Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Newspaper Hidden Items Cheat!

Here's a sweet little cheat. Click on the penguin's hat and it changes. I guess they are starting to hide little things in the newspaper. Pretty cool. Can you find a few others?

Rockhopper, where are you!?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President


  1. wierd i never knew that! sand flipper

  2. huh? what happened? looks like cp released the newspaper and shirts too early =] cuz the newspaper and beach are back to normal =]

  3. AWSOME, im ant1venom but i forgot my password clumzy me. any way thanks for posting =) cya

  4. cool,i saw one,go to page B2,then click at the brown penguin.Cool site mimo.U rock

  5. this is sssooo cool!! you rock mimo

  6. 2nd comment...i hope! my names denise. did u know that you can open the silver watch medal and inside u can see the time? its cool.

  7. Mimo777, Rockhopper is now gone from the telescope! - tooly228

  8. hey mimo i found another Newspaper Hidden Items Cheat! on page b2 the guy is helping the penguin in the snow if u put the mouse over the penguin thats stuck he says im stuck in a thought bubble im jackman2222 i just sent u one without my name sorry

  9. if you scroll over aunt arctics glasses they turn to shades

  10. I've always known that. there have always been cheats in the newspaper. Well since i've been on. Also sometimes if you mouse over the jokes or riddles, it will highlight and you can click on it and get another joke/riddle.

    ~ :-) Keely Miley (-: ~

  11. Rockhopper is on RIGHT NOW! GET HIM!

  12. ant1venom,
    If you forgot your password, you can always go to "Forgot Password" and change it. :)
    Rockhopper has arrived to the island, and that is why he is not in the telescope. :D
    later guys,
    Musikstar95 (CPG Moderator)

  13. Awesome!


  14. hey there tooly288, rh is gone from the telescope... cuz he's HERE! woohoo! now go find him! =]

  15. i've seen rockhopper 4 times and 3 of those times he has given the same free gift!!!!

    That is not fair, come on club penguin let rockhopper give other gifts instead of that wallpaper!

  16. Hey Tooly!

    Kimberrlley1 here =)

    Statemnt: Rockhopper is gone from the telescope!

    Answer: This is because rockhopper is here wandering clubpenguin =)! I wish you the best of luck to find him!

    Thanks so much &+ thanks mimo

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  17. Hey Tooly,
    Yep, your right! Rockhopper is not in the telescope anymore, instead he is waddling around Club Penguin. :-) Good luck finding him and I hope this helps!

    Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)

  18. floobersnoot(a.k.a. floob) said...
    huh? what happened? looks like cp realeased the newspaper and shirts too early =] cuz the newspaper and beach are back to normal =]
    Yes, you're right! CP accidentally put out the newspaper and shirt too early without realizing it! They do it alot though....!

    Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)

  19. Wait, like, who is "Rockhopper"? Did he invent something? Why is he so popular? I mean what did he do?


  20. so glamgirl101 asked about rockhopper. so rockhopper is our pirate penguin who likes to sail on the seas and discover treasure. he invented the dance that all penguins do now, and he found an island, which he named rockhopper island, and on that island he found a bunch of red puffles! he brought the puffles back, and thats how we came to have red puffles. he owns one and calls it "Yarr" and often comes to CP to give out the free treasures that he discovers. his ship is called the migrator, but a while ago it crashed into an iceberg so it sank. fortunately he escaped on a life boat, and we helped him put it back together (thats why aqua-grabber is there =] ). you can read all about his adventures in his journal in the book room, and another little tale about him in the book "rockhopper and the stowaway"

    hope that helps!

  21. Hey Glamgirl101,
    Here was your question:
    Wait, like, who is "Rockhopper"? Did he invent something? Why is he so popular? I mean what did he do?

    Rockhopper is a pirate penguin that visits Club Penguin. He sails on his ship called the Migrator with his red puffle, Yarr. He comes from Rockhopper Island. He didn't invent anything, but he brings us a lot of rare items to buy, and even some free items. If you get to see Rockhopper around Club Penguin, he will give you a free autographed backround. Pretty cool, huh? I hope this helps!

    Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)

  22. oh and also, glamgirl101, rockhopper LOVES to throw parties for us =D like the fall fair, and other great parties =]

  23. why do they put that stuff in news papers, I dont think that cheat was really useful but it was a cute little sweet little cheat! LOL!

    ~ water jewels
    ~ P.S ~ I post too much, sand flipper looks like we've got something in common after all... LOL! =:}

  24. oops did i say cute little sweet little cheat? I meant weird little cheat! I was thinking about my baby brothers doll! lol!
    ~ water jewels
    P.S ~ oh brother dont i get tired of posting..., LOL!

  25. Hey Glamgirl!

    Kimberrlley1 here =)

    Q: Who is rockhopper actually? Why is he so popular? What did he do?

    A: Rockhopper is a very famous pirate penguins. He is more of a "roll model/mascot" for clubpenguin ;-)! Rockhopper has a ship called the migrator, and a puffle named Yarr! He comes to visit the island of clubpenguin every so often. and the servers usually get backed up and packed! He gives away free items and things =) He is a really cool penguin, so try to meet him! He is a lot of fun and loves to throw us parties!

    Thanks &+ thanks mimo!

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"


  27. Hi!Tis is Kirara!
    in the newspaper there is something hidden.
    You didn't put it up also.
    On page B5
    it shows the ask aunt sign,
    if you put your mouse on her glasses,her glasses turn into shades.
