Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Club Penguin News Paper REALLY exciting news!

Not really...

Why isn't the Club Penguin newspaper better than that? I think it's probably good for newer ppl but it doesn't do much fo all us pros. ;-]

Anyways, here is what is interesting to me in this newspaper...

FIREWORKS! They are coming soon! You should be able to see the Fireworks from the Ice Cube and the Ski Hill. Why are the Fireworks coming? New Years! YEAH! 2010! I hope Club Penguin doesn't call it New Years Fireworks, they might offend someone. LOL!

So tell me what you think of the Club penguin newspaper? Good? Just ok. Lame? Don't Read it?

Try my very newest very addictive Flash game MARBLE LINES!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Play Mimo Games Now!

Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


  1. mimo the mission is not here yet!
    the news paper is new but not the mission :( booo

  2. Umm we've always been payed 250 coins every month!! :/

  3. dont secret agents already get paid? I get paid bur i dont really check how much. Isn't it sent to your mail?

  4. Cool but we already get paid 250 a month... i don't get it??

  5. why will offend people?



    Adelie 009

  7. IT offends me cuz im chinnesse and the new year isnt till february!!
    I would find it offensive!

  8. I dont read it but i flick thu it. So i dont realy know. I look at the Questions. And the events. Thats all.

  9. Hey umm Mimo u spelled Ice Berg Ice Cube in this post!! hahahaha

  10. Anonymous said...
    Umm we've always been payed 250 coins every month!! :/


    ~Mirelrapid (CPG Mod)

  11. Cheiky said...
    dont secret agents already get paid? I get paid bur i dont really check how much. Isn't it sent to your mail?

    Yes, you get 250 per job each month!

    ~Mirelrapid (CPG Mod)

  12. Mimo, I just found out something amazing!!!

    If you click on the closet in the mission headquarters, it takes you to a new room, the elite penguin force headquarters!!!

    Please give credit to Sam 1871

  13. dont worry about my last comment Mimo, i just got EPF so I didnt realise.

    Sam 1871

  14. You put icecube Mimo lol I think the newspaper is ok but I'm a pro ;-) I think the new mission will be here friday

  15. THE WORST NEWSPAPPER EVER!I thought there will be some exciting news about new dojos,or herbert,new mission,giant squid...and I DIDN'T WIN THE IGLOO CONTEST!My igloo was awesome...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

  16. I think the mission will come tommorow and the cp newpaper aka BORING PAPER

  17. ice berg no ice cube

  18. same every time little bit different but so boring i only read it to see what it says lol!

  19. happy new year mimmoand all GPG!

  20. Hey ironchef619 here mimo i think its lame plus idon't read it so but new mission and stuff.


    P.S. MY name is on the high score list for marble lines could you add me on Club penguin. just let me know if you can :) thanks again

  21. okay, so the newspaper's not so great. But I just realized that it's now been over a YEAR since the last mission. Waddle Squad came out December 29th 2008. I think that the new mission is WAY overdue. Also, it's the last day of December, and no mission.

  22. mimo why is the mission not out???BOO:( yea ur right newpapers lame

  23. hi mimo i can't wait for the new year! my birthday is on new years day too. i ain't joking!

  24. I think Fragger is better than Marble Lines. I even followed you on Twitter!

  25. Hey Mimo777- I've just realized when you earn A Merry Christmas postcard, when you click on the light they flash on and off My penguin name is Farmer Dan

  26. I agree,it is boring, I mean come on! they don't give us anything fun to read! I'd like to read that there is a party on the way or something..... fair fables coming?! BOO! That's 2 old stage play's in a ROW!

  27. @Anonymous 4, it is a joke because they called the "Christmas party" the "holiday party" because they thought it would offfend someone ;-).

  28. hey mimo, you made a typo. it should be the Ice Berg and not the Ice Cube

  29. I didn't read it today! I liked 9 too! It's kinda Mimoy,

    ~Racet2000- Cpg mod

  30. Anonymous said...
    why will offend people?
    It's a joke from the christmas party, Clubpenguin called it the Holiday Party not to offend anyone,

    ~Rcet2000- Cpg mod

  31. Cheiky said...
    dont secret agents already get paid? I get paid bur i dont really check how much. Isn't it sent to your mail?
    Secret Agents are tour guides both get paid 250 coins, once a month. And, yes, it is delivered to your mail.

    ~Racet2000- Cpg mod

  32. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D its going to be new year where i live!!!!! well actually in 3 hours 57 mins!!!

