Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Valentines Day Secret Mimo Planet Cazmo Party!

So what are you doing on Valentines Day?! Get ready! We have been getting lots of request to have another Planet Cazmo party so here it is!


But I need to keep the details secret for now. I can tell you that the Party is this Saturday, February 14! ;-)

Ok, I'll give a hint. You will NOT be given the server and room on Planet Cazmo. You will have to figure it out! So only the smartest of you will be there. :-) Don't worry, I'll give more hints soon.

Remember, I am MIMO on Planet Cazmo. The rest of CPG will be there too!

Click here right now to sign up!

And check back for more details!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Listen to Mimo's music now at:
Mimo - Decoding Mimo


  1. i will be there
    if i can get there

  2. i probably wont be there, going to adance at school!!!

  3. Hey Mimo! I was bored, so I felt like writing this. Oh! I just remembered! I hope that the way you tell us where the party is, is easy! If not, oh well. I'll try my best!

    Later CPG!
    Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)

  4. met a user named Banned User... he was banned, or a moderator.

  5. Cool i am tape on p.c

  6. o man i dont like planet cazmo lol i prefer club penguin :D im nto sure if ill even be able 2 come to the planet cazmo party.


  7. Awesome Mimo! I'll find you, you are my friend on there. I'm not sure if you can tell where they are but yeah you are the cooliest!

    Sand Flipper


  8. O and if im there just to tell everyone im ordinary Sand Flipper
    im the same! yay

    Sand Flipper


  9. Awww! i really wanna know where your party is gonna be!


  10. I've never tried Planet Cazmo. Maybe I should sign up so I can go to the party (if I figure out your clues)

  11. can we do a party on chobots?

  12. Cool Fangs said...
    I've never tried Planet Cazmo. Maybe I should sign up so I can go to the party (if I figure out your clues)

    You should sign up if you want to comes to Mimo's Party. Just dont sign up when the party is cause the server might be full

    -RacerXBoi (Same on Cazmo & Club Penguin)

  13. Saavy (CPG Mod) said...
    o man i dont like planet cazmo lol i prefer club penguin :D im nto sure if ill even be able 2 come to the planet cazmo party.


    I really dont either. I just go there if Mimo's there

  14. Yay. Im so excited.

    Im a beta tester on Cazmo so this will be fun!

  15. hey mimo i just signed up for planet cazmo today1 it is really cool.

  16. not such a fan of planet cazmo

    waddle on~ajk 89

  17. gellcool123 said...

    can we do a party on chobots?
    Maybe we will never know. And it is up to Mimo.

    Good Luck!

  18. I dont realy like Plznet Cazmo. Its O.K. Well i hope you enjoy it!

    Good Luck Mimo!

  19. Vasa12345 said...

    Awww! i really wanna know where your party is gonna be!

    If Mimo tells you when the party is it would be no fun. Right? So its funner if you try to figure out where and when the party is.

    Best Of Luck!

  20. Cool. Maybe i will join.

  21. I don't like PC THAT much and there's a dance tommorow at school! But I hope it doesn't snow it.


  22. No one answered my question on the previous post who was the buddy of Mimo on the French server?

  23. cool! i'll be there hopefully. i have the same name i have on club penguin" greentedddy"

  24. Lokul97 said...

    i probably wont be there, going to advance at school!!!
    i know, i was in advance until I quit.i`ll be there, though, happy waddling1

  25. yo mimo i will be at your party lol ive more hints i think i can figure out wat server yo thinkin about lol.

    keep the name in your brain and peace out peeps: juh76t

  26. Encenc said...
    hey mimo i just signed up for planet cazmo today1 it is really cool.

    February 10, 2009 3:40 PM
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ im happy u like planet cazmo! happy playing lol! i think its awesomness!

    keep the name in your brain:juh76t

  27. Hey, Mimo777! I saw that you posted it at 2:31 PM. Why weren't you at school? Did sombody else post for you?

  28. i wont be there probably.i am smart but not enough to find ur parties.
    Oh well
    Bb Polo745

