Wednesday, April 30, 2008

One Year Free Membership contest Updates!

I know a lot of you can't put a video together. But I think those that can make videos could enter the contest by making a Mimo video and put it on You Tube. For those that can't make videos I am working on some other ways you can enter. I'll try really hard not to leave anyone out!

More party clues coming!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President


  1. thanks mimo you rock!

  2. why do you always give clues instead of just telling us when and where the party is? i never get them!!!

  3. Is it a video about mimo or yourself???

  4. Hello!im a big fan of you! How old are you?bye!(my name on club penguin are: America King

  5. Mimo How do u make a video and do u have to b a member of youtube to put the video on it!

  6. the video idea sounds VERY cool.
    if people don't know how to put one together, than they should LEARN how to ^_^

  7. Hey Guys!
    This is MishMash215!
    This comment is to 3 people and they are Kimberrlley1, Goofy73 and last but not least, Ix3soccer102!
    It was so fun meeting up with you guys on Club Penguin and I tottaly hope I'll catch ya again!
    Thanks so much 1x3soccer102 for posting about me in Mimo's "Matrix" post!
    Have fun guys!
    Thanks Mimo, Kimberrlley1, Goofy73 & Everyone Else!
    Plz plz plz post this Mimo!
    Peace Out! :P
    - MishMash215
    P.S Im happy to meet up with ANYONE on club penguin so just give me a time, and I'm there!

  8. ur the best mimo i know were it is and i know when but i cant make a video so please update soon i can do other stuff like a mimo quiz show :) :) benucicas p.s your awsome

  9. Yay! Mimo, super!You are the best.

  10. When will you post the next part clues?

  11. how do you make a video anyway?

  12. Hey Mimo!

    How do you pronounce your name?

    Mi-mo or mee-mo or my-mo?

    Plz tell me!!!

    chow for now!

  13. heeey thats cool coz i dont have a membership ... soo how can patecapate???

    penguin name : afsjfrsjfl

  14. I didnt really understand what is this!
    -tomato 2 2-

  15. Hey Mimo!

    Kimberrlley1 here =) Great job making it fair for everyone! And those are really great ideas =) Cant wait!

    Thanks &+ thanks mimo!


  16. That fine with me Mimo!!

  17. mimo,
    pls try your best to find a way on how those who can't make a video, like me, have a chance to win the 1 year membership. thanks T_T

  18. Hope it's not too hard to join that contest :)

  19. rockhopper is on australia's first server now!!!! so happy so see him again!!!

  20. cool mimo!

  21. You are the best club penguin gang! The first at everything epsically pins. Go club penguin gang!

  22. When are you going to give the next party clue away i cant wait!!

  23. cool mimo! i think i might be able to put a video together but i'm not sure.

    you're friend goofy73

  24. Cool, but how do you make a Mimo Video? I'm glad you're having another contest!

  25. i make awesome videos!!


    how do we enter

  26. How can I sent you Video?

  27. Hey Kimberrlley1 and Mishmash215!
    could we meet up like now???
    Fjord in america?

    PS at dance Club!

  28. Hi mimo, im pengineeta. I am sooooo glad that you are going to hold this contest! im going to put a really cool video on youtube and i hope ill win.:) yay

  29. rockhopper is right now on snow angel in crowes nest

  30. I know how to make videos, but I don't have any fancy smancy video programs, so my enty would probally stink. I don't understand what type of video you want, though.


  31. sounds like fun!!


  32. Pretty cool, Mimo!


  33. What kind of mimo video do you mean?

  34. What do you mean "Mimo video"? Comment back on my site.

    PS Sorry for the annonymous, its fotis01.

  35. Thx Mimo! I can't make videos so it's nice that you're thinking of other ways! :)


  36. how about a story!

  37. thank you for being fair, mimo!

