Monday, September 8, 2008

New Stage Sneak Peek!

Wow, lots of sneak peeks lately. Uh, here is one of the new Stage. Any guesses? Ok, it's a newspaper. Not very good Sneak Peek.

Thanks rockhoper849 for the tip.

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Listen to Mimo's music now at:
Mimo - Decoding Mimo


  1. maybe it's like an old movie and it in completely black and white who knows? But it looks cool

  2. i like soboli's idea. that wld be cool! uh...i have a cold. well thats a cool sneakpeek!
    keep R O C K I N G !
    P.S.- i hope u have another party- with clues and all!

  3. hmmm,maybe its like a mystery theme or somthin like that,that would explain the sherlock holmes or whatever kind of clothes in the new catolog. -Beaker 22

  4. I am thinking... (telopathic mind person here!) that it will be about old age stuff. Like when we had that christmas party? Like how it was and everything. A old english play! Maybe they will have a back stage? Or another room!

  5. i thinks it is a dective play -benwolf8

  6. its a mystery play in black and white. last weeks newspaper said are you ready for a mystery. also there is a sherlock holms coustume.

  7. It looks like its gonna be a dectective movie? btw my penguin name is Drakoth

  8. i like soboli's idea. that wld be cool! uh...i have a cold. well thats a cool sneakpeek!
    keep R O C K I N G !
    P.S.- i hope u have another party- with clues and all!

    I have a cold too it stinks doesnt it!!!

  9. heh i saw that but i didnt think of telling you:) srry

  10. ow wow a newspaper THAT looks like an awesome play...

  11. I agree
    look at how they are painting the stage. It's black and white. I guess that they are going to make it be like an old movie, where there's a dark street and things happen! I'm excited:D

  12. hey mimo have you noticed that the puffles that are on top of the stage are getting black and white?
    maby that has somthing to do with it

  13. i think its the new stage! maybe!K E E P ROCKING mImO777

  14. i bet its like a black and white mystery like the old times. maybe we r going to be a investigator.

  15. can one of the mods help me? i dont know how to make pics of my penguin and put it on my website. or make all the cool things mimo makes. please help. : (

  16. w00t 3rd comment oh i think it might be some thing like GRESE.
    MIMO ROKS HARD thx for the sneek peek

  17. Hmmm... Looks like a newpaper in the street...

  18. Anonymous hoopster67 said...

    can one of the mods help me? i dont know how to make pics of my penguin and put it on my website. or make all the cool things mimo makes. please help. : (

    press print screen on your keyboard and then paste it to paint. (FOR A PC)


  19. I think its like an old sherlock holmes kind of thing... in old movie form. They have to use the detective like things in the catalog... who knows


  20. could be something like casa Blanca the film or something lol. looks pretty cool.


  21. wicked asome!hey how many of u have seen the harry potters movies?now those r wicked

  22. It COULD be a motion picture

    or a detective movie

    Mabe the detectives name is

    Detective Deric dermotrade

    snd his canine Puffle in crime,

    The possibilities,endless well almost

  23. From my first look at the clue i thought it was a mystery LOL

  24. Hey, it might be a sherlock holmes thing.
    A person asked:"can one of the mods help me? i dont know how to make pics of my penguin and put it on my website. or make all the cool things mimo makes. please help. :("
    Ah well you do Print Screen sysRq and copy paste it into paint and its for pc only.
    Hope this helps!
    Chaos link(CPG mod)

  25. i think it might be a mystery or something...hmmmm


    PS.i normally go on the first server or bigfoot...i want to meet u :)

  26. hi guys! if you ever see me on club penguin that means i will be moderating the servers i might have time for a chat but until then waddle on! -clank 5

  27. good guess guys until then, you will have to wait and see.... waddle on! -Clank 5

  28. Its probally a mystery play like u dress up as a detecive and its in black and white showing its an old movie plz post me mimo i have never been posted u rock!

  29. The play is going to be about mysteries and detective all that kind of thing

    plz most im from NZ


  30. i like beaker 22 's idea. but one thing, where is the newspaper? and the patch. i know its in the stage but i cant find it anywhere.

  31. Thanks for that Mimo, I liove this blog. It rocks.

    Agent Lc

  32. Yeah its a pretty bad sneak peek.



  33. maybe it's a black and white horror movie. that would be too cool!

  34. "Soboli said...

    maybe it's like an old movie and it in completely black and white who knows? But it looks cool"

    That's what I thought to!

  35. Maybe its like in a house that is dark leaving a newspaper?

  36. i reckon its a detective movie cuz there are the detective clothes and detectives hide there cover by newspapers!! i hope you think this is a good idea mimo cuz i reckon it will be a dtective one.