  29. YAY mimo havent posted in a while teachers r loading us guess what my birthday is in 2 days yay me!!!

  30. Congrats go out to stickers303 for becoming a legendary mod! Keep up the good work! :)

  31. i think im going to idk yet cause im busy that day so like im going to try

  32. Hey I have my contest idea Mimo! You should first, of all hold a contest for contest ideas! I think mrpenguin said that, credits to who ever came up with that. And my idea is to hold a contest that anyone can do, like they don't have to post pictures on this website, cause I have no idea how to do it! I say we should submit new ideas for the site! Or maybe send in riddles or jokes! I like the site idea better though cause that gives CPG to listen to ideas that the rest of us might have. And the winning idea would be done! That would be awesome if Club Penguin did that!

  33. Oh yea! Remember my idea about the puffles being taken from everyone even people who owned them for a few days? Well, some people have said that Club Penguin hadn't said anything about a new mission. But, what if it happened out of the blue, like after the puffle party! That would be sweet! Of course the pet store would be closed and have crime scene tape around it. I like hearing what people think about my ideas, so what do all of you guys think?

  34. Oh yea my birthday is in 3 days! Yea on February 13! Friday the 13th! I'm going to hold a birthday party! I haven't decided when but on that day! It would be sweet if some of you guys could show up, even some members in CPG! I know Mimo's not gonna come, but the other members like 9China9 and MeSanta and the rest of the gang! My penguin name is IndianaDeDe
    Indiana Jones+King DeDeDe=IndianaDeDe

  35. Hey, Ill try to find it. Doubt it though. Im smart just there needs to be atleast one easy one. PLEASE? If so Thanks!

    Amilaiscool on cp
    Twilight0898 on planet cozmo

  36. can u have a chobots v-day party? thatd be too cool.
    keep R O C K I N G !

  37. hey did u notice that in the catalog, the cheats where u click on letters, if u put thm together, it will spell "seal", what bdoes this mean?

  38. greentedddy [CPG MOD] said...
    Lokul97 said...

    i probably wont be there, going to advance at school!!!
    i know, i was in advance until I quit.i`ll be there, though, happy waddling1

    Ha I think that Loklul97 meant A DANCE not ADVANCE. LOL!


  39. Hi Mimo!
    I'm turning 1,000 days old on Club Penguin and wondering of you could come to my party on the 22, at 5:00EST in thermal at the dock.

  40. Anonymous said...

    hey did u notice that in the catalog, the cheats where u click on letters, if u put them together, it will spell "seal", what does this mean?

    dear anonymous,
    wow i didn't see that. that's interesting. maybe it's a secret code or something new with "seal" in it. or maybe club penguin didn't even know about that when they put that there. lol. happy waddling!


  42. Gamer12356 (CPG Mod) said...
    Hey Mimo! I was bored, so I felt like writing this. Oh! I just remembered! I hope that the way you tell us where the party is, is easy! If not, oh well. I'll try my best!

    Later CPG!
    Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)

    Mimo said it will be different. Did u read the whole post?

  43. UKGirl said...
    Hey, Mimo777! I saw that you posted it at 2:31 PM. Why weren't you at school? Did sombody else post for you?

    mimo and the rest of his family are homeschool so he was in school!

  44. Anonymous said...

    Mimo found planet cazmo even before chobots, and he has awesome parties on each!

    Sand Flipper


  45. I also met this guy named Banned user. There were a lot of im posters of mim 0. I kind of hated that part... But, I WILL be at your party. Well, it depends on time. I am Gamer136 on there. I hop I go to the party!

    Later CPG!
    Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)

  46. Coolbluerydr (cpg mod) said...
    Gamer12356 (CPG Mod) said...
    Hey Mimo! I was bored, so I felt like writing this. Oh! I just remembered! I hope that the way you tell us where the party is, is easy! If not, oh well. I'll try my best!

