Sunday, December 27, 2009

New Club Penguin Igloo Music!

But you knew that already didn't you?

Anyways, here it is. Like how I have all the new Club Penguin Igloo music highlighted? How did I do that you wonder? Can anyone guess?

I case you are keeping track at home the New Club Penguin music is:

Normal Swarm
Ninja Training
The Volcano
Twice Upon a Time

I OFFICIALLY ate too many Christmas sugar cookies today and am about to...

I'm STILL stuck on Fragger ELITE level 17. Can you beat me?

(I will be making another post tonight about another party I am having tomorrow. shhh)

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Play Mimo Games Now!

Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


  1. I'm guessing you either put it on pait.. or is it your party clue..?

  2. Hey Mimo you dont highlight it Club Penguin highlights the new loo music!


  3. Cool mimo! I came to your webosaurs party too!!

  4. niceeeeeeeeee mimooo you rock lol

  5. OH YUCK! I bet you ALL you people that he puked! YUCK! (Sorry if i'm offending you) You must feel awful mimo! I'm not a member on club penguin so this post doesn't really mater to me. Just saying. Maybe we could have a crazy song contest. That would CRACK PEOPLE UP! I might post a idea to help with the silly song contest.
    Peace and Waddlin
    Queen Binawa

  6. Doesn't club penguin highlight it??

  7. Clubpenguin highlights it!

  8. I thought club penguin highlights it

  9. I am not sure but i think club penguin hihlights it in advance to show everyone

  10. Mimo i thought club penguin did the highlights

  11. Mimo did you really highlight that?
    or was it club penguin
    ????? we will never know

  12. Club penguin highlights it

  13. Here's a silly song.
    Oh blue bananas
    Oh blue bananas
    You really smell
    You really smell
    When was the last time
    You took a bath?
    I liked it better
    When you were yellow
    (It goes to the tune of: Are You Sleeping?)
    Peace and Waddlin
    Queen Binawa

  14. Hey Mimo you dont highlight it Club Penguin highlights the new loo music!

    Yes clubpenguin highlights it but they highlight it in white
    CatGirlBlue (CPG MOD)

  15. My tounge is stuck in some tongs. LOL
    Peace And Waddlin
    Queen Binawa

  16. Club penguin always highlights the new music. i wonder how many ppl didn't know that. that's a good Question for ppl who think they know Cp

  17. Don't CP highlight it? Anyway, I have never in my entire life had a sugar cookie! We don't have them in New Zealand (where I live). Hope you don't get to sick Mimo!!!!!

    Wadde on!


  18. Yeah, i beat you! I'm on the fifth level of elite! it was pretty awesome!

    Warped and Weird!


    PS check out the book kiki strike inside the shadow city! Or on second thought, give it to your sister. IT'S AWESOME!

  19. mimo mimo im on level 21 and im a girl!! isnt that cool?

  20. i got stuck on level 29. i was very hard! but that is a AWESOME game!

  21. I played fragger for the first time today. It took me 45 minutes to get to level 30 but i can't get past it. GRR.

  22. Hey Mimo you dont highlight it Club Penguin highlights the new loo music!

    I am pretty sure you are right... but i thought they highlight it in white. Hope I Helped!!
    CatGirlBlue(CPG MOD)

  23. cool...
    MIMO! i have a great idea, for new years eve u should make a contest giving out card jitsu codes to winners!!! hope u do my idea.

    penguin name: shadow789798

  24. jj222 said...
    Cool mimo! I came to your webosaurs party too!!
    Thats real cool. Hope you had a good time.
    CatGirlBlue(CPG MOD)

  25. izzyloo8 said...
    I'm guessing you either put it on pait.. or is it your party clue..?
    Good thought but i am pretty sure club penguin highlights it. Hope I Helped.
    CatGirlBlue(CPG MOD)

  26. Hey Mimo,

    to beat level 17 in Fragger on Elite, your first grenade has to knock the grunt off the pole and still kill somebody. Hopes this helps. :)


  27. hey mimo i didnt know this! geuss what i was at the webosaurs party now im one of your friends its so cool i was on all morning to get the sub alpine room because today was my first day on webosaurs!

    mimofan27884 (webosaurs name)