  38. Like i'm confused like does it have to be a video of u....or like a pic slideshow.....and people that own a mac are able to make viodeos!!1

  39. Forget the Mimo party and the 1 year membership, do something about the new sports catologe!


  41. Hey mimo, I do love to make a mimo video and put it on You Tube but I always don't get your clues!

  42. 1 question,how to take a picture in Club penguin?

  43. Hey there!

    Kimberrlley1 here! How is everything?! Well im here to answer another question=)

    Q: Forget the 1 yr membership and the party. Do somrthing about the new sports catalog!

    A: There isnt anything new in the sports catalog =/. Only the old cheat for the silver surfboard, which can be found by clicking on the penguins holding the surfboard, click on the starfish, then the shell. You now have the silver surfboard =)!

    Thanks &+ thanks so much mimo!

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  44. Hey Anonymous!

    Kimberrlley1 here to answer your awesome question~

    Your question was: Why do you always give clues instead of telling us where and when the party is?!

    Well, approximately 20,000 penguins view his website lol ;-) and if he told you where the party was, then the room would be FULL, and noone could get in! =) Also, its funner with the clues, becasue i think their so much fun to try to figure out! Try your best, and look for *hint hints* on the posts! Even i gave some hints for this clue =)

    Thanks &+ thanks a bunch mimo777!

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  45. Hey guys!

    Kimberrlley1 here! There was another question for me to answer!

    Hello! Im a bigfan. how old are you!? =)

    Mimo is a 12 year old boy. He also has a penguin and a website(CPG;-))
    that is turining 1 year old on May 4th! I cant wait! Also to learn more about Mimo777, check out the "Who is mimo" 1, 2, and 3 on the yellow sidebar to the right of the homepage!

    Thanks so much for your ? &+ thanks mimo~

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  46. Hey Marirose!

    Kimberrlley1 here, becasue you asked if the video was about mimo or yourself??

    The video can be about mimo, CPG, and can probably include you in it if you'd like! Good luck making your video, and i bet you'll to great, and come up with many creative ideas~

    Thank you so much &+ thanks a lot mimo! =)

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  47. Hey there Stacy!

    Kimberrlley1 here =) You had a great question~

    You asked how you make a video, and if you have to be a member of youtube to post the video?

    Yes you do have to be a member on youtube to upload your video =) Also, if you dont know how to make a video, or dont have the right equiptment for it, you can always wait. Mimo will be coming up with other ideas for the mejbership giveaway as well, so it will be fair to other penguins! Good job mimo, for making it fait to all penguins!

    Thanks &+ thanks mimo!

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  48. Hey there Mishmash!

    Kimberrlley1 here, on regards of your comment to us 3 people ;-)!

    I totally agree with you! I had a blast with you guys yesterday, meeting up with you guys on clubpenguin! I cant wait to do it again, and i am as well happy to meet up with ANYONE on clubpenguin =) Just tell me your penguin name, and tell me where and what time, and i'll be there! I'd lobve to meet you and be your friend! =)

    Thank you mishmash &+ thanks so much mimo!

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  49. Hey mishmash again!

    Kimberrlley1 here answering your question! You said: Mimo when will you post the next party clues?

    I probably should leave this one up to mimo, but i just cant! I love answering any questions ;-)! Okay, so of course you probably know that it must take a little while for mimo to think up a great idea for the clues =). He will probably post one about every week, or even sooner! Im so excited, and glad that i could help you some other penguins too!

    Thanks &+ thanks mimo!

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  50. Hey Quodell!

    Kimberrlley1 here, answering an awesome question! Ive never seen it before! Awesome!

    Q: Mimo how do you pronounce your name?

    A: Its just like it sounds, but it is actually Mee-mo. Like saying "I am ME" And then it is mo, like i am mowing the lawn. So that makes it Mimo =)!

    Great question &+ thanks &+ thanks mimo!

