Thursday, January 28, 2010

Club Penguin Helping Reviewed By You!

Here is what Bubishii said in this weeks Reviewed By You:

"In our local comunity I help find lost pets and look after stray animals. In Club Penguin I help penguins who don't know how to do stuff. I also try to help resolve disagreements. Its really great to hear the money we raised has made a difference! Waddle on! & have fun!"

For next week, Club Penguin wants to know what your favorite part of the Cave Expedition was?

Really? That's all? Come on Club Penguin tell us something exciting! Where are the Sneak Peeks we used to get? Who's with me?

TONS of new Flash Games here!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Play Mimo Games Now!

Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


  1. We want sneak peeks! They were posting sneak peeks ONCE A WEEK! Now..? Oh, come on CP!

    => Safa153 (MEGA MIMO MOD)

  2. yeah cp!!! what gives?! WE NEED SNEAK PEEKS! maybe we should start a campaign for how boring cp gets sometimes although i have to say... the underground thing was pretty cool but too bad it wasnt for non members too. they should have at least SOME non peeps stuff!

  3. im with you mimo

  4. Wow well done Bubishii :)
    P.S. i just set up a blogger thingy, check it out pleeeease!!!


  5. Sweet! i agree with u mimo on the IS THAT ALL?!?! xD


  6. I always do these reviewed by you's because some day you might get featured like cena12121 xD


  7. cool i think cp dont give us so many sneak peeks bcause they want the new stuff to be a surprise... it would b kinda boring if we already knew everything that was gonna happen...

  8. Mirelrapid (CPG Mod)January 28, 2010 at 9:37 AM

    awesome post! I am with you :P

    ~Mirelrapid (CPG Mod)

  9. I am having a party, Today at 12:00 Midday PST. I will be at my iggy on map


    P.S. 777omiM Skcor

  10. Great reveiw Bubishii!!

    Kkkkkk123 GO CPG12!

  11. nice review! oh come on cp! u have to giv us some sneak peeks!

  12. I agree Mimo! C'mon CP!

    ~Lil Man 2k9~

  13. Me Bullet! Me really want Club Penguin to have Sneak Peaks! Me mad!


  14. Safa153 said....

    We want sneak peeks! They were posting sneak peeks ONCE A WEEK! Now..? Oh, come on CP!

    => Safa153 (MEGA MIMO MOD)
    Yeah Safa. Totally agreeing with you on that one. ........ We do NEED a new sneak peak. Is CP......!? No. Nevermind.

    ~Bumper98(CPG Mod)

  15. i'm with you mimo! Why can't it be like the good old days! and i'm not ill anymore! Hooray!

  16. Safa153 said....

    We want sneak peeks! They were posting sneak peeks ONCE A WEEK! Now..? Oh, come on CP!

    => Safa153 (MEGA MIMO MOD)


    Hey Safa!
    I know you know this from years of experience but please remember not to put MEGA MIMO MOD unless you are modding. Even though getting that far up is impresive!

    Kkkkkk123 (CPG MOD) GO CPG12!

  17. Dooglebug277 said...
    cool i think cp dont give us so many sneak peeks bcause they want the new stuff to be a surprise... it would b kinda boring if we already knew everything that was gonna happen...
    I really agree like if you knew what your birthday presents were would you be suprised when you opended them,it's the same thing.

  18. i agree with something so big coming up why dont we have a sneak peek!

  19. Safa153 said....

    We want sneak peeks! They were posting sneak peeks ONCE A WEEK! Now..? Oh, come on CP!

    => Safa153 (MEGA MIMO MOD)
    Sneak peeks are needed CP!Lol we all agree with you Safa153!
    Polkadotblu9 (CPG Mod)
    Peace, love and polka-dots

  20. sprocket07 said...

    yeah cp!!! what gives?! WE NEED SNEAK PEEKS! maybe we should start a campaign for how boring cp gets sometimes although i have to say... the underground thing was pretty cool but too bad it wasnt for non members too. they should have at least SOME non peeps stuff!
    Lol, i totally agree with you sprocket07!
    Polkadotblu9 (CPG Mod)
    Peace, love and polka-dots

  21. Mirelrapid (CPG Mod) said...
    awesome post! I am with you :P

    ~Mirelrapid (CPG Mod)
    Yeah I agree too! Please remember NOT to put (CPG MOD) after your name when you are not modding.! Thank You!

