Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Club Penguin Mission Reviewed By You!

Last week Club Penguin asked us what the most difficult problem we have solved, and Rosie906 said:

"Well, I know this information is classified, but the hardest mission I ever solved was avalanche rescue. I was allowed to skip it though, so I moved onto the next one. Soon I was finished all the missions except that one! I decided to solve it once and for all. I went to the HQ, and solved the mission! It turned out it was easier than I thought! The trick is not to think too deeply. Be remarkable, be reliable, be ready! Good luck agents!"

Now, Club Penguin wants to know what you and your friends are doing to help the construction in the Ski Village! Are you having fun construct the new HQ? Many of you seem to be confused by the blue sign with the "W" on it by the Sport Shop. I think it is just the Winter Sports sign and we are painting over, don't you?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now! Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


  1. Awesome Post, Mimo! :D

    => Safa153 <=

  2. I don't know about you but im helping the most by eating all the leftover popcorn! *Nom nom nom* Says with a mouthfull of popcorn, What? *Looks at watch* Ok now it's time for me to start eating popcorn from this half of the ski village! Have fun constructing everyone!

  3. Yup, the "W" is from "Winter Sports"!

  4. I realy enjoy the construction.

    PS.The hard hat is a free item in the ski village,but you can go to the cave in the mine then walk up to the hard hat and drill then you will get the free hard hat!

    -Cps Hobo (CPG Mod)

  5. DIngeljoe (CPG Mod)May 26, 2010 at 12:36 PM

    I bet they'll change the 'W' sign to the HQ sign.

  6. Hey Mimo! The old Sports Shop becomes the
    Everyday Phoning Facility! It's on EPF 2!

  7. DIngeljoe (CPG Mod) said...
    I bet they'll change the 'W' sign to the HQ sign.
    I dont think so! that would be a broadcast to the non agents. and dont put cpg mod next to your name if your not modding!
    -Vyolit, CP Prodigy (cpg mod)

  8. Well, you know what? I think the "W" you were talking about stands for Water Ninja(Water Dojo sweet!). There is also a clue in the Ski Lodge. If you look in the mirror, it has a shadow of a ninja in it! Also, there is something wierd. When you buy the Herberts Revenge game, the code you unloked says,"Sorry, we are not ready for this code yet. Check again next time." How can the DS game come out and the code doesn't work? Crazy. I'm sorry if this is too long for you.


  9. Safa153 said...


    The Final and the Biggest exam of my life is next week. So I'll be disconnected to the Internet sometimes next week. (Probably on Monday) I wont be able to mod, then. So I'm sorry. I'll be back after the Final Exam of course, I hope! :D And I'll be very glad if you wish me luck on my final exam. On CPG by commenting or on Twitter- wherever you want :)
    Keep Commenting & Modding Everybody! Dont forget your Top Moderator, Safa153! ;)
    Thanks again,
    Wish me luck! :)

    => Safa153 (Club Penguin Gang Top Moderator) <=

    Good luck! Even tho your exam is probably over now... Why am I modding on this post? I need to snap out of it!

    Waddle and roll!
    Bobhead202 (CPG mod)

  10. HEY mimo im your biggest fan ever i realy want you to add me when i go on cp i hope to find you but i cant
    please add me meat me on server: abomniable room:town please go now now now i hope to see you my name is glab123
