Thursday, April 10, 2008

New Note at the Migrator & Rockhopper's Journal!

If you take a look at the note on the door in the lower place on the Migrator. It's from Gary the Gadget Guy. It says to get Rockhopper to come back to Club Penguin, use the Flare Flinger 3000. Uh, yeah, I think we already knew that.

Thanks, Fisheyss.

Hey, you know what else? They finally put Rockhopper's Journal back together, got it dried out and put it in the Book Room.

Thanks, Pinky2150.

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President


  1. Thanks! There aren't many sites for club penguin that get these kinds of things out as fat as the people who make club penguin. Kudos! :)

  2. Hahah, whoops! I mean "fast." :)

  3. but wer is rockhopper anyway?????

  4. lolz rockhopper isnt here yet... he's probably out somewhere in the big ocean lookin for treasure. he's probably comin back soon, cuz of all the flares lighting up the sky =]

  5. Is rockhopper here already?

  6. hey mimo

    Ive read every single page of rockhoppers journal its real fun


  7. Coool... the stage is awesome! i got the pin and all the clothes! i read rockhopppers journal the WHOLE thing! post this mimo! ya biggest fan -Ye11

  8. Hey Anonymous!

    Kimberrlley1 here! You asked where rockhopper was anyway?

    Haha! Rockhopper is still somewhere way out there....;-) We dont know, but use the flare 3000 at the beahc to help get him back!

    Thanks &+ thanks mimo,

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  9. Rockhopper is sailing back to clubpenguin to get the migrator. or should i say the new and improved migrator. CPG Moderator JD313

    if u like going on CP alot then you will find me in the vanilla server.

  10. I wonder where Rockhopper is... hmmm. We'll soon find out! Anyway, Im a big fan, Mimo! :D

  11. Hi Mimo777!You are my roll model on CP!

  12. Am I a cpg mod since I told you about it


  13. Hey Guys!
    Its MishMash215!
    I finally have a question to answer! Yay! Lol!


    Anonymous said...
    but wer is rockhopper anyway?????

    MishMash215 Answers:
    Well thats a great question anonymous but no-one knows!
    It certainitly is a mystery!
    But the only thing we can do is wait and find out!
    Club Penguin mentioned that there would be a new room this mounth so my theory is that RockHopper is stranded on an Island and we can soon acsess that!
    But what do you guys think?
    Thats what I want to know!
    Thanks Mimo & Kudos Guys!
    Signing Off,

  14. My idols on Club Penguin are:


  15. Ocean 2nd said...
    Hi Mimo777!You are my roll model on CP!

    Hefalump045 says...
    I think so too!
    Mimo and all the Mods rock!

  16. SUPER COOL! SUPER COOL! It's so fun in Club Penguin no that they have new things out!

  17. anonymous and mishmash215 rockhopper is on his island to find things to sell hope that helps -ffrraa

  18. hey I have a question for MIMO777
    how many views a day do you get on your site?

  19. Hey Elephunk8524!

    Kimberrlley1 here! Thanks so much! I am so happy that im your Idol! Thats so nice that you look up to me, and you made my day =) Thanks so much for that comment! Id love to meet up with you sometime on clubpenguin.

    Thanks &+ thanks mimo


  20. Hello Everyone,

    This is Blackpearl8! I am so so so so sorry I haven't been on for two weeks. I was banned off the computer, but I'm back now and ready to answer questions! I am super bummed that I couldn't make the buddy list party, because I had all the clues! Gah!

    I have some sad news, my greyhound Holly, passed away Mon. April 7. I'm really sad. :(

    Anyway, I'm off to get catched up with everything on Club Penguin.

  21. "Anonymous said...
    but wer is rockhopper anyway?????"


    Hello Anonymous!

    Well, a couple months ago, Rockhopper's ship crashed into an iceburg, and had to escape on a little rowboat to an unknown place. We recovered the peices of his ship and have put them back together. Right now, our mission is to get Rockhopper's attention by sending flares up into the beach. You can help, by sending a flare into the air by going to the beach and clicking on "Flare Flinger 3000"! The more we send, the better chance we have of Rockhopper finding us!


