Saturday, October 10, 2009

New Club Penguin Pin Cheat - FOOTBALL PIN!

Here is how to find the new Club Penguin Pin cheat.

Here is the new Pin Cheat!

Step 1. Go to The Ski Villiage.
Step 2. Now go into the Ski Lodge.
Step 3. Now go Upstairs.
Step 3. Now click on the Football Pin in the lower left corner!


Whoa! I got the pin too early again! It says undefined! Swoot!

Hmm, a Football Pin. Hmm. a Football Pin. Hmm, I guess it's a Football Pin and NOT something else! ;-}


Have you tried out Puzzle Pirates yet? Try it!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Play Mimo Games Now!

Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


  1. Awsome. I dont like football lol


  2. Freaky....I saw you at the DoJo I didnt want to disturb you,So I went to the Dock then you came 1 second after me, Then I went to the Town and you were there lol!


  3. Found the smallest cheat ever... You know how you want to get to the attic and you click the ladder to get there? Well before the mouse thing didnt do anything when you hoved on the ladder but now if you click the ladder a 'hand' thing will come up lolz


  4. Oh! I wish it was a soccer ball instead, but it is still cool!

  5. woo hoo this is aann awsome pin thanks for the tips mimo, hey is your grandpa ok

  6. Stickers303 said...
    Freaky....I saw you at the DoJo I didnt want to disturb you,So I went to the Dock then you came 1 second after me, Then I went to the Town and you were there lol!



  7. Hey Mimo, i've recently made a blog and I was wondering if you could set up a link on your blog to mine. Mine hasn't had any views yet and i'm extremely disappointed!

  8. Mimo i think this is the best pin ever and also have you ever noticed that when you throw a snowball in the box dimension it curves.

  9. Hi Mimo, could you make a cp party that is appropriate for AUSTRALIANS, i always try to go to parties, but i can never get up for them :P


  10. Stickers303 said...
    Found the smallest cheat ever... You know how you want to get to the attic and you click the ladder to get there? Well before the mouse thing didnt do anything when you hoved on the ladder but now if you click the ladder a 'hand' thing will come up lolz

    lol nice cheat i just found that out do u have any tips on being a mimo mod? thanks
    Pingu19879 (future mimo mod)

  11. Mirelrapid (CPG Mod)October 8, 2009 at 11:26 PM

    Stickers303 said...
    Awsome. I dont like football lol


    Hehe, me neither! Only soccer...

    ~Mirelrapid (CPG Mod)

  12. Mirelrapid (CPG Mod)October 8, 2009 at 11:28 PM

    Stickers303 said...
    Freaky....I saw you at the DoJo I didnt want to disturb you,So I went to the Dock then you came 1 second after me, Then I went to the Town and you were there lol!


    That's so cooool!

    ~Mirelrapid (CPG Mod)

  13. Mirelrapid (CPG Mod)October 8, 2009 at 11:28 PM

    Floppsy said...
    Oh! I wish it was a soccer ball instead, but it is still cool!

    Yuuup, soccer rulzzz! :D

    ~Mirelrapid (CPG Mod)


  15. Cool pin I think but also I think the hideing spots just repeat themselves lol!

  16. KEWL! Football is my 2nd favorite sport!

  17. hey Mimo why is ur emoticon ;-} not ;-] its really weird if its ;-}

  18. Wheres the castle?? I thought it was a castle

  19. Floppsy said...
    Oh! I wish it was a soccer ball instead, but it is still cool!
    I think they had a soccer ball pin before, Sorrez

    Here to Help!
    Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

  20. Anonymous said...
    woo hoo this is aann awsome pin thanks for the tips mimo, hey is your grandpa ok
    Yeah, that was a while ago, I think hes ok now.

    Here to Help!
    Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

  21. I'm not a huge fan of football. ;-P ~Syka~

  22. cookie3303 said...
    Mimo i think this is the best pin ever and also have you ever noticed that when you throw a snowball in the box dimension it curves.
    Yo! Mimo knows already. ;-) ~Syka CPG Mod~

  23. Tomichael said...
    Wheres the castle?? I thought it was a castle
    Yo! That was a fake. ~Syka CPG Mod~

  24. Heyy Mimo I wondered if you knew there was a 4th Treasure Book!!

  25. Anonymous said...
    woo hoo this is aann awsome pin thanks for the tips mimo, hey is your grandpa ok

    Zxz192 said...
    yeah im pretty sure hes ok because i think mimo would have mentioned it otherwise

    Hope this helped!
    Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

  26. Tomichael said...
    Wheres the castle?? I thought it was a castle

    Zxz192 said...
    There was a rumour going around that the next pin would be a castle. But maybe it will be the next pin ;)

    Hope this helped!
    Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

  27. Wheres the castle?? I thought it was a castle

    Hey, there is no castle. During the midevil party there are plenty of castles... but during the holloween party, the light house is usally all castly.

