Tuesday, July 31, 2007

CHEAT SNEAK PEAK: New Sled Alavanche Mission!

The new mission will include some pretty cool stuff in the gadget room (G's Sport Shop), maybe as soon as tomorrow. The mission items will include a spy phone a jet pack and a sled just to name a few. This will be a great mission!

We're guessing cruising through the snow in that turbo sled will be a blast!

What do you think?

- Club Penguin Gang


  1. OMG, I love this website! It always has things that you can do as soon as it happens! CLUB PENGUIN ROCKS!!!

  2. Another subject.
    Im the Book Room, at the end of the book: Rockhopper and the Stowaway..you can get a free friendship bracelet.
    PS: Cool Page ;) keep it up!

  3. http://www.clubpenguingang.com/2007/05/tip-hidden-friendship-bracelet.html


  4. Thanks everyone glad you like it!

  5. Hey I found out something cool. You can drill without wearing a helmet of swim without wearing floaties by doing what it says at this page: "http://www.clubpenguingang.com/2007/05/put-your-flippers-in-air-like-you.html"
    Just remember to replace the tour guide hat with the helmet or floaties.

  6. Thanks for the picture, how do you know it is something to do with the avalanche? It might be something to do with rockhopper

  7. CAN I PLEASE BE ON YOUR TEAM? i really know a lot about clubpenguin and i will type whenever i can! please let me be on the team. you can email me a funkymunky2013@yahoo.com and tell me if i can be on your team.

  8. This is going to be an awsome mission! I am so excited! Have you noticed there are new servers? I love em!