  22. "Pokedaos said...
    Is rockhopper here already?"



    Nope, Rockhopper's at an unkown location right now. (probably at Rockhopper Island) We're trying to get his attention by sending flares into the air.


  23. Finally! I've been waiting for Rockhopper's journal for so long!

  24. hi mimo when are your next party clues coming out? srry, im eager to see u!
    ~Sweet Smile

  25. I can't wait for the new mission!

  26. Pokedoas,
    Here was your question:
    Is rockhopper here already?

    Sadly, Rockhopper is still out in the ocean somewhere. Nobody really knows exactly where he is. Now that the Migrater is rebuilt, we have to contact him ASAP. Go to the beach to send some flares to him.

    Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)

  27. Thats so cool I'm gonna go on CP right know!

  28. Hey Mimo!
    Ants for your ant farm? Sweet!


  29. Rockhopper has probably seen the flares by now and is rowing towards club penguin as we speak!

  30. hey mishmash and anonymous right now rockhopper went out and sailed by rowboat to rockhopper island with yarr. we are trying to contact him so he could see that the migrator is back. hope i helped guys.

    you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)

  31. im so sorry blackpearl. that is so sad.=C im sorry.

    you're friend goofy73

  32. Blackpearl8,
    I am very sorry about your dog. :-( Well i'm glad your back!


  33. Hey Pokedoas!

    Kimberrlley1 here! =) You asked everyone if Rockhopper has arrived to CP yet?

    Nope, not yet! He will be soon though, if he sees our Flares! Be sure to keep sendind them out everytime you visit the beach =)! Maybe he'll even arrive this weekend. What do you all think?!

    Thanks for your question &+ thanks mimo,

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  34. Hey Blackpearl!

    Kimberrlley1 here! Ive missed you! Im sorry to hear your pet passed.
    =(. Thats so sad. Well sorry!

    Your a great mod & thanks &+ thanks mimo!


  35. Someone asked, Is Rockhoppe here already?

    Unfortneteley no,Rockhopper is probaly at ''Rockhopper''sland.

    We are trying to get his attention with the "Flare Flinger 3000!" just click on it!

    -Txmb95ads {CPG Moderator}

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Hey Mimo!
    Check out Billybob's blog! I think I know whats going on with the whole "time" is running out thing. He showed us a sneak peek of a sketch of the mission. It looks like a penguin is running away with the target for the clock in the Snowforts. Snowballs are being thrown at it while he is running with it. get it? time is running out? lol. Anyway, thats what I think it means.


  38. do u have another account called Ray Toolbear?

  39. Help
    i have a mystery to solve. Oans i meet the octupus when i was playing agua grabber. is it anyoan that nows when the octupus comming?
    like evry 15 min or..somthing else? How can i see him again?
    Please all cpg moderators help me to solve this mystery

  40. Hey Mimo,
    Have you ever noticed that at the Lighthouse, there are photos of some of the history of Club Penguin? Of Rockhopper, Fluffy the Fish, Beach and a few others.
    Just wondering,

  41. when i read your twitter about ants, i started feeling like there were ants crawling on me!

    sunnie fairy

  42. Hey Guys!
    Its MishMash215
    Dear Elephunk,
    Hey man u r so nice thanks for the compliment!
    Maybe ill see u on cp some time!!!
    anyway soz guys i havent been on cpg for a while now im back.
    To Kimberrley1,
    Hey Kim, How good does it feel to be an idol!!! Hey wanna meet up on cp some time?
    Im on for a while each day so i mite c u ok?
    Just post a message to me if u want to ok?

    To Goofy:
    Erm...sprry but i think this is the actual story of RockHopper:
    When Rockhopper left Club Penguin, he hit and Iceberg and forced to abandon ship and row off to an unknown location with Yarr!
    We r now trying to tell him to come back!
    I hope this is helping some people!