    Sand Flippper


  28. hey Mimo why is ur emoticon ;-} not ;-] its really weird if its ;-}

    Maybe he made a mistake, or he is seeing if we pay attention... who knows

    Sand Flipper


  29. Cool! The boys in my class'll like this pin. ; )

    Mimo, has the stage switched? It now has the giant pink and yellow bug-looking thing.
    It looks different in your pic than the stage, or was that just an old picture?
    Waddle on!

  30. im going to mod again... but ill never have what i use to have :(

    Sand Flipper


  31. Nah, it's a Rugby ball. :D

    Thanks anyway.

  32. Hey you've probaly noticed but if you haven't go to the light houlse and play a guitar or something and it actually plays its cool


  33. Usain Bolt14 said...
    Hey Mimo, i've recently made a blog and I was wondering if you could set up a link on your blog to mine. Mine hasn't had any views yet and i'm extremely disappointed!
    Its ok, it takes bunches of time to get famous. I dont think Mimo can do that, it would be unfair.

    Here to Help!
    Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

  34. cookie3303 said...
    Mimo i think this is the best pin ever and also have you ever noticed that when you throw a snowball in the box dimension it curves.
    I think Mimo noticed this, nice tip tough :D

    Here to Help!
    Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

  35. Syka said...
    I'm not a huge fan of football. ;-P ~Syka~
    Neither am I lol

    Skloop(CPG Mod)

  36. Cookie3303 (CPG Mod)October 9, 2009 at 1:22 PM

    awesome pin

  37. Anonymous said...
    hey Mimo why is ur emoticon ;-} not ;-] its really weird if its ;-]
    thats cause mimo is wierd warped and random lol!
    Pingu19879 (future mimo mod)

  38. Pingu19879 said...Stickers do you have any tips on being an offical mod?

    Heyy dude nice party =] Well I suggest follow the rules. They can be found on the right sidebar on the How to be a CPG Mod!

    -Stickers303 CPG MOD!

  39. Anonymous said...
    Heyy Mimo I wondered if you knew there was a 4th Treasure Book!!
    Yes he does! ~Syka~

  40. Lianna154 said...
    Cool! The boys in my class'll like this pin. ; )

    Mimo, has the stage switched? It now has the giant pink and yellow bug-looking thing.
    It looks different in your pic than the stage, or was that just an old picture?
    Waddle on!
    It's an old pic. ~Syka~

  41. Gyesg said...
    Hey you've probaly noticed but if you haven't go to the light houlse and play a guitar or something and it actually plays its cool

    Yeah-boy is that an old cheat. ~Syka~

  42. Guess what I found! A new hiding spot on CP! When you go to get the football pin, you can click near the chat box part that is right on top of the blur table and your body and name are hidden!

  43. Wow! Thats Cool. Thats cool. lol

  44. wild hamster[CPG MOD]October 9, 2009 at 6:15 PM

    awsome pin not the best though!

  45. Hi, I have a cheat! You can find pins from the past years in the club penguin yearbooks! You go to the book room and run your cursor across each page.You will find the pins! this may only be in the 2006-2007 and the 2007-2008 yearbook. Sadly, you cannot keep the pins but it's fun seeing them! I hope you enjoy! U ROCK MIMO777!

  46. Cool! The boys in my class'll like this pin. ; )

    Mimo, has the stage switched? It now has the giant pink and yellow bug-looking thing.
    It looks different in your pic than the stage, or was that just an old picture?
    Waddle on!

    Mimo77 has already seen the new stage before in past days so he already has pictures of it and just reuses them.

    Techdeckguy CPG Mod in Training!

  47. I wonder what football has to do with halloween? I mean like football isnt like anything really scary like Halloween. Oh and mimo wat will you be this year? Me and my freinds r being soemthing totally funny.


