Thursday, October 11, 2007

New Hidden Club Penguin Pin Cheat - Hairbrush Pin!

Along with the new Big Wigs catalog, it's only fitting that the new pin is a hairbrush!

Here is how to find the new secret Hairbrush Pin.

Step 1. Click on the Map in the lower left.
Step 2. Click on the "The Plaza."
Step 3. Go into the Pet Shop.
Step 3. Click on the small hairbrush on the right by the door.

Now you have the newest hidden Pin! Now brush that wig! Can you think of a better pin then that?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President


  1. I love the idea of wigs but were have all the puffles gone and there should be at least one wig for non-members!!! woo hoo first comment

  2. our puffles missing at home? mine are

  3. there is something thats not fare in club penguin the wigs are only for members and clothes and lots of things so please let people that aren't member or don't want to become member can't get anything please if u let everyone buy everything i would really appreciate it
    by mz nadz
    official club penguin player

  4. hi im mz nadz from club penguin and i really like the pin idea but something else isn't fare in that game is that there are really nice stuff but are members only so we can't get them so please let everyone buy them either they are member or not member they should have the right to but anything and i don't wanna become member because its not fair and i want to buy the stuff whether im member or not.

    official club penguin player
    Mz Nadz

  5. Mimo i have a new cheat.. or whatever its called. anyway the laughing looking smiley has a bigger smiley.

  6. I love the wigs and there is a new emoticon it is the laugh billybob said that another website said it looked like theirs so CP changed!! please post this i want other people to know

  7. mimo where did u get a site like this?

  8. yer i want a black puffle pin hidden at the swimming pool(please if you can get it i will prefere this to webkinz)

  9. It would be cool if they had a puffle pin like a pink puffle,black puffle,or maybe the gold puffle.Im going to protest for non-members!Im going on strike.

  10. It's fair that everything is for members even all the cheat sights only have cheats for members.

  11. hye club penguin n miniclip.thanks heaps for letting me join it is so fun being a member.anyway hope you remember my name shout melissa 3 times and i will be there.

  12. I totally agree with the should be fair about clothing and wigs! All the members are making fun of us! I know just some who are my friends who don't. Especially my best friend Sheshar. If you see her, say "Pink says hi" cuz i haven't seen her in a while. I hope everyone has a fun halloween!
