Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Another new Club Penguin ROCK Theme Stage!

The Stage at the Dock is different again! It looks like the ROCK theme? I like the fire pots on the side of the stage.

Thanks to all 37 kabillion of you for the tip!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President


  1. its cool coz its the last day of the party today and it is the same as the first time on the first day! lol rock on mimo!

  2. It's the first one!

  3. hey mimmo there is a new comic in the community

  4. i am going to see how many words i can say in a minute

  5. cool! awesome!!!!!

  6. Why does the stage at the Dock keep changing?

    But it is kool!!! lol


  7. Lol! Theres always so much people telling you! BTW when you go sled racing and theres a open spot it shows a skull. Thats weird.


  8. I wonder why it went back to that this is weird

  9. That is awesome!!! Mimo meet me in vanilla at 7:00 p.m. my penguins name is mizstrawberi!! BAckstage

  10. sweet thanks mimo!

    you're friend goofy73

  11. hiya mimo do you notice that the guitars and drums change everytime!?

    you're friend goofy73

  12. hiya mimo just thought i'd remind you but you rock!!!!!

    you're friend goofy73

  13. and the railing in back of the drums

    you're friend goofy73

  14. YAY! I LUV ROCK! Thanks for posting this mimo. YAAAAYY, ROCK!


  15. cool!!

    i always go to your website to see if cp has anything on and well i went to this website yesterday and saw all this music jam things and i was like "OMG!" i completly forgot about the party so i had to go to clubpenguin and check it anyway thanks mimo!!

  16. hiya Cheeky123987! you asked:

    Why does the stage at the Dock keep changing?

    But it is kool!!! lol


    hiya cheeky! well the dock changing is a feature of the music festival. I think it is to celebrate all the different types of music!

    you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)

  17. hiya iceisnice3000! you asked:

    I wonder why it went back to that this is weird

    hiya! well it probably went back because somebody missed the beginning of the music festival so they brought it on again for a chance to see it!

    you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)

  18. yay! i like it.. i would call it the hippie..

    cuz of the pots on the side of fire.:)


  19. Anonymous said...

    Why does the stage at the Dock keep changing?But it is kool!!! lol~Cheeky123987
    hola cheeky123987!
    this is a feature of the music festival. This changes daily.

    Aiondalia(cpg moderator)

  20. Ok! My PARTY is NOT CANCELED!!!

    WHOO HOO! IT IS TODAY! (JULY 30) Ok, it is my find me party. Here is the infromation

    9:00 PST
    Husky Server
    Where: Find me
    when: July 30

    Ok. Good luck finding me.


    P.S. Hint: I am locked away behind this rope.

    Ok! I hope you get it.

    P.S.S. Mimo, you HAVE to post this! It needs to be posted or I can't have my party!

  21. Anonymous said...
    Why does the stage at the Dock keep changing?

    But it is kool!!! lol


    Im guessing that its the stage because it has the backstage.

    happyhead12[cpg moderator]

  22. Lol. And Mimo, when Im bored, i go to the pet shop, and throw pokeballs at the puffles! LOL!

    P.S. Maybe at the party i will play pikachu round up. IM THE TRAINER!Plz post this

  23. they already had that one

  24. I hope they have the island sounds themed stage too thats my favorite

  25. yea it is the first one

    u rock mimo

    also popple456456 is having a party today at 2:00 cp time fjord server at the dojo
    this time i promise i will show up

  26. hey mimo! In the newspaper they call it boulder! i just wanted to let you know! Keep R O C K I N G !

  27. nice its not over yet im gonna rock that stage

  28. ignore that last comment

    popple456456's party is at 10:00 pst today on husky server but still at the dojo.

  29. cool its not over yet im gonna rock that stage

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. JEEZE!! thats crazy!! lets see.. how many times do you think they've changed the theme?

  32. hey mimo,
    you said your main servers are big foot and fjord, but i was wondering what your favorite rooms on the map are. if you don't want to answer this i totally understand. thnx if you post this!

  33. this is gonna be the biggest club penguin party of the year
    time: 4:00 p.m. cpt friday august 1
    place: my igloo at frozen
    why: to celebrate happiness and the great lives we have
    it will have: a band playing, party games, a copy of backstage, video games, fishing, and a new game I made up

  34. Hey everyone go to my party!!


    Server: Fjord
    Time:10:00 PST
    Where: the cove

    Keep on waddlin' Kookle910*

  35. Hey guys Cheeky123987 said:

    Why does the stage at the dock keep changing?

    But it is kool!!! lol
    I guess it changes becuz it is the MAIN STAGE like it says in the news.I also say because it needs to represent different kinds of music!

  36. tehe i was one of those 37 kabillion penguins. i wish they had just one more free item

    Sand Flipper


  37. the party is now till augst 5th!!!!

  38. Yes! I'm so glad it's extended! When you said this was the last day i was like "OMG!". i had totally forgotten. Oh Mimo, I have a question: what's your favorite room in cp? thnx! Keep R O C K I N G !

  39. rockhopper849 u cant hav ur party at that time that day cus i swans and navy are having OUR BIGGEST BASH EVER!! SO please move ur party we planned it first we planned it o0n sunday and hav been posting comment ebuer since so porfavor MOVE IT!

  40. there was less kabillion then yesterday mimo!!!!!!

  41. what's a kazibillion? Anyway, i love the music party!