    To Mimo:
    Mimo should i not do so many ! in my posts, coz i have tried to post heaps of stuff and u havent posted any.... sorry just a question...

    Thanks Mimo & Kudos Guys!
    Signing Off,

  43. Hey Guys!
    Guess what?
    I got an google / blogger acount!
    yay! hehehe!
    So im just posting this to let you know that it IS me posting not some other random person!

    Anonymous said...
    Coool... the stage is awesome! i got the pin and all the clothes! i read rockhopppers journal the WHOLE thing! post this mimo! ya biggest fan -Ye11

    Wow thats great Ye11!
    I must admit that i havent had the time to go through ALL of rockhopper's journal!
    Well done and its great to see someone so enthusiatic about ClubPenguinGang!

    Thanks Mimo & Cya Guys!
    Signing Off,

  44. mimo i used the flare finger but rock hopper dint come - mattygt

  45. Mimo777 me tpsgoaliehoput in my self in rate my penguin plz show me

    ur bigest fantpsgoalieho

  46. people in the dojo are turning invisable...take example as cloner ninja! but how did he do that?!


  47. hey everyone i have two questions for you.

    .1- how many arms can a penguin wave with.

    .2- can a penguin in clubpenguin fly without you without the propeller or any item on it.

    you're friend goofy73

  48. I have been on this case for a while now and I have found a clue (-I think-) for the new mission
    in the paper in gary the gadget guys poket is a note wich says
    -to unlock this file turn all puffles black.So I studyied that and i notied under the noter were
    three puffles so I clicked on one it turned black so I turned all them black. and there was a note from the bear you made mad in last mission I think he wants revenge.
    From,war lord 330



  50. Mimo,
    what backround did you finally buy?

    ps (i voted number 1!)

    Loopy welsh

  51. hey! I hhave a question, thru the telescope in the top of the lighthouse, shouldnt we be able to see the migrator?

  52. Boogie,

    I have seen those pictures before but I didn't know what they were for. THANKS!

  53. Anonymous,
    Here was your question:
    hey! I hhave a question, thru the telescope in the top of the lighthouse, shouldnt we be able to see the migrator?

    Well, hopefully we should soon. Since we sent the flares, hopefully he will see them and come back soon. But who knows, he could be far away and it might take awhile. So keep sending those flares and checking the telescope!

    Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)

  54. Goofy,
    Here was your question:
    hey everyone i have two questions for you.

    .1- how many arms can a penguin wave with.

    .2- can a penguin in clubpenguin fly without you without the propeller or any item on it.

    Well to answer your first question, penguins don't have arms, they have flippers! Lol. But I am pretty sure that they can only wave with one.
    And no, the only way that a penguin can fly is if you have a propeller hat. Or Jet Pack Adventure.
    Well I hope this answers your questions!

    Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)

  55. hey mimo!

    you're friend goofy73

  56. Hey Goof!

    Kimberrlley1 here, to answer your TWO questions =) You asked how many arms a penguin can wave with, and if a penguin can fly without the propellor cap? ;-)

    Penguins can wave with only one pretty sure lol =)

    Also, nope, a penguin can only fly with the propellor cap! Thats why i love that hat! ;-)

    Thanks Goof &+ thanks mimo,

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

    p.s: just got back from the first part of the party! im ready to answer ?'s for a while now guys!

  57. Hey Anonymous!

    Kimberrlley1 here! you said:hey! I have a question, through the telescope in the top of the lighthouse, shouldnt we be able to see the migrator?

    Hey there! Well, we have sent the flares to him =) Many of us have been helping ou,t so i think he has probably seen them by now ;-)! I hope to see Rockhopper soon...dont you?!

    Thanks for your question &+ thanks mimo!

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  58. Hey Loopywelsh!

    Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked which background mimo will buy?

    Hi! I voted for the "This is Me" background ;-). Well be dont know which one yet, but we still have about 3 days left to vote, so keep voting everybody ;-)!