  48. Stickers303 said...
    Found the smallest cheat ever... You know how you want to get to the attic and you click the ladder to get there? Well before the mouse thing didnt do anything when you hoved on the ladder but now if you click the ladder a 'hand' thing will come up lolz


    I found how to do something like that. Say your in the town and you know how there the path. Well clcik the path quick and very quickly your mail. And exit out of mail and you should be in that little path way. ( I thinkk this is an old cheat right?)


  49. awesome I'm getting it right now ,after I'm going to watch the new Office again lol

  50. Stickers303 said...
    Freaky....I saw you at the DoJo I didnt want to disturb you,So I went to the Dock then you came 1 second after me, Then I went to the Town and you were there lol!

    Lol! Awesome! You are so lucky! :D Its night time here when Mimo takes pix, so I cant see MiMo by luck ;))

    => Safa153 (CPG MOD)

  51. Stickers303 said...
    Found the smallest cheat ever... You know how you want to get to the attic and you click the ladder to get there? Well before the mouse thing didnt do anything when you hoved on the ladder but now if you click the ladder a 'hand' thing will come up lolz

    Lol, I will try it, thanks lol!

    => Safa153 (CPG MOD)

  52. cookie3303 said...
    Mimo i think this is the best pin ever and also have you ever noticed that when you throw a snowball in the box dimension it curves.
    Thanks, nice cheat! But MiMo already knows that! And also its not a glitch, its an April Fool joke, lol!
    Thanks for your help :D

    => Safa153 (CPG MOD)

  53. Brio2 said...
    Hi Mimo, could you make a cp party that is appropriate for AUSTRALIANS, i always try to go to parties, but i can never get up for them :P

    On his last party-Aqua Party- MiMo designed it for Europe! And so I was at the party! And I hope MiMo throws a party for you Australians! ;))

    => Safa153 (CPG MOD)

  54. Stickers303 said...
    Awsome. I dont like football lol

    Yeah! I prefer SOCCER-, lol!

    => safa153 (CPG MOD)

  55. Floppsy said...
    Oh! I wish it was a soccer ball instead, but it is still cool!
    You are right! But unfortunately CP has already given a soccer ball pin years ago...

    =< safa153 (CPG MOD)

  56. Anonymous said...


    => SAFA153 (CPG MOD)

  57. Anonymous said...
    hey Mimo why is ur emoticon ;-} not ;-] its really weird if its ;-}
    I like your question :D! Mimo was using < ;-) > emote before and then he started to emote < ;-] > ; and now he emotes < ;-} > lol! I think its fun emoting different smiles! xD

    => Safa153 (CPG MOD)

  58. Syka said...
    I'm not a huge fan of football. ;-P ~Syka~

    Lol! Me neither, syka! ;)

    => Safa153 (CPG MOD)

  59. Tomichael said...
    Wheres the castle?? I thought it was a castle
    Yeah! I thought so! But maybe next time! Or CP changed desicion! lol!

    => Safa153 (CPG MOD)

  60. Anonymous said...
    Heyy Mimo I wondered if you knew there was a 4th Treasure Book!!

    Thanks but MiMo has already posted about it!
    Thanks for your help, you rock! :)

    => Safa153 (CPG MOD)

  61. Gyesg said...
    Hey you've probaly noticed but if you haven't go to the light houlse and play a guitar or something and it actually plays its cool

    Thats awesome! This feature kicked off weeks ago and its pretty cool! I have only Maracas as an insturment but I cant hear its sound lol! :D

    => Safa153 (CPG MOD)

  62. Floppsy said...
    Oh! I wish it was a soccer ball instead, but it is still cool!
    Skloop said...
    I think they had a soccer ball pin before, Sorrez

    Here to Help!
    Sklooperis(CPG Mod)
    Hey, Sklooperis! I really wonder why you changed your nickname into 'Skloop' ?..
    But I think this is better ;)

    => Safa153 (CPG MOD)

  63. Lianna154 said...
    Cool! The boys in my class'll like this pin. ; )

    Mimo, has the stage switched? It now has the giant pink and yellow bug-looking thing.
    It looks different in your pic than the stage, or was that just an old picture?
    Waddle on!
    Yeah, nice pin! And also its an old pic of Stage! MiMo wanted to compare 'em!