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  51. Hey afsjtfgdf~

    Kimberrlley1 here =) You said you do not have a membership, and you wanted to know how you could participate?!

    mimo has already started a contest running, that you can make and upload a video on youtube, about mimo, CPg, and yourself included! If you so not have the right equiptment, mimo will be thinking up other ideas soon, for how other penguins can participate as well! Good for you mimo =)

    Thanks &+ thanks mimo!

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  52. Hey Tomato22!

    Kimberrlley1 here =) You said: I really dont understand this!! What is this?

    Okay. So mimo started a contest in April, becasue he will be having a 1 year birthday for CPg, and mimo(penguin)! He is giving away a free membership to one lucky penguin! =) Awesome huh?! To participate, you can either make a video about CPG, mimo, with yourself included and upload it to youtube, or if you dont have the right equiptment to do it, mimo will be thinking up another cool idea so you can participate as well! =) So exciting!

    Thanks &+ thanks mimo!

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  53. Hey Anonymous!

    Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked what Youtube is? is a website, that any ordinary people can broadcast themselves in a video, and upload it to the site! Some videos are really cool, some funny, and some just not appropriate lol. But the clubpenguingang videos rock so far! Ive checked out a few already!

    Thanks &+ thanks mimo =)

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  54. Hey there all!

    Kimberrlley1 here =) Many penguins so far have asked how to make a video anyways?!

    Dont worry guys =) If you do not know how to make a video, or dont have the proper rquiptemtn to make a video and upload it to, mimo will be brainstorming on new ideas, and maybe even taking ideas from us viewers, on making another contest for other penguins who cant make a video! Awesome huh?! =)

    Thanks guys so much &+ thanks mimo!

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  55. Hey guys!

    Kimberrlley1 here =) Someone asked where to put the video, and how to send mimo the video?

    You upload the video on =)

    Dont send mimo the video, but upload it to once you have finished =)! Remember, you need to have or make a youtube account if you havent already done so! Cool huh?

    Thanks &+ thanks mimo

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  56. Hey Luckyluckable!

    Kimberrlley1 here =) Sorry i wasn't hope and couldnt meet up with you before, but can you right now? Server Bigfoot at the snowforts?

    Thanks &+ thanks mimo!


  57. Hey Blackpearl! &+ other penguins!

    Kimberrlley1 here to naswer a common question many have asked!

    Q: Mimo what type of video do you mean, and what do you mean by "mimo video"?

    What mimo means by mimo video, is that you can include creative about Mimo, CPG, and even include yourself in it! Make it creative, funny, or anything you;d like! Make it your own, and im sure they will turn out great for whoever does them! =)

    Also, dont worry blackpearl if you dont have all the fancy shmancy video programs! As long as you make it creative, and with your heart, its all that matters =) Good luck, even though you dont need it ;-)! Youll all do great, and i like what im seeing so far!

    Thanks &+ thanks mimo!

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  58. Hey Goof!

    Kimberrlley1 here =) good luck making the video! Im sure yours and everyone elses will come out great, dont you guys?!

    Thanks &+ thanks mimo sooo much! =)


  59. Mimo, I wish the videos didn't have to go on youtube because i am not allowed to make a user on it my parents said. i would be good at making video though. but i cant post on youtube.

  60. why do you always give clues instead of just telling us when and where the party is? i never get them!!!

    he said earlier that he like to make them funner so he does these clues


  61. what does it mean that the video has to be about mimo

    p.s. please post
    p.p.s. please respond if posted

  62. Hey mimo,
    i want to add you on cp. i know u go on severs Big foot and Fjord, but wat places in cp do u visit the most. just wanting to know so i can be your friend!!

    k thanx

  63. Hey Mimo! It's me violet5599!

    Thanks Mimo! You rock! I do not know how to make a video! And I'm gonna answer 1 question.

    Anonymous said: why do you always give clues instead of just telling us when and where the party is? i never get them!!!