    Thanks so much &+ thanks mimo! im having loads of fun!

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  59. Hey Mattygt

    Kimberrlley1 here to answer the question you asked us =)

    You said that when you used the flare flinger 3000, rockhopper did not come?

    The reason he didn't come is becasue he may not have seen your flares yet. If everyone keeps pitching in and helping every time they visit the beach, he will definately see them =)! I hope Rockhopper returns soon!

    Thanks Matty &+ thanks mimo,

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  60. Hey Mishmash!

    Kimberrlley1 here! You said you got a google/blogger account!

    Thats awesome! Well keep answering those questions! Your doing absolutely great! =)

    Thanks &+ thanks mimo,

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  61. Hey Mishmash!

    Kimberrlley1 here ;-) You asked if i wanted to meet up with you, and how it feela to be an idol?!

    Of course i'd LOVE to meet up with you on CP! You can just tell me what server, and ill meet ya there! Also, it feels great to be someones idol. Its an absolute honor! =) Thanks Elephunk!

    Thanks Mishmash &+ thanks Elephunk &+ thanks mimo! =)

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  62. Hey Boogie777!

    Kimberrlley here, to answer your question! you asked if anyone has noticed the history photos of CP in the lighthouse?

    Hi! I actaully have too! I think they are just there, becasue they are the main things that make clubpenguin an awesome place to be on the internet! =) I like the one of Rockhopper the best, and what about you?!

    Thanks &+ thanks mimo!

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  63. Hey Mimo!

    Kimberrlley1 here! I just wanted to say, that on the "Whats New" section of CP, there is a new post from Billybob, about the "time is running out" quote! Go check it out =) Also, make sure to keep checking back daily, for more detials ;-)

    Thanks &+ thanks mimo!


  64. Hey Jessicamry!

    Kimberrlley1 here! This is incredible!! When i saw the sketch, i thought of the same EXACT prediction of you! Weird huh =)?!

    Thanks &+ thanks mimo


  65. It's awesome dude and can we be friends you shoul visit my twitter

    Your Friend

  66. Cool i cant wait till Rockhopper comes!

  67. hi when will the Migarator have the special items?

  68. Hey Christopher!

    Kimberrlley1 here! You asked when the special items will be in rockhoppers ship(the migrator)?

    Hey there! They will come to the ship when rockhopper comes! So keep sending out those flares everytime you go to the beach ;-)! Help get rockhopper back =)

    Thanks &+ thanks mimo,

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG moderator)"

  69. hey guys i was testing you. penguins can wave with two hands or flippers. and they can fly without the propeller. this is true because if you open ur player card take of all urr clothes close ur player card then open it and hold the lasso, and then not close the player card he waves. and then if you do the real wave he waves with the opposite hand or flipper. and the other one, penguins can fly without propeller because if you do the same thing open ur player card take off all ur clothes close it then open it again and put on the propeller and dont close the player card it shows he is like hovering. you can do this with any other items that have a special dance too.

    you're friend goofy73

  70. Christopher,
    Here was your question:
    hi when will the Migarator have the special items?

    Hopefully when Rockhopper returns he will have some cool new items for us. I think we deserve it after all of that hard work we did for the Migrator, don't you? Keep sending those flares!

    Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)

  71. Hey Kimberrlley!
    Thats weird that we both thought of that! I can't wait for the mission to come out, how about you? Keep up the great moderating!

    P.S. Have fun at the party!

  72. Hey Jess!

    Kimberrlley1 here! I cant wait for the BRAND NEW ;-) mission to come out either! Im sure its going to be a blast! And by the way, i had an awesome time at the party...ill probably fall asleep at about 3 or so..since im so hyper still =)

    Thanks Jess &+ thanks mimo,


    p.s: can we meet anywhere?