    -Toysgoneby (CPG MOD) --- GO CPG11!---

  22. Kkkkkk123 said...
    Safa153 said....

    We want sneak peeks! They were posting sneak peeks ONCE A WEEK! Now..? Oh, come on CP!

    => Safa153 (MEGA MIMO MOD)


    Hey Safa!
    I know you know this from years of experience but please remember not to put MEGA MIMO MOD unless you are modding. Even though getting that far up is impresive!

    Kkkkkk123 (CPG MOD) GO CPG12!
    CPG11 now Kkkkkk!!

    -Toysgoneby (CPG MOD) -- GO CPG11--

  23. Cool... Thanks for the... um... what was it called again? Oh yeah! The reviwed by YOU! LOL!

  24. Im not getting my 100% daily value of sneak peaks!

  25. How about a sneak peek at the Febuary party? After all the Winter Olympics are in Febuary.

  26. nice review! oh come on cp! u have to giv us some sneak peeks!


    yeah i totaly agree i meen come on no sneaky peaky thats just wrong. there should be a law against it! ;) always happy to help

    Kachow19(CPG MOD)

  27. Silveratom (CPG MOD)January 28, 2010 at 6:11 PM

    Anonymous said...
    i agree with something so big coming up why dont we have a sneak peek
    That is what I am thinking as well. ;)


  29. Dude have i love this site so much i have visited this site 56 times in 30 mins!lol no joke

  30. Safa153 said....

    We want sneak peeks! They were posting sneak peeks ONCE A WEEK! Now..? Oh, come on CP!

    => Safa153 (MEGA MIMO MOD)


    Kkkkkk123 said...
    Hey Safa!
    I know you know this from years of experience but please remember not to put MEGA MIMO MOD unless you are modding. Even though getting that far up is impresive!

    Kkkkkk123 (CPG MOD) GO CPG12!
    Sorry sorry sorry (a million times) lol. I sometimes forget to do that! Thanks for reminding it to me! You Rock =D
    Keep commenting and modding! ;)

    => Safa153 (CPG MOD)
    [I can put it now xD]

  31. I agree-Sneek peeks should come more often. I'm always the kind of person who dislikes sitting and waiting! Even though the sneek peeks come less now, lets use our imagination and guess what it will be! Hmmm-For the Winter Olympics maybe there will be a CP olympics, like before, And Hopefully Cp will bring the medals back!
    -CPG mod

  32. Anonymous said...
    How about a sneak peek at the Febuary party? After all the Winter Olympics are in Febuary.
    yeah! I want sneak peaks!

    Push Zone(CPG mod)

  33. Anonymous said...
    Dude have i love this site so much i have visited this site 56 times in 30 mins!lol no joke

    Wow! Thats amazing!

    CPG mod in training

  34. sprocket07 said...
    yeah cp!!! what gives?! WE NEED SNEAK PEEKS! maybe we should start a campaign for how boring cp gets sometimes although i have to say... the underground thing was pretty cool but too bad it wasnt for non members too. they should have at least SOME non peeps stuff!
    As many of us have already done... you can try e-mailing Club Penguin with any questions, issues, etc. They will usually respond within 2 days (although it took them a month to respond to me) and usually say that they will your request onto their development team. In case you are wondering, Club Penguin has to fund all of the events they plan, and use some of the member money to do so... they do this as opposed to advertising... so that's that!!!

    Always Here to Help!!
    -Toysgoneby (CPG MOD)

  35. Anonymous said...
    How about a sneak peek at the Febuary party? After all the Winter Olympics are in Febuary.
    Yeah!! After all, weren't there Penguin Games in the Summer of '08? What about Winter Penguin Games?????

    Always Here To Help!!
    -Toysgoneby (CPG MOD)