    My answer: If he just post where the party is, alot of people are gonna be there and the other people that gets on the computer later maybe can't get in the room. And he said it's no fun.

    Well See Ya! violet5599 CPG Moderator

  64. Hey Guys!
    This is MishMash215!

    Luckyluckble<3 said...
    Hey Kimberrlley1 and Mishmash215!
    could we meet up like now???
    Fjord in america?

    Hey Luckyluckble!
    I dont know weather Kimberrlley1 was there or not but I couldnt come because of the time difference!
    Next time maybe give me a little warning so I know what to do!
    Thanks MImo, LuckyLuckble<3 & Everyone Else!
    Peace Out! :P
    - MishMash215

  65. Hey Guys!
    This is MishMash215 here!

    Anonymous said...
    why do you always give clues instead of just telling us when and where the party is? i never get them!!!

    Hey Anonymous!
    Sorry, but the reason that Mimo makes clues instead of just telling us where to go is because is he did, the room would be so full, he wouldn't be able to get in! And everyone would be dissapointed when they find out that he can't come!
    So instead he just posts tricky clues!
    I hope I helped!

    Thanks Mimo, Anonymous & Everyone Else!
    MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)

  66. Mimo, you had better post how to make the movie because people are so confused!

  67. THNX!!!
    the only video camera i have is the one on my phone and it is not the best camera ever :) o btw, i figured out the clue! (its pretty easy)!!!

  68. hey mimo i cant make a vidoe on you tube my school wont let i already got in trouble for being on you tube.


  69. sweet, mimo! thanks =] i dont have any of those computer recording stuff, so its so nice of you to have a separate contest for people like me =]

    so onto the questions.
    first of all, someone asked why mimo doesnt just tell us when and where the party is. that would be great, except mimo has hundreds of fans (no lie! he has 584 followers on twitter!!), and it would be impossible to have that many people online at once. so this way he kinda makes his parties just a bit smaller =]

    america king, mimo is 12 years old, and his penguin is gonna be 1 year old very soon! good question!

    to make a video, you have to either buy or download software on your computer to video-tape the stuff you do (like the unregistered hypercam 2 thing). you do have to be a member on youtube to post the video.

    afsjfrsjfl, to participate, make a "mimo video" (not quite sure what that means), then post it on youtube and send him the url of your video!

    i think mimo's name is pronounced mee-moh... well that's how i've been saying it for a while now =] great question, sometimes i wonder that too =]

    and fotis01, if you wanna change your name from anonymous, heres how: see the "choose an identity" in orange under the comment box? ok select "name/ url", then type your name in the name box. you can leave the url box blank. hope this helps!

    see ya guys later, and good luck with the contest!

  70. hey mimo maybe u could do a picture contest.have people draw a picture of yur penguin doing something with their penguin and which ever one u think is the coolest is the winner of the 1 year membership card.

    Sensity(CPG Moderator)

  71. Hey Guys!
    MishMash215 here!
    Sorry Kimberrlley1 and Soccer that I had to leave Club Penguin early, but i have to go see the Olympic Torch pass through Hong Kong!
    I gtg now but sorry!

  72. mishmash215 my penguin name on club penguin is Squibblety. I live in new Zealand can we meet sometime Where do u live? When can we meet because i really want to get to know you. :)

  73. ok mimo! i made a short moive, but how will you find it on u-tube?

  74. thanks mimo! you rock!
    i have a suggestion: maybe you should see who can make the funniest pic!

  75. Dear quodell,
    It is pronounced Meemo.

    CPG Moderator Hearts3846

  76. To popiy8794

    Q:Like i'm confused like does it have to be a video of u....or like a pic slideshow.....and people that own a mac are able to make viodeos!!1

    A:You have to make a Mimo video.Like things that Mimo might do.If your video is the best,Mimo might make you a winner.It's ok if you don't make videos.Mimo will think of something else for you to win.