  33. Anonymous said...

    why will offend people?


    You know how Club Penguin called this year's Christmas Party 'HOLIDAY PARTY?' They did that so no one would get offended... so Mimo meant that if CP called it a 'New Year's Party' people might get offended. So it was just a little joke. =)

    ~Jimbany, CPG Mod
    P.S. My birthday is tomorrow! Woop!

  34. Anonymous said...
    why will offend people?
    Like China's or Japan isn't on the day of the USA.


  35. Anonymous said...
    mimo the mission is not here yet!
    the news paper is new but not the mission :( booo
    Better be here tomorrow or I'm emailing club penguin.

  36. Hey Mimo I'm now stuck on fragger elite level 29.To proove it-just watch my video on you tube:search "1234cheda fragger".And can you PLEASE follow me on Twitter?I'm really one of your biggest fans!!!
    -Cheda1234(that's my Twitter username and my penguin name)

  37. Hey Mimo...well I don't know if you noticed this but the migrator looks like it says Mi6rator because the G looks like A 6

  38. That waz the WORST ABSOLUTE WORST newspaper they ever had! They are all boring but this one waz the worst!

  39. i found a fun game free realms its awsome

    anyways WHY IS CP AFRAID TO SAY NEW YEARS CHRISTMAS oh now i see......

  40. i am hoping that the new mission will come in EARLY 2010

  41. Anonymous said...
    why will offend people?
    well it was kinda of a joke but losen up!


  42. yeah why will it offend people? anyway mimo, on page 3 on the third picture from the left on top rockhopper says: "welcome! come on IT"
    isnt that meant to be in?

  43. its 2010 here in Australia!!!

    Adelie 009

  44. Weres the ice cube? Do you mean ice burg?

    jamchip (cpg mod)

  45. Well Chinese new year is in feb. So that could offend them.

  46. Fireworks! Yippee! ok,well, that was pointless. I'm hoping to see that new mission soon.

    Push Zone

  47. Anonymous said...
    Umm we've always been payed 250 coins every month!! :/

    dear Anonymous you get paid 250 coins per month for doing a job like if you are a tour guide or a seceret Agent.If you do both jobs you get paid 500

    Peace Out
    Kugi123456(CPG MOD)

  48. I don't like the newspaper! It is so BORING! Also I don't like how some penguins chuck snowballs at the fireworks! It is sooooo annoying!!!!

  49. Cheiky said...
    dont secret agents already get paid? I get paid bur i dont really check how much. Isn't it sent to your mail?
    Dear Cheiky if you are a secert agent you will get paid 250,but if u are a tourguide and a secert agent you will get 500

  50. Wow, Mimo! Is this the first time u put five answers in the poll.
    Your fan,

  51. I kinda read it so ya its ok. its one of the only things non members can do all the time

  52. Dandooshe (mimo mod in traning)December 31, 2009 at 6:54 AM

    anonymous said...
    why will it offend people?
    well mimo is joking because in the christmas party club penguin changed the name "christmas party" to "holiday party" because some people do not celebrate christmas.

  53. Cheiky said...
    dont secret agents already get paid? I get paid bur i dont really check how much. Isn't it sent to your mail?
    Yes it will get sent to your mail.
    Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)

  54. Jesslania said...
    Hey umm Mimo u spelled Ice Berg Ice Cube in this post!! hahahaha
    Well along time ago, at a Quickee Party at Klondike, Mimo's new nickname for the Ice Berg was the Ice Cube!
    Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)

  55. I read the paper but I don't really pay attention to what I'm reading so... lets just say lame!

  56. Fredfan4ever(CPGMOD)December 31, 2009 at 7:07 AM

    O and many of you are asking why Mimo is saying ice cube instead of ice berg, well Mimo calls the ice berg, ice cube so you dont think he's talking about the server ice berg!

  57. newspaper, LAAAME!!!

  58. Jesslania said...
    Hey umm Mimo u spelled Ice Berg Ice Cube in this post!! hahahaha
    I think Mimo likes to call it the Ice Cube.

    ~Lil Man 2k9~ CPG Mod

  59. ice berg no ice cube
    he knows ;]

  60. they might offend the chinese!! LOL!! Happy New Year mimo!!

  61. Penthorn123 said...
    IT offends me cuz im chinnesse and the new year isnt till february!!
    I would find it offensive!
    If YOU'RE a REAL chinese, why would you spell chinese so wrong?