    Later CPG!
    Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)

    Mimo said it will be different. Did u read the whole post?

    I read the whole post. I just messed up in typing. I meant to write that I hoped it isn't easy. I like a great challenge. But, the other ones seemed hard. So, I want to try harder. He said it was different, so he might have put this one easier, which isn't what I wanted.

    Later CPG!
    Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)

  47. Darn! I might need to change my keyboard! My keyboard is messing up on me!

    Later CPG!
    Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)

  48. What's Planet Cazmo???

  49. MIMO,
    im your #1 fan
    Like i wait here all day to see a new post.
    Ur so totally awesome
    i make youtube videos

    ~CP Productions

  50. hi to all
    yes im coming
    its so very awesome
    its gonna be great!

  51. hey people, my prob with the coolness dance game is not that i'm horrible, it's more that I just always mix up the keys. I usually do wonderfully at easy and medium, medium sometomes a miss or two, easy NEVER a single miss. But i am NOT good at expert or hard. PLus, i'm not a member, so i can't do multiplayer (which is really stinky) and I'm always mixing up the keys!

  52. Encenc said...
    hey mimo i just signed up for planet cazmo today1 it is really cool.

    CONGRATZ!! well, i probably wont sign up for that because Dad always has to check out all the websites i do to make sure they're okay, and sometimes it's a pain in the neck. Plus, i have Norton Internet Security on my computer, so Dad has to grant my permission with a passoword that only HE knows. So ya. anyway, just sayin' be glad you can go onto Planet Cazmo!
    -Birdygurl (cpg mod)

  53. Hey Mimo! I was bored, so I felt like writing this. Oh! I just remembered! I hope that the way you tell us where the party is, is easy! If not, oh well. I'll try my best!

    Later CPG!
    Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)


    You see, if mimo made the clue really easy, he wouldn't be able to get on, it'd be sooo crowded! you'll probably really have to dig to get the clue -- and JUST a clue! So, if you want to go to the party, you should probably get diggin'!
    -Birdygurl (cpg mod)

  54. met a user named Banned User... he was banned, or a moderator.


    Well, that IS kind of a random username, but people can choose the weirdest things. They're probably neither, but they just wanted to be weird. I've seen a penguin named "N E R D O"!!! LOL! that's even randomer that Banned User!
    -Birdygurl (cpg mod)


  56. Mimo said...
    So what are you doing on Valentines Day?!


    I'll tell you what I'm doin'! I'm gonna go to school and hand out candies. I hope i get a LOT of candy!!! What are YOU doing for Valentine's Day? :D

  57. Hey mimo, you should have a story-telling link on your website! you know, like where people tell stories about their holiday. that'd be SOOOOO cool!!

  58. Mimo777's Club Penguin Gang Cheats ROXXXX!

  59. "Valentines Day Secret Mimo Planet Cazmo Party!"

    SOUNDS FUN! -Birdygurl

  60. hey mimo, i've been wondering... have you heard of Webkinz.com? do you have a pet or anything?

  61. UKGirl said...

    Hey, Mimo777! I saw that you posted it at 2:31 PM. Why weren't you at school? Did somebody else post for you?

    OK UKGirl mimo is home schooled and all of his family helps him so I'm not sure who did it probably mimo

    yoshhi456 (CPG MOD is training)

  62. Anonymous said...

    can u have a chobots v-day party? thatd be too cool.
    keep R O C K I N G !
    that would be to much maybe a another time

    yoshhi456 (CPG MOD is training)

  63. Im gonna try and be there :)!

    Amanda Dlny

  64. gellcool123 said...
    "can we do a party on chobots?"
    "Mimo might throw his next party on Chobots, but at the moment its being thrown on Planet Cozmo"

    Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)

  65. Fluffygood (CPG MOD) said...
    "Cool. Maybe i will join."
    "You should join or else you will be missing out on all CPGs Planet Cazmo partys"

    Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)

  66. Digital Boy said...
    "No one answered my question on the previous post who was the buddy of Mimo on the French server?"
    "I dunno, it could of been one of CPG, if you couldnt see their name just their penguin ID number, or else it was just a random penguin"

    Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)

  67. UKGirl said...
    "Hey, Mimo777! I saw that you posted it at 2:31 PM. Why weren't you at school? Did sombody else post for you?"
    "Well Mimo is homeschooled so he can update during his lunch and stuff, also Im pretty sure in America you finish school earlier than in the UK and Eire!"

    Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)

  68. Love is in the air ppl! I can feel it lol. My mailbox will be overflowing with cards, haha lol weird

  69. Marvin212 said...
    "YAY mimo havent posted in a while teachers r loading us guess what my birthday is in 2 days yay me!!!"
    "♪♫♪♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY ♪♫♪♫ ☺"

    ♥ Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod)

  70. Yo
    UKGirl said...
    Hey, Mimo777! I saw that you posted it at 2:31 PM. Why weren't you at school? Did sombody else post for you?
    Hey, mimo is homeskooled so hes always at home

  71. Awesome Dude said...
    "Oh yea! Remember my idea about the puffles being taken from everyone even people who owned them for a few days? Well, some people have said that Club Penguin hadn't said anything about a new mission. But, what if it happened out of the blue, like after the puffle party! That would be sweet! Of course the pet store would be closed and have crime scene tape around it. I like hearing what people think about my ideas, so what do all of you guys think?"
    "I think your ideas are a little crazy but still very good, and Im sure they fella who decidedto make a website where penguins can wear clothes and talk was crazy too.. but look at him now"

    Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)

  72. Awesome Dude said...
    "Oh yea my birthday is in 3 days! Yea on February 13! Friday the 13th! I'm going to hold a birthday party! I haven't decided when but on that day! It would be sweet if some of you guys could show up, even some members in CPG! I know Mimo's not gonna come, but the other members like 9China9 and MeSanta and the rest of the gang! My penguin name is IndianaDeDe
    Indiana Jones+King DeDeDe=IndianaDeDe"
    "♪♫♪♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY ♪♫♪♫ ☺"

    ♥ Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod)

  73. Anonymous said...
    "can u have a chobots v-day party? thatd be too cool.
    keep R O C K I N G !
    "I dont think Mimo will have a Chobots party on the same day as his Planet Cazmo party, but thanks for the idea"

    Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)

  74. Anonymous said...
    "What's Planet Cazmo???
    "Planet Cazmo is a vurtiual World where you are a human and you can dress up in clothes and get skatebored, cars and pets, kinda like Club Penguin but different at the same time"

    Amanda Dlny (CPG-Mod in Training)

  75. Yo
    Anonymous said...
    Hey mimo had a Chobots party not too long ago, there will probably be another one on Chobots soon

  76. Cool!!!!!!!!!!!

  77. Dude I remember last time there was a Planet Cazmo party I was on like 30 minutes before it started and it was full! Lol

  78. can figure it out i will be there!!!

  79. what about another club penguin party

  80. Hey Mimo!

    I am your biggest fan ever!!! I told your site to everybody at my school!


  81. UKGirl said...

    Hey, Mimo777! I saw that you posted it at 2:31 PM. Why weren't you at school? Did sombody else post for you?

    no,mimo is homeschool

    mkathyii (cpg mod)

  82. Anonymous said...

    What's Planet Cazmo???

    its a game like clubpenguin
    mimo saw that site
    check out this website

  83. cant go. my best freinds birthday is on valintines day.

  84. Today is my club penguin birthdate. I am 1000 days old !! If someone wants a pic or smth. like this , e-mail me ;))

  85. Birdygurl
    What's Planet Cazmo???

    Planet Cazmo is something like Club Penguin. The difference is its people not penguins, they have more space and servers etc.