    Aqua131131(cpg moderator)

  77. hey mimo i already said a million times plz see my vid i already made one just look for my entrie mor mimo777`s awsome contest OK!

  78. thnx 4 answering my Q floob!

    chow 4 now


    PS You ROOOOOCK mimo

  79. so what your saying is that all we have to do is make a video with u in it but how?I Cant Ever find u in White Out Chrismas and the popular places.

    Yours Truly

  81. what exactly should the video be about??

  82. hey mimo i made a vedieo but its not loading onto youtube i made many account, and i uploaded it but it doesnt work :( plz dont make it a video contest cause its not working :( :( :(

  83. Mimo,
    How exactly is your name pronounced? Is it meemo mimo or mymo? I know how its spelt, but i wanna know how it is pronounced. Plz tell!

  84. hey Mimo, can you be more specific about what the video has to be about? thanks.

  85. Does it have to be about club penguin? i made a Movie, but not about club penguin. It is about a ----- ---. But i might be able to make another one... but it will take a long time (not too long).

  86. the ppl that can't make vids can take the best pics!

  87. Hey Dvine82,
    Here was your question:
    I Cant Ever find u in White Out Chrismas and the popular places.

    That is because Mimo usually goes on Big Foot or Fjord. You can try to find him there. Happy Mimo hunting and I hope this helps!

    Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)

  88. hi kimberrlly1, i am SUCH a big fan of yours and I was wondering if you want to meet on club penguin sometime.

    Time:6:00 PM (club penguin time zone)
    Day:Saturday, May 3rd

    See u there and please respond to this comment!


  89. How about a slideshow? It's easy. You press the button (Print Screen Sys)on your keyboard, go to paint, paste it, then edit it. I don't know how to make a slideshow though. ^^;;

    Glad to help!

  90. Hey Hopper!

    Kimberrlley1 here, because you asked if the video has to be about clubpenguin?

    Your video can include clubpenguin, Clubpenguingang, mimo, and it can also include yourself if you choose! Awesome huh?! Be creative and go wild, and im sure itll be great!
    Thanks &+ thanks mimo!

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  91. Hey thea Dvine!

    Kimberrlley1 here =) You said you can't ever find mimo in White out, Christmas, or the popular places?

    This is because mimo likes to go on Bigfoot and/or Fjord =) Those are the only servers he goes in, except when hes on his search for rockhopper or course ;-)! Try looking for him in those 2 servers at night time!

    Thanks &+ thanks mimo! =)

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  92. Hey there Mrbowgangle!

    Kimberrlley1 here to naswer your question~

    Q: Mimo how will you find it on youtube?

    A: Post the name on your video on these blogs, and mimo will probably take a look =)

    Thanks &+ thanks mimo!

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  93. Hey pearlwhite!

    Kimberrlley1 here! I'd love to meet up with you. but i will gone at that time tomorrow =(! Can you meet up right now?

    Server: Bigfoot
    Room: Snowforts

    Thanks &+ thanks mimo!

    Please respond Yes or no to this comment once you take a look!


  94. Hey Pearlwhite!

    Kimberrlley1 here =) I forgot to tell you in my last comment that i am SUCH a big fan or yours too and that your an awesome mod! =)

    Thanks &+ thansk mimo


  95. Hey there! Pearlwhite27 at your service!
    anonymous asked:
    Q: Why do you always give clues instead of just telling us when and where the party is? i never get them!!!

    A: As you can see by all the comments, Mimo has a pretty big fan group. (like 1 million people=)
    If he just gave us when and where his parties were, the room would get so crowded that Mimo wouldn't be able to get in! And how terrible would that be? If you need any help at the clues, post and I will always try to help.