  62. Sweet... 500 coins tommorow... Fireworks... That means... THE NEW YEAR!!!!!!!! XD

  63. Anonymous said...
    why will offend people?

    December 30, 2009 11:11 PM
    because some ppl celebrate other things AND new years well at least i think soo oh ya im trying to be a CPG mod :D:D:D:D

    ghjghj 234 (CPG mod)

  64. LOL! Yeah New Years Fireworks might offend them! The newspaper: I don't read it.

  65. LOL! Hopefully it doesn't offend anyone.;) ;) ;) The newspaper was usual. I'm just excited to stay up past midnight for NEW YEARS EVE tonight!
    :D :D Santa1456 :D :D

  66. Anonymous said...



    Mimo calls the Ice Berg the Ice Cube!

    ~Jimbany, CPG Mod

  67. Anonymous said...

    why will offend people?
    If u go back a few posts on mimo, Club Penguin decided to call it a Holiday party because it might offend pplz tht dont celebrate Christmas(even thought there were Christmas trees everywhere)
    :D :D Santa1456 :D :D CPGmod

  68. ice cube? u mean iceburg? lol

  69. TulipPearl1 (CPG Mod)December 31, 2009 at 9:57 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Mimo's way for ice burg.

  70. TulipPearl1 (CPG Mod)December 31, 2009 at 9:59 AM

    Anonymous said...
    why will offend people?
    Chinese people's new year is later on in the year, not at the end. Well they have a different calender. Their monthes follow the month according to what I know.

  71. TulipPearl1 (CPG Mod)December 31, 2009 at 10:03 AM

    yumwater said...
    whats offend mean?
    It means hurt. Like if you say no offence (which I'm not supposed to cause of mimo's rules) but it would mean like not to hurt your feelings.

  72. TulipPearl1 (CPG Mod)December 31, 2009 at 10:04 AM

    Cheiky said...
    dont secret agents already get paid? I get paid bur i dont really check how much. Isn't it sent to your mail?
    Secret agents and tour guides always get paid 250 per month. Yes it is sent to your mail and automatically added to your money.

  73. TulipPearl1 (CPG Mod)December 31, 2009 at 10:07 AM

    gemma said...
    yeah why will it offend people? anyway mimo, on page 3 on the third picture from the left on top rockhopper says: "welcome! come on IT"
    isnt that meant to be in?
    Because the Chinese New Year is later on in the year and their calender is different. It's still at the end of the year I htink. But just on their calender because it follows the moon. Also before when I wrote it follows the sun. I ment moon.

  74. TulipPearl1 (CPG mod)December 31, 2009 at 10:08 AM

    jamchip said...
    Weres the ice cube? Do you mean ice burg?

    jamchip (cpg mod)
    No Mimo means ice cube. That's his way of saying ice burg. Remember. don't put (cpg mod) in your name when you're not modding. It'll lower your chances to become a mod.

  75. Mimo it said in the news paper that agents and tour guides will get their money on Jan 1 but I got just got mine on the 31 of December!

  76. Anonymous said...

    that's what mimo calls the ice berg. LOL

    -Buddytoe (CPG Mod)

  77. Anonymous said...
    hi mimo i can't wait for the new year! my birthday is on new years day too. i ain't joking!


    one of my friend's birthday is today (31st).

    Happy new year!

    -Buddytoe (CPG Mod)

  78. Anonymous said...
    hey mimo, you made a typo. it should be the Ice Berg and not the Ice Cube


    that's what mimo calls the iceberg. it's funny.

    -Buddytoe (CPG Mod)

  79. Anonymous said...
    ice berg no ice cube
    Ice Cube. Mimo-ese for ice burg. He says it all the time. Kinda useless to correct him. I mean, does it look like an ice cube? If it did, then he may have slipped up, but it doesn't, so he's just being warped
    <^>Mookie(mookie-land mod)<^>

  80. the ice cube?? its ice berg lol but everybody makes mistakes

  81. LOL It might offend someone lol!
    Well I think Club penguin newspaper is pretty good because it tells you whats coming up but.. The most lame part of it is the Ask Aunt Artic thing and the In Focus thing. Other then that, I think it is perdy cool.. By the way When will the new mission come out!! They said it would come in DECEMBER!! But today is the last day of december........

