Monday, June 29, 2009

Club Penguin Now in Spanish!

¡Hola Penguins! Wow!

Do you remember when Club Penguin sold out to Disney? Do you remember why they said they wanted to sell? One of the reasons was so they could make Club Penguin in other languages! Well they added Spanish! Nice work Club penguin! Thanks, GptRules.

Here are some other Club Penguin words in Spanish:

Hello! -¡Hola!
Welcome! - ¡Bienvenidos!
Congratulations! - ¡Felicitaciones!
Waddle on! - ¡A pingüinear!
You're cool! -¡Eres genial!

Hey do you remember some of the other reasons they sold to Disney? I do.

BTW, Disney is not interfering with Club Penguin. Club Penguin still makes their own decisions and make the game how they want. Disney is just helping them with money so they can do cool stuff. I think Disney has helped a lot!

So leave a comment if you can tell me what Club Penguin has been able to do since Disney bought them!

Oh, one more thing. Do you speak any spanish? I do. Hola!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Click here to listen to Mimo's new song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"icon


  1. club penguin in spanish? awesome! ill go there :D

  2. I am going to learn spanish this year in school i signed up for spanish

  3. sweet! ill go there!

  4. awsome! u rock mimo!


  5. disney put rockhopper in disney world!


  6. Hey mimo

    I take spanish as a language along with french


  7. I know some Spanish Hola Senore Mimo si i know esponal (spelt that wrong)

  8. I know spanish by heart!!! I'll go there every once in a while....

  9. you should have a party in spanish!!!! that would be cool u rock!!! :-)

  10. mimo is a penguin called cheesepizza4 ur cuzin? cuz he sed he is and i dont really believe him lol


  11. Disney is helping, and i love disney! Disney is like a classic thingy magigy. I love the lion king :D by disney!

    Sand Flipper


  12. even though im puerto rican, i dont speak spanish but i pretty much know every word and what it means and stuff. weird rite?

  13. not to put a damper on things,
    but i noticed it a long time ago and i tried to leave a comment, but you might not have noticed,
    oh well.

    but either way,

    NO WAY JOSE (the e is supposed to have a little mark on top)

    this is as close as my key board will let me say this in spanish:

    iEres genial!

  14. si yo hablo español

  15. They could waddle around unlike rsnail...

  16. anonymous,
    you can do the mark see ~

  17. Sweet, Club Penguin is totally not getting boring:)



  18. wow that's soo cool!!

  19. ya thats cool


  20. Hey! I speak spanish! i think this is really cool. I I am not a member and i think disney made it so that members got more stuff but idk

  21. ihola Mimo!!


    Im english not spanish.

  22. I don't speak Spanish, don't let my teacher find that out lol!

  23. I do. I know more Spanish than English!

  24. MiMo RoCkS!

  25. I'm going to learn spanish during the school year. Maybe I'll play on one of those servers.

  26. I learn Spanish at school!! Gr8

  27. I love it that disney gave CP a lot of money they help make the game better!

  28. I am from Argentina, so i speak spanish (I know a bit of English too)

  29. Oh, cool! Spanish servers! Interesting! I know some Spanish... here are some colors in Spanish for all of you beginner penguins:
    Blue= Azul
    Yellow= Armidila (something like that :P
    Red= Rojo (pronounced ro-ho)
    Thats all I know so far! Have fun! I know I will!

    ~Double Mvp~

  30. lol i dont know ANY spanish at all lol

    1i1 pingy

  31. Do the rockhopper thingy in Walt Disney World!


  32. I've been taking Spanish in school for 3 years.

  33. Disney gave the money to club penguin to make all the toys!

  34. Congrats spaniards! I think Disney has majorly helped CP because not only has it made it fun, they have made it alot more popular!


  35. Hey mimo!! the font for the play now and the things that the penguins say at the starting page is different! did you know that?

  36. more awesome partys

  37. Oye mimo porque no pones las paginas de internet en otros lenguajes tambien. Puedo ser de ayuda. Tu ayudador persistente.
    Hey mimo why dont you put your pages as well translated. I will be of some help. Your presistant wanting to be CPG MOD.

  38. Disney will help in the future in letting clubpenguin do a disney party :)


  39. Happywagon (CPG MOD)June 29, 2009 at 2:12 PM

    o yea i'm MODDING ON MY GRANDPAENTS COMPUTER MIMO so no worries, i will beModding this week :) Also, i hope there are some mod updates...

    Happywagon (CPG MOD)

  40. Guerreiropt aka GptRulesJune 29, 2009 at 2:14 PM

    ;)Ur Welcome mimo ;)

  41. Clubpenguin Has Planned New Partys Like The Adventure party + New Room Like The Box Demension And Some New Pins And New Items Like The Green Hat They Gave Out. ___________________________________-Sharkey67804 (CPGMOD) :-)

  42. coolio1 i speak spanish! im going to spanish2 honors next year!


  43. "do you speak spanish? i do", said mimo.
    "orealy" i said. and isnt it already in spanish, or is that portuguese, or did someone show me thie link before they finished? if so there were already some penguins there.

  44. Most really old penguins think Disney is destroying CP and they all want the "old" CP back. I have been there for a long time and think Disney is really helping CP! If they did not merge with Disney, CP would of probably gone bankrupt! And NO ONE wants that! So thanks for clearing that tidbit up! Waddle On....wait... ADIOS, Mimo777!


