Monday, September 1, 2008

One Milllion Coin Glitch Hack Fixed with Warning!

Ok, I tried to tell you. Club Penguin knows who used this glitch and WHO PROMOTED IT ONLINE! This glitch was also AGAINST CLUB PENGUIN RULES. It is possible that you could still get banned, loose your coins or something else. Just sayin.

I'm gonna guess that Club Penguin probably won't ban anyone. But I still think they could take all your coins. Not sure, just sayin.

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Listen to Mimo's music now at:
Mimo - Decoding Mimo


  1. ohhh i hate hackers =)

  2. wow my cousin did it. do you think she will get banned for doing that?

  3. i never tried it anyway

    Sand Flipper

  4. Good thing I didn't do it.

    Love ya Mimo!!!

  5. is every one that got banned allowed back on?


  6. s8tr1 (the penguin) said...
    wow my cousin did it. do you think she will get banned for doing that?
    Hey S8tr1,
    Your cousin probably won't be banned because clubpenguin just gave us a warning and the glitch is now fixed. So probably no one will be banned this time.

    -Sparkforever(CPG mod)

  7. Club Penguin Should take away all the coins

  8. I don't believe all this hack nonsense, because that message comes up if you say something bad or do something else against the oath of CP. So I think there isn't such a thing as a million dollar glitch.

  9. s8tr1 (the penguin) said...
    wow my cousin did it. do you think she will get banned for doing that?

    Dear s8trl,u never no if ull get banned or not she probably will be banned but if she doesn't get banned tell to not do it again so she will be safe and can still play on cp

    hope this help

    princeznavy (cpg moderator)

  10. penguin9676448944345612 says:
    is every one that got banned allowed back on?



    It depends how many hours they got, and Clubpenguin have not banned just warned them!

    Agent Lc

  11. is that really a hack?? Lol it seems like a glitch

  12. yeah i didnt try it cos i dont listen to all these people saying things that are supposed to earn you coins but really get you banned.

  13. my frend did it and now she has got banned just after renewing membership :0 so shes reely annoyed
    and so am i, coz i didnt know about it then i traded her my favourite non-cheating cheat for it! >:(

  14. Hey, I just found out that they squashed the bugs. But you can still go to your home with it open.
    Also once you do it you get a warning but after that you get bans.
    A person asked:"is that really a hack?? Lol it seems like a glitch"
    Yeah it does but a glitch is a accident but when you hack, you know what you're doing.
    Another person asked:"wow my cousin did it. do you think she will get banned for doing that?"
    Nah, first you get a warning and then bans.
    Also, Another person asked:"is every one that got banned allowed back on?"
    Yeah, my test guy tried it and i got kicked off the server, but the bans may start at one hour or a day or forever.
    Hope this helps!
    Chaos link(CPG mod)
    PS. Don't hack people

  15. aww man now i dont get ta keep meh coins.
    psshh rip off!

  16. i didnt do nothing!!

  17. Happy September 1st!
    I'm glad i didn't try it. How about you?


  18. Whoa! i heard about it i tried it but i couldent do it because i didnt get proper instructions.

  19. I DON'T LIKE HACKERS! anyway if you sit on top of the night club whould u be a hacker,becuz i saw a penguin sitting on the top of the night club.

  20. wow im glad i didnt do it! they should of banned everyone who hacked to get money or something

  21. why do people want to ruin club penguin?

  22. wow i hope i do not do that by mistake

  23. hey mimo im back from the cottage man tht passed by speedy fast i stayed up till about 1045 teehee it was only me and my dad there i had a good time we made brownies not the best ive tasted tho cooley010203

  24. hi im eminem3455
    if u wanna no how to sit on the night club i tried it it works but i wont do it again if u wanna no ask me ok!
    next thing what is the banned thing all about because i wanna no i wot do it it but i just wanna see wats goin on

  25. lol right now im addicted to frosting lol! i just hope i don't have to go to rehab!


  26. Well at least all the people who didn't know won't be banned for life!! I wouldn't try it though

  27. YES I KNEW IT! I got kicked off the server for doing that too! i just tried it on my cousins penguin to see how long it will get banned!

  28. i already had a million coins anyway so no worries (: :P

  29. penguin9676448944345612 said...

    is every one that got banned allowed back on?