    => Safa153 (CPG MOD)

  64. sali0516 said...
    Guess what I found! A new hiding spot on CP! When you go to get the football pin, you can click near the chat box part that is right on top of the blur table and your body and name are hidden!
    Yeah! There are More hiding places around CP! I and my friends used to play Hide and Seek years ago. Those old days... :)

    => Safa153 (CPG MOD)

  65. Hey Mimo, i saw ya on Webosaurs last night! ;] I'm Lee on Webosaurs and Lil Man 2k9 on CP Lol
    Nice post, your very quick (As Usual) xD

    ~Lil Man 2k9~ CPG Mod

  66. Mimo, you know whats weird? The pin is a football and yesterday was homecoming and there was a footbal game. Freaky. I think cp is watching me. :-0

  67. Gyesg said...
    Hey you've probaly noticed but if you haven't go to the light houlse and play a guitar or something and it actually plays its cool

    Yh, Mimo made a vid about this with his bro U Fride a whole ago.

    Here to Help!
    Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

  68. braceface27 said...

    Mimo, you know whats weird? The pin is a football and yesterday was homecoming and there was a footbal game. Freaky. I think cp is watching me. :-0

    Ummm.... you're not the only one who has a homcoming game too you know.

  69. Brio2 said...
    Hi Mimo, could you make a cp party that is appropriate for AUSTRALIANS, i always try to go to parties, but i can never get up for them :P



    I know what you mean, I live in England and that can be annoying! I'm sure Mimo does try to hold his parties at the best possible times, but still, they can't suit everyone. And Mimo has to sleep too, right? The most important thing is that he is at the party.
    Maybe you'll be able to go to the next one!

    -Lilacorchid(CPG Mod)

  70. sali0516 said...
    Guess what I found! A new hiding spot on CP! When you go to get the football pin, you can click near the chat box part that is right on top of the blur table and your body and name are hidden!

    Yeah, I found this a while ago. Have fun playing hide-and-seek!

    -Lilacorchid(CPG Mod)

  71. Yukiko 56 said...
    Hi, I have a cheat! You can find pins from the past years in the club penguin yearbooks! You go to the book room and run your cursor across each page.You will find the pins! this may only be in the 2006-2007 and the 2007-2008 yearbook. Sadly, you cannot keep the pins but it's fun seeing them! I hope you enjoy! U ROCK MIMO777!

    Yeah, I already found this one too, LOL. But you never know, if you've told Mimo a secret he didn't already know he'll give you credit! Good luck with that.
    Also, are you going to be looking for pins in the new yearbook? It'll be out on October 24th and you might find some pins you have in your inventory...

    -Lilacorchid(CPG Mod)

  72. You know, using paint to add undefined to a pin thing was funny the first few times, but now i think u need a new joke, like, maybe we will soon play pin-ball or something soon. yes pin ball (pin + football)

  73. plz help tip the iceberg on world:Husky.

  74. Anonymous said...
    uhh hello mimo how was your day today?How old are you?Whats your favorite color?Why do you wear nonmember items?Why do you have a website?Why am I typinng this?Mimo answer please.

    Mimo is around 13 years old (people think). His favourite colour is orange. He wears non-member items because he likes them, and because he's hardly ever a member anyway. He has a website because he enjoys posting CP goodness, he likes to make new penguin friends, and it's something fun for him and his family. You're 'typing this' because you're inquistive.

    Let it be known that if you ask Mimo a question - and not during Mimo Q&A - he isn't likely to answer it.

    -Lilacorchid (CPG Mod)

  75. Hi Mimo! I won't be here Moderating today because I'm going on a vacation. I will see you tomorrow! I will answer a few Q's before I leave!

  76. didnt you tell us on your last post? buy? weird. anywayz i have the same amount of coins you have!
    i dont think i will get to go your partay but i might

  77. i play on the girls football team and we won a few games and i love this pin! -swettie422

  78. Anonymous said...
    You know, using paint to add undefined to a pin thing was funny the first few times, but now i think u need a new joke, like, maybe we will soon play pin-ball or something soon. yes pin ball (pin + football)

    What? Mimo doesn't use Paint to do that! He just gets to the pin too early, and Club Penguin hasn't finished processing it yet. I know this because I've experienced it myself. Saying that, I think your joke was quite good, well done!

    -Lilacorchid (CPG Mod)

  79. Anonymous said...
    uhh hello mimo how was your day today?How old are you?Whats your favorite color?Why do you wear nonmember items?Why do you have a website?Why am I typinng this?Mimo answer please.