  45. Fantastico!! Ahora podemos jugar Club penguin y hablar español!! haha

  46. Disney Is Soooooooo Nice!!!!!! I Love Disney They Helped Sooooooooo Much With Club Penguin ;-)

  47. I just finished Spanish I so I'm really excited now that I can go practice! I've tried going on the Portugese server before, but t's too different. Hasta luego!

    Btw, when you buy a membership, does it stop right after the time it over? It doesn't keep charging you does it?

  48. I would like my two-bits worth in here. I believe that disney has ruined club penguin, as club penguin used to be about rare items, and friendship. Now, all rare items come back, its completely capitalist, and there is nothing for non-members anymore. The old club penguin would have let non-members go into party areas. Also Disney appears as pure evil many times, and is using club penguin to promote disney items, which is despicable in my opinion.

  49. Sand Flipper said...
    Disney is helping, and i love disney! Disney is like a classic thingy magigy. I love the lion king :D by disney!

    Sand Flipper



    Yeah disney is cool but they are making the parties worst! in old parties there were 3 free items but now when disney bought cp there is only 2 free items!

    adios amigo,

    Hazooma2 (cpg mod)

  50. I don't do Spanish but I do speak French fluently and I'm learning German (my mum is French which is why I know it - weird though, i can speak it but not write it?)
    so anyway yeah i like club penguin in french but its also cool in spanish - Ole!

  51. so I know spanish and I will give ya some words
    you are a genius= eres un genio

  52. they changed the 'Play now' button now its all fancy

  53. Penguina46 said...
    even though im puerto rican, i dont speak spanish but i pretty much know every word and what it means and stuff. weird rite?
    uh huh its weird!
    3jel97(CPG MOD)

  54. Anonymous said...
    not to put a damper on things,
    but i noticed it a long time ago and i tried to leave a comment, but you might not have noticed,
    oh well.

    but either way,

    NO WAY JOSE (the e is supposed to have a little mark on top)

    this is as close as my key board will let me say this in spanish:

    iEres genial!
    never knew that.
    3jel97(CPG MOD)

  55. generalms51 said...
    si yo hablo español
    i do not speak spanol what does that mean sometning espanol lol rhymy.
    3jel97(CPG MOD)

  56. Zxz192 said...
    gracias mimo!
    This is italian zxz lol lui ei forte it means "He is Strong" heres another word etu "And you" Vente means "20" Io sono means "I am" so Io sono intelligente "I am intelligent" lei ei means"She is"
    Those were all italian words.
    3jel97(CPG MOD)

  57. I know Spanish!! I have been learning Spanish for two year now


  58. i think disney has done alot for CP but i dont know what.

  59. One thing that Disney helped Club Penguin do was give out the special Coin Codes from Walt Disney World back in April - May. W00T Disney!

  60. Wow. New spanish servers. Man. Club Penguin really isn't that good with surprises anymore. Like seriously, why would we be surprised of new "spanish" servers?

    I am mostly interested in new "games" and "places".

  61. im taking Spanish III starting this year!

  62. cool!club penguin in spanish!
    totaly cool. CP, ur cool,or shoul i say Eres genial!

    P.S i speek french too
    ur cool=tu est chouette!

  63. Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD)June 29, 2009 at 4:58 PM

    WOW!Im surprised!Maybe i can learn spanish by doing this!hey,listen up MODS,i have a question:Do you think we will break the record for most comments from the post that said "Insane Club Penguin comment Contest!" and do you think mimo will think of something to continue to try to break that record?
    Heres another Q:Whose comment do you think will win in the post i just said?
    Plzz answer!Sorry i asked so much!

  64. weeeeel they got a link put on

  65. hola! that is delicioso info

    - Cheeze102

  66. Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD) said...
    WOW!Im surprised!Maybe i can learn spanish by doing this!hey,listen up MODS,i have a question:Do you think we will break the record for most comments from the post that said "Insane Club Penguin comment Contest!" and do you think mimo will think of something to continue to try to break that record?
    Heres another Q:Whose comment do you think will win in the post i just said?
    Plzz answer!Sorry i asked so much!


    Question #1: We'll, he's only at like 2,000 comments, so I don't think he'll get 9,999, but he might try again! ;-)

    Q #2: We'll, Mimo will pick the few that he really likes and will send it to Clubpenguin. We don't know who won yet tho.

    Have sum summer fun! ;-)
    -Matthew722 (CPG MOD)

  67. Hmm...I dont know ANY Spanish (I know,LOL)SOO I'll say this in Italian:Grazi Mimo!Tu are* Fantastico!
    *I dont know how to say are in Italian.LOLZ!And fantastico is italian i think.Plzz post!

  68. Anonymous said...
    cool!club penguin in spanish!
    totaly cool. CP, ur cool,or shoul i say Eres genial!

    P.S i speek french too
    ur cool=tu est chouette!


    I speak french too! Since I live in a Quebec...
    Hey Mimo, Wat's up? =
    Bonjour Mimo! Quesque-tu fais?

    have sum summer fun! ;-)
    -Matthew722 (CPG MOD)

  69. Ok well the penguins keep protesting that Disney is making clubpenguin a worse place and they want the old clubpenguin. So i dont no.

  70. Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD) said...
    WOW!Im surprised!Maybe i can learn spanish by doing this!hey,listen up MODS,i have a question:Do you think we will break the record for most comments from the post that said "Insane Club Penguin comment Contest!" and do you think mimo will think of something to continue to try to break that record?
    Heres another Q:Whose comment do you think will win in the post i just said?
    Plzz answer!Sorry i asked so much!