    Hello penguin9676448944345612!
    If you got banned forever, no. but if you got banned for 24 hours, 48 etc you can still go but you have to wait

    Aiondalia(cpg moderator)

  30. s8tr1 (the penguin) said...

    wow my cousin did it. do you think she will get banned for doing that?
    hi! s8tr1 (the penguin)!
    Its actually luck if cp catches you, but you cant do it now. I dont think she got banned but maybe she got banned for like 1 or 24 hours.

    Aiondalia(cpg moderator)

  31. anonymous said...

    why do people want to ruin club penguin?
    hello anonymous!
    Some people hate club penguin(i think theyre nerds) and want to close down cp or something, or theyre doing it beuz they its fun or funny.

    Aiondalia(cpg moderator)

  32. thank you mods for answering my questions! it really helped. my cousin was scared that she would get banned!

    p.s. thanks to all the mods for answering my question

  33. Omg i told people. and i used it. But, I didnt get banned ? I did it last night. Im lucky i did it at the exact right time :) lol Mimo i used a rare penguin named basketball56 but i should have used corteego. 902 days old today

  34. Hmmm... I wonder how you do the hack? I wouldn't do it, though... It would be stupid to do it.

  35. anonymous says:
    why do people want to ruin club penguin?


    I dont know, its not nice to ruin people fun:(

    Agent Lc

  36. cowsrule says:
    I DON'T LIKE HACKERS! anyway if you sit on top of the night club whould u be a hacker,becuz i saw a penguin sitting on the top of the night club.


    Well I think soo, they say there bots but there fake! They are just cheaters!!

    Agent Lc

  37. aonymous says:
    Happy September 1st!
    I'm glad i didn't try it. How about you?


    Yeah, me too!

    Agent Lc

  38. guess what!i reported it!because i didn't want anyone to get banned! So maybe i helped (maybe)

  39. Hey s8tr1(the penguin)!

    It's Pearlwhite27!

    You asked:
    Q: wow my cousin did it. do you think she will get banned for doing that?

    A: Hmmm...she might. If she does just email CP telling them that she didnt know it was a hack, which tons of people didn't know! Hopefully if she does that she'll get her penguin back! Hope this helps! =)

    Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)

  40. Hey guys!

    It's Pearlwhite27!

    Happy Labor Day everyone! I'm not going anywhere...


  41. i made a new penguin and done the glitch just to see what happened and they changed my name to Penguin66344103 i havent been banned though and only managed to get about 9 coins in one go

  42. Sk8tr1 (the penguin) Said...

    wow my cousin did it. do you think she'll get banned for doing that?

    Answer: Well, It depends on how many times she did it. If she did it once she won't get banned. If she did it many times... just hope they won't ban her! Hope this helps!

    Ye11 CPG Moderator

  43. Fred the Goo said...

    Hmmm... I wonder how you do the hack? I wouldn't do it, though... It would be stupid to do it.

    I wouldn't even ask anyone if I were you, CP can find out, just like they found out who promoted it.

    Pinkgirlhsm (CPG MODERATOR)

  44. Lillian Said...

    Happy September 1st!
    I'm glad I didn't try it. How about you?

    Answer: Yeah me too! I'm really glad I didn't try it! Oh yeah and...

    Happy September 1st!

    Ye11 CPG Moderator

  45. anonymous says:
    why do people want to ruin club penguin?
    not everyone is nice, so be careful on the internet.

    Pinkgirlhsm (CPG MOD)

  46. i am scared! i used this cheat cuz someone told me about it on cp and they got 1000000 coins so i got like 3000 coins! i hope i dont get banned OO(

  47. Anonymous Said...

    why do people want to ruin club penguin?

    Answer: Its probably because they're selfish and they want to do something.

    (Don't be one of 'em!

    Ye11 CPG Moderator

  48. i know your quickee party is soon! i hope i didnt miss it!!!!! lol bye mimo

  49. its just crazy that ppl would even try to hack somthing

  50. Good thing I didnt do the Glitch! Can't wait till your Quickee Party!
    You Rock!

  51. ha i did it and that message didnt pop up lol oh well!!

  52. Hey S8trl! I'm Blackpearl8!

    "s8tr1 (the penguin) said...
    wow my cousin did it. do you think she will get banned for doing that?"

    Most likley. Tell her to make a new penguin account, and grab the 150th pin w/ her new penguin before it's gone!

    *Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-

  53. Hi Penguin 9676448944345612! I'm Blackpearl8!

    "penguin9676448944345612 said...
    is every one that got banned allowed back on?


