that, but I am glad I did!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  79. Anonymous said...
    Mimo, did you mention the damage at the clock tower???

    Damage? I don't think he did! I will go check this out!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  80. Joey said...
    hi, i know this isnt about it, but i was just wondering, what items/objects do you get to keep ,after losing your membership? I know you keep your puffles, but do u get to keep anything else? i just bought a 1 month membership, and was wondering what to buy? thnx

    You keep all of them! But you can only WEAR free items, backgrounds, and pins... So buy all of them, and if you get a new membership you can wear it all! ;-)

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  81. Anonymous said...
    hmmmmm maybe thats what is going to grow on the tree at the mine


    Haha! A candy apple tree! THat would be SWEET!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  82. Friendy448 said...
    Also there's a new start screen.

    Awesome! Thanks Friendy! Keep commenting with your cheats!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  83. Anonymous said...
    Thanks that will come in handy mimo


    Yeah, that's really useful! Now I don't have to walk around the island and LOOK. Looking takes too much effort!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  84. Dianac99 said...
    Sweet pin Mimo! I'm serious...

    LOL! It is pretty sweet! Literally!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  85. griffin said...
    AWESOME! i wonder when card jitsu water is coming out

    I hope soon! I can't wait to see the snow outfits!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  86. Fredfan4ever said...
    Was that meant to eat? ... Oops. When I went to get the pin, a person was like, Why is there an apple?! I said," Just walk up to it!" And he went... I knew that.

    Lol! Wait.. you aren't supposed to eat it..? I am in trouble....

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  87. GreenFee said...
    Did you miss the field op where the place you have to go is the ski hill?


    Nope, Mimo posted about that! That was fun.

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  88. Oliver0147 said...
    After your membership expires you will have all your items but you wont be able to access them.I also bought a 1 month membership but it kept renewing every month automatically.

    -Oliver0147 (CPG Mod)

    I know, it's annoying! CP kinda has to o it though, to make you give them mooney!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  89. Twiggyfizzle said...

    The Coffee Shop..? *looks at Coffee Shop* WHOA! Looks like they're getting set up for the Music Jam '10! Woot! Check out the Dock!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  90. Anonymous said...
    Hey Mimo, im your huge fan and I love your blog very much! Waddle on!

    Everyone does! This blog is amazing!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  91. Anonymous said...
    I can't seem to find the pin :(:(

    Just go to the MIne Shack, into the MIne, then through that opening, then to the right! You are in the Hidden Lake, and it is right smack dab in the middle!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  92. Anonymous said...
    I WANT TO EAT THE CANDY APPLE PIN! I ALSO WANT TO EAT THE TACO PIN, THE SUNDAE PIN... so many edible pins! Anyways, the clothing catalog is the best, no I mean BEST clothing catalog eva!

    I don't like the catalog so much because they brought back some items that ppl shouldn't have! I want to eat the Cactus Pin! YUMMY! *eats cactus pin* Owww... I probably shouldn't have done that...

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  93. Anonymous said...
    The new Field OP is out, and here are the cheats. First go to the mine. Then go to the cave. When your inside the cave Go to the machine with "the big light bulb" Then just destroy the circuits, like we did on the first Field OP! Sweet cheats by the way.


    Thanks, but Mimo already posted this! Keep on giving him cheats!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  94. Anonymous said...
    Yummy for my penguins tummy!!!!!

    Thx Mimo for posting this pin tip

  95. wow alsmost time for mod changes alredy best of luck!

  96. Anonymous said...
    Wow i just refreshed the page and THE CANDY APPLE PIN CAME UP LOL LUV U MIMO777!

    Sillyevie678 (ur huge fan)

  97. Its the first day of july shouldnt the paychecks be here by now???

  98. Joey said...

    hi, i know this isnt about it, but i was just wondering, what items/objects do you get to keep ,after losing your membership? I know you keep your puffles, but do u get to keep anything else? i just bought a 1 month membership, and was wondering what to buy? thnx
    You get to keep all of your items, you just wont be able to wear them until you re-new your membership.

    --Ethanator The Mod

  99. Monica said...
    Its the first day of july shouldnt the paychecks be here by now???
    O yea, Dats odd isn't it? Hopefully soon. If not we could always ask for free pizza as our pay. And when they refuse that offer... We'll strike.

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  100. Dianac99 said...
    I just have a question, how do I make different fonts and all that? I have a blogger, and i just want to know. Like the italics and stuff?
    Heres your refresher. To do that put < b > at the beginning of the sentence. But no spaces inbetween. And put < /b > at the end of the sentence. But no spaces inbetween. Example, < b >this would be like talking in bold.< /b > But don't put space inbetween the tags. It will turn out like this after. Cool huh? Good luck!

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

  101. Hey Mimo777,

    I found a new cheat the club penguin login screen was changed.I hope that this piece of information
    would be useful to you.

    From Cipher, your huge fan

  102. Um, haven't we already had the carnival? Oh, no wait we didn't. I thought we did! Weird. Anyway, I just got the aqua grabber guy and snow trekker guy from Toys R us!

  103. Hey mimo!!
    I just wanted to tell u (and rub it in to americans... lol) Australia's school is out! 2day it finished :D
    Lurrve the blog
    ur big fan

  104. Sorry Mimo. I thought that was a damage. Never pay attention on it before(Clock Tower). I really, really apologize.

  105. MIMO i just remembered this the paychecks for the tour guide did NOT come out i dont get it? Is Club penguin not giving us any more paychecks!