    No I dont think so. Maybe Mimo will reduce the number to 5000. I dont know whick is the post you last said. Sorry. :(

    Racet2000 (CPG Mod)

  71. Merci!Thats how you spell Thank You in French!Ill say thank you in chinese since nobody is doing asian laguages:Xie Xie!Heres Japanese:Sayonara!
    -Fire F0ox

  72. Mimo, me Racet2000 will be a worthy CPG Mod!


    PS: I visit your twitter... ALOT!

  73. Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD) said...
    WOW!Im surprised!Maybe i can learn spanish by doing this!hey,listen up MODS,i have a question:Do you think we will break the record for most comments from the post that said "Insane Club Penguin comment Contest!" and do you think mimo will think of something to continue to try to break that record?
    Heres another Q:Whose comment do you think will win in the post i just said?
    Plzz answer!Sorry i asked so much!

    OOPS!sorry my name had CPG MOD next to it!Its an accident!Plzz tell everyone!

  74. I have one more Q:Will mimo announce the best ideas and ask our permission first?

  75. Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD) said...
    WOW!Im surprised!Maybe i can learn spanish by doing this!hey,listen up MODS,i have a question:Do you think we will break the record for most comments from the post that said "Insane Club Penguin comment Contest!" and do you think mimo will think of something to continue to try to break that record?
    Heres another Q:Whose comment do you think will win in the post i just said?
    Plzz answer!Sorry i asked so much!

    Heres the answer to Q #1:I think he will think of something but i think its impossible to reach 9,999no offense.
    Q #2:He will choose a few then he might let us vote,then the best one or ones will be sent,but in the post he said he will pick the winners AFTER HE REACHES 9,999 comments.I understand,ITS GONNA BE A LOOONG TIME!

  76. Hola.iMe gusta mimo's pinguino! Si,yo hablo pequeno espanol. iGran trabajo disney y pinguino asociación!
    (Hi.I like Mimo's penguin! Yes,I speak a little spanish. Great job Disney and Club Penguin![I don't know if I put the words in order]

    Pinguino Nombre (penguin name) Lovesalot321 (Yesterday was my B-Day :D)

  77. Anonymous said...
    Wow. New spanish servers. Man. Club Penguin really isn't that good with surprises anymore. Like seriously, why would we be surprised of new "spanish" servers?

    I am mostly interested in new "games" and "places".
    wow, arent you a happy camper? it actually is cool, because now spanish can play... i bet it means a lot to them- but apparently not to you.


  78. yo soy de mexico and i talk spanish!!! -ested

  79. gracias,thank you club penguin

  80. WOOT! I know perfectly Spanish and English and I´m only 13 years old!
    Here are some words in Spanish
    Mimo is weird! = ¡Mimo esta loco!
    Mimo Rules = Mimo manda
    The Zoe zoe show = El show de Zoe zoe

    And as tootsieluv said the word Jose should have a mark on top, here is it: José, it is a little ´ lol

    Well the truth is that im Mexican, but I speak English better than Spanish, Isnt that weird?

  81. spanish nope i speak no fluent spanish!disney added a discount to the memberships. $10 to $5!

  82. CP is gettin borind since disney bought it it was much better b4

  83. This is wayy off subject,but what does a game card do in CP?

  84. Hehe thats funny. I should go to a Spanish server and talk in English and they'll have no clue what the heck im talkin' about. I did that on a French server. heheh. It's f...u...n...n...y


  85. Snowflakeooo said...
    I have one more Q:Will mimo announce the best ideas and ask our permission first?


    I'm pretty sure he will! ;-)

    Have sum summer fun! ;-)
    -Matthew722 (CPG MOD)

  86. Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD) said...
    WOW!Im surprised!Maybe i can learn spanish by doing this!hey,listen up MODS,i have a question:Do you think we will break the record for most comments from the post that said "Insane Club Penguin comment Contest!" and do you think mimo will think of something to continue to try to break that record?
    Heres another Q:Whose comment do you think will win in the post i just said?
    Plzz answer!Sorry i asked so much!
    yes we will we will break the record CUZ WE ROCK!!!!!!!
    3jel97(CPG MOD)

  87. Tycoon101 said...
    Anonymous said...
    Wow. New spanish servers. Man. Club Penguin really isn't that good with surprises anymore. Like seriously, why would we be surprised of new "spanish" servers?

    I am mostly interested in new "games" and "places".
    well they are i think!in my opinoin.
    3jel97(CPG MOD)

  88. Hey I'm not sure but I never saw this on CP yet. If you dance with your white puffle, a white cloud forms over the puffles head. Try it out!

  89. Stitches5 said...
    Hmm...I dont know ANY Spanish (I know,LOL)SOO I'll say this in Italian:Grazi Mimo!Tu are* Fantastico!
    *I dont know how to say are in Italian.LOLZ!And fantastico is italian i think.Plzz post!
    Im italian too Io sono forte etu
    3jel97(CPG MOD)

  90. Stitches5 said...
    This is wayy off subject,but what does a game card do in CP?
    it unlocks u stuuf!
    3jel97(CPG MOD)

  91. Trevtoad said...
    CP is gettin borind since disney bought it it was much better b4
    i agree
    3jel97(CPG MOD)

  92. TOMORROW I'M LEAVING FOR DISNEYLAND. I have family in L.A., and we're going to have fun with them and to be at Disneyland. These people that we know have left-over tickets and they GAVE THEM TO US. Pretty thweet, eh? We're going for like a week.

    Heh-heh, aren't you jealous? yeah, i thought so.


    P.S. We go to Disneyland like four times a year. But this year we didn't go as much... maybe only one other time. I have been going to Disneyland about four times a year since i was like one or two, when i moved to California.

