Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Unboxing of Club Penguin Necklace Set & Ninjas!

The smallest member of Club Penguin Gang has made an unboxing video. Check out the Club Penguin Interchangable Necklace Set. Pretty funny.

The black thing on the boat on Club Penguin homepage has ALWAYS been there. We have an old picture.

It could still be a ninja. Also, we posted a long time ago the thing that looks like a ninja shadow in the lighthouse.

Mimo and CPG have lots of Ninja videos if you scroll down the page. ;-)

And we also announced the Coin Code Contest Winner yesterday! Scroll down!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Listen to Mimo's music now at:
Mimo - Decoding Mimo


  1. so was the shadow in the lighthouse a ninja or not?

  2. I love ninjas! I hope they come back! i hope i hope i hope!

  3. awwww shes so cute. Shes lucky, she got her own unboxing video!

    big fan,


  4. Im curious Mimo, the CPG is all your family or your sister an your friends? Im really curious about that.

  5. i dont think it is a ninja but it might it might be the back of the seat

  6. Hey Mimo, What about the penguin shadow on the lighthouse behind the boxes?

  7. it sure looks like a ninja, but are you sure it's not just a shadow of the dark blue penguin?
    i could be wrong, but i dont know.
    thanks for letting us know about the ninjas!


  8. Awww,great job 9china9!Now you can show you Club Penguin pride anywhere!

    To Mimo,the new catalog of Penguin Stye will come out on Friday.The mysterious dude is gray or silver,right?So the new color might come out on Firday!

  9. Nice job 9china9!You can show people you love Club Penguin!

  10. Wow! These ninja hints are increasing day by day! You really have a good eye Mimo! Rock on!

  11. That was a good unboxing video. Shes cute to.

  12. aaaaw how sweat!
    whats next a club penguin clock, bedding, towels, plates, cups, like coffee cups, pencils school supplies and MUCH MORE i bet

    Sand Flipper


  13. Hey Mimo, do you know that if you open one penguin's player card and then ??????'s card, they are up at the same time! Also, you can't move ??????'s player card.

  14. Hey survivor91.
    RacerXBoi here. I was looking at the older post and you have been doing really good. You and other CPG Mods are right behind if I dont answer somethg right, leave something out, or dont explain it good. Thnks CPG Mods

  15. mimo!! if u go to the lodge and put ur mouse over the mirror you can click on it. Itd supposed to be the moderator sign but its too far away.. If u go anywhere else it doesn't light up unless ur on it! try it out!
    oh and its danny320

  16. thats your little sister right?
    aww shes cute!!!
    will you ever pass down mimo777 cp cheats to her?

  17. Wasup CPG Mods. U guys rock. Especially RacerXBoi, A kiwi boy, and Survivor. Keep it up. Even though Racer is not a cpg mod yet, I know u wil be

  18. im pretty sure thats just the penguins shadow on the seat of the boat

  19. lol i think its the back of the seat lol

  20. cool but i think its just part of the boat

  21. wow.. Ninjas are invading.. I will see if I can find anyone

  22. mimo u mean cp is gonna make ninjas anyway?

  23. Why won't Mimo do a video????

  24. i hope we can become ninjas!!!! i really want to dress up as one!! i think there might me ninja missions like the secret agents!!! Cant wait to see what happens to the dojo and what all the buissnes is about about the ???? mystery man.

  25. im friends with the ninja in ski lodge he said hi to me! Hes not on my buddies list but he said hi to me.


  27. Cool!!! I hape CP actully ;ets us be ninjas and not just let us meat ninjas. Maybe aslo might be a hint to a sercet mission!!! Either way I hope i Could be a ninja. P.S. the secerct mission idea was mine so if it is give me crdit.


