Thursday, May 13, 2010

More Club Penguin Postcards!

Check out the new Club Penguin postcards:

You gotta love the Community Garden one. You can really see the Pizza Plants!

And, check out the Tree Fort one:

I wonder what happens to the Tree Forts postcard after the Medieval Party? Do you think the Tree Forts will stick around? (Thanks, Jjribcool)

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now! Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


  1. Congratulations!!!

  2. it will disappear like the christmas (or should i say HOLIDAY PARTY)gift card did

  3. Yay. The "Welcome" message is here!


  4. it used to always be there before disney took over

  5. Shiver Jak CPG Mod In ProgressMay 15, 2010 at 10:52 AM

    Anonymous said.....
    it will disappear like the christmas (or should i say HOLIDAY PARTY)gift card did
    I Know I HATE Disney. They Take Over Everything.

    - Shiver Jak ( CPG Mod In Progress)

  6. I really do not like how Clubpenguin is w/ Disney I liked the old clubpenguin when new missions came out like every 2 months & there was new games every once and awhile & non-member penguins could do the same stuff that members could do. & I cant remmeber the last time Rockhopper came!!

    What was clubpenguin with before ( Iforget) was it with 2d play??

  7. The tree fort thing turned into the garden...