    Zxz192 said...
    His day was fine. He is about 13. His favourite colour is orange or aqua. He wearns non member items because he is a non member. He has a website because he likes helping people ;)

    Hope this helped!
    Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

  80. dude it says would u like to "buy" football pin

  81. Lianna154 said...
    Cool! The boys in my class'll like this pin. ; )
    Mimo, has the stage switched? It now has the giant pink and yellow bug-looking thing.
    It looks different in your pic than the stage, or was that just an old picture?
    Waddle on!

    Zxz192 said...
    Yeah, he used an old picture

    Hope this helped!
    Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

  82. hey the sky in the dojo is gray!!!

  83. woah i thought it was going to be a castle

  84. Anonymous said...

    dude it says would u like to "buy" football pin
    Dear Anonymous,
    That's to do with Club Penguin programming so I won't explain in any great detail since it's pretty complex. Basicly becuase Mimo found the pin so early CP hadn't finished the programming.

    Hope this helps!

    - Nimwoff (CPG MOD)

  85. cookie3303 said...

    Mimo i think this is the best pin ever and also have you ever noticed that when you throw a snowball in the box dimension it curves.
    _____________________________________ it has been like this for a while, but thanks for giving us this tip!
    Prettylady23 - CPG Mod

  86. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    hey Mimo why is ur emoticon ;-} not ;-] its really weird if its ;-}
    Mimo does that because, he's different and cool in so many ways, and because hes cool like that!

  87. Mimo, i won't be able to mod next week! Spring Break,

    ~Racet2000- Cpg mod

  88. LilacOrchid said...
    Anonymous said...
    You know, using paint to add undefined to a pin thing was funny the first few times, but now i think u need a new joke, like, maybe we will soon play pin-ball or something soon. yes pin ball (pin + football)

    No it is'nt a joke! When the pin FIRST comes out it acually says that! Lol,

    ~Racet2000- Cpg mod

  89. Anonymous said...
    dude it says would u like to "buy" football pin

    Thats's what it says right the the pin comes out!
    Glad to help!!

    ~Racet2000- Cpg mod

  90. Stickers303 said...
    Freaky....I saw you at the DoJo I didnt want to disturb you,So I went to the Dock then you came 1 second after me, Then I went to the Town and you were there lol!


    Wierd! I guess Mimo is secretly your buddy! Lol,

    ~Racet2000- Cpg mod

  91. Floppsy said...
    Oh! I wish it was a soccer ball instead, but it is still cool!

    Me too! I love soccer!

    ~Racet2000- Cpg mod

  92. cookie3303 said...
    Mimo i think this is the best pin ever and also have you ever noticed that when you throw a snowball in the box dimension it curves.

    Yah, I have noticed that! Thanks anyway!

    ~Racet2000- Cpg mod

  93. King Saxon said...
    Cool pin I think but also I think the hideing spots just repeat themselves lol!

    Yah, I think they do too! Lolz!

    ~Racet2000- Cpg mod

  94. Anonymous said...
    Heyy Mimo I wondered if you knew there was a 4th Treasure Book!!

    Yes, Mimo already posted about that! Thanks anyway,

    ~Racet2000- Cpg mod

  95. Lianna154 said...
    Cool! The boys in my class'll like this pin. ; )

    Mimo, has the stage switched? It now has the giant pink and yellow bug-looking thing.
    It looks different in your pic than the stage, or was that just an old picture?
    Waddle on!

    Yes, the stage was switched! That was an old picture... I think...

    ~Racet2000- Cpg mod

  96. Lil Man 2k9 said...
    Hey Mimo, i saw ya on Webosaurs last night! ;] I'm Lee on Webosaurs and Lil Man 2k9 on CP Lol
    Nice post, your very quick (As Usual) xD

    ~Lil Man 2k9~ CPG Mod



  97. braceface27 said...
    Mimo, you know whats weird? The pin is a football and yesterday was homecoming and there was a footbal game. Freaky. I think cp is watching me. :-0

    OMG! Stalkers...

    ~Racet2000- Cpg mod

  98. Marquizi98 (CPG MOD) said...
    Hi Mimo! I won't be here Moderating today because I'm going on a vacation. I will see you tomorrow! I will answer a few Q's before I leave!


    I'm going out of town too! Lol!

