Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Can you become a Ninja?

Why yes you can! Club Penguin is finally putting all those rumors to rest. They are working on a way to become a ninja but it won't be easy and involves the new secret room. It's all coming soon!

Thanks, Giggles 07.

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President


  1. Before at 1:00 i found rockhopper at the austrailian server down under at the dock.I found Rockhopper again at the iceberg and cove at the server half pipe after i was done surfing!!!!!If you want to meet me my 7 penguin names are Tallydude 11,Eddie 11,ZepphrockzV1(ZepphyrockzV1 couldn't fit so i took a letter out),MariorockzV1,Sonickhaos54,LuigirockzV1,and Jeffrockz891.I occasionally hang out at servers snow fort/day,sub zero,half pipe,parka,snow bank,snow storm,altitude,Slushy,Flurry,ice berg,ice palace,tuxedo,alpine,avalanche,snow board,alaska,mammoth,ice breaker,snow globe,summit,grizzly,and flippers.Just like rockhopper i'm hard to find.My penguin Eddie 11 is a former member of club penguin but not anymore and all of my penguins got pins and clothing form the past and all of my penguins got rockhopper backgrounds in 30 seconds.I found out about a cheat i'll tell you all later.I occasionally hang out at the cove,coffee shop,iceberg,migrator,snow forts,nightclup,ski village,ice rink,and the lodge.

  2. To surf with your puffle(only red)walk to the cove with the red puffle and surf i found out after i bathed him.

  3. They did it because I asked them to do it a month ago and they said that they didnt think of puting it back in but because of me they would do it

  4. wat new room the sopt shop wec is geting re don

  5. It says on their web site.

  6. I suggested cellphone covers to CP so if they come then you'll all know it was because of TCRyder9

  7. IF you press ep (puffle sign) and then you press +/= sign on keyboard then puffle will cry

  8. I can't wait to be a NINJA!!!!!!!!!

  9. i love this website! id cool!

  10. ok um iwanna be a ninga

  11. this is so cool I want to be one so bad watching (you tube)there was penguins and I said in my head I want to be one so bad so hopefully it will happen and i can be one.

  12. ok um were is this secret room you guys speak of????????????????

  13. The secret room is not available yet.

  14. ninjas rule wheres the room

  15. I wonder how to be ninja


  16. omg i wanna bea ninja really really bad! thats sick dude ty so much 4 findin all these kool thingys!!!!
    PEACE OUT supgirl89


  18. this puffle cry button is quality button you can change quality high and low. when you have slow computer you should play with low quality.


  19. Can i join the gang i think it wold be incredebly fun. ;)

  20. when do u think penguins can be ninja oe u already can?

  21. Are You Gonna Let Us Know How To Become A Ninga Like You Did To Become A Tour Guide?

  22. Yes, we will let you know exactly how to become a Ninja when CP releases it.

  23. i wanna be a nija now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. I e-mailed Club Penguin support and they said that the ninja on the hompage thing is a clue on how to become a ninja or the secret room

  25. can you make the ninga thing be available again can u do it by chistmas in 2008? if u can tell me email me with my email only u can use it ok? don't let anyone else use it and can mimo be back on saturday september 23 please!?
    and can it be in the ski lodge?

  26. OMG MY OTHER POST IS POSTED AWESOME! my penguins name is Pinkbely and Can Mimo777 and U Fride be there too! can they be ur buddy also what is a cheat agent and a chief cheat agent and Mimo777 can he be there for a week can u come on every morning at 12:00? you guys are awesome i love! YOU ROCK MY WORLD!

  27. You can't become a ninja, blah blah
    blah blah! That's what everyone says. But you can become a ninja! The moderators, the people who created clubpenguin, and everyone who had to do with helping out of clubpenguin says it's impossible to become a ninja. But that's not true; they just don't want to admit it. Lucky for you, I am here
    to tell you how to become a ninja.

    This is how to become a ninja...First, you need to go to the dojo. Second, Then you need to stand smack in the middle on the middle board of the dojo. Third, you need to wait there for thirty minutes, the time limit until it says your penguin has been idle for more than 10 minutes. So you need to dance, wave, or throw snowballs. (Don't let people trick you, you cannot talk!)After that, there should be three ninjas with blue and black bands. They will ask you; Wanna become a ninja of clubpenguin? Say yes and then you will be given a ninja mask, and a ninja backround, and you will be able to climb walls, turn invisable, get rid of your name and stuff. So you can say: I will kill you! It will come out from nowhere and they will go out of the room in fear. It actually works! I am a ninja. My penguin's name is ninja blood if you want to be my buddy. Note: You do not get a grey beak, a ninja belt, or a completly dark color. You could only get those things in a older version of clubpenguin called clubpenguin chat 3. All you get now is the ninja mask, and the backround, along with all the other powers that ninja's get.
    Oh yeah, It only works on november first, november thirtith, or new year's eve.