  73. awww Elephunk8524 thats so sweet!!! thanks!!!!! =D you really made my day =]

  74. wow, lots of questions!!! ok well im gettin ready... *does breathing, calming excersises* kk im ready =]

    1) so rockhopper isn't here yet, he must be coming back to CP soon. im sure he's seen the flares already =]

    2) no, mimo doesnt have an account called Ray Toolbear...

    3) when you send flares into the sky, rh doesnt come... but hes out at sea somewhere... he'll see it =]

    4) an octopus?? in aqua-grabber? hmmm i dont konw... i'll look into it later.

    5) rh should bring his items for sale when he gets back, so they're not in his ship right now

    6) no, u cant see the migrator in the telescope... but ur right, usually u can see it even when its docked! hmmm very strange... looks like u found a cp mistake! good eyes!!

    7) well so far it looks like everyone wants mimo to get the "this is me" background... we'll see when the voting is over =]

    im off to bed now...

  75. Hey Goofy!
    That was pretty clever! You fooled me!


  76. Hey Goof!

    Kimberrlley1 here =). You totally pulled my leg ;-), and many others also! Very clever!

    Thanks goof &+ thanks mimo,


  77. Hey Floob!

    Kimberrlley1 here! your so right, that was a lot of questions!*does calming exersices ;-)(your so funny floob =)* Thanks for all of the ?'s everyone, and im sure all the mods appreciate them, right guys? =)

    Thanks &+ thanks mimo,


  78. Dear Goofy and Kimberrlly1,

    Do you remember me??? I am Ix3soccer102!!! I had fun at your party Kimberrlly1! I hope to see you on CP again soon.
    I'm Out!


    P.S. Can I be a moderator? It sounds fun!!!

  79. thanks guys!

    you're friend goofy73

  80. Hey Everyone!
    Kimberrlley is right, we mods really love the questions! Keep em' coming!


  81. Hey ix3soccer!

    Kimberrlley1 here to say OF COUSRE i remember you ;-). Your really nice, and im very glad you liked my college on clubpenguin! Also, to be a Mod, all's you ave to do is answer questions on these blogs, and sign your name:

    "_________(CPG Moderator)"

    Thanks soccer &+ thanks mimo!

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

    P.S: Im going to a Blizzerd or Iceberg to have another college party!

  82. Hey ixsoccer!

    Kimberrlley1 here, adding to my last comment to you =). I will be having another college party: When clubpenguin is back up and running =) I hope you can all make it, because its really fun!

    Thanks &+ thanks mimo,

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  83. "Anonymous said...
    who is rockhoper"


    Hi Anonymous!

    Rockhopper is a pirate penguin controlled by CP. He owns the Migrator (his ship) and lives on Rockhopper Island. He has a red puffle named Yarr. When he comes, he gives away free items, and some that you can buy if you're a member. He also introduced the red puffles. One time he even threw us a Fall Fair party!

    When you meet Rockhopper, you get an autographed backround. Which I have still yet to get! (grrr.....)


  84. hey soccer.

    you're friend goofy73

    and yes i remember you

  85. Hey Anonymous!

    Kimberrlley1 here, because you asked who rockhopper was?

    Rockhopper is a very famous pirate penguin ;-)! Hes awesome, and ive met him before =). Rockhopper has a ship called the Migrator, which can be found at the beach right now, resulting in us fixing it! Send those flares, because rockhopper is somewhere in the ocean, but we dont know where =0! You can learn more about rockhopper, by reading his journal in the Bookroom!(located upstairs in the coffeeshop)

    Thanks for your question &+ thanks mimo,

    "Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"

  86. Anonymous,
    Here was your question:
    who is rockhoper

    Rockhopper is a pirate penguin that visits Club Penguin sometimes. He has a ship called the Migrator and sails with his puffle, Yarr. You can visit the Migrator at the beach right now. When Rockhopper comes back to visit, be sure to look for him and say hi! He will give you an autographed backround! I hope this helps!

    Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)

  87. There's a letter Memo like your penguin's name.

  88. DEAR MIMO777



  89. Thank's Mimo that will really make me a good cheater