    P.P.S. It's an eight-hour drive to L.A., and even THAT's fun. Cool, eh?

  93. Anonymous said...
    i think disney has done alot for CP but i dont know what.
    no actually club penguin cant do that much even if thye tell disney disney does stuuf clubpenguin doesnt want.
    3jel97(CPG MOD)

  94. Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)June 29, 2009 at 6:52 PM

    Stitches5 said...

    This is wayy off subject,but what does a game card do in CP?


    Game cards can unlock items on club penguin. :)

    Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)

  95. Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)June 29, 2009 at 7:01 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Wow. New spanish servers. Man. Club Penguin really isn't that good with surprises anymore. Like seriously, why would we be surprised of new "spanish" servers?

    I am mostly interested in new "games" and "places".


    Club Penguin tries their best to make everyone happy. That includes the Spanish. Now more of the world can enjoy club penguin.

    Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)

  96. Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)June 29, 2009 at 7:04 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I would like my two-bits worth in here. I believe that disney has ruined club penguin, as club penguin used to be about rare items, and friendship. Now, all rare items come back, its completely capitalist, and there is nothing for non-members anymore. The old club penguin would have let non-members go into party areas. Also Disney appears as pure evil many times, and is using club penguin to promote disney items, which is despicable in my opinion.


    Well, you sure are a positive person. Members have to pay to do special things. Non-members are pretty lucky that they can make friends, get free items, and play club penguin without paying.

    Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)

  97. Cj pirate (Mimo Fan :D)June 29, 2009 at 7:13 PM

    Mickey mouse FTW!

    Gracias Disney :p

  98. Mimo, can you put "Zebras smell Funny"on your site bacause i have no idea how to do it on itunes!!!
    I would like to listen to it!

  99. Anonymous said...

    I would like my two-bits worth in here. I believe that disney has ruined club penguin, as club penguin used to be about rare items, and friendship. Now, all rare items come back, its completely capitalist, and there is nothing for non-members anymore. The old club penguin would have let non-members go into party areas. Also Disney appears as pure evil many times, and is using club penguin to promote disney items, which is despicable in my opinion.


    You can have a bitter attitude about it and make a face at the memberships, but really, if it were not for members Club Penguin COULDN"T exist. Look at it this way:

    You own a business. The business is extremely popular and it costs a lot of money to run. But nobody pays anything to your company, and you are broke and can no longer afford to run the company. Therefore, you have two choices: make people pay for special things in the business, or you can shut it down.
    You decide: which of those options will you choose?

    Well, DU-UH, you're thinking, you'll make people pay for special things, rather than make them all disappointed and shut it down. Well, thats the situation Disney is in.

    Now your thinking, "well, Disney has SOOO much money to spend, it's not even funny! They could absolutely run it without pay!" Well, think of how much things they have to pay for: rides, fixing broken rides, electricity bills, water bills, food, toys, employee salaries, and oh-so-much more. Yeah, Disney makes millions of dollars. And how much does that other stuff cost? one dollar? No, millions! So, think about it. Do they have much money left to spare for Club Penguin? Not really. And they're even giving you a CHOICE whether or not to be a member, which is a thweet priviledge! at least they don't MAKE you pay for having an account!

    Yeah, maybe the bringing back rare items thing is a bit mean, but you should give Disney a bit more sympathy. Leave a little room to be thankful for all the good things Disney does for you, rather than all the not-so-good things. Yeah, they could make it better, but everyone makes mistakes, even you, to the cost of others. But it's not so easy as it sounds running movies, two hugely popular theme parks (technically more, but two main ones.), AND a bunch of websites, plus TV shows and more.

    Think more positively, it makes life happier!


  100. cheese cheese pickles!

  101. hiy katmicah! you said

    club penguin in spanish? awesome! ill go there :D

    yup clubpenguin is used all around the world and there are many languages who know what language will be next

    you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)

  102. hiya penguina46! you said

    even though im puerto rican, i dont speak spanish but i pretty much know every word and what it means and stuff. weird rite?

    well technically puerto rico is a commonwealth of the united states and became a US territory in the 1898 spanish-american war. So thats probably why you know only english although some people still pass down their spanish heritage and learn spainsh

    you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)

    you're friend goofy73

  103. hiya irish gal! you said

    I just finished Spanish I so I'm really excited now that I can go practice! I've tried going on the Portugese server before, but t's too different. Hasta luego!

    Btw, when you buy a membership, does it stop right after the time it over? It doesn't keep charging you does it?

    nope after you are done with you 6 months 3 months or 12 months you stop paying until you buy a new membership

    you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)

  104. hiya anonymous! you said

    I would like my two-bits worth in here. I believe that disney has ruined club penguin, as club penguin used to be about rare items, and friendship. Now, all rare items come back, its completely capitalist, and there is nothing for non-members anymore. The old club penguin would have let non-members go into party areas. Also Disney appears as pure evil many times, and is using club penguin to promote disney items, which is despicable in my opinion.

    I TOTALLY AGREE WITH THE ITEMS! I am 930 and im so mad that all my background etc are being brung back! i mean thats what makes the old penguins special! but i think that members should get permission that nonmembers shouldnt. i mean the members have bought their accounts and give money to help the site become better, and nonmembers are lucky they could play so dont complain, they get more because they paid, they deserve it, plus im a nonmember and im not complaining. im upset about that stuff but i mean they deserve it

    you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)

  105. hiya snowflake! you said

    Snowflakeooo(CPG MOD) said...
    WOW!Im surprised!Maybe i can learn spanish by doing this!hey,listen up MODS,i have a question:Do you think we will break the record for most comments from the post that said "Insane Club Penguin comment Contest!" and do you think mimo will think of something to continue to try to break that record?
    Heres another Q:Whose comment do you think will win in the post i just said?
    Plzz answer!Sorry i asked so much!

    OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! 9999 here we come! oh and my idea where you have to get to pet a giraffe while getting 3 free items on tuesdays!hehe

    you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)

  106. Hi mimo i discovered/noticed that when im logging onto clubpenguin the Play Now! button changed its darker and a different font so jus thought id give u a heads up!

  107. hiya mimo7! you said

    so I know spanish and I will give ya some words
    you are a genius= eres un genio

    WHY THANK YOU!!!!! i know im a genus! hehe

    you're friend goofy73

  108. hiya!

    Anonymous said...
    cool!club penguin in spanish!
    totaly cool. CP, ur cool,or shoul i say Eres genial!

    P.S i speek french too
    ur cool=tu est chouette!


    I speak french too! Since I live in a Quebec...
    Hey Mimo, Wat's up? =
    Bonjour Mimo! Quesque-tu fais?

    have sum summer fun! ;-)
    -Matthew722 (CPG MOD)

    uuhhhhhhhh my turn! bonjour croissant, and french toast! oh yeah!

    you;re friend goofy73

  109. hiya cjpirate! you said

    Mickey mouse FTW!

    Gracias Disney :p

    OOOOOOh bad saying backwords!!!!!!!!

    you're fiend goofy73

  110. hiya stiches5!

    This is wayy off subject,but what does a game card do in CP?

    well the game codes unlock free items for members and nopnmembers in the treasure book, you could also get puffles and ccoins!

    you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)

  111. hiya tootsieluv! you said

    not to put a damper on things,
    but i noticed it a long time ago and i tried to leave a comment, but you might not have noticed,
    oh well.

    but either way,

    NO WAY JOSE (the e is supposed to have a little mark on top)

    this is as close as my key board will let me say this in spanish:

    iEres genial!

    awwwwww im sorry but be ready to tell mimo the next thing ok? ;)

    you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)

  112. wally am back and i will now be posting more... i wuz on vacation! :)


  113. Club Penguin sold their soul to Disney! lolz

  114. Yo
    wally3046 said...
    wally am back and i will now be posting more... i wuz on vacation! :)
    Hey hope ya had a good holiday!

  115. YAY Green Day is comin to NZ!! I'll have to go to there concert, and Bass Hunter is comin and I got sum ticks! Yeayah!

  116. Yo
    Anonymous said...
    Oh, cool! Spanish servers! Interesting! I know some Spanish... here are some colors in Spanish for all of you beginner penguins:
    Blue= Azul
    Yellow= Armidila (something like that :P
    Red= Rojo (pronounced ro-ho)
    Thats all I know so far! Have fun! I know I will!

    ~Double Mvp~
    Lol I remember some of that from Dora the Explorer hahaha

  117. Yo
    irish gal said...
    I just finished Spanish I so I'm really excited now that I can go practice! I've tried going on the Portugese server before, but t's too different. Hasta luego!

    Btw, when you buy a membership, does it stop right after the time it over? It doesn't keep charging you does it?
    Actually im pretty sure its a recurring membership and they just keep charging u until u cancel it

  118. Anonymous said:
    Oh, cool! Spanish servers! Interesting! I know some Spanish... here are some colors in Spanish for all of you beginner penguins:
    Blue= Azul
    Yellow= Armidila (something like that :P
    Red= Rojo (pronounced ro-ho)
    Thats all I know so far! Have fun! I know I will!

    ~Double Mvp~
    Yellow: Amarilo (pronounced ama-reo)

    waddle on!

  119. Wowies! Ummm...I hope someday they have all the languages in the world up there! and ya i also can speek spanish!
    Sanjam Kaur.:-)

  120. Yeah, i know some spanish. My year 2/3 teacher spoke spanish, so i learnt most of it from her. It's cool that disney is helping club penguin with money but club penguins getting kinda boring!!!!!!!! It's always the same thing, i mean it's good when they have a party but after like an hour or two i just get bored of that too!!!!!!! ALL my friends agree with me, i dont really go on club penguin as much as i used to anymore. Am i babbling? Soz i do that sometimes!!!!!!

  121. Why can't they make it in Hebrew.

  122. I love Spain, so I speak Spanish.
    Good work, Club Penguin. ;D

  123. hey mimo !!
    im spanish ... i live in spain but i also speak english! if you want to know anything in spanish just ask me!!!

    hey mimo!
    soy española... vivo en españa pero tambien hablo inglés! si quieres saber cualquier cosa en español preguntame!

  124. Stitches5 said...
    This is wayy off subject,but what does a game card do in CP?

    Zxz102 said...
    Game cards can unlock items from the treausre book in CP

    Hope this helped!
    Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

  125. Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
    mimo is a penguin called cheesepizza4 ur cuzin? cuz he sed he is and i dont really believe him lol

    Zxz192 said...
    Lol I doubt it. If he was mimos cousin theres no point shouting about it because nobody would believe him anyway. And mimo probably would have mentioned him by now

    Hope this helped!
    Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

  126. mimo, did you notice that there is a new Play now button on the homepage


    ps. you rock

  127. I'm not taking spanish, but this is cool!

    ¡Club Pengüino!

  128. Stiches5 said...

    This is wayy off subject,but what does a game card do in CP?