  28. How do you ever find the ninjas? i see the videos but later on i go and see it in Club Penguin, but they are never there! * frown*

  29. awww "its gots my stuff on it" hehe

  30. Hi Mimo!
    You are awsome!
    And whats you cats name? I saw him/her in the video

  31. i havnt seen that. cool! :]

  32. hey penguins last night me sand flipper and minun were having a random time and sand dressed in a dress and afro it was fun the secret word was lol

  33. Ha Ha! You can see your cats leg like at 0:30 climbing around on the table!! LoL! :Cat: Meow Meow those puffle things look like mice I'll try anything once! This is cute though! *^.^*

  34. Thanks Sand Flipper, that was awesome.

  35. To everyone who is wondering, the ninjas in the skin loge mirror and the gift shop move EVERY FIVE MINUTES!! Now some moderating:

    dear churr0,
    I belive cpg is Mimo and his family(his siblings AND cousins).

    Dear river racer,
    Mimo has two cats and one dog. I think China was the one in the video. Zoe is the dog and Kenya is the giant cat, I think.

  36. Hi mimo its shedandpeck! I was wondering is tipping the ice berg real? If so how do you do it? And lastly plz have a contest for membeership plzzzzz! I have been sending money 4 3 years!!!! nothing has happened all 7 times thx mimo 4 ever!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. umm mimo about the whole sensei thing, the guy is a gray penguin, so that's pretty weird and in clubpenguin i don't tink i've seen a beard before in the catalog.. so any help here?

  38. i dont get how thats a ninja

  39. ur lil sis is cute
    and i like ur kitty too

  40. I've heard about and seen ninjas before. But how do you become one?? There must be a way otherwise how did they get there??

  41. Awww,great job 9china9!Now you can show you Club Penguin pride anywhere!

    To Mimo,the new catalog of Penguin Stye will come out on Friday.The mysterious dude is gray or silver,right?So the new color might come out on Firday!


    Um, hes black.

    (CPG Mod Wannabe)

  42. Hey, Mimo, you still haven't reported on the Dojo, the ????? penguin, OR the free item!

    (CPG Mod Wannabe)

  43. Dear Mimo, QUESTIONS. Is Mimo your real name? And, Ive been answering posts for a long, long time and Im still not appreciated by ANYONE. What else do I need to do? *sob* Oh and your sis is cute :P

  44. In response to River Racer, who said:

    Hi Mimo!
    You are awsome!
    And whats you cats name? I saw him/her in the video

    Hey River Racer! If you're referring to the video in which Mimo's fishes are fed, and the cat which attempts to eat the fish, the cat is called,' Kenya, the Giant Cat'. The cat looks pretty cool even if its big right?

    -Survivor91- (CPG Mod)

  45. In response to RacerxBoi, who said:

    Hey survivor91.
    RacerXBoi here. I was looking at the older post and you have been doing really good. You and other CPG Mods are right behind if I dont answer somethg right, leave something out, or dont explain it good. Thnks CPG Mods

    Hey Racer! Wassup! Thanks dude, and I think you really deserve becoming an official CPG Mod, because you are doing a great job moderating! Keep up the excellent work buddy. See ya!

    -Survivor91- (CPG Mod)

  46. In response to Churr0, who said:

    Im curious Mimo, the CPG is all your family or your sister an your friends? Im really curious about that.

    Hey Churr0! Yes, CPG consists of Mimo and all his brothers and sisters. They rock so much!!

    -Survivor91- (CPG Mod)

  47. New Ninja Proof Alert...In The Club Penguin Times on The Page About The Dojo Construction If You Put Your Mouse Over The Title"Lightning Strikes Dojo Damaged" Your Mouse Will Turn Into The Hand on N-I-N-J-A...Coincidence?I Think Not...
    -Mega Dude1

  48. Hi The Basalisk here, I just thought that the ninjas could be Herbert P. Bear's spies!!!

  49. Yo
    cpgmodsfan said...
    Wasup CPG Mods. U guys rock. Especially RacerXBoi, A kiwi boy, and Survivor. Keep it up. Even though Racer is not a cpg mod yet, I know u wil be
    Cheers bro we really appreciate it
    A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)

  50. Yo
    Anonymous said...
    thats your little sister right?
    aww shes cute!!!
    will you ever pass down mimo777 cp cheats to her?
    Yip im pretty sure thats mimo's sister and im pretty sure shes already a part of CPG check the member list!
    Hope this helps
    A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)