  28. Lol i love sugar cookies. I had like, 3 today. Thanks for posting the info on the new songs.

  29. Lil Man 2k9 said...
    Nice Mimo!

    ~Lil Man 2k9~ CPG Mod
    Remember to only write Cpg Mod if u answered a question. Just Sayin

    Peace Out
    Kugi123456(CPG MOD)

  30. I beat the game, Fragger. Good luck, Mimo! But now it's new years...

  31. Ya Mimo,Ya. You should know that bye now. Club penguin highlights that. Everyone knows that. Maybe you should try to find something thatnot everyone knows like why does my puffle eat my hair??? I think that Yarr is evil now and he runs around with a highliter and highlights everything new and um... yea. Stay warped Mimo! ~Fredfan4ever~

  32. In response to Vyolit,
    No one really knows but I'm pretty sure that Club penguin does the highlighting. Hope I helped :)
    Warped and waddling, Fredfan4ever

  33. Oh and just to say Mimo,
    I ate sugar cookies all night Christmas eve and I almost threw up Christmas night. lol.

  34. HI! Lets sing songs. La La la Elmos world. Livin in elmos world. la la la. (thinks for a min) (um) (everyone is staring at me) (maybe I should stop) (that sounds good) I think im using to many ( and )'s. lol. I am warped. Lets see how many ppl think Im warped. If u think im warped post something that says FRED IS WARPED! ~Fredfan4ever~

  35. Hey, I just wanted to say, that Lil Man 2k9 commented on the igloo music! Did you find that out from him/her? (Probably him but correct me if I'm wrong!) If so, you should totally give credit to "Lil Man"! (I can call you Lil Man right...?) I thought I made a comment about it, too, but I was wrong, sorry...Give credit!

    Warped and waddling!
    Your friend, Hnwjanuary11
    P.S. I just got $50!!! Lolz, I'm gonna buy me some CP plush and an outfit for my new Build-a-Bear!

  36. Hey, you just said "I case", instead of "In case! Awesome post! Oh, and as to how you have all the things highlighted, I've gotta say you did it on paint, like you had your cursor on one song, went into paint and selected the color for every new song box!

    Warped and waddling!
    Your friend, Hnwjanuary11 (CPG Mod)

  37. Um, everyone is saying that CP highlights the new songs, they aren't highlighted on my computer...And I really don't think that CP highlights the new songs, just bold-faces the songs...Yeah, I have no clue!

    Warped and waddling!
    Your friend, Hnwjanuary11
    ...Oh, and I just made a comment with (CPG Mod) next 2 my name, that was an accident! Srry :S

  38. Club Penguin is the one who highlighted it,Mimo! you just took a picture of it! LOL


  39. Hildagard said...
    Club penguin always highlights the new music. i wonder how many ppl didn't know that. that's a good Question for ppl who think they know Cp
    Not all people are members you know...or I think you know.

  40. Anonymous said...
    Ya Mimo,Ya. You should know that bye now. Club penguin highlights that. Everyone knows that. Maybe you should try to find something thatnot everyone knows like why does my puffle eat my hair??? I think that Yarr is evil now and he runs around with a highliter and highlights everything new and um... yea. Stay warped Mimo! ~Fredfan4ever~
    He does know that Fredfan4ever...long name, sorry.

  41. TulipPearl1 (cpg mod)December 27, 2009 at 7:29 PM

    izzyloo8 said...
    I'm guessing you either put it on pait.. or is it your party clue..?
    For Mimo's other website parties he never gives out clues. cp highlights them.

  42. im on level 19 and stuck there and im a girl also its my first time

  43. mimo i've beaten you cuz now imma on 19 level!

  44. Hiya Mimo! I would love love love to start my own cheat site, ive tried b4 but i can never get to do it for more than one day! plz help me with some advise! thnx!

  45. Hey Mimo when are you going to have a PARTAY! on club penguin?

  46. you didnt highlight it it highlights when there are new music

  47. mimo the christmas party was supose to only go on to december 27 but its still going!!!!!!

  48. Anonymous said...

    Doesn't club penguin highlight it??

    No they dont... they actually Bold the letters in white. They dont highlight it.