    ~Bruno8080~(I am a girl, just a pet's name)

  86. Anonymous said...
    What's Planet Cazmo???

    It is another internet game that Mimo found and told us about it is kinda like CP.

    Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

  87. ilovemyroc said...
    Hi Mimo!
    I'm turning 1,000 days old on Club Penguin and wondering of you could come to my party on the 22, at 5:00EST in thermal at the dock.

    Mimo can not come to people's parties because he is waaay to busy for that and it wouldn't be fair to all of the people who party he didn't go to.

    Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

  88. Sweet!!!!! i was at yor last Cazmo party! U ROK!

    Would u ask CP to make it dark at nighttime?

  89. That sounds awesome Mimo! But, can we plz have another Chobots party again please?

  90. hey mimo do u have to be a member

  91. Hi, wow i havnt been to planet cazmo long time ago ;p ...
    i really hope its easy , ive never been able to go to any of ur parties well.. i hope i could make it these time !

    -Fatma Q8ya

  92. ilovemyroc said...
    Hi Mimo!
    I'm turning 1,000 days old on Club Penguin and wondering of you could come to my party on the 22, at 5:00EST in thermal at the dock.
    Sorry but Mimo cant come because he is a busy working penguin. Tr comming to one of his partyies to find him.

    Good Luck!

  93. cp productions said...
    im your #1 fan
    Like i wait here all day to see a new post.
    Ur so totally awesome
    i make youtube videos

    ~CP Productions

    Cool! Maybe i will see some of those videos and i wait for new post two like you!

    Good Luck!

  94. Lokul97 said...
    i probably wont be there, going to adance at school!!!
    So am i!

    Good Luck!

  95. Gamer12356 (CPG Mod) said...
    Coolbluerydr (cpg mod) said...
    Gamer12356 (CPG Mod) said...
    Hey Mimo! I was bored, so I felt like writing this. Oh! I just remembered! I hope that the way you tell us where the party is, is easy! If not, oh well. I'll try my best!

    Later CPG!
    Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)

    Mimo said it will be different. Did u read the whole post?

    I read the whole post. I just messed up in typing. I meant to write that I hoped it isn't easy. I like a great challenge. But, the other ones seemed hard. So, I want to try harder. He said it was different, so he might have put this one easier, which isn't what I wanted.

    Later CPG!
    Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)

    lol ok gamer i just like sayin that after mimo tested if ppl were payin attention to his posts.

  96. Anonymous said...
    What's Planet Cazmo???

    well planet cazmo is like club penguin except u CAN look like humans. It is a lot like cp so try it!

  97. idk but every valentines day ill buy chocolate for my friends and stuff like that (last year i got them little teddy bears with chocolate!!!!!!) and every single year they get mad at me because i eat the chocolate that they give me or whatever the thing is the school has this thing that on valentines day u give your friends something and the thing is chocolate is the only thing in MY not my parents price range (y cant they lend me money?) but y do they give me chocolate if im not soupossed to eat it!!! lol and i think u should have a party on cp too!!!!!!!

    eliyah!!!! <3

    My penguin b-day is on valentines day! it will be right after mimos party on fjord. I will post to say exactly when it is

    When ???
    Where fjord cp start at dock and tell u where to go from the next.
    Who EVERYONE!!!
    Why my b-day da

    im gonna convince cpg mods to come so be there!

  99. no joke about this

    im so excited

  100. sorry mimo i will be at tennis for half of the day, but ill try and see if i can make it. i've got a 1st warning on cazmo because at ur last party i tried to say, he'll but they didnt do ' so you know.... and i got banned on cp for a day. its really sad i was only being funny and i got banned! oh well. mods dont respond to tihs plz. my ban will end soon

  101. Hey i am loltoni0909 and why i cant buy anything? it ban me %number% hours, please check it!

  102. Hey Cpg On About Planet Casmo it says Memberships Coming Soon I dont do Planet Casmo (not Allowed)


  103. 100% there im part of the PCAP so i will be there i will advertise it on my very popular site

  104. A Kiwi Boy Are you From Nz ?
    Cause I am Nz Rox

  105. Hi mimo,
    this is the first time i commented on here. I just have a question for you. Since we r talking about partys. For your website, can you give ideas to have the perfect party on club penguin?
    Thx. My penguin name is LifeRocks13.