  28. MiMo777 that's not true. I'm not trying to make you look like an idiot, and your not. Your probably smarter than me. But the secret room is available. It is the dojo.
    The reason some people don't know that is because the dojo is not a very old room. It's actually a new
    room. Now some people are new to clubpenguin so they think the dojo is an old room. It is the room that was the secret room that they would release. Also, it's a secret room, it's hidden in the mountins! Dosen't that give any of you a hint? (P.S) Sorry for the rude comments. -vein boy

  29. Oops! I almost forgot! Your penguin has to be exactly
    310 days old in order for
    it to work. -vein boy

  30. You rock clubpenguingang! MiMo777, you deserve to be the most popular penguin on cp! (P.S) I am a hacker.
    Don't worry, I won't hack you. :)

  31. Email me at if you want to chat with me or converse something.

  32. i just can't wait till i become a ninga it will rock!

  33. i reckon it will be really cooooollll to become a ninja !! cause you get to wear this really cooolll outfits !!!

  34. Hey mimo, I have an idea. If you ever have an iceberg tipping party again, try getting all the deatails ready ahead of time, like where we will all stand, what color we should be, if we should have our puffels, and wether we should dance, drill, or sit. That should make things more organized, and, if it's possible, we should do it. GO MIMO!!!!!!

  35. Becoming a ninja is true. It just takes some patience, and Mimo777 is a great penguin. If you can meet me, meet me in Beanie Server, Snow Forts. My penguin is Delibird22 I am a tour guide and ive been on ClubPenguin for 79 days so far. Ninja mask is real.
    Ps: plz add me to your buddy list. I am an honourable penguin.

  36. Hi its me Delibird22, comment back when you can meet me (Clubpenguin Standard Time). Ps: If you press the "N" on the nightclub next to the penguin and next to "Play Now", the penguin will wear a ninja mask.
    Pps: I'm also from AUS and im a boy.

  37. what is the secret room?????????

  38. i can/t throw snowballs and dance when i disconnet

  39. This Is How You Become A Ninja,1.Go To The Dojo 2.Dance For 30 Minutes But Your Account Gets Idle For 10 Minutes And Don't Talk 3.3 Ninjas Will Appear And Ask You If You Wanna Become A Ninja Say Yes And Your A Ninja

  40. Well, do u have to be 310 days old? And does it have to be november 1st, 30th or new year's Eve? I mean it's not possible for us to become be 310 days old on one of these days. Or were you just joking with us?

  41. I have 337 days, I tried without moving, and I throw the snow and I danced. After 30 minutes, it did not work. Why?

  42. Actually 310 days or older for it to work

  43. I have asked CP if they can work on it (If its not true) and I have to wait for an answer.
    I wish it were easy how PC3(Penguin Chat 3).

  44. I have ninja buddies

  45. I want to be a ninja on club penguin. Bt what date is it coming?

  46. *sigh*

    It still hasn't come....

    But I am hopeful!!


  47. I know the secret on the Club Penguin homepage. Click the N on the Night Club and the blue penguin on the homepage becomes a ninja! Is that a clue?

  48. When you go clubpenguin homepage if you click on the 'N'in nightclub the penguin on the screen turns into a nija with a band around his eyes

  49. can i be a ninja?

  50. Hey, If you stand in the dojo for 30 minutes it doesnt work. I did it. but then again i talked.

  51. hey guys! the dojo has collapsed from the storm, and according to some of these other comments, the dojo is the ninja's secret place. If you go to the dojo now, you can go outside. outside, there is a guy called ??????, and he's digging on the right side of the screen. he has a triangle hat thing on his head and you cant see his face. this reminds me of a NINJA!
    Also, inside the dojo, is the BIGGEST clue. on the bottom right corner of the screen it says Training:Begins November 17th
    on a sign in a font that reminds me of ninjas.
    I hope this info helps people notice the existance of ninjas throughout our penguin lives.

    Club Penguin Ninja's will
    rise and train...


  52. Today on clubpenguin I discovered something that is really awsome and in town when you press the "N" on the night club a black figure appered jumping around and saying do you want to be a Ninja on ClubPenguin? it was so weird

  53. i found out that if you go to the gift shop look at the clothing guide if you go to the 6th page and click on the penguin in the middle you get a viking hat

  54. Im already a ninja

  55. to become a ninja you have to obtain a black belt by doing competition mode with other penguins, then once youve done that, you challenge the sensei by playing sensei mode. if you beat the sensei, you get access to the secret room and become a master ninja.