    No, they are banned from Club Penguin, which means you're not allowed back on.

    *Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-

  54. oh. good thing i didn't try it.

  55. Oh no Moogasa!Hope you dont have to go to rehab for your frosting addiction!



  57. they ban you. im almost sure of it. with the climb on the nightclub glitch they banned you

  58. Umm yea I started a new penguin and I named Jdhlah but when i loged on my name was Penguin66379373. why is this? help me!

  59. Hi Pearlwhite! I posted something about why I was gone, but I guess Mimo hasn't approved it yet.

    Anywho, I was ill and in the hospital for awhile, we also had a few hurricanes and tornadoes go over our house, and I wasn't able to go online. I had a cousin keep my penguins updated with the new pins, I know I'm a little too obsessed with Club Penguin! Unfortunatley, my cousin wasn't able to log-in during the Penguin Games so I didn't get any of those free items, which is a bummer, because face paint has been on my "CP Wish List" for a long time! :(


  60. penguin [insert uber long number that i dont care to repeat here], im pretty sure that you're only banned for a few days. you should be able to log back on after, say, a week

    mm anonymous, there IS a million coin hack. people have done it before, including some of my friends.

    s8tr1, i dont really know if cp is banning anyone yet, but i know they do get a warning.

    redfooteye, its not a glitch. glitches happen on cp's side, when little things happen that arent supposed to happen. but the million coin cheat is when a person PURPOSELY does something wrong to hack into cp and change things

    "aww man now i dont get ta keep meh coins.
    psshh rip off!"
    EXACTLY!! what you did was wrong, it was agains cp's terms of use and you are not supposed to have those coins. you didnt get it fairly so of course cp's gonna take it away!

    im so glad to see you back! gosh are you ok?! im sorry you missed the face paint =[ how've you been? well, other than sick and caught in storms...

  61. Martha said...
    Umm yea I started a new penguin and I named Jdhlah but when i loged on my name was Penguin66379373. why is this? help me!

    Hey there,
    I looked this up on Club Penguin. It said that in order to ensure each account name is apporpriate, it is assigned a temporary username before it is approved by a moderator. Hope this helps. :)

    - Greengrocer2 (CPG Moderator)

  62. thanks Greengrocer2 (CPG Moderator. this helped me!

  63. Hi Floob! I'm doing much better, and I'm feeling pretty good, now. I'm glad to see everyone again! Where is Kimberrlley 1? I haven't seen her.


  64. im dj krayze it was my bday in real life on labor day :)

  65. how do you do do the glich?

  66. Wow i did not think that it could be so serious!

  67. Everyone that knows about new glitches i sugesst you dont do it (just my oppininon) because first they have made clubpenguin more "watched" and they have done alot of things to prevent these glitches from happening. Also you never know what might happen. Even if you freind lets say does this glitch and nothing happens to him/her that doesn't nesissarly means that nothing can happen to you. My advice is just becarefull what you try, it is not always "safe"
    Wildboz (CPG MOD)

  68. anonymous the glitch was removed a while ago

    Drax CPG Mod

  69. I was trying do that for ever but my computer didnt let anyways. And now im glad.

  70. I see there are some CPG mods that are in here.... How can i become one?

  71. s8tr1 (the penguin) said...
    wow my cousin did it. do you think she will get banned for doing that?
    She succeeded??? COOL!!! but i really hope she doesn't get banned.... that'd really stink... :(:(:(

  72. princeznavy (cpg moderator) said...
    s8tr1 (the penguin) said...
    wow my cousin did it. do you think she will get banned for doing that?

    Dear s8trl,u never no if ull get banned or not she probably will be banned but if she doesn't get banned tell to not do it again so she will be safe and can still play on cp

    hope this help

    princeznavy (cpg moderator)


    I agree, tell her not to do it again. If she did NOT get banned, tell her to be glad she could do that without being banned. And tell us if she does or doesn't get banned, so we can be happy for her -- all of us can be happy for her.
    -Birdygurl (cpg mod)

  73. i got banned for 24 hours for doing nothing.ninjakid999(cpg mod)

  74. i no that because it hapend to me befor mimo

  75. Oh Gosh! I did the bean counters glitch and the SAME MESSAGE popped up! D:

  76. mimo look at theis cool cheat
    1.go to town
    2.start to walk towards niteclub
    3.quickly go press the home button
    4 music is in ur home
    (i am not a membe but it still work)