    Thanks everyone + Mimo

    Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)

  96. thanks mimo your the best

  97. hey there quodell, no problem =] you know, that's how us mods roll

    to take a picture on cp (or any time at all on the computer), find the button that says "print screen" around the upper right corner of your keyboard. just press that button whenever you wanna take a screenshot!

    see ya guys later, and good luck to those entering the video contest! =]

  98. dont worry guys, miom said that hes gonna make another contest for those who can't make videos, so dont stress out =]

    if you make a video, be sure to include the URL in a comment to mimo so he knows where to look =]

  99. Ahh I like anonymous's idea. Let's write a story..a story about Mimo :] or any other CPG member :]


  100. Hi kimberrlley!

    sorry i didnt respond to the comment yesterday. tell me what works for you and ill see if we can plan it out.=)


  101. Hey there! Pearlwhite27 at your service!

    America King asked:

    Q: How old are you mimo?

    A: Mimo is a 12-year-old boy.
    Glad to help!

    Thanks everyone + Mimo

    Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)

  102. Hey pearlwhite!

    Kimberrlley1 here =) You said sorry you couldnt respond yesterday?

    Dont worry bout a think girl =) Its all good! I really wanna meet you, so can you right now go to Fjord at the Snowforts?

    Once mimo posts this so its visible, say YES or NO =)

    Thanks &+ thanks mimo!

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  103. Hey Quodell =)

    Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked how to screenshot/take pic of CP?

    To do this, you press the "print screen" button on the top right of your keyboard. =) Then you just click where you want the pic =)

    Thanks &+ thanks mimo!

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  104. "Mairose said...
    Is it a video about mimo or yourself???"



    The video is about Mimo. Have fun!


  105. "Anonymous said...
    Hello!im a big fan of you! How old are you?bye!(my name on club penguin are: America King"


    Anonymous/America King,

    Mimo is under 18. :)


  106. "Anonymous said...
    why do you always give clues instead of just telling us when and where the party is? i never get them!!!"


    Hi Anonymous!

    Great question! If he just told us where they were, then the server would be sooo packed that half us (inculding Mimo) couldn't get in! If you can't figure out this clue, then wait for Mimo's Super Easy Party Clues!


  107. "Anonymous said...
    Mimo How do u make a video and do u have to b a member of youtube to put the video on it!


    Hi Anonymous/Stacy99,

    You make video using Microsoft Movie Maker, which comes on most Microsoft computers for free. (Mac may have their own version) Just mess around on there, you can do a lot of stuff. But you really can't do any special effects unless you have a fancy expensive movie editor. OR you can film a video using a videocamera and upload it to Youtube. And yes, you have to be a memeber of Youtube.


  108. "MishMash215 said...
    When will you post the next part clues?"


    Hi Mishmash!

    Mimo should be posting some more party clues within the next few days!


  109. "quodell said...
    Hey Mimo!

    How do you pronounce your name?

    Mi-mo or mee-mo or my-mo?

    Plz tell me!!!

    chow for now!"


    Hello Quodell,

    It's pronounced Mee-Mo. :) I asked Mimo and he posted his answer on Twitter, check it out!


  110. "Anonymous said...
    how do you make a video anyway?"


    Hi Anonymous!

    You need to use Windows Movie Maker or use a videotape it.


  111. "afsjfrsjfl said...
    heeey thats cool coz i dont have a membership ... soo how can patecapate???

    penguin name : afsjfrsjfl"


    Hi Afsjfrsjfl,

    All ya gotta do is make a video and upload it to Youtube! Or if you don't know how, Mimo is going to post other ways on how to enter! Good luck!


  112. "Anonymous said...
    I didnt really understand what is this!
    -tomato 2 2-"


    Hi Anonymous/Tomato 2 2,

    Mimo and CPG's first birthday is comming up he's celebrating by giving away a CP membership! All ya gotta do is make a video, and upload it to Youtube! Or, if you don't know how to make a video, wait for Mimo to post about other oppertunites to enter his contest!

    Good Luck!


  113. "Bibbety Blue said...
    How DO you make a video!?"