  106. Anonymous said...

    Hey Mimo!

    I am your biggest fan ever!!! I told your site to everybody at my school!

    that's cool i hope they have good ideas for mimo

    yoshhi456 (CPG MOD in training)

  107. UKGirl said...
    Hey, Mimo777! I saw that you posted it at 2:31 PM. Why weren't you at school? Did sombody else post for you?
    Mimo is home schooled. So sometimes he can post when most of us are at school.

    But I wonder if you ever cut class... ;-)

  108. gellcool123 said...
    can we do a party on chobots?
    Maybe, he doesn't really have much Chobots partys but that would be cool. So he probably will.

    (CPG Mod0 Kjsc03

  109. Anonymous said...
    hey mimo, i've been wondering... have you heard of Webkinz.com? do you have a pet or anything?
    He probably has herd of it but he probably doesn't have have one. His sisters might have one. It's a little girly, (no offense to the boys that play it) but to me it's girly. My sister has like 22 of them.

    (CPG Mod) Kjsc03

  110. dakoda14 said...
    hey mimo do u have to be a member

    Zxz192 (me) said...
    No you don't have to be a member to play Planet Cazmo, although, like Club Penguin, there are benefits to being a member e.g. more clothes, vehicles etc.

    Hope this helped!
    Zxz192 (CPG Mod)

  111. OMG Mimo I had a really weird dream last night. I dreamt that I met you in real life and went to your house and everything! I think it was because I'd just found your secret site the night before or something. Really weird dream!

  112. UKGirl said...
    "Hey, Mimo777! I saw that you posted it at 2:31 PM. Why weren't you at school? Did sombody else post for you?"

    Mimo is homeschooled. He might have posted it himself, but maybe someone else of the CPG did it for him.

    Later CPG!
    Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)

  113. Anonymous said...
    What's Planet Cazmo???

    It is this virtual world that is like cp, except you can look like a human! But, a lot of imposters of Mimo are on there. They are all mim 0. Never Mimo.

    Later CPG!
    Gamer1236 (CPG Mod)

  114. dakoda14 said...
    hey mimo do u have to be a member

    No you dont have to. I'm not a member, but I still can play on it. But, you need to be a member to get exclusive houses, pets, exclusive clothing, discounts, and you get "monthly allowance." You get paid every month with 1000 cazmo coins and 100 cazmo cash.

    Later CPG!
    Gamer12356 (CPG Mod)

  115. My school is cheap. They wont do a dance there. My school paid $136 million to be made. They buy many things. My principal says that it is a waste of money to use on a danc. So I say THEN WHY DO YOU BUY SO MANY THINGS?

  116. hi mimo its saavy again
    im here 2 say that from the 12 feb till the 24 feb i wont be able 2 post any comments becuz im goin 2 spain in madrid for holiday tomorrow on thursday so i wont really have time 2 go on the comeputer soz mimo.


  117. Hi mimo777 i was wondering if you could come to my party on feb12 3:00 cp time in flurry in the cave hope you come its my party for my blog

  118. Hey Mimo, in the Ski Lodge Attice, they changed the sign, check it out!

    ~ Dx Bandit

  119. Mimo, there is a secret going around club penguin. if you click on were you want to go in a isle to get to another part of club penuin and click your mail befoer you get to the spot, you stay in the isle. If you dont get it come on server shiver at 5:00 pm PST on February 12 and i will show you.