    ~Ponchee (CPG MOD)

  49. Hey mimo, I beat you record in Fragger lol i finished the whole game on elite!

  50. Mimo did you really highlight that?
    or was it club penguin
    ????? we will never know
    Mimo does the highlights on the tracks.
    Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)

  51. I'm on level 21 on Fraggle! I gave up because on level 21 you pretty much have to aim your shot just right and hope for the best... To make a long story short Fraggle is HARD!

  52. Anonymous said...
    Doesn't club penguin highlight it??
    Oops I meant Club Penguin Highlights it! So people can know which are the new music.
    Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)

  53. you held down tab and then hovered over the mucic u wanted highlighted!!! ;-)


  54. I have a sillee song!

    It's called there are no banana's in the sky and you just say it like this, its REAAAAAALLLLLY long though.

    there are no banana's in the sky in the sky there are no banana's in the sky in the sky there's a sun and a moon and a coconut cream pie but there's no banana's in the sky in the sky

    there are -- banana's there in the sky in the sky there's a sun and a moon and a coconut cream pie but there's no banana's in the sky in the sky

    there are -- --- in the in the sky in the sky there are no banana's in the sky in the sky there's a sun and a moon and a coconut cream pie but there's no banana's in the sky in the sky

    and basically you keep going until there are no more words left. THEN YOU SAY THE WHOLE THING ALL OVER AGAIN! it's really long , i know sorry.

  55. hey guys, another funny song,

    this one is one of my favorites and we sing it every time we go some where.

    Aggravation, rehabilitation, aggravation, this is how you play
    first you take a bowling ball, then you roll it down the hall, hits your dad, now he's mad, OH OH OH OH OH
    Aggravation, rehabilitation, aggravation, this is how you play
    first you take a garden hose then you stick it up your nose, turn it on, you'll be gone, OH OH OH OH OH
    Aggravation, rehabilitation, aggravation, this is how you play
    first you take a coconut, then you stick it up your bu-t eat dessert, that'll hurt, OH OH OH OH OH!
    Aggravation, rehabilitation, aggravation, that is how you play!



  56. Hi guys, i LOVE your site. i've been a nonmember of clubpenguin for a grand total of 1,095 days, since the first week clubpenguin was around. and it is so much fun. i think back to when the cove and the forest weren't here, and when the stage wasn't either. it's been so much fun watching how They improve their site. I absolutley LOVE it. oh and a LOOOOOOOONG time ago, before you were around, i used to go to paintboy100, but you're 10000000000000 times better. PLEASE POST!


    Kiki Strike.

  57. i beat all levels on fragger mimo

  58. club penguin doesn't highlight it. they just make the words more boldish

  59. Scary guy said...(no offense)
    Ya Mimo,Ya. You should know that bye now. Club penguin highlights that. Everyone knows that. Maybe you should try to find something thatnot everyone knows like why does my puffle eat my hair??? I think that Yarr is evil now and he runs around with a highliter and highlights everything new and um... yea. Stay warped Mimo! ~Fredfan4ever~
    um yea the part with the crazy yarr highlighting people hair kinda scared me... But good idea!

  60. u put your mouse on each one took a pic then put it all together

  61. im stuck on level 27 in fragger some1 help me

  62. hey mimo i'm on level 21 :D

  63. wait.... I was playin normal nevermind

  64. Scary guy said...(no offense)
    Ya Mimo,Ya. You should know that bye now. Club penguin highlights that. Everyone knows that. Maybe you should try to find something thatnot everyone knows like why does my puffle eat my hair??? I think that Yarr is evil now and he runs around with a highliter and highlights everything new and um... yea. Stay warped Mimo! ~Fredfan4ever~

    Your thinking something different. Club Penguin Bolds the letters. I know what your thinking. When you CLICK on it or hover your mouse over it, it gets highlighted. Good idea, though.

  65. Hey mimo! I changed my username to pushzone to match my site! just wanted to let you know!

    Push Zone(AKA Mraz Albums)

  66. mimo just sayin you put normal swarm instead of norman swarm

  67. wow i didnt know there was new igloo music p.s fragger level 17 elite is possible but extremely hard i have done it.

  68. yoyoyo im a fragmaster elite. got unlimited grenades. thank u thank u thank u

  69. I checked on Club Penguin before. Club penguin is the one that highlights them.

  70. Keep posting stuff like this i really like it