    Bibbety Blue,

    You need to use Windows Movie Maker or videotape your own. Basically, just upload pictures and videos, add your effects and captions. Boom- you got a video!

    (Then upload it to Youtube! You'll probally need to change to the file type so it's compatible with YouTube!)


  114. "Anonymous said...
    whats youtube?"


    Hi Anonymous! is a website where you can upload videos and watch other people's videos! It's really cool, just make sure you know what you're watching because there are millions of inappropriate videos on Youtube.

    I have an account on there, my username is: greyhoundgirl103

    My other one is: savinganimalslives


  115. "Squishy467 said...
    Cool, but how do you make a Mimo Video? I'm glad you're having another contest!"



    You need to use Windows Movie Maker. Take a look at it and experiment a little!


  116. How about you make a writing contest ?

  117. Hey Squishy!

    Kimberrlley1 here! You asked how to make a mimo video?

    Well, first you need a program called: Windows Movie Maker, so you can upload your video on the computer, and then upload it to youtube! If you are going to make a video, be sure to post what its called on the site, so mimo can even take a look at it =)!

    Thanks &+ thanks mimo so much!

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  118. I know how to dance with the newspaper!

    You go to the newspaper and go and ask a question to Aunt Arctic and then press 'D' and you are dancing! :D

    It's cool!

  119. Enter me in mimo777!


  120. I'm not allowed to go to YouTube. Maybe I can use google video...?

  121. People who have a Mac can't use Windows Movie Maker since Windows Movie Maker is only for a Windows computer. Mac users (like Mimo?) can use I-Movie. But I think everyone should use the same video creating software so the contest will be balanced since I-Movie users have an advantage of many more features compared to Windows Movie Maker (which I can only use).


  122. Hey hopper1520!

    Kimberrlley1 here =)

    Q: Mac user: (like mimo?)

    A: You're right! Good remembering from when mimo told us! He is indeed a mec user =)

    Thanks &+ thansk mimo

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  123. Hey Hopper!

    Kimberrlley1 here again! You said you're not allowed to use youtube! Maybe you could use google video? probably can! I just searched about google video, bc ive never heard of it before lol! Well good luck with your video, and im sure yours and everyone elses will turn out great! Ive been checking some out, and i like what i see =)

    Thanks &+ thanks mimo!

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  124. Hey anonymous user!(Deargonflie)

    Kimberrlley1 here to respond to your statemnt =)!

    S: Enter me in mimo777!

    A: Good news! Mimo doesnt need to enter you in =) What you do is eithe rmake a video, and post it on youtube, or wait for mimo to decide on the other half of the contest for people who cannot make a video! =)

    Make sure that if you make a video and put it on youtube, to post the name of the video on youtube, and your name right here, so mimo can watch it! =)

    Thanks &+ thanks a bunch mimo777!

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  125. hey maety21... i think a writing contest is a GREAT idea! since mimo is gonna have another contest anyway, i think a writing contest would be awesome =]

    keep the good ideas comin, guys!

  126. Does it have to be about club penguin? I really want to use the one I made already (that is not about club penguin)! It is very -----.


  127. What's a Mimo video supposed to be about?

  128. I'm working on a movie/video about you (Mimo777) right now

  129. Hey Hopper!

    Kimberrlley1 here, cause' you asked what the video should be about?

    This is so cool! =) The video can be about mimo, CPG, Clubpenguin, and even include yourself! When your done, post it on youtube, and tell mimo your CP name and name of the video so he can take a look =)!

    Thanks s&+ thanks so much mimo!

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  130. Hey mimo im planning to make a stop motion one

  131. Pixie 282 hi MIMO!mabye we can have a short story contest or a song about club penguin or you??

  132. hey pixie 282! you have AWESOME ideas!! but it looks like mimo already chose the 3 contests... its video, picture, and poems =]

    have fun with it, and good luck!

  133. Hurray for Mimo! You're so great. I wish i could hug you right now!

  134. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