  51. Yo sorry to slummie if i insulted u in the Fire works post i didnt mean the Brits were crazy i meant that its crazy that we celebrate someone trying to kill the King
    Anyway we celebrate it in NZ as well!
    A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)

  52. Yo
    Anonymous said...
    Hi mimo its shedandpeck! I was wondering is tipping the ice berg real? If so how do you do it? And lastly plz have a contest for membeership plzzzzz! I have been sending money 4 3 years!!!! nothing has happened all 7 times thx mimo 4 ever!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well i can assure u as of now u cannot tip the ice burg and u do not get a prize if u do. Maybe u may be able to do it in the future though,who knows we didnt expect ninjas but there they r!
    Hope this helps
    A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)

  53. Yo mimo heres a theory for ya maybe G's monster making machine turned penguins into ninjas becose they have been appearing alot eva since Halloween
    A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)

  54. I saw it too! It's so cool! At first I thought was a black penguin

  55. She's cute and she has a really cool top! I wonder why sumone always says cookie in your vids mimo!

  56. Actually the one on the boat is a simple shadow.

  57. cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!also on the dojo their are 2 things that look like an entrence can you check it out please.

  58. hey mimo i saw the ninja shadow and isaw something even better you see on the dojo their are two things that look like an entrence.

  59. Awww MImo she sounds so cute!!
    Awesome video man, loving CPG!!
    Yoy rock or sock---s!!
    From Mishy

  60. I had no idea that there was a Club Penguin Necklace! Is it featured on the site? Good to know.

    Great post! - Puff Daddie 2

  61. shes adorable awwwww awsome vid so cute

  62. Howcome you get new toys!!? my toys r us only has the plush penguins/puffles, igloo playset and the mix and match figures. you have like 20

  63. Mimo do you mean the ski lodge not light house

  64. dear mimo.............this freaked me out!i went 2 the lighthouse and in a window all of a sudden a ninja appeared!PLZ POST!

  65. lol in the video your cat got in the way at one part.

  66. I think the new card game will be played at the Dojo! What do you think Mimo?

  67. omg i just love those videos!! they are so funny!!!!!!!

  68. Churr0 said...
    Im curious Mimo, the CPG is all your family or your sister an your friends? Im really curious about that.

    CPG is just Mimos family. His sister is the youngest of them all.

  69. cpgmodsfan said...
    Wasup CPG Mods. U guys rock. Especially RacerXBoi, A kiwi boy, and Survivor. Keep it up. Even though Racer is not a cpg mod yet, I know u wil be

    Thnks for the appreciation dud. really means alot.

  70. Yo A Kiwi boy.
    Can I start calling you Kiwi?
    Umm youve also been doing good in the latest post I have been looking at. U and survivor91 are good. Keep it up

  71. thats a shadow nothing else

  72. i think the black on the head is just the new black hair cuz i c a lil bit of red face on there wat u think? idk o well l8rz

  73. I think the "ninja" on the Hydro-Hopper boat is just the back of the chair. Sorry, Mimo.

  74. mimo, i think that is just part of the seat the red penguin is sitting on

  75. actualy its a PSA agent bent over

  76. aww the little girl wearing the necklace is soo cute

  77. Lol! That was funny when you were trying to get the gold thing of your sister but she wouldn't let you have it! Shes lucky to have her very own unboxing vid!
    And going onto ninjas...You're really good at finding all the ninja clues first, Mimo! You must have great eyesight to spot all those things, good job!
    Your No. 1 fan...

  78. I saw a ninja in the gift shop
    behind the coat racks!!!

  79. ok, I was reading the comments on clubpenguin and i saw this...

    yms said
    "who is that mystery penguin at the dojo shoveling all the time?"

    November 7, 2008 11:37 PM
    BillyBob said
    "You'll find out pretty soon! Waddle on!"

    Do you think that means, what I think that means???!!!!!

    WADDLE ON!!!