  106. Anonymous said...
    MIMO i just remembered this the paychecks for the tour guide did NOT come out i dont get it? Is Club penguin not giving us any more paychecks!

    No there still giving us paychecks! I got my tour guide one yesterday. Were just not getting paid for being in the EPF but im guessing we probably will sometime in the future.

    -Dingeljoe (cpg Mod)

  107. slippeestars said...

    wow alsmost time for mod changes alredy best of luck!


    hehehe im modding now! I hope i will be a mod again!

    -Coolgem50 (CPG mod)

  108. Joey Said:

    hi, i know this isnt about it, but i was just wondering, what items/objects do you get to keep ,after losing your membership? I know you keep your puffles, but do u get to keep anything else? i just bought a 1 month membership, and was wondering what to buy? thnx
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dear Joey,
    You get to keep ALL your items but you wont be able to use the ones you bought unless you become a member again.

    -Flamefire (CPG MOD)

  109. Rockhopper's tree (the one you could buy for your igloo and keeps growing) now has fruit again!

  110. I love this pin SOOOOOOOOO much! I now have a new favorite pin! You rock mimo

  111. hey do ya know how to like have old music, click no music, and have more old music but not the same one they had?? because one of my friends on cp does it i really want old music

  112. Buddytoe said...
    Rockhopper's tree (the one you could buy for your igloo and keeps growing) now has fruit again!
    Yum, I remember buying those!
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  113. Gategirl87 said...
    I love this pin SOOOOOOOOO much! I now have a new favorite pin! You rock mimo
    It's sweet, right? And Mimo doesn't rock... he rocks hard!!!!!
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  114. Bobhead202, CPS Pres. said...
    griffin said...
    AWESOME! i wonder when card jitsu water is coming out

    I hope soon! I can't wait to see the snow outfits!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)
    Yeah, and I can't wait for CDW either! Maybe it'll be a big cloud of white-ness bobhead!
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  115. Anonymous said...
    Mimo, did you mention the damage at the clock tower???
    Damage, damage, if you think the 'damage' is the boxes around the clock towaer, that's for the music jam. Go blue!!
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  116. Twiggyfizzle said...
    It's going to be radical!
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  117. slippeestars said...

    wow alsmost time for mod changes alredy best of luck!
    Shh, i'm busy praying! :)
    -Dianac99 (CPG Mod)

  118. Scamper52596 said...
    Dianac99 said...
    I just have a question, how do I make different fonts and all that? I have a blogger, and i just want to know. Like the italics and stuff?
    Heres your refresher. To do that put < b > at the beginning of the sentence. But no spaces inbetween. And put < /b > at the end of the sentence. But no spaces inbetween. Example, < b >this would be like talking in bold.< /b > But don't put space inbetween the tags. It will turn out like this after. Cool huh? Good luck!

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

    Yup, and to write in italics you do the same but < i > and < /i >,
    Like this: U2 are an awesome band!! LOL!

    Hope I helped,
    ~Doodlebug277 (CPG Mod)

  119. No need for this anymore, you guys, if you are looking at this post from Mimo, you are witnessing most likely the LAST post about pins, because of the new! Pin Tracker, dun dun dun...

  120. Doodlebug277 said...
    Scamper52596 said...
    Dianac99 said...
    I just have a question, how do I make different fonts and all that? I have a blogger, and i just want to know. Like the italics and stuff?
    Heres your refresher. To do that put < b > at the beginning of the sentence. But no spaces inbetween. And put < /b > at the end of the sentence. But no spaces inbetween. Example, < b >this would be like talking in bold.< /b > But don't put space inbetween the tags. It will turn out like this after. Cool huh? Good luck!

    Scamper52596 (CPG MOD)

    Yup, and to write in italics you do the same but < i > and < /i >,
    Like this: U2 are an awesome band!! LOL!

    Hope I helped,
    ~Doodlebug277 (CPG Mod)
    Look what i've learned from you guys! Thanks!
    Did it work??

  121. @ Joey

    You only keep your puffles, thats the way it is, sorry. But, if you buy another membership afterwards, you get all the clothes you bought before and your old house.

    MrCheezit JR

  122. Anonymous said...
    The new penguin style is out today is there going to be another one on the 2nd?
    Probably not. It may have been easier for Club Penguin to launch it earlier so there wouldn't be any "bugs" as CP would say!

    Ashley Di (CPG Mod)

  123. Anonymous said...
    The new penguin style is out today is there going to be another one on the 2nd?
    Probably not. It may have been easier for Club Penguin to launch it earlier so there wouldn't be any "bugs" as CP would say!

    Ashley Di (CPG Mod)

  124. Joey said...
    hi, i know this isnt about it, but i was just wondering, what items/objects do you get to keep ,after losing your membership? I know you keep your puffles, but do u get to keep anything else? i just bought a 1 month membership, and was wondering what to buy? thnx
    You can keep anything that is available for both Members and Non-members such as Backgrounds, Pins, party hats, etc. Also I would buy everything you can!

    Ashley Di (CPG Mod)

  125. Sunil said...
    @ Joey

    You only keep your puffles, thats the way it is, sorry. But, if you buy another membership afterwards, you get all the clothes you bought before and your old house.

    MrCheezit JR
    You can also keep party hats, backgrounds, and pins!

    ~Ashley Di