    Anyways thx for the update mimo and goodbye for now

    ~~Khalgar1 (real cp name)

  37. hoopster67 said:

    can one of the mods help me? i dont know how to make pics of my penguin and put it on my website. or make all the cool things mimo makes. please help. : (


    You can either use snipping tool if you have it or wat pinkgirlhsm said

    I hope this helps


  38. i think its a mystery a scarey one


  39. hey mimo i was just wondering why your comments are so small now. not in words but like the size of the letters.

  40. i have a cold.. =( cool sneek peak dunno what it is.

  41. it is a perfect clue
    i think it might be like what soboli said

  42. It's a play in black and white! Maybe a mystery!

  43. maybe since it is in black and white it is an old play.

  44. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  45. looks like on off them old hollywood mystry movies??

  46. i dont know,maybe its the phantom of the opera or something,or maybe its a new penguin musical called"The Newspaper In The Street".lol:)

  47. I'm dearly sorry I haven't been moderating. I've been real busy. About the newspaper at the stage, I might have an good idea. Maybe it's a Suburb Mystery, the Catalog at the gift shop is a good clue. Club Penguin "can" suprise you though! I mean the catalog? What about the costume trunk? Hmmm, keep thinking! A also strang fact about the stage, the yellow puffle that always has something to do with the play, is now sometimes different colors! Glitch, secret or is it a clue for the play. Check it out everyone to see if it's just me or everyone. Now for some questions~ ;-D
    Hoopster67 said-

    _can one of the mods help me? i dont know how to make pics of my penguin and put it on my website. or make all the cool things mimo makes. please help. : (

    _If you look on your keyboard you can see a button somewhere in the "top right." It says
    -Print Scr
    Sys Rq
    Push that one time then open up the Microsoft Paint, and push Ctrl and V at the same time. The internet pic will pop up, edit it to your liking and save it. When you make a comment on your blog browse through files and find it. Hope this helps. It's kinda confusing to concept.

    Millywily (Beginner CPG Mod)

  48. Isnt is simple?! The dark sneak peak? The N in the newspaper add? (GROAN) Do I have to spell it out? I-t-s a n-i-n-j-a p-l-a-y! It a ninja play! The taking long to make? The N in tha add? The dark stage? We've been waiting two years for a sign! And we finaly have one! P.S. sorry for the long comment just had to get that out!

  49. its a play of an old street


  50. i know, but i'm not gunno say

    cya mimo

    P.S plz post

  51. hmmmm I wonder..........maybe.......... :)
    It might be a street! like the sidewalk ant the newspapers litter!

    Rocky020799 :D

  52. I GOT IT! you know how in the news there have been those "walk down memory lane" segments? well this might be a play about old stuff on cp!

  53. I think its is going to be like a shirlock holmes book but inplay form!

  54. maybye it a mystery theme cause its black and white

  55. when can u get tickets to see The Newspaper In The Street?lol ill watch!

  56. hey mybday is today!!!!!!!


  57. i bet anyone it like ninja theme.

  58. I know!!!!!!!!! Remember the rock party? It looks like the night club durring it!

    Fourth post!

  59. I Thought they would release ninjas the play. Mainly because in the news where it says play this friday it shows only one letter n.

  60. Maybe it's a NINJA play!! That would be awesome! MIMO Rocks!

  61. well i duno well what i can see is the news paper is on the road next to a building but maybe its the clue of the lost news paper

  62. It looks like it's from that part in the newpaper thats a tour, and they had those articles about the beginning of Club Penguin, "A Waddle Down Memory Lane". LOL!


  63. maybe its like one of those mystery soap operas in black and white.


  64. HAPPY BIRTH DAY I LUV TO SHOP u will probably get this late but ohh well HAPPY BARTH DAY

  65. hmm... i am thinking...well...idk..but whatever it is it WILL be cool!! Or it better be lol ;)

  66. sherlock holmes!!!!!

  67. Either its Detectives or Ninjas
    Clue:In the newspaper it said BIGGEST Mystery Ever in Club Penguin which were the Ninjas or they will mak a play about a mystery.
    2 Clue:Also in the newspaper the penguin is putting up an N for either Night or Ninjas
    THX So Muxh

  68. Hey mimo,
    I found a secret item in the furniture catalog.You click on the java lamp and,tadaa,you get a blender!!!
    --Magic gr8----
    PS-I hope you find it useful

  69. Hey mimo,
    I found another secret item in the furniture catalog.If you click on the upright piano,you'll find a guitar stand!!!
    ---Magic gr8----

  70. i think it is like old times because they have been talking about past events a lot....
    ps plez post ive never been posted anywhere!!!!

  71. i probably agree with every1 herethe whole stage is turning greyblack and white, detectiveswe may be onto sumthing

  72. they should makea finding mimo stage since ur so popular!!! maybe it is!!! =O lol. jk... but it would be cool. later mimo =]

    nice silver DS btw.

    just another face
    in the crowd....

  73. aherlock homes thats why his outfit is in the catalouge

  74. Maybe....its a sheet with the dialogues of an old play