    ~Racet2000- Cpg mod

  99. Hello i am CatGirlBlue and i was wondering what a mod was? How do you become a mod?And laststly... CAN I BE A MOD!!!!????
    ~CatGirlBlue~ Amb7940's sister

  100. Anonymous said...
    Hello i am CatGirlBlue and i was wondering what a mod was? How do you become a mod?And laststly... CAN I BE A MOD!!!!????
    ~CatGirlBlue~ Amb7940's sister
    You can become a mod by answering peoples questions like im doing with u. Here is the site to look at the rules so just copy that and put it in the website bar.
    JD543 (CPG MOD)

  101. I cant get the pin!?!?!?!
    JD543 (CPG MOD)

  102. Anonymous said...
    Hello i am CatGirlBlue and i was wondering what a mod was? How do you become a mod?And laststly... CAN I BE A MOD!!!!????
    ~CatGirlBlue~ Amb7940's sister

    Zxz192 said...
    Mods are people that help out on this site by answering questions. If you want to be a mod, answer questions and when u do answer questions, but ur name at the bottom with (CPG Mod) next to it

    Hope this helped!
    Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

  103. haha mimo i found something cool that clubpenguin messed up on in the play catalog if you look closely on the front page gamma gal is a pink penguin but when you go to the the page were you buy her clothes she is a green penguin wierd right?


  104. TulipPearl1 (CPG Mod)October 10, 2009 at 6:30 PM

    The only advice I can give you Pingu19879, is that you have to try your hardest at answering questions and congradulate ppl. Mimo will notice and make you on the list to mimo mods.

  105. TulipPearl1 (CPG Mod)October 10, 2009 at 6:33 PM

    ~CatGirlBlue, a mod is a penguin who answers other people's questions and congradulates them. You can look at the full rules on the right side bar that says, "Clubpenguingang mods" or something like that. And yes you can become a mod.

  106. weird you already posted this i think...

  107. I like watching football now i have the pin!

    - FireIce

  108. what ever happened to kimberly?

  109. Floppsy said...

    Oh! I wish it was a soccer ball instead, but it is still cool!


    Actually, I think they DID have a soccer ball pin at one point, but correct me if I'm wrong. :D

    Hope I helped!
    Princess7635 (CPG MOD)

  110. I forgot to come to today's parties but I made t ur cp one.

  111. Hi this is CatGirlBlue again and i was just wonering if any mods would like to become my friend because i think mods are really awesome and they are reaaly nice to others and help. Please answer this as...
    I will become you friend catgirlblue and we can meet up sometime p.s MIMO777 ROCKS!!!!

  112. Hi this is CatGirlBlue
    I was just wondering if mimo knew about the secret wall in level 9 of thin ice. You can go thorugh the wall on the rght side the second tile down and go throught the wall. If you go all the way down to the blue circle and then you get money bags. I didn't know if Mimo knew so just trying to help

  113. Yo
    Floppsy said...
    Oh! I wish it was a soccer ball instead, but it is still cool!

    I know thats wat I thought when I saw Football pin cos we all call soccer football ;-)

  114. Yo
    Anonymous said...
    haha mimo i found something cool that clubpenguin messed up on in the play catalog if you look closely on the front page gamma gal is a pink penguin but when you go to the the page were you buy her clothes she is a green penguin wierd right?

    She's a chameleon haha ;-) Nice spotting

  115. Yo
    Anonymous said...
    Heyy Mimo I wondered if you knew there was a 4th Treasure Book!!
    Well a new treasure book comes out whenever a new series of toys come out so when the 4th series toys come out the 4th treasure book will too!

  116. Yo
    Anonymous said...
    I cant get the pin!?!?!?!
    JD543 (CPG MOD)
    Well you must of got to it quick cos there were some glitches with it when it first came out

  117. Hey does anyone know what the interactive thing you can do with the butterfly thing at the stage is?

  118. Alrite catch ya later, my holidays are over back to skool tomorrow :(

  119. Mimo, next week I'm going out of town. So, I can't mod. Don't Deduce me or anything!


  120. Mimo did you see a Gnome from the stage on the new CP wallpaper?

  121. Mimo, do you have a Viking Plush from the giveaway thing, and have you gotten any more toys lately? I have all the plush toys and some figures. Do you play any instruments? If so, what is your fave song to play? I play the violin. Is art one of your fave subjects in school becuz u can draw weird and warped stuff? When is the next Mimo Q&A? LoL so many questions. Believe me. There's more coming later.