  120. hmmmm Cool i might be there might not Whs your valentine..........LOL

  121. I am glad you are having a party i hope i will be there!
    Ambassador Mikeafc
    P.s Have it at four cazmo time lol

  122. Bb Polo745 is throwing a party on Feb.21
    i will add anyone who says polo or i from cpg.

  123. i am going to make a planet cazmo person today.I will name it Bb Polo
    or Bb Polo745.i hope i can find mimo's party.
    Bb Polo745

  124. lol i bought a puffle and named it Mimo.again lol.

    Bb Polo745

  125. NEW FLAG PIN!! Its Chille.

  126. oh i remember planet cazmo they got rockin music there! ill try to make it ;]

  127. Mimo guess what?my birthdays on Valentines!

  128. Anonymous said...
    hey mimo, i've been wondering... have you heard of Webkinz.com? do you have a pet or anything?

    Mimo is a 13 year old boy so he does not play on Webkinz. But 9china9 and Zoezoe11 play Webkinz. Mimo said so in a post a while ago.

    Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

  129. dide you know mimo stands for multiple input-multiple output

    Okay so on Saturday the 14th everyone show up to the server Snow Forts at the Snow Forts at 1:00 PM PST and see me for a surprise and be ready to listen to me! WEAR RED!


  131. Dakoda14 said

    Hey mimo do you have to be a member?


    No you dont you can go free just sign up and go :]

    -Flamesaw Pwn (CPG MOD)

  132. awwwww im not good at hints help?!

  133. Can you have as many friends as you want on Planet Cazmo?

  134. Does Mimo like being homeschooled?

  135. Akdbls said...
    Mimo, there is a secret going around club penguin. if you click on were you want to go in a isle to get to another part of club penuin and click your mail befoer you get to the spot, you stay in the isle. If you dont get it come on server shiver at 5:00 pm PST on February 12 and i will show you.

    Yes I know exactly what you are talking about I have done this before and said "come over here" and then people come and just go out of th eroom it is funny. BUT Mimo will not come to see you because he is too busy for that so I am sorry.

    Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

  136. semiprofessi said...
    sorry mimo i will be at tennis for half of the day, but ill try and see if i can make it. i've got a 1st warning on cazmo because at ur last party i tried to say, he'll but they didnt do ' so you know.... and i got banned on cp for a day. its really sad i was only being funny and i got banned! oh well. mods dont respond to tihs plz. my ban will end soon

    MY BAN ENDED! I am SOO HAPPY! - semiprofessi (sorry for caps mimo!)

  137. gellcool123 said...
    can we do a party on chobots?

    Of course ! YES

  138. Wohoo my penguin is 721 days old today! I have an even older one but I lost his username :(

  139. Anonymous said...
    Does Mimo like being homeschooled?

    I would guess so. I hope so anyways. He often gets to post news during the day while the rest of us are in school.

    Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

  140. Anonymous said...
    awwwww im not good at hints help?!

    I think that there is a limit but I do not know how much.

    Mrpengiewin (CPG MOD)

  141. I will be there if i work it out. My nickname on Planet Cazmo is
    Sk8rGurl and I will be happy to meet CPG Mods anytime at the weekend (as I wont be able to meet Mimo apart from at his party)

    Musawinx1 CPG Mod in Training

  142. Anonymous said...
    can u have a chobots v-day party? thatd be too cool.
    keep R O C K I N G !


    WEll, if it would be TOO cool, why would anybody want it??? that'd be useless if it was TOO cool, so ya, really, you've got to tell him if it'd be too cool to do... i mean, you acted like you'd LIKE a "too cool" party, i mean really...
    -Birdygurl (comedian cpg mod LOLZ)

  143. YO YO YO! its me again. On my 2nd time commmenting on ur website. Remember me?

  144. for me planet cazmo takes reaalyyyy long to load!

  145. Hi, its Drama Q97 here, answering your questions to become a CPG Mod. So ask me,(Drama Q97) any questions that you may be concerned about, and i will help! Please help me to become a CPG Mod!

    (P.S. you will be able to find me on the server, Fjord. So try to find me!

    Thank You,
    Drama Q97