    Coins can unlock items for non-members AND members.
    Also, "gift cards" get u a membership for either 1,6 or 12 months! :-D

    Have sum summer fun! ;-)
    -Matthew722 (CPG MOD)

  129. Irish Gal said...

    I just finished Spanish I so I'm really excited now that I can go practice! I've tried going on the Portugese server before, but t's too different. Hasta luego!

    Btw, when you buy a membership, does it stop right after the time it over? It doesn't keep charging you does it?


    Nope! Pretend u got a 1 month membership, when it expires, u pay for it. BUT, u don't have to continue paying for it unless u re-new ur membership.

    Have sum summer fun! ;-)
    -Matthew722 (CPG MOD)

  130. Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
    mimo is a penguin called cheesepizza4 ur cuzin? cuz he sed he is and i dont really believe him lol



    Weird! I saw him, too... Now I will ask him when I see him; he's often on Frozen

  131. Nice try in talking in spanish...haha! I am better! I took spanish for like 4 years or something but I hate it.
    I guess Disney is pretty cool.


  132. Hey mimo! I just saw that u have 4,998 followers following u on twitter. IF WE JUST have 5,000 followers we can have a Rocking Mimo Twitter Say Something Party! Awesome idea....We need just 2 more followers! OmZiii I cant just wait
    Sanjam Kaur.

  133. Our frnd anonymous Anonymous said...
    I would like my two-bits worth in here. I believe that disney has ruined club penguin, as club penguin used to be about rare items, and friendship. Now, all rare items come back, its completely capitalist, and there is nothing for non-members anymore. The old club penguin would have let non-members go into party areas. Also Disney appears as pure evil many times, and is using club penguin to promote disney items, which is despicable in my opinion.

    Well, I understand... But even if cp was not owned by disney the conditions wud be the same. except for other languages and of course there wudnt have been any cp toys. Disney is just a sponserer of CP and it doent interfears in its ideas and the game
    Keep smiling!
    Sanjam Kaur (CPG Mod)

  134. I don't speak spanish. In the States it's your second language you generally have to learn. I speak french considering that Canada, makes us learn it as apart of our "pride" of your Country. Happy Canada Day Tomorrow. Fireworks will be on Club Penguin For it tomorrow. July 1st is the day Canada became independent and on it own. Happy Canada Day!

    -Ray Toolbear

  135. I had Spanish this past school year and let me just say; learning different tenses and proverbs are sooooo hard, I'll just stick to English!
    P.S. Hablo Espanol un poco :)
    ~Fafnir1 (cp name)

  136. town
    \\my penguin name is 963 poiuytre//

  137. hey remember when they gave the viking penguins well they should do it again because i didnt win

    -collin681 (cpg mod)

  138. Hey mimo i can sorta speak spanish. But i can say Hello in 6 different languges! Hello-English. Hola-Spanish. Bonjour-French. Kanechiwa(KA-nE-chi-wa) if thats how you spell it)-Japenese. Ne How-Chinese. And Shalom-Hebrew, which i can write in.Well read.And I can't translate it i just read it in hebrew. Also I can count to fifteen in Spanish and ten in Koren. I know how to say yes in English, French, and Spanish. Plus i speak Fluent Ebglish ; ). My penguin name is NPGF

  139. Mimo please come to my 1000 hits party for Club Penguin Cheat Center!

    Why: 1000 Hits Party! Woot!

    Date: July 1st

    Time: 4:00 Penguin Standard Time (Shown on the clock at the Snow Forts)

    Server: Ice Shelf

    Room: Coffee Shop (The party might move a lot after the first few minutes.)

  140. mimo im not alowd to mod on ur site anymore im very sorry

    bye mimo

  141. cool!
    i thought theyre gonna put it on spanish

  142. iEres genial mimo !

    im trying to speak spanish.


    Uhh , forget bout that :]

    Lensca 23057

  143. que hablo español muy
    i can speak a bit a spanish

  144. i know that disney has helped clubpenguin with more partys nad member only areas(which i think shouldnt be there, my opinion)

  145. im really happy that club penguin is in spanish, because it would help me on my spanish more and it would be really cool to speak in spanish and nobody understands you! lol that would be funnyyy...u rock mimo!

  146. Hey mimo I Am Mexican but I love united states!
    And finally Club penguin in Spanish!
    I speak english very well but I need some spanish!

  147. Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
    mimo is a penguin called cheesepizza4 ur cuzin? cuz he sed he is and i dont really believe him lol


    Nah, it's not true. If he was his cuz, Mimo wud of talked about him atleast once... lol. Don't beileve him! ;-)

    Have sum summer fun! ;-)
    -Mattehw722 (CPG MOD)

  148. woot i need to mod all over this post :)


  149. Mimo

    Club penguin has been in Disney in FLORIDA!! I'm gonna go sometime soon, Disney has helped Club penguin a lot...and I mean a lot!!!!

  150. Disney gave us more Club Penguin Toys.

  151. I speak spanish well some words here are some I know

    If they're spelled wrong srry!

  152. iHOLA MIMO! Como estas? Habla Espanol??? Usted es nino fresco.
    Adios Mimo!!! ~Mayamo Bonky Beak: Recuerde el Nombre~

    Translation: Hi Mimo! How are you doing???? Do you speak Spanish??? You are a cool kid. Bye Mimo!!! Bonky Beak: Remember the Name~

  153. flamemario12 said...
    What about chinese? :D
    Chinese probably will come at one point. When i first started clubpenguin they had multiple languages, then when the updates came last august the languages were taken down. I'm pretty sure chinese was one of the old languages you could use on clubpenguin.