  122. Anonymous said...
    You know, using paint to add undefined to a pin thing was funny the first few times, but now i think u need a new joke, like, maybe we will soon play pin-ball or something soon. yes pin ball (pin + football)
    It's not a joke! He got it too early! It's happened to me before. ~Syka CPG Mod~

  123. What's the point of pins, really?

  124. mimo i added a buddy and i looked at my buddy list, and it said undefined 4 the persones name! Awesome right? Glitch!

  125. hey mimo my penguin is 1008 days old lol

  126. Anonymous said...
    haha mimo i found something cool that clubpenguin messed up on in the play catalog if you look closely on the front page gamma gal is a pink penguin but when you go to the the page were you buy her clothes she is a green penguin wierd right?

    Lol that is weird XD


  127. Anonymous said...
    Hello i am CatGirlBlue and i was wondering what a mod was? How do you become a mod?And laststly... CAN I BE A MOD!!!!????
    ~CatGirlBlue~ Amb7940's sister
    A mod is someone who answers questions on Mimos site so everyone knows whats going on. You become one by answering a lot of questions until Mimo makes you a mod. Anyone can be a mod, but it takes dedication :D

    Here to Help!
    Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

  128. Anonymous said...
    I cant get the pin!?!?!?!
    JD543 (CPG MOD)
    Yh, its hard to get to XD


  129. It doesnt let me pick it up!

  130. Anonymous said...
    Heyy Mimo I wondered if you knew there was a 4th Treasure Book!!
    Yeah, Mimo posted this, nice find though :D

    Here to Help!
    Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

  131. Anonymous said...
    You know, using paint to add undefined to a pin thing was funny the first few times, but now i think u need a new joke, like, maybe we will soon play pin-ball or something soon. yes pin ball (pin + football)
    Its not a joke! Mimo actually gets to it that early! Lol, Mimo is fast XD

    Here to Help!
    Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

  132. Anonymous said...
    dude it says would u like to "buy" football pin
    Yh, its a glitch that happens if you get to the pin too early XD

    Here to Help!
    Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

  133. King Saxon said...
    Cool pin I think but also I think the hideing spots just repeat themselves lol!
    Probably, LOL

    Here to Help!
    Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

  134. cookie3303 said...
    Mimo i think this is the best pin ever and also have you ever noticed that when you throw a snowball in the box dimension it curves.
    Did I respond to this yet? Better safe than sorry XD Yeah, Mimo posted this a while ago, sorrez.

    Here to Help!
    Sklooperis(CPG Mod)

  135. Skloop said...
    I think they had a soccer ball pin before, Sorrez

    Here to Help!
    Sklooperis(CPG Mod)
    Hey, Sklooperis! I really wonder why you changed your nickname into 'Skloop' ?..
    But I think this is better ;)

    => Safa153 (CPG MOD)
    Idk, I like it XD People call me that a lot, so I just decided to start using that, lol.


  136. cool u rock mimo y do u get the pin erly :):):):)

  137. Nimmo09 said...
    What's the point of pins, really?

    Zxz192 said...
    Pins never come back ever again (apart from the Ruby pin from the play Ruby and the Ruby) so you can collect them. They can also show how long you have been playing CP and how old your penguin is

    Hope this helped!
    Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

  138. sprocket07 said...
    weird you already posted this i think...
    LOL!!! my bad! i think i was thinking of the locker one but i was sure you already posted it!

  139. Mimo, has the stage switched? It now has the giant pink and yellow bug-looking thing.
    It looks different in your pic than the stage, or was that just an old picture?
    Waddle on!

    The stage switches every month or so . You can check the newspaper to see if there are any new plays coming up. This one is called squidsoid vs gamma gal and shadow guy

    hope this helped

  140. Found the smallest cheat ever... You know how you want to get to the attic and you click the ladder to get there? Well before the mouse thing didnt do anything when you hoved on the ladder but now if you click the ladder a 'hand' thing will come up lolz


    Great Cheat....It works at the lighthouse too. Nice Job again it will save time!

    Bumper98 (CPG Mod in Training)

  141. Stickers303 said...

    Freaky....I saw you at the DoJo I didnt want to disturb you,So I went to the Dock then you came 1 second after me, Then I went to the Town and you were there lol!


    Wow! You're so lucky! If I were you, I'd ask Mimo to add me! I mean, he's so cool! Anyways, have fun in CP!

    ~*Pinky46076*~ (CPG MOD)

  142. Cool! I wonder what it means?

  143. This surely makes great sense!!