    - Olivia48yes - I am 614 days old in cp

  82. Anonymous said...

    ice berg no ice cube
    he knows ;]
    Mimo has alwayz called it the ice cube.
    :D :D Santa1456 :D :D

  83. THE WORST NEWSPAPPER EVER!I thought there will be some exciting news about new dojos,or herbert,new mission,giant squid...and I DIDN'T WIN THE IGLOO CONTEST!My igloo was awesome...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
    -----------------------------------Ya the newpaper is not the best thing cp has. Good try on the igloo contest i did not win either

    Pats Ee (Cpg Mod)

  84. dont secret agents already get paid? I get paid bur i dont really check how much. Isn't it sent to your mail?
    Yes ur right we do get paid 250 for being a tour guide or an agent and 500 for being both

    Pats Ee (Cpg Mod)

  85. I think the mission will come tommorow and the cp newpaper aka BORING PAPER
    ===================================I hope it comes out tommorow that would be cool. the newspaper was boring this week.

    Pats Ee (Cpg Mod)

  86. Penthorn123 said...
    IT offends me cuz im chinnesse and the new year isnt till february!!
    I would find it offensive!

    Yeah I'm Chinese too, but you've gotta celebrte 2010 also! Happy early year of tiger!

    - CP Prodigy, Vyolit ( cpg mod)

  87. Sam1871 said...
    Mimo, I just found out something amazing!!!

    If you click on the closet in the mission headquarters, it takes you to a new room, the elite penguin force headquarters!!!

    Please give credit to Sam 1871
    i dont wanna burst your bubble but
    ummm yeah i go on mimo777's blog everyday and he knows about it but i think he should write a post about it cause you did not know!

    keep waddleing!
    -yumwater (oh yeah can i be a cpg mod im doing really good ok call me cpg mod in training!)

  88. Just so you know Chinese ppl celebrate regular new year too. Cp prodigy Vyolit cog mod

  89. lol also the fireworks look pretty cool

  90. Anonymous said...
    Umm we've always been payed 250 coins every month!! :/
    what does that have to do about anything on this post???

  91. sorry anonymous! didnt read the newspaper before i commented on YOUR comment, but now i understand. its very weird, not any new news to us, i agree.

  92. Mimo i found something so funny in the newspaper. On the third igloo of the runners up, Jennyrf51 RockHopper says " Welcome! Come on it!" instead of " Welcome! Come on in!" If you are going to post this give credit to CatGirlBlue

  93. i didnt read the full post, didn't see when mimo added 'i don't think this is new though.' Sorry. and I am a tour guide and a secret agent. my penguins 958 days old.

    Cheiky, (the penguin who gave up trying to be a mod.)

  94. its the ice berge not cube !!!:)

  95. new zealand is the first in the world to have a new year but australia stole the show....but it was very fun.

  96. Penthorn123 said: IT offends me cuz im chinnesse and the new year isnt till february!!
    I would find it offensive!
    I agree you would find it offensive but your new year is somehow different to the rest of the world because of your country's calendar. I'm chinese too and I hope the new mission is very good as it takes exactly( on my calendar it says so ) 7 months and 19 days

  97. Anonymous said: THE WORST NEWSPAPPER EVER!I thought there will be some exciting news about new dojos,or herbert,new mission,giant squid...and I DIDN'T WIN THE IGLOO CONTEST!My igloo was awesome...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
    When you mentioned would there be news about herbert or the new mission.. i disagree with you because what happens if herbert suddenly picks up a paper and knows we're onto him...wait he already knows that.

  98. Happy New Years Ppl!
    IM CHINESE TOO! I dont find it offensive cuz i got respect for western Culture too! Sorry if that offended you!
    Oh Btw i see ppl on club penguin wearing a blue dress and an umbrella whered they get that? :O
    thanks :)

  99. Dude49491 Club Penguin Secrets said: @Anonymous 4, it is a joke because they called the "Christmas party" the "holiday party" because they thought it would offfend someone ;-).
    You are right and wrong in two ways. I have no holiday because I have a Chinese tutor giving me homework and also someone may not believe in Christmas....that would be very, very sad:~(

  100. mimo you said ice cube. do you mean iceberg?

  101. mimo check out the newspaper it says that the new catolog coems out and the new pin comes out today!

    but the catolog isnt there nor the pin(i think)check it out!!

    i am shakah31!

  102. Anonymous said...
    Btw i see people on club penguin wearing a blue dress and a unbrella where did the get that? :O Thanks.
    (Sorry I only did part of your post. I just skipped to your questoin. They got it from the the tersure book. Book 6.