    Happywagon (CPG MOD)

  154. Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)June 30, 2009 at 10:48 AM

    Anonymous said...


    Club penguin has been in Disney in FLORIDA!! I'm gonna go sometime soon, Disney has helped Club penguin a lot...and I mean a lot!!!!


    I think that you are right. Club penguin and Disney have made Club Penguin a great way for people to interact and have fun. :)

    Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)

  155. si, yo hablo espanol... asi asi. Donde esta el queso de mi padre?


    yes, I speak spanish... sort of. Where is my fathers cheese?

  156. Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)June 30, 2009 at 10:53 AM

    IrishGal said...

    I just finished Spanish I so I'm really excited now that I can go practice! I've tried going on the Portugese server before, but t's too different. Hasta luego!

    Btw, when you buy a membership, does it stop right after the time it over? It doesn't keep charging you does it?


    Well, it depends when your membership stops. If you use a credit card it will keep charging you until you cancel your membership. If you use a card bought in a store, it stops after it expires. :)

    Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)

  157. Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)June 30, 2009 at 10:54 AM

    Saavy (CPG Mod) said...

    mimo is a penguin called cheesepizza4 ur cuzin? cuz he sed he is and i dont really believe him lol


    Probably not. He may be just saying that to get attention or maybe he is. Only Mimo knows for sure. :)

    Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)

  158. Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)June 30, 2009 at 10:57 AM

    I signed up to take German next year. There were to many people wanting to take Spanish. :)

    Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)

  159. Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)June 30, 2009 at 11:03 AM

    Zyton said...

    Why can't they make it in Hebrew.


    Who knows. Maybe they will. They are still fixing glitches on the Spanish servers. Maybe after that they will work on a new language. Until then Waddle on! :)

    Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)

  160. well im puerto rican so my main languge is spanish lol and my 2nd is english im perfectluy bilingual if any of you want to learn spanish fast and easy for free msg me in my youtube channel its called linxbeckham0723 send me a pm and il send you basic and complicated words and il let you know how to pronounce them like Hola (o-la) Perro (Dog, Perr-o) Casa (House, like Ca as in Car and Sa as in Salsa ; Ca-Sa) remember messege me in my youtube account linxbeckham0723

  161. Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)June 30, 2009 at 11:07 AM

    Anonymous said...

    mimo, did you notice that there is a new Play now button on the homepage


    I noticed. It seems darker and in a different font now. :)

    Mellyb10 (CPG MOD)

  162. Anonymous the 1567thJune 30, 2009 at 11:30 AM

    Hola,Grassiass(if thats how u spell it) for telling us.My friend has a house in spain but they barelyy speak the language!Its quite weird

  163. so like how can i become a CPG mod? :)

  164. disney actually has helped a lot! except some parts that got taken away from disney, like before the catalogs were repeated rares and they had longer catalogs...but not anymore D:


  165. I take spanish at school, and now I can practice online!!!! Coolio... thanks for the update mimo, ur awesome!!!

  166. Sk8tergrl483(CPG MOD)June 30, 2009 at 1:14 PM

    IrishGaL said...
    I just finished Spanish I so I'm really excited now that I can go practice! I've tried going on the Portugese server before, but t's too different. Hasta luego!

    Btw, when you buy a membership, does it stop right after the time it over? It doesn't keep charging you does it?
    No it doesn't keep charging you after the membership ends, unless you connect it to your credit card. But I don't know how to do that.
    Hope this helped!!!
    ~~~Sk8tergrl483(CPG MOD)~~~

  167. This is just a RUMOUR

    The Disney party will come along with a catalog! Where you can buy stuff like mickey mouse costumes, hannah montana wigs, etc..

    If true I'm sure you're all looking forward to it!

    - Freddyp9

  168. Sk8tergrl483(CPG MOD)June 30, 2009 at 1:18 PM

    Penguina46 said...
    even though im puerto rican, i dont speak spanish but i pretty much know every word and what it means and stuff. weird rite?
    uh huh its weird!
    3jel97(CPG MOD)
    Hey 3jel97, next time plz dont put (CPG MOD) next to your name if you aren't answering a question; he/she was stating a statement.... just sayin

    ~~~Sk8tergrl483(CPG MOD)~~~

  169. Sk8tergrl483(CPG MOD)June 30, 2009 at 1:23 PM

    WOW!Im surprised!Maybe i can learn spanish by doing this!hey,listen up MODS,i have a question:Do you think we will break the record for
    Snowflakeooo said...
    most comments from the post that said "Insane Club Penguin comment Contest!" and do you think mimo will think of something to continue to try to break that record?
    Heres another Q:Whose comment do you think will win in the post i just said?
    Plzz answer!Sorry i asked so much!
    I think that we will DEFINENTLY break the record in fact idk, but i think we have already... theres like 2012 or something around there. Mimo will probablyt want post as many comments as possable too. And what comment I want to win would be the one about giving nonmembers more freedom... I mean come on, wouldn't u want more freedom to roam about CP?
    Hope this helped!!!
    ~~~Sk8tergrl483(CPG MOD)~~~

  170. Sk8tergrl483(CPG MOD)June 30, 2009 at 1:29 PM

    stiches5 said...

    This is wayy off subject,but what does a game card do in CP?
    Well... the game cards are called coin codes in club penguin... when you buy an item at toiys r us with a coin code on it, yuou log the coin code in. Once you have done that you get to choose two things from a special catalog, that your penguin can wear on CP...
    Hope this helped!!!
    ~~~Sk8tergrl483(CPG MOD)~~~

  171. Sk8tergrl483(CPG MOD)June 30, 2009 at 1:45 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I would like my two-bits worth in here. I believe that disney has ruined club penguin, as club penguin used to be about rare items, and friendship. Now, all rare items come back, its completely capitalist, and there is nothing for non-members anymore. The old club penguin would have let non-members go into party areas. Also Disney appears as pure evil many times, and is using club penguin to promote disney items, which is despicable in my opinion.
    Well your right at some points, I believe CP is doing more for members these days becase the pay, and CP doesnt want to disapoint the people that pay, because people pay them. Also about the 2/3 item thing... It was about two years ago at the 2007 halloween party, they gave out lots of things: a orange/black scarf, a backround, and a pumkin basket.... yup those were the good old days... LOL!!!
    Hope this helped!!!
    ~~~Sk8tergrl483(CPG MOD)~~~

  172. Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
    mimo is a penguin called cheesepizza4 ur cuzin? cuz he sed he is and i dont really believe him lol

    No. I really doubt it because mimo would have said something about it. Plus members of mimo's family that are on club penguin are a part of CPG.
    -cooly763(CPG MOD)

  173. Timer Man 19 said...
    Mimo please come to my 1000 hits party for Club Penguin Cheat Center!

    Why: 1000 Hits Party! Woot!

    Date: July 1st

    Time: 4:00 Penguin Standard Time (Shown on the clock at the Snow Forts)

    Server: Ice Shelf

    Room: Coffee Shop (The party might move a lot after the first few minutes.)
    Sorry but Mimo cannot come to other penguins parties... But i will be there!
    -cooly763(CPG MOD)

  174. Fluffy22196(CPG MOD)June 30, 2009 at 2:31 PM

    Timer Man 19 said...
    Mimo please come to my 1000 hits party for Club Penguin Cheat Center!

    Why: 1000 Hits Party! Woot!

    Date: July 1st

    Time: 4:00 Penguin Standard Time (Shown on the clock at the Snow Forts)

    Server: Ice Shelf

    Room: Coffee Shop (The party might move a lot after the first few minutes.)

    Im sure Mimo would love to go but unfortunately he probably cant because it would be unfair to others. Im sure I can make it to your party though =.

  175. Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
    woot i need to mod all over this post :)


    Haha me too Saavy. Hopefully you get promoted to a Mimo Mod and I become a MOD lol. Good Luck!

  176. Tonks12345 (CPG MOD)June 30, 2009 at 4:03 PM

    I am going to learn spanish this year in school i signed up for spanish


    That's great! It's good to know more than one language. It may even be helpful! You should test your spanish skills and go onto a spanish server on Club Penguin.

    -Tonks12345 (CPG MOD)

  177. katmicah said...
    club penguin in spanish? awesome! ill go there :D
    Yeah. Now theres 4 languages senior! LOL

    Fire8877 (CPG Mod)

  178. Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
    mimo is a penguin called cheesepizza4 ur cuzin? cuz he sed he is and i dont really believe him lol

    Probably not if he waas his cuz he wold rpbably be in a member of CPG

    3jel97(CPG MOD)

  179. this is wayy off subject but:CP should give back more items at parties like 3 items!And we need more new stuff!

  180. Penguina46 said...
    even though im puerto rican, i dont speak spanish but i pretty much know every word and what it means and stuff. weird rite?
    uh huh its weird!
    3jel97(CPG MOD)
    Hey 3jel97, next time plz dont put (CPG MOD) next to your name if you aren't answering a question; he/she was stating a statement.... just sayin

    ~~~Sk8tergrl483(CPG MOD)~~~
    yeah but now im a cpg mod
    3jel97(CPG MOD)

  181. José

    Can you see the mark above the e?

  182. I know what Disney did. They started
    to advertise about Club Penguin on the Disney channel ruining Club Penguin's no advertisement reputation. That meant Club Penguin would have to make more for members to keep all the new penguins. Then they couldn't make any non member things so they basically excluded all non members who weren't allowed to buy a membership.Also, if you sent an e-mail to club penguin asking about this a worker for disney probably mailed you back.

  183. 3jel97 said...
    Stitches5 said...
    Hmm...I dont know ANY Spanish (I know,LOL)SOO I'll say this in Italian:Grazi Mimo!Tu are* Fantastico!
    *I dont know how to say are in Italian.LOLZ!And fantastico is italian i think.Plzz post!
    Im italian too Io sono forte etu
    3jel97(CPG MOD)

    Im not italian but im thinking about learning it and going there.My cuzins live in europe but in sweden.Umm...Truth is im just a fourth italian the others are Korean,Chinese,and Irish.

  184. Saavy (CPG MOD) said...
    mimo is a penguin called cheesepizza4 ur cuzin? cuz he sed is and i dont really believe him lol

    I'd recommend that's not his cousin because he probably would have been a member of the CPG.
    Marquizi98 (CPG MOD)

  185. Disney has their name on the copyright now. :D

  186. Anonymous said:

    TOMORROW I'M LEAVING FOR DISNEYLAND. I have family in L.A., and we're going to have fun with them and to be at Disneyland. These people that we know have left-over tickets and they GAVE THEM TO US. Pretty thweet, eh? We're going for like a week.

    Kinda sweet. Happy for ya cause I already went LoL. and no im not jealous xD


  187. Hola Mimo! Que pasa?

  188. im learing spanish in schl mimo rocks

  189. about 9 ppl answered my question lol


  190. How do you do the upside down !

  191. i only know a few spanish




